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Research Log #Model

Name: John Doe

Date: March 7, 2017
EQ: Should Hawaii institute the death penalty?

Three Points to Prove: #1: The death penalty is not a deterrent to crime.
#2: The death penalty is inhumane.
#3: The death penalty is not cost effective.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 1: The death penalty is not a deterrent of crime.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“When the smaller crimes go down--the quality of life crimes--then the murder rate goes down,” Mr. Carlisle said.

“We haven’t had the death penalty, but we have one of the lowest murder rates in the country,” he said. “The F.B.I. statistics
for 1998 showed Hawaii’s homicide rate was the fifth lowest.”

“At Michigan’s constitutional convention in 1961, the delegates heard arguments that the death penalty was not a deterrent,
that those executed were usually the poor and disadvantaged, and that innocent people had been sentenced to death.”

“Culture and religion play a role, as well as political vagaries in each state.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This website provides arguments against capital punishment. The author suggests the death penalty is not a
deterrent to crime. Surprisingly, the homicide rates of several different states that do not have the death penalty are
actually lower than those with the death penalty. Hawaii is one of these states. There are quotes from judges, governors,
and the prosecuting attorney from Hawaii, Peter Carlisle. Carlisle makes a reference to the Bryan Uyesugi case – where
the defendant shot seven of his co-workers at the Xerox copy machine company.
There is specific evidence against the death penalty that indicates it is not a deterrent to crime. For example, even
without the death penalty, Hawaii has the fifth lowest homicide rate in the nation. This proves, at least to some degree,
that a state without the death penalty can thrive as one of the safest states in the nation. Along these same lines of
reasoning, homicide rates in the states that do have the death penalty are still high, such as Texas and California. This
indicates that the death penalty doesn’t necessarily deter crime. To ground this in more specific data, the NY Times found
that during the last twenty years, the homicide rate in states with the death penalty has been 48% to 101% higher than
states without the death penalty!
Culture, religion, politics, and the overall ideologies that dominate a community influence whether the death
penalty will remain law. In more conservative states, the death penalty is more prevalent. Interestingly, at Michigan’s
constitutional convention in the 1960s, some argued that those who were executed were predominantly poor and of racial
minorities. If valid, this is concerning as it indicates corruption in the system (a system that can end life). If the death
penalty remains, more efforts must be taken to ensure the quality and fairness of the justice system through which they
will be punished.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Bonner, Raymond and Ford Fessenden. “States With No Death Penalty Share Lower Homicide Rates.” The New York
Times. The New York Times. 22 September 2000. Web. 4 Jan 2004.

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was published in The New York Times Magazine.
Research Log #1

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: September 11, 2017
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 3 : Studying internationally improves job opportunities.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

The author mentions a quote from another article that refers to the benefits of education abroad. “A study abroad
experience supports an increased awareness of and tolerance to other cultures as well as providing training in
interacting with individuals of different countries and cultures” (Teichler, 2002; King & Ruiz-Gelices, 2003;
Bracht et. al. 2006).

From a study in Greece, “Greeks who graduate from European universities outside Greece are better placed on
the Greek labor market from an employability point of view."

“Mobile students with an international experience develop intercultural competence, global awareness and
foreign language training – exactly the employability skills that are well received on the labor market”. The
authors in this excerpt explain what skills we can learn from participating in an international university.

In speaking about after-college opportunities, the authors write, “Study abroad periods enhance a graduate’s
employability when they transfer from the university to the labor market”. This is because of skills gained in
participating in an international study program.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This article proves my point to prove because it is about how international education in Europe will
most likely improve the chances of getting a job in the market, because of the skills learned during education.
By taking a different approach of going to school, and going outside of your home country, the education
teaches you skills that you would be able to use in the job market, and that companies look for in a candidate.
There are also lots of charts in this paper, that show the students’ benefits while participating in international
education. I was surprised to find that personal safety, and teacher reputation was much higher in global
international study, than compared to the Europe study benefits.
An important part of studying internationally, as I learned from this article, is that employers are not
used to seeing applicants coming from other universities out of their county. So, it gives those with an
international education an edge over those who don’t, since they have picked up skills that an average applicant
would not have. Something else I got from this article is that countries should have immigration policies that
encourage international education, so more students can have the experience.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Nilsson, Per A, and Nannette Ripmeester. “International Student Expectations: Career Opportunities and
Employability.” Journal of International Students, vol. 6, no. 2, 2016, pp. 614–631.,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is a peer-reviewed article, published in the Journal of
International Students, and written by two experts in this field.
Research Log #2

