Lesson TITLE and GRADE Level: Earth's Geomagnetism, 8 Ca Content Standards or Common Core Standards

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Lesson TITLE and GRADE Level: Earth’s Geomagnetism, 8th grade science



PS2.B: Types of Interactions: Electric and magnetic (electromagnetic) forces can be attractive or repulsive, and their
sizes depend on the magnitudes of the charges, currents, or magnetic strengths involved and on the distances
between the interacting objects. (MS-PS2-3)

PS2.B: Types of Interactions: Forces that act at a distance (electric, magnetic, and gravitational) can be explained by
fields that extend through space and can be mapped by their effect on a test object (a charged object, or a ball,
respectively). (MS-PS2-5)

SL.7.1.C. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others' questions and comments with relevant
observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed.

ISTE Standards for Students

3b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and


1. The students will be able to compare and contrast similarities between the Earth’s
Geomagnetism and bar magnets by completing the active reading activity.

21st Century FLUENCY Skill: Information Fluency

 Chromebooks (enough for 1-1)
 About 5 paper copies of Partner A: Earth’s Geomagnetism & Partner B: Earth’s
Geomagetism in case Chrombeooks are dead/missing.


 (Post agenda on the board. Posted on agenda is the students’ quick write, which is on
Google classroom for them to answer. Quick write= What will happen if I put the two
“North” poles of magnets next to each other? Take attendance while this is
 (Take attendance by asking student’s to answer: what is the most adventurous thing
you have done so far? Call on student’s one at a time and keep it short, no more htan
4-5 minutes).
 Okay, class, I need all voices off in 3… 2… 1… (hold up fingers as you count down)
 Signal please. (Hold one hand up. Wait for all students to also hold a hand up and
turn their voices off. )
 Thank you! (Thank specific students if you are waiting for others to comply. Once
everyone is quiet, move on.) You may put your hands down and keep your voices off.


 (Review quick write responses.)
 Thank you for answering your quick write.
 When I say “starfish”. You are going to, please, look at your face partner. Put a big smile
on your face and say “I’m glad you’re here, partner”, then wait for my next instructions.
 Got it? (Model as you repeat.) I am going to look at my face partner. Put a big smile on
my face, and say: “I’m glad you’re here, partner.”


The you will be able to compare and contrast similarities between the Earth’s Geomagnetism and bar
magnets by completing the active reading activity.

RELEVANCY (1 minutes): We all live on planet Earth, and it is important to understand how
the Earth works. Because without the Earth’s magnetism, we would have no way to use
compasses to guide us when we are lost.


(30 minutes):
 (Assign partners)
 Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Your partners for your active reading activity today are
going to be your face partners.
 (Students should celebrate when they find out who their partners are, encourage them
to celebrate.)
 You will have 30 seconds to go sit across from your assigned partner. (Some
student’s will have to move.)
 (Project timer on the board.)
 As a reminder, let’s review the expectations of a Rally Coach activity.
 (Point to anchor chart posted on wall.)
 During a Rally Coach there are two partners, partner “A” and partner “B”.
 Today, Partner A will be the person with the smallest hands.
 Compare hand sizes with your partner. Once you have decided who has the smallest
hands, that will be partner A, partner A must raise their hands, so I know we know
who is partner A and who is partner B.
 Got that? Compare hand sizes, the person with the smallest hands is partner A and
they must raise their hands.
 (Give the students about a minute to decide who is partner A and who is partner B.
Help out students who are needing help deciding and prompt partner A’s to raise their
 Thank you. Everyone may put their hands down, but I do need all voices to stay off.
(Wait for respectful silence.)
 Now this is going to be a “Rally Coach Reading” activity, so it is going to be slightly
different form what you are used to. You will still have a partner to coach you, but
you will need to READ all instructions carefully and listen to your partner closely to
correctly complete this activity.
 Partner A, when I say go, you will open the “Earth’s Geomagnetism, Partner A”
document on Google classroom. It looks like this. (Project and open document on
board for visuals. Answer questions as needed.)
 Do not start yet, wait for me to say the magic word.
 Partner B, you will also go to Google classroom, when I say the magic word, but you
will be opening “Earth’s Geomagnetism, Partner B”. (Project and open document on
board for visuals. Answer questions as needed.)
 Together with your partner/coach you all will be learning about Earth’s Geomagnetic
properties. I will be watching to make sure everyone is doing this reading activity
 This will be a competition reading activity, so be prepared to race against other
 Are there any questions? (Answer questions and provide feedback as necessary.)
 As a review, open the Partner A doc if you are partner a, open the Partner B doc if
you are partner B. Work together and try to beat everyone else…
 Ready…?! Go!
 (Prompt students to open the documents and begin. Provide support to those who are
confused or who need additional clarification.)
 (Float around room to provide encouragement, monitor progress, and provide
clarification and feedback as needed.)

