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Developing an incentive scheme for a project

Article · January 1983


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Shlomo Globerson
Ruppin Academic Center


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~‫ג‬. XI" Nd. Y ‫ך‬

Decem ber i 983

Page 228

Developing An Incentive
Scheme For A Project
Shlomo Globerson
Tel Avjv University

Introductio ‫מ‬ Stages i ‫ מ‬Developing an Incentive Scheme

Motivational needs of individuaJs who worl( in Developmel1t of any incentive scheme requires the
project e ‫ ח‬vii'onments may differ from those of in - following stages ;
dividuals working in different organizational en - 1. Generaling a relevant list of PCs (PCs = Perfor -
vironments; however, bOLh managers and employees mance Criteria, PC = Performa ‫ ח‬ce Criterio ‫)ח‬
who are involved with research and development feel 2. Choosi ‫ ח‬g the preferred set
that incentive schen1es should be developed for them 3. Measuri ‫ ח‬g prese ‫ ח‬t performa ‫ ח‬ce
as well (See references [3J [9) [18J). Renwick and 4. Assig ‫ ח‬ing standards 10 the chosen criteria
Lawler [20] found that lack of proper pay was ranked 5. Formulati ‫ ח‬g tlle i ‫ ח‬ce ‫ ח‬tive equatio ‫ח‬
as a chief cause for dissatisfaction at work. This find - The following raises and discusses methodological
ing emphasizes that paymellt level is a significant fac - issues in the implementation of the stages, as welI as
tor affecting the amount and quality of employees ' possible ways to overcome some of the
efforts. The desire to earn more money may come methodological difficulties .
from economic needs or from the individual equating 1. Generating a Relevanl List
monetary reward with the organization's recognition Since we are concerned with evaluating the perfor -
of his ability . mance of an organizatio ‫ח‬, many PCs may be con -
It is also well-known that empJoyees can increase sidered releva ‫ ח‬t. Examples of such criteria are cost
their productivity significantly if they receive a fair per item, percent of defects, and turnover rate .
share of the added output . ‫'ן‬his was verified by a '‫ז‬heoretically, one may argue that a long list of possi •
survey administered by Fein [5), who reported the ble PCs Inay be generated for an organization, ~ ut
average !evel of prodllctivity jumped from 86,4 per - for practical purposes \ve ma)1 find it diffiCUlttto
cent to 123,5 percent; that is, al1 increase of 42.9 per - generate a list of more than a few dozen relev nt
cent was witnessed when an incentive scheme was in - criteria .
stalled. This indicates that although incentive An importa ‫ ח‬t issue in developing output orien ed
schemes are not the only means of improving perfor - PCs is the ge ‫ ח‬eratio ‫ ח‬of a PCs hierarchical system .
mance. they obviously can have a significant impact . First, this entails designing PCs for each elementtry
It is important, however, to point out that most of . u ‫ ח‬it accordi ‫ ח‬g to the Work Breakdow ‫ ח‬Struct re
the organizations that participated in Fein's survey ( WBS) of the project. PCs are ‫ ח‬ext generated at the
were probably production departments in manufac - upper levels by integrating some of these lower level
turing and service organizations, as compared to high units. However, as Martin [16] points out, it is im •
technology. research and development, and project portant to make sure that there is only one set of a
oriented organizations . PCs system. s which are interrelated one to the otler
Very few cases of using an incentive scheme in a without unnecessary duplication .
project environment have been published, the one Since projects are generally o ‫ח‬e-time operatio ~ s ,
reported by Parkinso ‫ ( ת‬19) being an exception . they do ‫ח‬ot le ‫ח‬d themselves as readily to the develdp -
The next section review$ the major stages in ment of a PCs system. Woodward [23] identifies two
developing a wage incentive scheme; a definition of compleme ‫ ח‬tary approaches which may be used for
each stage is followed by a general discussion of im - performance evaluation in this context; one is con -
plementation problems, ending with an implementa - cerned with output and the other with the process .
tion analysis in a project environment . The oulput oriented approach is based on


