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Selective Listening Assessment

Grade Level: 4

SOL Standard(s):
4.3 The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of electricity. Key
concepts include
a) conductors and insulators;
c) static electricity;

WIDA Standard(s): Standard 4: The Language of Science

WIDA Level: 4 Expanding

Language: Students will be able to listen to a short passage about electricity and orally
answer questions about the passage.
Content: Students will be able to correctly answer questions about electricity after
hearing a short passage about it.

Listen to the passage three times. Then answer the following questions about what you
heard. (each question is worth 2 points)

Assessment Items:
Electricity is the movement of charged particles from one place to another. People use
electricity in their lives daily, but many do not realize electricity can be dangerous.
Conductors are materials that electricity can move through easily. Metals, such as
copper, are good conductors and are often used to carry electricity. Because metal is a
good conductor, wires carrying electricity are made of different types of metal. The wires
are often covered by materials such as plastic or rubber. Plastic and rubber are
insulators. Insulators slow or resist the flow of electricity. If you see wires that are not
covered by an insulator, they could be very dangerous to touch and may cause fires if
not properly cared for.

1. What is electricity?
2. What is an example of a good conductor?
3. What is an example of an insulator?
4. What could happen if a wire is not covered by an insulator?
Each question is worth 2 points for a possible total of 8 points. This will be an oral one-
on-one assessment. The teacher will play the recording three times and then ask the
student to answer the questions orally. Partial credit may be given if students do not use
exact wording, but still demonstrate that they understand the content.

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