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Molloy College

Division of Education

Student: Ashley Blatus Professor: Rickey Moronoey

Course EDU 5230 01 Date:
Grade8 Topic History of Levittown, NY Content Area: Social

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

The students will go through the “Benefits” tab on the created website “Weebly”
and gain an understanding of the History of Levittown, New York. Students will
create a Google slide on three facts of what they learned on the benefits of
Levittown and which benefit they thought was more of a disadvantage. A teacher
created rubric 3 out of 4 on the Google slide will grade the students. Afterwards,
students will go to “Activities” page and create a Word Cloud and Quizzizz based
on the information given.


8. 8a After World War II, the United States experienced various shifts in
population and demographics that resulted
in social, political, and economic consequences
-Students will examine the effects of sub-urbanization, including urban decay,
suburban growth, and the diminished availability of farmland both nationally and
within New York State
Indicator: This will be evident when students go through the different tabs
on the “Weebly” on the “History of Levittown.”

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
1c-Empowered Learner
Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice
and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Indicator: This will be evident when the students create a Google slide on
what they learned in the “Benefits” tab.

3. Knowledge Constructor-
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct
knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences
for themselves and others
Indicator: This will be evident when students go through the tabs on the
“Weebly” and gain an understanding of the History of Levittown, New York.

6. Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of
purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate
to their goals.

Indicator: This will be evident when students create a Word Cloud to

demonstrate their basic understanding of the benefits of Levittown. This will also
be evident when students create their own Google slide based on the knowledge
they gained through the “Weebly” and present their facts through creativity.


 Chrome books
 SMART Activity
 Word Cloud
 Autodraw
 Floor planer
 Google Slide

MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*)

Students will click on the buttons that lead them to a different beneficial topic
while using technology.

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
(including Key Questions)

1. Students will go through the “Benefit” tabs and understand the benefits on
the History of Levittown, New York. (Do you think there benefits were
beneficial? Which do you believe is not a benefit? Did they gain more than
2. Students will do the SMART activity and place the topics in the correct
section to have a better understanding of what occurred in Levittown.
(Which is a benefit and which is a drawback?)
3. Students will click on the Think link for the first school established and go
onto Autodraw to create their own version of the first hut school and write
down three facts or three things they would want to have if they had to
attend the hut school. (Would you like to learn education in a hut school?
How do you think the children felt going to that school? Do you think they
cared or were happy that they got an education?)
4. Students will create a Word Cloud using beneficial and positive words on
the topics that were presented to them.
5. Students will create a Google slide with three facts they learned about the
Benefits of Levittown and what they believed was not a benefit.


Direct Instruction:
Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher goes through the Google
slides presentation on the three facts of Benefits of Levittown.

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)
Students with a learning disability will be provided with worksheets explaining
how to use the Weebly step by step with copies of the technology activities on

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

Struggling Students
Students can be provided with a partner to be guided through.
Average Students
Students will go through the activities how it is.

Advanced Students
Students will click on the link in one of the tabs in “Benefits” and create a look
alike on either the Cape Cod style house or the Ranch on the floor planner link.

Formal: Students will create a Google slide on the benefits of Levittown and be at
least get a 3 out of 4 on the teacher created rubric.

Informal: Teacher will walk around and check up on how the students are keeping
up with the lesson.

Students will go on the Levittown Public School website and look up which school
they would like to attend and write down which school they chose and why.



Direct Teacher Intervention

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Students who did not meet the objective for this class lesson will have to access the
class lesson through Google Docs and work with the teacher independently and
create the Google slide together.

Academic Enrichment
Students who did meet the objective will write 1-2 pages on what they thought was
the most interesting benefit on Levittown and which benefit they disagreed with.

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

(n.d.). Retrieved from

ISTE Standards for Students (n.d.) Retrieved April 20, 2017 from


Technologies, S. (n.d.). Retrieved from

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

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