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Introduction……………………………………….. 2

Objective…………………………………………... 3

Materials…………………………………………… 3

Procedure…………………………………………… 5

Calculation&Result……………………………… .. 5

Discussion…………………………………………. 7

Conclusion…………………………………………. 8

Reference…………………………………………... 8


A typical piping system involves pipes of different diameters connected to each

other by various fittings or elbows to direct the fluid, valves to control the flow
rate, and pumps to pressurize the fluid. Piping systems involve changes in
direction without a change in diameter, and such flow sections are called bends
or elbows. The losses during changes of direction can be minimized by making
the turn easy on the fluid by using circular arcs (like 90° elbow) instead of
sharp turns (like the miter bends). Sudden or gradual expansion or contraction
sections are also involved to accommodate changes in flow rates or properties
such as density and velocity. Valves are commonly used to control the flow
rates by simply altering the head loss until the desired flow rate is achieved.
Main factors that affect the energy losses in pipes are quality of flow in pipe,
material types of pipe, geometric dimensions of pipe (diameter, length and
cross sectional shape of pipe) and geometric factors which cause changing
direction of flow in pipe. Reynolds number determine types of flow that are
laminar, transition or turbulent. These losses can change with velocity
distribution in straight pipe based on types of flow and are known as
continuous loss of head.
Other the most important energy losses in pipe flows take place in elements
which restrict the flow like change of pipe section, tank inlet or outlet, pipe
connections, changing the direction of flow in elbow-shape pipe, bifurcation of
flow and valves. These types of losses are local losses and loss coefficient
specified in experimental studies.
The particular attention is paid to friction, which is directly related to the
pressure drop and head loss during flow through pipes and ducts. The pressure
drop is then used to determine the pumping power requirement.
The pressure drop in the piping system is sum of the major and minor losses.
Major losses include the friction losses occurred in the piping surfaces, which
is affected by material surface roughness (ε).
Major Loss:
where, hp is major friction loss, J/kh; f is fanning friction factor and is a
function of Re number and surface roughness. Moody chart or empirical
equations are used to determine the fanning frinction factor.
The fluid

where, hp is major friction loss, J/kh; f is fanning friction factor and is a
function of Re number and surface roughness. Moody chart or empirical
equations are used to determine the fanning frinction factor.

The following specific topics can be investigated on this experimental:
1. Influence of pipe diameter, flow velocity, flow rate change.
2. Losses from pipe components such as angles, bends and T-pieces.
3. Losses due to changes of cross section and shut-off fittings of various types.
4. Determination of pump characteristics, system characteristics and the
operating point.

Apparatus and description:

The components in each of the circuits are as shown in Figs. (5.1), (5.2) and

Fig. (5.1): Rotameter

A rotameter is a device that measures the volumetric flow rate of fluid in a

closed tube.

1- Start the pump and open the angle seat valve and read the volumetric flow
from the rotometer .
2- Then wait until the high of liquid inside the tube manometer panel become
steady state.
3- Then read all liquid height inside the manometer,and calculate the head
loses from all section of pipe system. and velocity.
4- Then increase the valve rate and then read the volumetric flow from
5- Repeat step number 2,3 for some another times,then read and calculate the
head loses from all section of pipe system and velocity.

Results and Calculations:

The head loss in pipe is:
ℎ𝑙=𝑓 𝐿𝑉/2𝑔𝑑 (5.1)

Where, 𝛾=𝜌𝑔, substituting in Eq. (2.1),

𝑃𝑣=𝛾ℎ𝑙=𝑓 𝐿𝑉𝜌/2𝑑 (5.2)

Where: 𝑃𝑣 = the pressure losses in pipe.

𝛾 = the specific weight of the flow.
ℎ𝑙 = head loss in the pipe.
𝑓 = the coefficient of friction.
L = the length of the piper.
V = the flow velocity in the pipe.
𝜌 = the density of the flow.
D = the diameter of the pipe.
In view of the small different in flow velocity between V1 and V2, a constant
pipe coefficient of friction can be assumed 𝑓= 0.037. The flow velocity V is
calculated from the volumetric flow 𝑉 and the pipe cross-section
𝑉=4 𝑉/π

Influence of Different Pipe Diameters and Flow Velocities on Pipe Losses

The measured head loss can be plotted against the flow rate. This illustrates
the quadratic dependency of the flow and thus of the flow velocity.

Calculation of Coefficients of Friction for Pipe Elbows

The displays on the manometer and the rotameter are noted in tables.

Regulation and Shut-off Fitting
The displays on the manometer and the rotameter are noted in tables.


1- What are the reasons or factors that make the results wrong?
- Wrong or inaccurately in the materials, or type of the liquid.
- Maybe the person read or calculate the measurements

2- In the some pipe the level of the liquid approximately is the

- Because between this pipes are not any barrier or messy, so the
pressure that affects on the liquids inside the pipes approximately is
the same pressure, therefore the level of the liquid inside this pipes is
the same.


To analyze the major and minor loss factor in a piping system: Understanding
this section helps to design a piping system with least head loss. This gives the
idea to optimize the piping system with the available pipe connections. To
understand the energy loss taking place in different geometries: To perform the
energy transfer as in the case of potential energy to kinetic energy a better
piping system with least energy loss has to be designed. To compare the
experimental and theoretical results: This helps to identify the present design
performance. It also makes sure whether the design has to modify or not.


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