Master of Ceremony (MC) For Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony

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Master of Ceremony (MC)

for Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony

1. MC 1 dan 2
Assalamualaikum Wr. wb
2. MC 1:
Ladies and Gentlemen, all the guests and audiences…
we would like to say: “Welcome to Tunas Persada. Thank you very much for attending
our invitation.”

3. MC 2:
Bapak, Ibu, para undangan dan hadirin sekalian… kami ucapkan: “Selamat Datang di
Yayasan Tunas Persada. Terima kasih atas kesediaannya memenuhi undangan kami”

4. MC 1:
For those outside, we expect you to come in, and have a seat…!

5. MC 2:
Bagi Bapak, ibu, dan hadirin yang masih berada di luar, dimohon segera memasuki
ruangan dan menempati tempat yang telah disediakan…!

6. MC 1:
The graduation ceremony for the students of Tunas Persada Junior High School and Tunas Persada
Senior High School, in the academic year
2017/2018, on Sunday, 13th May 2018, is about to begin.

7. MC 2:
Upacara Wisuda Siswa SMP Tunas Persada dan SMA Tunas Persada Tahun Pelajaran
2017/2018, hari Minggu tanggal 13 Mei 2018 segera dimulai.


8. MC 1:
All of the graduates are invited to come to the ceremony place.
9. MC 2:
Wisudawan memasuki ruang sidang Wisuda.

10. MC 1:
Procession.academic senate and official of Tunas Persada will enter into the ceremony place.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise…!
11. MC 2:
Prosesi. Senat Akademika Tunas Persada memasuki mimbar kehormatan
Hadirin dimohon berdiri.

12. MC 1:
Ladies and Gentlemen, please have a seat…!
13. MC 2:
hadirin dipersilahkan duduk kembali...!

14. MC 1:
Principle of Tunas Persada will officially declare the opening of the ceremony

15. MC 2:
Pembina Yayasan Tunas Persada membuka Sidang Wisuda SMP dan SMA Tunas Persada

16. MC 1:
Recitation Al-Qur’an by ______ from__________
17. MC 2:
Pembacaan Ayat Suci Al-Quran oleh ________ dari __________

18. MC 1:
Ladies and Gentlemen please rise, to sing National Anthem “Indonesia Raya”
19. MC 2:
Lagu kebangsaann Indonesia Raya, Dinyanyikan oleh seluruh hadirin,
hadirin dimohon berdiri

20. MC 1:
Moment of Silence in honour of indonesian patriot who has passed away lead by pricple of tunas
21. MC 2:
Mengheningkan cipta dipimpin oleh Pimpinan Sidang
22. MC 1:
Ladies and Gentlemen … please have a seat…!
23. MC 2:
hadirin dipersilahkan duduk kembali…!

24. MC 1:
advisory by yudisium
25. MC 2:
laporan Yudisium

26. MC 1:
Graduation Speech from Principle of Tunas Persada Bapak. Subar Gunawan Widianto, M.Pd
27. MC 2:
Sambutan Pembina Yayasan Tunas Persada Bapak Subar Gunawan Widianto, M.Pd

28. MC 1:
Graduation Speech from School Committee of Tunas Persada Bapak Rakib

29. MC 2:
Sambutan Komite sekolah Bapak Rakib


30. MC 1 :

Graduation Speech from government of malangbong

31. MC 2 :

Sambutan dari Bapak Camat Kecamatan Malangbong

32. MC 1:
Sudanese Traditional Ceremony

33. MC 2:
Upacara Adat ________________________________


34. MC 1:
Inauguration for the best graduates from junior high school tunas persada and senior high school
tunas persada.
Graduates, please rise…!

35. MC 2:
Pelantikan wisudawan terbaik dari smp tunas persada dan sma tunas persada.
Wisudawan, dimohon berdiri…!


36. MC 1:
Graduates pledge declaration

37. MC 2:
Pembacaan ikrar wisudawan

38. MC 1:
Inauguration for all of the graduates and medal giving.

39. MC 2:
Pelantikan wisudawan dilanjutkan dengan penyerahan medali.

40. MC 1:
Graduates, please have a seat…!

41. MC 2:
Wisudawan, dimohon duduk kembali…!
42. ---------------------------------------------------
43. MC 1:
recitation pray by _____________

44. MC 2:
pembacaan doa oleh ________________
45. ---------------------------------------------------

46. MC 1:
principle tunas persada will close the ceremony

47. MC 2:
Pembina yayasan tunas persada menutup sidang wisuda

48. MC 1
academic senate and official of Tunas Persada will leave the ceremony place.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise…!

49. MC 2
Senat Akademika Tunas Persada meninggalkan mimbar kehormatan
Hadirin dimohon berdiri.

50. MC 1
Ladies and Gentlemen … please have a seat…!
51. MC 2
Hadirin dipersilahkan duduk kembali

52. MC 1
Ladies and gentlemen, the graduation ceremony of tunas persada junior high scool and tunas
persada senior high school is now over. We apologize for any mistakeduring the event, it the end
we convey our gratitude for youre patient and attention. Good bye and good day
53. MC 2
Demikian acara sidang wisuda SMP dan SMA Tunas Persada tahun akademik 2017/2018, terima
kasih atas kesabaran dan partisipasinya, dan mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan dalam
penyelenggaran acara ini. Terima kasih. Selamat siang.

54. MC 1 MC 2
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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