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: September 20, 2017
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 2 : The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

On the topic of how impactful study abroad programs are, the authors state, "The results of a research study of students
participating in an AFS study abroad experience indicated that the program has a significant impact on students who begin
the program at the more ethnocentric stages of the Bennett model, but that it has less of an impact on those students who
are at more interculturally-developed stages." By sending students on a study abroad, it is important to start at an early
age, to get the best effect.

When comparing the different cultures in a research experiment, "Japanese people expect hosts to serve their guests while
Americans generally prefer a more casual approach to dining at home where typically food is put out on the table and
guests are told to “help themselves” to the foods.", "The Japanese students most likely hesitated to open the host family’s
refrigerator and select foods on their own because they were brought up in a culture where people are expected to know
their position and behave modestly (Hattori, 2008; Ueda, 2011)."

"The outcome of this survey indicates that while many Japanese students were inwardly dissatisfied or unhappy with
some circumstances of their homestay experience, they didn’t express their discontent to their host family." Japanese
students were too used to their own culture, which hurt them in the homestay experience.

In order to solve these problems, the article states, "Given that an overseas sojourn can improve intercultural capabilities
only if students actually interact with local people (Williams, 2005), it is considered especially important to acquire
empathy which will lead to participants’ deeper understanding of another culture and result in changes in their behavior or

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source proves my point to prove (The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.) by showing how
different cultures react when put together. Although the article was not about an international university, it shows the
effects of how a culture (Japanese) reacts when matched with an American one. By doing exchange programs, and
travelling to another region to participate in their culture, we experience things that we may not get to in our own culture.
Even though in my article, American parents were upset at the students for not participating in the culture, it was still a
learning experience in that we can fix those problems and strengthen our awareness of other cultures.
The survey that the researchers conducted was surprising to me, since in my mind, I thought Japanese students
would want more freedom from their culture back in Japan. When I saw that they expected more from American families,
I was shocked, since it seemed that they did not know how the American culture was. In a sense, not only Americans
should try to learn about other cultures, but outside ones like the Japanese should learn about the American culture as

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Kobayashi, Junko and Linda Viswat. "A Relational Approach to International Education through Homestay Programs."
Journal of International Students, vol. 5, no. 4, 01 Sept. 2015, pp. 475-487. EBSCOhost,
I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is a peer reviewed article published in the Journal of
International Students, and written by two Japanese university officials.
Research Log #3

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: September 21, 2017
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 1 : International education is more cost-effective.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

The Korean education system is trying to create "international experiences" by bringing some American universities onto
Korean shores, "Alternatively, inviting off-shore campuses from overseas would be a cost-effective way to educate
domestic students globally (Wilkins & Huisman, 2012, among others). Incheon Global Campus (IGC) in Korea is one
Even though they are just small departments from universities, the article states, "In addition, the horizontal combination
of all participating universities at the IGC that consists of 30-40 departments has a strong potential to rank number one as
a research university in Korea."
To attract students globally, "the medium of instruction is 100% in English. Students are trained to discuss fully in
"Unlike big local universities, offshore campuses start with a small number of departments and hence the student-faculty
ratio is normally small. Such a cozy environment allows students to contact with faculties more frequently and gives
students more opportunities for independent research."

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Although not fully about an international university and its cost effectiveness, this article provides me information
on how students can experience an international university in their home language. Even if you are not fluent in the
language of the country the college is located in, there could still be universities in that country that are taught in English.
These colleges have showed to be almost as good as the top universities in the country, (ex. George Mason University's
research department in Korea is almost at the same level as Seoul National University, the top in the country). What
makes them even better is that often times attending these universities provide a cheaper, cost-effective alternative to
attending a college in the United States. A downside to this though would be that some off-campus universities require
that students attend the main campus for a certain amount of time before going to the off-campus site.
This article really opened my eyes on the alternatives to international universities, there are even better cost-
effective options in English universities in that certain country.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Jin, Jang C. "Internationalization, Deregulation and the Extension of Higher Education in Korea: A Further Note."
International Journal of Higher Education, vol. 4, no. 3, 01 Jan. 2015, pp. 156-160. EBSCOhost,
I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was published in the International Journal of Higher
Expectation, and was written by someone in the Department of Economics at George Mason University in Korea.
Research Log #4

