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EoTE/AoR Ugly Creation System.

The infamous ugly starfighters are a well-known fixture in many outer rim

pirate and smuggler gangs, although most are inferior to all but the worst

factory-built starfighters.

Each Ugly is comprised of Three major parts: The main body, the wings and the

engines, although some lack wings (mostly those that use Y-wing engines), and

some use a cockpit from a different craft than the main body. most uglies are

made using parts from two starfighters, although a rare few use parts from

freighters or occasionally airspeeders or else combine parts from three


pick (or roll for) one component from each of the following tables. each will

have a number of values listed. at the the end, combine all of the listed

numbers to arrive at the ship's final stats. also included is a value for

weapon points, which are used later to determine the Ugly's armamant

Main Body:
Ship type: HT SS Sensor Range Ship's compliment Weapon Points Armor
Y-wing 6 3 Close 1 Pilot,(1 Gunner) 5 3
TIE 3 2 Close 1 Pilot 2 2
Z-95 4 2 Close 1 Pilot 3 3
CloakShape 5 2 Close 1 Pilot 3 3
R-41 4 2 Close 1 Pilot 3 3
V-wing 3 2 Close 1 Pilot 2 2
Eta-2 2 2 Close 1 Pilot 3 2
C-73 3 3 Close 1 Pilot 1 2
Toscan 8-Q 4 3 Close 1 Pilot 3 3
ARC-170 6 3 Close 1 Pilot, 2 others 3 3
Z-95 MK I 4 2 Close 1 Pilot 3 2
X-wing 5 3 Close 1 Pilot 3 3
Pinook 3 2 Close 1 Pilot 2 2

Ship type: HT SS Handling Weapon Points
Y-wing 2 2 -1 0
TIE/LN 2 2 +1 0
Z-95 2 2 +1 2
CloakShape 3 2 -1 2
R-41 2 2 +0 2
V-wing 2 2 +0 3
TIE/INT 2 3 +2 3
TIE/D 2 3 +1 4
Eta-2 2 2 +1 1
C-73 2 2 +0 2
Toscan 8-Q 2 2 +0 1
ARC-170 3 2 +1 4
Z-95 MK I 2 1 +0/+1 2
X-wing 2 2 +1 4
Tri-Fighter 3 2 -1 3
Pinook 2 1 +0 1
T-16 1 1 +0/+1 0
Notes: Y-wing 'wings' must be selected if Y-wing engines are being used
Using a Y-wing body always reduces handling by one.
Ship type: HT SS Speed Handling
Y-wing 3 2 3 +0
TIE 1 2 4 +0
Z-95 3 2 3 +0
CloakShape 2 1 3 +0
R-41 2 2 3 +0
V-wing 2 1 4 +0
Eta-2 1 1 4 +1
C-73 2 1 3 +0
Toscan 8-Q 2 2 3 +0
ARC-170 3 2 3 +0
Z-95 MK I 1 2 3 +0
X-wing 3 2 4 +0
Pinook 2 1 3 -1
Note: No Ugly may have a handling value of greater than +2.

Weapons Point Costs

Autoblaster: 1.5
Triple Blaster: 1
Light Laser Cannon: 1 (can mount 3 for 2)
Medium laser Cannon: 1
Heavy blaster Cannon: 1.5
Light Ion Cannon: 1
Medium Ion Cannon: 2
Concussion missile launcher: 1.5
Proton Torpedo Launcher: 1.5
Quad laser cannon: 6

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