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Alaina Newton

Goal #1(Professional)
My goal/objective: to use objectives based assessment throughout the semester
Timeline: September 4th to December 21st
Results: students will be able to distinguish their grades throughout the semester based
on general learning outcomes and specific learning outcomes stated by the Alberta
1. Show on rubrics, what GLO and SLOs I am marking.
2. Discuss with students how I will be marking their assignments based on
Indicators: I will know my goal is accomplished when students can identify which
objectives they have been successful on showing and which objectives they need to
continue to work on.
1. Student reflections
2. Student work and discussions
Support: I will ask my mentor and university consultant for advice and guidance in order
to accomplish this goal. I will also seek online resources and work with students to
achieve this goal.
1. Engaging in career-long learning. This will allow me to assess, specifically, if
students are meeting learner objectives. This allows be to receive feedback on
students assessment from students and gives me the opportunity to collaborate
with my colleagues on the best ways to meet this goal.
Alaina Newton

Goal #2 (Personal)
Goal/objective: to improve my skills related to questioning students in order to lead them
to more critical and higher order thinking.
Timeline: September 4th to December 21st
Results: Students’ work will show clear and well thought answers to my questions that
activate a critical and higher order thinking necessary to answer the questions. Students
will be able to use these skills in other subject areas.
1. Create lesson plans with well thought out questions as well as seek answers where
critical thinking is necessary
2. Seek advice from my mentor and university consultant on how to phrase
questions to probe critical thinking from students.
3. Use open ended questions on assignments or worksheets in order to have students
explain their critical/high order thinking processes
4. Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy to have students build their critical thinking skills
throughout my time in their classroom.
Indicators: I know my goal will be accomplished when my questions probe well thought
answers from students. These answers will need higher order/ critical thinking in order
develop comprehensive answers. Students’ active participation and engagement with the
questions will indicate whether or not it was a good question.
1. My personal reflecting on students answers to my questions. Did students discuss
and have answers that required critical thinking skills? Did questions require
some debate between students? Did the question engage all students and did all
students participate in answering the questions?
2. Students’ written reflection/answer to my questions. Were their answers well
thought out? Did students think critically?
3. Observation. Are students actively engaged in conversation from the questions? Is
the question challenging enough or too challenging?
Support: I will look to my mentor and university consultant for guidance on my
questions because this is a weakness that I want to improve on. I will also look through
online resources for ideas on how to create better questions.
1. Demonstrating a professional body of knowledge by effectively planning for
instruction. This leads into students continually developing their skills in a varied
way that is relevant to the student as well as creating meaningful learning
activities through questioning.
2. Establishing inclusive learning environment by providing strategies to address
students strengths and identifying areas for growth.
3. Engaging in career-long learning by seeking and critically reviewing and applying
educational research to improve practice of asking questions.

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