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: September 29, 2017
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 1 : International education is more cost-effective.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

The author writes about how the average tuition for American private colleges are quite high, and then compares them to
international colleges. "a year at the University of Amsterdam costs around EUR 12,000, or $10,700, while a year at
McGill University in Quebec, a highly ranked Canadian school, will set you back around $15,700."
"What makes an international education cheaper is, in part, the fact that degrees take three years instead of four." The
author explains that this is because degree programs are more focused from the start, compared to the US.
“In the rest of the world, by and large, you come in knowing what major you are focused on and what your course of
study will be,” Explains an admissions consultant. The author continues his quote, “In the U.S., you are much more
encouraged to experiment with your core curriculum.”
The author backs up the above statement by saying, "You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you have to start
all over again if you change your mind."

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This article really opened my eyes to other reasons why international educations are considered, and why they are more
cost-effective. Originally, I believed that it was just the governmental systems making the tuition cheaper than American
colleges, but with this article I was shown that there are deeper reasons to it. This article proves my point to prove by
showing that to some students, an international education can provide a faster, cheaper way to attend college than going to
a private American university. The only downside to this is that the student must know what he/she already wants to
major in so they can take that course of studying.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was written by a freelance journalist who has written
for the Wall Street Journal and Fox Business.
Research Log #5

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: October 9, 2017
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 2 : The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

In his talk, the presenter talks about the most important factors of global awareness stating, "Three (factors) I'd
like to highlight that are common across all definitions of global citizenship; the ability to see yourself as
connected to the world, the ability to collaborate with people from different cultural backgrounds, and the
ability to comprehend and take action, to shape the forces of globalization."
After explaining how most people are unaware of other cultures outside of their own, the presenter gives a
solution, "So we can begin with a premise, that travel experiences outside of the classroom are necessary, are
essential, to building that skillset and mindset for global citizenship."
"When assessing the state of experiential learning, and educational travel today, two things become quite clear,
one thing that we have, and one thing that we need. We have REM (Retention, Engagement, Mentoring), we
need CIA (Curriculum, Intentionality, Assessment)." The presenter explains in his talk what we need to do to
help increase learning potential.
Giving an example of how REM is used already, "When we take students snorkeling with sea lions and sharks
in the Galapagos islands, you can guarantee they're going to remember it, you can be sure they're going to be
engaged, and they will also be open to guidance and mentorship from their instructors."

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This TED talk supports my point to prove because the presenter explains the problems with education as
it is now, without interactions with outside cultures. He presents a research study of 100 Americans aged 18 –
24, and explains how half of them thought their education prepared them for global issues today, half were
comfortable talking to people of different cultural backgrounds, a third understood different cultures and
understood the global economy. This shows that by increasing access for students to travel and study abroad,
we will be better prepared to face the global issues that are presented to us today, and we will be more open to
other cultures.
I also learned about two new topics that we should have in our education to help increase learning
ability, REM and CIA. After hearing about them, it really proved to me that those six traits are really needed in
our education, since from my own experience at school, I can see that some of these are missing. Also since
entering high school, there have been less excursions for classes, and maybe that is the key for students to
understand topics better.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

TEDxTalks. YouTube, TEDx, 12 Aug. 2013,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was presented by the CEO and co-founder of Envoys,
a study abroad program.
Research Log #6

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: January 3, 2018
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 2 : The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

On the topic of Japan's new UNESCO agreement to increase international students and education, the article
says, "However, chances to feel the importance of intercultural education in students’ daily lives and
community have been increased. Alien residents are increasing, and now we have 2.2 million foreigners living
in Japan (Ministry of Justice, 2016)". The number of students attending Japanese schools and people living in
Japan are now rising.
The author writes about the concepts international education teaches, saying, "Intercultural education provides
all learners with cultural knowledge, attitudes, and skills that enable them to contribute to respect,
understanding, and solidarity among individuals, ethnic, social, cultural, and religious groups and nations".
Along with trying to welcome new students from outside of Japan, schools are changing the topics and subjects
they teach, as well as how they teach it. "The most education for international understanding in Japan has
planned to execute in existing school subjects (MEXT, 1996). Then, it is needed for education for international
understanding to interrelate with other existing school subjects, such as social science, language, moral
education, and integrated learning".

