List of Yogas Found in Rasi Chart of Oprah Winfrey

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List of Yogas found in Rasi Chart of:

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Oprah Winfrey
Arishta Bhanga Because you have the strong natural benefic Jupiter in either a trine or angle house, Jupiter is in a trine or Jupiter is in a
cancellation of all evils is indicated in the chart. This means that, when bad things come kendra.
in the life, they will also automatically dissipate in strength, and the outcome will not be
so bad. You are protected by divine grace and past good Karma.

Arishta Bhanga There is no evils whatsoever. Saturn is in 1 or Saturn is in 3 or

Saturn is in 6, and Saturn is in
Libra or Saturn is in Capricorn or
Saturn is in Aquarius.

Bhratruvriddhi In this combination, the third house, the Lord of the third or Mars, the Karaka of the third Mars is considered Strong in Shad
are somewhat strong, which tends to bless life matters connected to that house, like Bala or the lord of the 3 is
younger siblings, communication abilities, higher education, courage, energy and considered Strong in Shad Bala,
prowess. and Mars is aspected by a benefic
or the lord of the 3 is aspected by a
benefic or 3 is aspected by a

Chandra Mangala When Mars conjoins the Moon, it is called "Chandra Mangala Yoga". This will definitely Mars conjoins Moon.
give your mind a passionate streak. You are generally fiery and energized and you tend
to be very impatient, pushy and quick-tempered at times. Depending on the house the
two planets occupy, and on other aspects they receive, your focus or your issues are in
different life areas. It is said, that this combination can be very productive if it occurs in
the second, ninth, tenth or eleventh house. If it's in the second, for example, it can act
as a powerful factor in establishing your financial goals, because you're focused on
money matters and wealth. Depending on whether Mars is a malefic or a benefic for the
Ascendant, how closely it is conjunct the Moon and depending on other aspects, it
could also mean, that you might suffer from emotional disturbances or feelings of anger
and hatred at times, or that your relationship with your mother is somewhat afflicted.

Difficulty with There is a quality about your work which general society tends to look down on. You The lord of the 10 is in 6 or the lord
serve others, but you are not respected for this. Even though it may be noble, your work of the 10 is in 8 or the lord of the
Work is sometimes the cause of being discredited, even though others want what you offer. 10 is in 12.
This is often found in the charts of persons who take to careers which are not yet widely
accepted in society, such as new medical paths (massage, aromatherapy, homeopathy
etc.) or careers in the esoteric or occult fields such as astrologers, tarot readers, etc.

Fortunes The Ascendant Lord, Venus or Jupiter are located in a Kendra, which will bless your The lord of the 1 is in a kendra or
overall live to some degree. To have at least one good angular placement is of Venus is in a kendra or Jupiter is in
advantage for material life in general. If all three planets are in Kendras, then the Yoga a kendra.
would have an accordingly more strong and powerful effect. Fortune, wealth and other
material blessings would be almost guaranteed throughout life.

Happy A well aspected fourth house or a favorably placed fourth Lord can indicate living in The lord of the 4 is aspected by
nice houses, owning nice cars and having a fortunate mother or having a good Jupiter or the lord of the 4 conjoins
relationship with her. It is a Beneficial indication for overall happiness in life. Jupiter or 4 is aspected by Jupiter
or Jupiter is in 4.

Hard Lessons You will have a hard time in material endeavors, which could bring financial difficulty, or The lord of the 1 is in 6 or the lord
dependence upon others at times. Sometimes this happens only in youth, blazing an of the 1 is in 8 or the lord of the 1 is
impression into the person, which makes them very hard working later on, ultimately in 12, and the lord of the 1 conjoins
leading to success. a malefic planet, and the lord of the
1 conjoins the lord of the 2 or the
lord of the 1 conjoins the lord of the
7 or the lord of the 1 is aspected by
the lord of the 2 or the lord of the 1
is aspected by the lord of the 7.

Hard Times A "Daridra Yoga" is present in your chart. At times your hopes, dreams, wishes and The lord of the 11 is in 6 or the lord
desires will be denied. This is a common Yoga though. It is caused by the Lord of the of the 11 is in 8 or the lord of the
Sometimes 11th house being in one of the difficult houses, either the 6th, 8th or 12th house. 11 is in 12.

