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​ ​Future of Computing and AI robotics

Jay Yadav

“Journey through the tech world”

Table of Contents

1. About the author -------------------------------------------------------Page 3

2. Editors Projected Inquiry----------------------------------------------Page 4-6
3. Acknowledgement--------------------------------------------------------Page 7
4. Glossary Section-----------------------------------------------------------Page 8
5. Editors Introduction--------------------------------------------------------Page 9-11
6. Collection of Sources-------------------------------------------------------Page 12-16
7. Afterwards--------------------------------------------------------------------Page 17-20

About the author

Hi everyone, my name is Jay Yadav. I am a freshman at University of North Carolina at

Charlotte. Being a computer enthusiastic I plan on majoring in Computer science with a focus in

data science. I love the whole idea of robots, advancement, development and so on. Using my

passion I plan to demonstrate my understanding on what advancement of computing and Ai is

really about.

Editors Projected Inquiry

Link to infographic

The topics that were portrayed and displayed in my infographic were mainly geared towards the

positive and negative aspects of Computing and AI in the future. In those topics I talked about

some of the majors advancements of Computing and AI in the future and the concerns that it

would have on people who are not involved in the the STEM field. However, if there was no

deadline for this project I would ask the question, Can the impact of Computing and AI on the

future generation of kids be positive?

Many people believe that the advancement in Computing and AI robotics could result in

a disastrous outcome for the future generation of kids being born from the year 2025 onward.

Recently a article written by Jim Taylor who has a PHD pointed out an interesting fact about

“​The way technology is changing the way children learn and focus​”, Taylor stated “​There is,

however, a growing body of research that technology can be both beneficial and harmful to

different ways in which children think. Moreover, this influence isn’t just affecting children on

the surface of their thinking. Rather, because their brains are still developing and malleable,

frequent exposure by so-called digital natives to technology is actually wiring the brain in ways

very different than in previous generations.”.​ In the previous statement Taylor went against the

idea of technology harming the future, he mentioned that technology can be beneficial for the

next generation, which relates to my opinion regarding the topic.

In addition to the typical stereotypes that people have regarding the negative impacts of

technology is all not true. An example of technology being a positive outcome for the future

generation can be related to the idea of progression and advancement which I believe will be a

common theme in the future and most of the jobs will be related to advancements of the world.

In conclusion, If I had more time to work and research on the project, I would go more in

details with the common stereotype that people have about the future generation being spoiled

due to the advancements in technology and tell people why that is not true. In order to persuade

the audience I would use my research skills to gather information and to show proof and

examples to convey my point.

Picture Of Infographic


This whole semester flew by within weeks. I would personally like to thank my professor

who has always been there for me throughout my struggles in finding my inquiry topic and

creating the readers resource guide.

Also I would like to thank my peers and my close friends who have helped me edit,

revise and polish my rough drafts in to finished products, without their support and enthusiasm I

wouldn't be able to finish my project on time.

Most importantly, I would like to thank Atkins library for their database. This database

has helped me find a lot of my resources and helped me narrow them down.

Once again I would like to thank each one of you for all of your help and support!!

Glossary Section

Computing - ​The use of a computer to perform a certain task

AI Robotics - ​The use of computing in order to develop Artificially intelligent robots

Psychology- ​The effect of our day to day scenarios on our brain

Positive - ​The good aspects

Negative- ​Negative aspects

IOT - ​Internet of things

Editors Introduction

A lot of people tend to ask one main question and that is “What is the Next big thing?”.

Enthusiastic believe that the advancement of technology and AI’s in the future can lead to major

medical advancements, lead to an automated world, boost efficiency, eliminate global warming,

can lead to major problems in the job market, can lead to AI’s taking over and so on. As

technology advances and AI’s progressively start to become more and more popular and jobs

start to go on a downward hill rises the question about the future of computing and AI’s? and

how are we going to be affected by the advancements of technology?

This Readers Resource guide will give the reader a quick glimpse into the future and

portray what the world is going to be like in the next 10 or 20 years. Also this guide will depict

the positive and negative aspects of the advancement of Computing and AI’s in the future by

displaying the use of multiple resources and reflecting the views on multiple perspectives.

This readers guide is targeted to any individual who have an interest in advancement of

technology and are concerned about the changes that ones has to go through with the automation

of future innovation.