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source proves my point to prove because it talks about how countries like Japan are partnering with
organizations like UNESCO to provide opportunities for students from other countries to go to Japan and attend high
school there. By doing this, cultures of Japan and the other countries around the world are shared, which brings all of us
closer together. Also in this article, a survey was given to teachers around Japan asking questions about international
education in Japan currently. It surprised me to see that teachers still did not know how they would adapt their teaching
styles to those outlined in the guidelines of UNESCO.
In the questionnaire though, I found it interesting that they asked if a teacher could "familiarize themselves with
the cultural heritage of minority groups" and "aim at eliminating prejudices about culturally distinct population groups
within Japan" as if it was a new concept to them. In the results, 85% saw these topics necessary, but surprisingly, 15% still
never thought it was. Still, if teachers teach about the "distinct" cultures that the students come from, the native Japanese
students will get to understand that student's culture and how/why they act.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Yoshida, Masami. "Recognition of International Education in Japanese Teachers." Journal of Education and
Training Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, 01 Feb. 2017, pp. 53-62. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is a peer reviewed article published in the Journal of
Education and Training Studies.
Research Log #7

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: January 5, 2018
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 3 : Studying internationally improves job opportunities.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

"Many new studies show a direct impact of study abroad on creativity, cognitive ability, and student success".
The article talks about how international experience in schooling changed from something nice to have into
something that everyone should have.
In a study outlined by the article, employers do incorporate international education as one of the things that
contribute to being hired. "Results show that around 65 percent of employers consider international experience
important for recruitment, and over 90 percent are looking for transversal skills enhanced by study abroad, such
as openness and curiosity about new challenges, problem-solving, and decision-making skills."
In another report, the UK Higher Education International Unit found that people who worked/studied abroad
"were more likely to be employed within six months of graduation".
As proof from actual job employers, the article references a survey that asked a question about how they value
international study experiences. "Based on responses from 10,000 recruiters worldwide, this QS Global
Employer Report found that employers are looking for the skills and experience gained through the overseas
study experience when hiring graduates".

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source supports my point to prove because it gives studies and surveys from actual employers that show they
do value an experience in working/studying abroad. Most people go through their school lives without experiencing
education in another country. This causes us to think that participating in a study abroad program may not be useful to us,
since it does not pertain to getting a job in the future. But, by giving these articles and studies, the author shows that going
out of our way to join one of these programs will benefit us after college, when trying to find a job.
This article actually opened my eyes to the fact that employers actually do care about your experiences during
school, and what extracurricular things you do. Usually the thing people talk about when getting a job are how well they
did in school, or their characteristic traits. It was surprising to see that employers actually recognize characteristics that are
"enhanced" during a study abroad program. Hopefully there will be more opportunities in the future for students to
participate in a study abroad program, to receive all of the benefits it provides.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“How Study Abroad Contributes to Career Readiness: 8 Studies.” IIE: The Power of International Education,
I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it is an article on, a leader in international
Research Log #8
Name: Micah Tsukamoto
Date: January 6, 2018
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 2 : The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

With the declining opinion of America from other countries and troubles in foreign policy, the author states that
"Global education has been a neglected component of U.S. foreign policy and should be a driving force in
moving forward to build bridges with other countries, breaking down cultural barriers, acting as preventive
national security, and better equipping the American youth to be the diplomats of the future".
Students in America today don’t learn much about other cultures, proof being the author saying, "American
students’ geographical literacy is below average, and students have trouble locating nations like Iraq and
The author of the article interviews a classmate who studied abroad in the Muslim culture, learned a lot about
their practices and has gained respect for them. "During my stay in Morocco, I developed a great amount of
respect for Muslim culture. The Moroccans’ way of living, such as their family structure, friendships, education,
food, and behaviors derives from what the Koran has taught them. Also, I have a better understanding of the
hijab. Before I saw it as a tool of women’s subjugation, but today I understand that in their culture it empowers
Connecting with one of my other points, the article states, "Study abroad programs can be a cost-effective and
beneficial policy for the United States’ image abroad. This soft power diplomacy of international education
saves more money than hard power diplomacy through the military". Further on, it says, "The cost of increasing
the amount of troops in Afghanistan for 2011 came to $30 billion for the entire fiscal year, or $1 million per
soldier. Conversely, sources indicate that the average foreign exchange program costs $10,000 plus pocket