Independent Practice (6 minutes):

 (Student’s complete partner reading activity. Look for student’s who are completing
jumping jacks, hi-fiving each other, and communicating with one another.)
 Alright, I need all voices off in 3… 2… 1… Signal please.
 (Wait for attention)
 Excellent work today, ladies and gentlemen!
 I am happy to see how well you all worked together in partners finish this active
reading activity.
 Please give your partner a big high-five and say “Thank you, again, partner.”
 (Wait for students to thank their partners, make sure all are participating and then
 When I say “go” I need you to please make sure you have pressed “submit” on your
document on G. classroom.
 Then, you will please open and finish the exit ticket I just posted on G. class.
 Are there any questions about this? (Answer questions and provide feedback as
 This exit ticket is not long and it must be completed independently.
 (Preview exit ticket on the board)
 The questions are similar to the Rally Coach Active Reading we just completed.
 You can do this! When you are done, please turn in your exit ticket and then you may
begin your homework for today, which I have written on the board.
 Are there any questions? Comments? Concerns? (Answer and provide feedback as
 Ready? Go!
 (Students complete exit ticket, and move on to homework if they are finished early.)
 Good work today, students! We will continue to build on what we practiced today
during tomorrow’s lesson.
 Don’t forget to complete your homework tonight! Have a wonderful rest of your day!


lesson, see above.

 ELL students will be strategically paired with students whom they are comfortable
working with. The students they are comfortable working with are the students who also
speak Spanish and who frequently translate to help their partner out. These students are
academically higher than the ELL partner so they are able to be strong coaches for ELL
 There is a word wall with definitions posted in the classroom to support ELL learners.
Chromebooks also have a setting that will translate web pages for ELLs.
 SPED students will be strategically paired with students whom they are comfortable
working with who are academically higher. These students are ones who are good
teachers and leaders in class who make for excellent partners to help support SPED
 SPED students also have a full-time TA who is present to float around the room to
provide extra help and support in writing and mathematical calculations and well as
providing other IEP accommodations.
 SPED students who are not able to write will be given the opportunity to use “speech to
text” apps on the Chromebook to help them scribe. The TA and I will also be floating
around the room to provide any additional support.


 Objective 1 will be informally assessed as I walk around the room and observe students
working in partners to coach each other to complete the Rally Coach Active Reading.
 Objective 1 will be formally assessed when students complete and submit the Rally
Coach Active Reading activity.
 Objective 1 will also be assessed by completing the exit ticket on Edulastic, student’s are
expected to score 80% or better on the exit ticket.

Document all sources:

Google Documents students will use:

Partner A:



Partner B:



Edulastic Exit Ticket Questions (Edulastic will not let me share the exit ticket but here

are the questions I am asking).

1. Earth acts like a giant _____ magnet. (bar, fill in the blank question)

2. Earth is enveloped by huge _____ ______ that stretch into space. (magnetic fields,

multiple choice question)

3. Earth’s geomagnetism, or magnetic fields are caused by Earth’s liquid ____ core.

(iron, short response question)

4. How do compasses use Earth’s geomagnetism? (The metal in the compasses are

attracted to the pull of Earth’s geomagnetic core. Short answer question.)

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