In this guide I divided my collection of sources in to three major parts. The first division

of sources is about the positive aspects of computing and AI’s, the second division of sources is

about the negative aspect of computing and AI’s and the third division of sources is about the

psychological impact on the general public.

Positive aspects of Computing and AI’s

This collection of sources will be about the positive influence of the advancement of technology

on society. The first source named “ ​The Positive Impacts Of Technological Advances​” by

Glenn Brooke mainly talks about the substantial impact on job growth in the science field and

also talks about the medical advancements that are going to make the future into a healthier


My second source named “ ​Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Good For Society​”

written by Jillian Richardson primarily talks about the three major benefits being related to

Farming, improving cancer diagnosis and keeping kids safe. Richardson makes her point by

using variety of words and data which helped strengthen her point on the positive advancements

of technology.

Negative aspects of Computing and AI’s

This section is going to give the reader a brief overview of my sources regarding the negative

aspects of technological advancements. The first source named “​The Four Negative Sides Of

Technology​” created by Pamela DeLoatch focuses on the safety, privacy, feeling and obesity

problems that adults and children’s could have due to the rise in technology and computing.

DeLatch highlights the importance of keeping away from bad habits and that social media and

health problems are going to rapidly increase in the future due to one's focus on the virtual world

instead of focusing on reality.

My second source named “ ​Will Robots and AI take your Jobs​” by Darrell M West who

is the founding director of Center for technology innovation claimed that “The advancement of

technology and AI’s will lead to job loss and will lead to a world of automation.”. In this article

West stressed upon a 48% chance of jobs being taken by robots in the future and stated that it is

our responsibility to Coop with the change. Also West portrays the main reason for advancement

in technology is the fear of the public to deal with change and the stress that they are starting to

face with job loss.

Psychological Impact Of Computing and AI’s

This section talks about the sources related to the psychological aspect of computing and AI by

giving a brief explanation of the sources used in this category. My first source related to this

section is called “ ​5 Ways Technology Is Altering Our Brain​” published by Samuel Merritt

University. This source talks about the effect of technology on our brain and depicts that

technology is decreasing our attention span. In order to show proof of the findings the author

uses data that he got by surveying random people around the university. Also the author talks

about how our decrease in attention span can cause a huge impact in the jobs market and can lead

to the loss of jobs.

My second source is geared towards the psychological effect in the advancements of AI

robotics. This source called “​Why Psychology is essential in a Future Dominated by AI​” by

Cammi Roso who is a writer for the website ​Psychology Today.​ Roso illustrates the need of

psychology in the future by showing the effect of the rise of AI’s on the job market. Also, Roso

talks about how The human nature is not that open on change and how our own self judgement

has put us in this situation of robots taking over.

Collection Of Sources

Positive aspects of Computing and AI’s

● The Positive Impact Of Technological Advances

Glenn Brooke, (2018). “The Positive Impact of Technological Advances.” ​Institute For Faith,

Work & Economics,​ 10 Sept. 2018,

Glenn Brooke mainly talks about the substantial impact on job growth in the science field and

also talks about the medical advancements that are going to make the future into a healthier

space. Also Brooke talks about the opportunities in jobs, trade and highlights the important

opportunities for connection. Brooke claims that due to technology being cheaper it will be more

accessible, thus boosting efficiency around healthcare and day to day activities. I believe that this

source is credible because Glenn Brooke is a writer who has written multiple books and

published many books as well. The source is not opinionated it's mainly based on facts which

makes it even more trustworthy and reliable. My opinion regarding Brooke’s article is positive as

I believe that the advancements in Computing and AI’s is essential for our future.

● Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Good For Society

Jillian Richardson, (2017). “Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Good for Society.” ​IQ by Intel,​

IQ by Intel, 26 Sept. 2017,

In this article Jillian Richardson primarily talks about the three major benefits being related to

Farming, improving cancer diagnosis and keeping kids safe. Richardson goes in depth regarding

each topic. For example she talks about apps being made in order to keep track and manage the

food production details. Also, Richardson talks about how companies such as Intel are striving to

create a medicine that can one day be used to cure cancer. Overall, my opinion regarding this

topic is thought provoking as it creates multiple questions about how the world is going to be

with the addition of AI’s in curing cancer and helping boost food efficiency. This source is

reliable because it provides multiple proof off research and data to support the main point.