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source supports my point to prove by showing how study abroad programs help us learn and understand
other cultures while also improving our country's reputation in foreign policy. The current situation the United States is in
with Donald Trump as president might cause other countries to lose trust in Americans since they could attribute his traits
with all Americans, generalizing that all Americans act that way. But, by joining a study abroad program, we can show
other countries that we as American people are caring and generous, and share our real culture with them. Like the article
stated, participating in this type of diplomacy is cheaper than sending troops to fight, and will also prevent people from
losing their lives.
On the other hand, by going on this type of study abroad experience, we can gain knowledge of other cultures that
we may not know about, or get to see for ourselves. We would be able to go to places like Australia, Asia, Europe, or
somewhere in the Middle East, where we can be placed directly in a culture unknown to us. Just like the article said, we
will be able to get a deeper understanding and respect of that certain culture, and gain new friends along the way.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“Sponsoring Study Abroad: The Most Cost Effective Foreign Policy Tool.” Roosevelt Institute, 28 Mar. 2012,
I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by Roosevelt Institute, a nonprofit
partner to the Frankin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum.
Research Log #9

Name: Micah Tsukamoto

Date: January 8, 2018
EQ: Should more students consider attending universities outside the US?

Three Points to Prove: #1: International education is more cost-effective.

#2: The exchange of cultures strengthens global awareness.
#3: Studying internationally improves job opportunities.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: # 1 : Interntaional education is more cost-effective.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

"The most popular destinations among 46,500-plus degree-seeking Americans abroad are the United Kingdom
(where tuition averages $21,365 per year), followed by Canada ($16,746) and France ($247)". Many people
going to college struggle with the price, but it we go somewhere outside of the country, we could pay only up to
247$ like in France.
Something surprising the writer says is, "Some top international universities charge no tuition. Germany
recently nixed public university tuition, meaning that all state-run universities in Germany are tuition-free,
including the University of Munich, Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg and the University of Hamburg". If
America implemented these policies, everyone would get to attend college.
"U.S. financial aid may apply. American students may be able to receive U.S. federal loans – although
typically not grants – to study at an international college". The article even says the Department of Education
has specific colleges that participate in this program.
Other than just the costs, a university councilor at Washington International School outlines some of the other
benefits of attending school abroad. "A degree from an international university can often be a standout point on
a graduate's resume. And learning how to get away from what's comfortable can be an education in and of

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source proves my point to prove by giving actual dollar facts about costs of universities abroad compared to
the US average. Living in America, we hear all the time that our education system for college is the best in the world,
which explains why students from around the globe try their hardest to attend a college in America. With that though
comes the outrageous prices to attend college whether it be a top university or just a "normal" one. This often leads to
student debt after college, leading into our lives in the workplace. But, this article shows that we have another option in
attending universities outside of the US. With such low prices compared to the United States, it surprises me to see that
there are still not many people looking or wiling to travel outside the country to get an education.
The article says that top universities in Germany and Norway are free, which convinces me to think that the
reason some European countries are "better off" than the US is because of the education there. If colleges in the United
States were free like in Germany, we would probably have many people better off, and we might see less homeless people
or bottom class citizens. What is even better about lower tuition in international universities is that we also might be able
to get financial aid from the government to lower the cost of college even more. The only problem I could see with getting
a degree outside of the US is the weight that it has inside of the US job market, and if employers take less weight on a
degree earned outside of the US.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Snider, Susannah. “Calculate the Cost of Earning an Overseas Degree.” U.S. News, 28 Oct. 2014, 8:00a.m.,
I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because it was written by a personal finance staff editor at US
News who has reported on college financial aid and student loans.

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