Raja on 10 The fifth Lord occupies your tenth house and the fourth Lord is aspecting it. This The lord of the 5 is in 10, and 10 is
creates a Raja Yoga, almost as strong as if both Lords were occupying it and has a aspected by the lord of the 4.
promoting effect on tenth house matters.

Raja on 4 The fourth Lord occupies your fourth house and the fifth Lord is aspecting it. This The lord of the 4 is in 4, and 4 is
creates a Raja Yoga, almost as strong as if both Lords were occupying it and has a aspected by the lord of the 5.
promoting effect on fourth house matters.
Raja on 4 Your fourth and ninth houses are owned by Yogakaraka Mars or Venus. This planet The lord of the 4 is in 4, and the
occupies the fourth house and creates Raja Yoga there. The fourth house is the lord of the 9 is in 4, and Leo is in 1
sensitive and private Angle house of emotions and the ninth house is the most blessed or Aquarius is in 1.
house in the chart and is known as the "Dharma Bhava" or house of religion and overall
fortune in life. Whenever a Trine and an Angle Lord are conjoining in a house, it is
highly beneficial for the significations of that house, in your case the fourth. But
because your Ascendant is Leo or Aquarius, the overall effect of this Yoga might
possibly manifest in a weaker way than in the case of other Ascendants, where two
planets are involved.

Raja on 6 The tenth Lord occupies your sixth house and the fifth Lord is aspecting it. This creates The lord of the 10 is in 6, and 6 is
a Raja Yoga, almost as strong as if both Lords were occupying it and has a promoting aspected by the lord of the 5.
effect on sixth house matters.

Raja on 6 The first Lord occupies your sixth house and the fifth Lord is aspecting it, thus forming The lord of the 1 is in 6, and 6 is
Raja Yoga. However this has a weaker effect than in the case of both planets aspected by the lord of the 5.
occupying a house.

Raja on 6 Both, the first and the tenth Lord are occupying your sixth house, creating Raja Yoga. The lord of the 1 is in 6, and the
Hard work is definitely not a foreign word to you and you might find your fortune in it. lord of the 10 is in 6, and is not
However sometimes this might interfere with your personal relationships. Strong sixth Virgo is in 1, and is not Pisces is in
houses are prominent in the charts of lawyers, detectives or even surgeons, people 1.
who are good at solving others problems.

Rogagrastha - You will possess a weak constitution and be sickly. One born under this combination The lord of the 1 is considered
will not have a healthy constitution. It will lack the requisite power of resistance so that Weak in Shad Bala.
you fall easy prey to disease.

Ruchaka Your chart shows one of the famous "Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas", "the five planetary Mars is in a kendra or Mars is in a
combinations, that create great people". They arise, when Mars, Venus, Mercury, trine, and Mars is in itÕs own sign
Jupiter or Saturn occupies it's own or exaltation sign in the chart, while being in an or Mars is exalted, and Mars a
angular or trinal house. These are very useful, but fairly frequently occurring Yogas and benefic.
they do not always give the promised effects, as the involved planet needs to be strong,
well-placed and free from Malefic aspects. In your case, it is Mars, creating "Ruchaka
Yoga", the "radiant combination". If the Yoga manifests not only from the Ascendant,
but additionally from the Moon and the Sun Lagnas, then it will be accordingly more
powerful. If Mars is in it's exaltation sign, the dispositor needs to be strong, in order to
provide the results. A strong and well-aspected Mars will bestow the good Mars
qualities upon the person, and when the planet is in an angle, the characteristics tend
to also show on the physical level, as opposed to planets situated in trinal houses, that
tend to manifest more subtly. You are determined, decisive, courageous, brave,
ambitious, victorious in your undertakings and protective. You might have an athletic
body or be a good athlete and be very sharp-minded and dexterous with your hands.
Your approach to life generally tends to be passionate and aggressive. If Mars
additionally is aspecting the Moon or the Ascendant, then the above mentioned
qualities are heightened. Depending on where the planet is sitting, it expands it's effect
to other areas in life. Mars in the seventh house, for example, might give you a "martial"
spouse. If Mars is too dominating in the horoscope, It can also manifest it's violent or
dominating tendencies. Ruchaka Yoga is commonly found in the charts of martial type
people, military leaders, executives, politicians, lawyers and scientists.

