Soal Bahasa Inggris Xii SMK

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1. Who is the …
a. He is a Pilot
b. He is a Tailor
c. He is Potografer
d. He is a Nurse

2. Where his work …

a. In the machine
b. In the machine shop
c. In the shop
d. In the room

3. Please mention they equipment

a. Brim, colour, bowel
b. Small, brush, canvas, brim
c. Wather, coffe, canvas
d. Canvas, water, bowl
4. He ………. Because me today
a. Crys
b. Cries
c. Cryes
d. Cryies
5. We ………. Television every afternoon
a. Watches
b. Watch
c. Watching
d. Watcheses

Please choose the best answer

6. Simple future tense no plan

a. I will leave him
b. I will leave him tonight
c. Hold on I will leave him alone
d. Hold on leave him alone

7. If I get his heart …………. (exp)

a. I will make him happy
b. I never make him cry
c. I will try to understand him
d. I wish you love me forever

8. If I were a butterfly ……...

a. I will sold you
b. I will loyal to you
c. I would fly any place I want
d. I will fly

9. My mother angry to me because I go with him last night

a. I wish I not meet him
b. I wish I not go with him last night
c. I wish I can go with him
d. I wish I can go with in last night
10. Koko : When will the seminar be held ?
Nita : ……….
a. Due to some problems, the seminar is cancelled
b. The president is going to attend the seminar
c. The exhibition is going to be held soon
d. The seminar isn’t going to start tomorrow

11. Rendy : Hello, I’m Rendy, a new student here

Cindy : Oh, glad to meet you …….
a. Her name’s Cindy
b. Cindy’s my friend
c. I know Cindy very well
d. My name’s Cindy

12. Mr.B : Excuse, me. Can I meet Mr. Wilson

Mr.C : There are two Mr. Wilsons here, the younger or the older ?
Mr B : ….
Mr C : I see. His office is the second room on the right
Mr B : Thank you
a. He is about 40 years old and wears glasses
b. He is a nice person and works here
c. He likes swimming and reading
d. He looked happy and pround

13. Sasi : Can the government eliminate corruption in the next five years ?
Min : …. If the enforcement of the laws are strictly applied
a. I think it’s impossible
b. It’s possible
c. It is out of the question
d. I don’t think so
14. Operator : Subscription Division, Tempo Magazine. Can I help you ?
Caller : Yes, I’d like to subscription to Tempo
Operator : Yes, ma’am ….
Caller : This is Susan Olivia
a. Can I talk to susan Olivia ?
b. Shall I call you with your last name ?
c. May I know who’s calling, please ?
d. Can you tell me her name, please ?

15. Receptionist : Can I help you ?

Tomi : Yes, …. Is it possible to get two double rooms for next month ?
Receptionist : Yes, May I know your name and address, please ?
a. I’d like to make a reservation
b. I want you to check my rooms
c. I’d like to confirm my reservation
d. I want to reserve a table

16. Bayu : What is Mr. Edward doing right now ?

Zahra : …….
a. He was delivering luggage
b. He were mending the computer
c. He is talking to his client
d. He are preparing lunch for everyone

17. Mr. Robert : What did they say about your last presentation ?
Ms. Duval : They said ….
a. It gave them clear ideas about the product
b. It is nice of you to give a presentation
c. You will be invited to come
d. They are free to ask questions
18. Parmin : Have you decided what to order ?
Suti : No, I have’t made up my mind. Can you suggest anything ?
Parmin : ……..
Suti : Good idea. I need something to quench my thirst
a. Can we have some orange juice ?
b. Why don’t we have some soup
c. What about having some fried chicken ?
d. How about ordering some burgers ?

19. Anto : When can I apply for a driving license, dad ?

Father : ……
a. When you can drive well
b. When you will use it
c. When you need it
d. When you have a car

Question for number 20 - 23


Some years ago, Gordon summer dropped out of teaching to risk all in the chancy
world of pop music. Two years later, he was struggling to pay the rent. Now, he is known
as sting, the lead singer of one of today’s hottest bands, the Police. How did this ex-
schoolmaster manufacture the right sound, the right image, the right brand of sex appeal,
to make himself into a teenage idol?
Gordon summer, an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions of
people and so rich that he can afford all he could ever wish for, better known as Sting, is
the lead singer of the Police. His naturally fair hair has replaced the dyed blond hair of his
stage act. The face magnetizes. His voice is low and husky, eyes bright and intelligent, yet
Suddenly, he has become a superstar “ I can’t walk down a street anymore
without feeling that people are watching me. I can’t be anonymous any longer, and that a
drag, “ he says.

20. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?

a. The change in Sting
b. The popularity of Sting
c. The lead singer of the Police
d. Gordon Summer’s success and appearance

21. What was Sting’s job before ?

a. A singer
b. A teacher
c. A musician
d. An entertainer

22. “Gordon summer, an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions …..

What is the antonym of the underlined word ?
a. Wanted
b. Hated
c. Expected
d. Respected

23. What is Gordon summer dropped out teaching ?

a. Pop music
b. Right sound
c. Rock music
d. Slow rock
24. My money lost yesterday
a. I wish my money not lost
b. I wishes my money not lost
c. I wish my money not yet lost
d. I wish my money not losted

25. Abet : …………….. I can’t come to your house this night

Rizqy : Its oke
a. Listen to me
b. Show me
c. I’m sorry
d. Excuse me

26. Nina : Please forgive me because ……………

Nia : It does’n matter I will teach you again
a. My soup very salt
b. I will give you a cup of tea
c. Don’t forget go to the market
d. I will give you money

a. A man is playing basketball
b. Some boys are playing basketball
c. A man is watching a basketball match
d. A man is playing soccer
a. Ther is a traffic jam
b. They repired the road
c. They plant some thing
d. Many car of there

a. A teacher explain in the fron of the class
b. There are no student the class
c. They are sad
d. They looking each other

a. They watching tv
b. TV watching them
c. A galon behind the tv
d. They look so sad

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