Negative aspects of Computing and AI’s

● The Four Negative Sides Of Technology

Pamela DeLoatch, (2015). “The Four Negative Sides of Technology.” ​Edudemic,​​.

The Four Negative Sides Of Technology is an article written by Pamela DeLoatch who is a

technology writer. DeLoatch specifically talks about how technology changes the way children

tend to think, the way they feel about technology, obesity problems and privacy/safety. DeLoatch

specifies that technology can hurt us by taking our privacy and increasing obesity rates. Overall,

my opinion regarding the article is alright. This source is somewhat biased because it is

represented as the authors point not proven by data.

● Will Robots and AI take your Jobs

West, D. M. (2018, May 09). Will robots and AI take your job? The economic and political

consequences of automation. Retrieved from


In this article West talks about how Robots are going to affect the future in a negative way by

taking multiple jobs and developing many concerns for the employers. One important aspect that

West talks about is that the reason why people are mainly concerned about robots taking control

over the job markets is due to the fact that robots need to be created once, they dont need health

insurance and the most important part is that robots don't need a salary. This affects employers

because they believe that eventually robots will take over jobs and the employers don't have a

solid reason to higher human employes over the benefits that a robots is giving them, My opinon

regarding this article is uncertain, even though robots might take some jobs in the future they

might not be able to conquer all the jobs and plus robots need someone to take care of them and

to develop them in which humans will be hired for new jobs. I believe that the author of this

article did a good job in displaying all the information that he wanted which makes this source


Psychological Impact Of Computing and AI’s

● 5 Ways Technology Is Altering Our Brain

5 Ways Technology is Altering our Brains. (2017, March 15). Retrieved from

This article written by Samuel Merritt University talks about the 5 main that can be seen as an

effect of technology on our brain. The author uses the data that he has gathered usings surveys to

highlights the important psychological aspects of the advancement in Computing and AI’s. For

example the author divides his topics into 5 major parts called;”We have decreased attention

spans”, “We are more easily distracted”, “We can more easily multitask”, “We have grown

addicted to digital technology”, and “Our ability to socially interact with people is impaired”.

The author basically stress on these 5 points throughout the article and links it to the effects it

may have on the brain.

● Why Psychology is essential in a Future Dominated by AI

In this article Cami Rosso talks about the importance of psychology in the future. Rosso

mentions that “​As the world becomes increasingly more technological, so does the need for

human-based counseling and connection.”​ . ​Rosso uses facts and visualises to back up her data

and to persuade the audience into realising the importance of psychology in a world of

automation. Furthermore, Rosso talks about the human nature and how its not open to change,

she states that “​People by nature are largely risk-averse and tend to avoid discomfort and

uncertainty”​ . ​Overall, my opinion regarding the article is agreeable because it uses real life

examples how people need to consult someone in order to deal with stress. I believe that this

source is reliable.because it uses good example, has a good use of words, and is up to date.


As a freshman at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, I am required to take a general

education writing course. In the past I have never really liked writing essays and I always tended

to dislike anything that has to do with writing. In this section I am going to talk about how this

class developed my interest in writing the readers resource guide and helped me become a more

professional and a creative writer.

Writers Notebook

The Writer's notebook is the place where I started to piece all our writings throughout the

semester in to one huge inquiry topic. The writer's notebook basically acted out as a place where

I could put all my information that came to my mind without paraphrasing it and without putting

thought into my grammar usage. In addition to writing my thoughts the writers notebook also

helped me create my inquiry idea about Computing and AI by giving me different perspectives

to work upon throughout the first half of this semester in UWRT.

Peer Reviews

Peer reviews was a really important aspect of my inquiry project, it helped me evaluate my

progress and helped me stay in touch with all the other peers works. In addition to that peer

review session gave me a bunch of new ideas and new ways to look about the topic, the sessions

helped me improve my writing and also helped me become a better editor in general. Overall

without the review sessions I believe that I wouldn't have been able to get new insights and

feedback regarding my work.

Writers Purposes/ Audience

Finally, I want to talk about the purpose and the audience of my writing. My main purpose for

this project was to display my research on my understanding on the future of Computing and AI.

In addition to my purpose my audience was targeted towards the general public who wanted to

get educated about the future.


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