Satkalatra Satkalatra Yoga The lord of the 7 conjoins Jupiter or

the lord of the 7 is aspected by
Jupiter or Venus conjoins Jupiter or
Venus is aspected by Jupiter, and
Jupiter a benefic.

Satkalatra Satkalatra Yoga The lord of the 7 conjoins Jupiter or

the lord of the 7 conjoins Mercury
or the lord of the 7 is aspected by
Jupiter or the lord of the 7 is
aspected by Mercury or Venus
conjoins Mercury or Venus
conjoins Jupiter or Venus is
aspected by Mercury or Venus is
aspected by Jupiter.

Satkalatra Satkalatra Yoga The lord of the 7 conjoins Mercury

or the lord of the 7 is aspected by
Mercury or Venus conjoins
Mercury or Venus is aspected by
Mercury, and Mercury a benefic.

Separated from You might feel misunderstood by relatives and friends - like an outcast, often just due to The lord of the 4 conjoins a malefic
misunderstandings. planet or the lord of the 4 is
Family aspected by a malefic planet or the
lord of the 4 is in the house of an
enemy or the lord of the 4 is in the
house of a great friend the house
of a great friend or the lord of the 4

Smoothe Rise in This combination is of some advantage to your career and rise in life and your A benefic is in 10 from Moon or a
reputation. benefic is in 10.

Strong Kendras The Lord of the ninth is in a Kendra, and the Lord of the fourth is in its own sign or The lord of the 9 is in a kendra,
exalted. This is a very good and strong placement for material life overall. Wealth, and the lord of the 4 is exalted or
happiness, nice conveyances and living situations, possibly real estate are not foreign the lord of the 4 is in itÕs
to you. You might also be religiously inclined. The relationship with your parents tends mulatrikona or the lord of the 4 is in
to be strong, and your mother might come from a wealthy, respectable background. itÕs own sign.

The Giver He who gives shall receive, and so you find both. As an ardent giver and good-doer, Jupiter is in a kendra from the lord
you shine somehow with a spark which the good in others recognizes, and reciprocates of the 9, and Venus is in a kendra
with. Hence, those in touch with the good side, such as the deep and learned, find a from the lord of the 11, and
friend in you. In such company some of life's most subtle pleasures are found. Mercury is in a kendra from the
lord of the 1 or Mercury is in a
kendra from the lord of the 10.

Weak Raja on 10 Your Ascendant is Leo or Aquarius and your Yogakaraka, either Mars or Venus, is 10 is aspected by the lord of the 4,
aspecting the tenth house, creating a Raja Yoga by aspect, blessing tenth house and 10 is aspected by the lord of
matters. the 9, and Leo is in 1 or Aquarius is
in 1.

Weak Raja on 11 Your Ascendant is Leo or Aquarius and your Yogakaraka, either Mars or Venus, is 11 is aspected by the lord of the 4,
aspecting the eleventh house, creating a Raja Yoga by aspect, blessing eleventh house and 11 is aspected by the lord of
matters. the 9, and Leo is in 1 or Aquarius is
in 1.

Weak Raja on 12 Both, your first and your tenth Lord are aspecting the twelfth house, which creates a 12 is aspected by the lord of the 1,
weak Raja Yoga effect only by aspect. and 12 is aspected by the lord of
the 10, and is not Virgo is in 1, and
is not Pisces is in 1.

Weak Raja on 12 Both, your first and your seventh Lord are aspecting the twelfth house, which creates a 12 is aspected by the lord of the 1,
weak Raja Yoga effect only by aspect. and 12 is aspected by the lord of
the 7.

Weak Raja on 7 Your Ascendant is Leo or Aquarius and your Yogakaraka, either Mars or Venus, is 7 is aspected by the lord of the 4,
aspecting the seventh house, creating a Raja Yoga by aspect, blessing seventh house and 7 is aspected by the lord of the
matters. 9, and Leo is in 1 or Aquarius is in

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