Page 229 December 1983

measurement, using quantifiable inputs, outputs , [ 13], and are relevant to project environments :
and their derivatives. Typically, PCs belonging to • PCs must be derived from the company's objec -
this category relate to time, cost, and the quality of tives .
the project. Each PC is evaluated through co ‫ז‬n - • PCs make possible the comparison to organiza -
parison of the actual value to a designated standard , tions that are in the same business .
e.g., actual completion time (or cost) to the planned • The purposes of the PCs must be clear .
time, and the project's actual technological proper - • Data collection and calculation methods of the
ties to its planned specifications. The importance of PCs must be clearly defined .
following the above PCs can be demonstrated by • Ratio PCs are preferred to absolute ones .
Baker and Fisher [1] who note that project expen - • PCs should be under the control of the evaluated
ditures that double the original budget are a commbn organizational u ‫ ח‬it .
event or Goff [11], who supports tl ‫ו‬is claim and • PCs should be selected through disctJssion with
stresses that many government projects reach expen - the people involved .
ditures of three times the original budget . • Objective PCs are pl'e"erred to subjective ones .
The process oriented approach stresses the impor - • Selected PCs must include productivity PCs
tance and in ‫ ח‬uence of the process throughout the ( ratio of output to input), quality (nature of out -
project Iife cycle, and its successful completion. The put), and process oriented PCs .
work process ref'ers to the activities al ‫ו‬d equipment Although objective PCs are preferred 10 subjective
required to convert input into outputs, taking into ones, there is ‫ח‬o choice but 10 use subjeclive PCs if
consideration the required rescurces, and the order the process oriented approach is desired. Results of
and methods of performing tne activities . the case study presented later in this article confirm
The characteristics of the process oriented ap - that employees prefer to have a subjective PCs
proach depend t,o a large extent on behavior,al system to no PCs system at all. More relevant subjec -
dimemsions. Hence, performance assessment may be tive PCs may be related to the activities which have to
concentrated on an employee's evaluation procedure be performed throughout the project life cycle ;
as it relates to attributes such as attitude, ability to Roberts and Fusfeld [21] idel ‫ ך‬tify six typical innova -
communicate, accuracy, and creativity. Kerzner [14J tion project stages, each of which needs different
presents different forms with possibie attributes ap - behavioral attributes in order to be completed suc -
plicabie to employees working in a project environ - cessfully. The six stages are: 1) pre-project; 2) project
ment . possibilities; 3) project initiation; 4) project execu -
To sum up this section, we may conclude that out - tion; 5) project outcome evaluation; and 6)' project
put and process oriented PCs are both needed for a transfer. These six stages ‫ ח‬eed direct inputs from the
proper evaluation of the project . following five critical behavioral functions: (1) idea
2. Choo:;;ingthe Prejerred Set generating; (2) entrepre ‫ ח‬euring; (3) project leading
Since a long list of PCs can be generated, questions and coordinali ‫ ח‬g; (4) gatekeeping (information
arise as to how many PCs to include in the scheme , galhering and channelillg); and (5) coaching less ex -
and how to choose the PCs to be included . perienced personnel. These functions represent the
There is no magic number of PCs that a scheme various roles that must be carried out for the suc -
should contain; however, since each PC creates some cessful completion of innovation projects. Itis im -
wo ‫ז‬kload, it is common practice to avoid introducing portant to recognize the functions among the dif -
too many. For example, Galinka, Globerson and ferent project stages, and 10 idenlify sOlne relevanl
Oron [7] found, among organizations using incentive measures for each of Ihem .
schemes, a maximum of seven PCs being used, with 3. Measliring Presenl Perjorl ‫ ןז‬ance
three the most frequent number cited . Present performance of each of the chosen PCs
Although any selection p ‫ 'ז‬ocess is based on the must be measured before standards, or satisfactory
assumption that management has implicit knowledge levels of performance, can be established. There are
of the best PCs to be selected, it is stiII beneficial to two reasons for this. First, if a PC proves to be dif -
call management's attention to several selection ficult to measure either an alternative means f‫ק‬
guideli ‫ ח‬es. The following guidelines are based on the measuring must be employed or a more easily
author's experience and on previous studies [2 ] [4 ] measured PC must be used. Second, a knowledge of


December 1983 Page 230

the present level of performance for each of the are usually a result of a grollp analysis and
chosen PCs must be identified, since this information discussion .
has to support the decision concerning the desired • Dala comparison: between organizations with
standard for each criterion . similar characteristics such as type of business ,
A1though a proper performance measurement technology, or environment (e.g., insurance
system is a very important managerial tool for effec - companies, textile factories). An organization
tive project management, a ‫ ח‬organization must avoid may assign standards based on its own standing
perforlnance measurement systems which are too as compared to other organizations .
detailed. Ger10ff [8], who analyzed 108 projects, co ‫ח‬- • Econofnic considera(ion ~i: profit may be ob -
c1uded that too tight and detailed project control may tained if expe ‫ ח‬ses do ‫ ח‬ot exceed a certai ‫ ח‬level .
‫ סח‬t be effective. and may actua11y lead to undesired This level (or levels), if the operation is broken
changes in the project's objecti\'e . down according to ‫ ח‬eeded resources(manpower ,
Since process related PCs i ‫ ח‬volve human at - energy, material, etc.), may be considered a stan -
tributes, there is a need to develop proper ernployee dard or standards .
evalution routines and forms. Kerzner [14J points out • Legal considerations: the iaw may state required
that a major difficulty in evaluating employees work - performance levels for specific PCs. In this case ,
ing in a project environment is due to the fact that the standards have to meet those stated by law .
they usual1y have several bosses, depending on the Since subjective estimates are probably very com -
number of projects in which they are involvcd. An m.on in project standard setting, it is important to in -
employee evaluation usually involves a discussion vestigate the discrepancy between the standards as
between the supervisor and the subordinate, together they were set by the people involved, and the actual
with a written summary which is referred to by the performance level. A survey conducted by Baker a ‫ ח‬d
name, "the evaluation form." Examples of various Fisher (1) shows that among 450 project budget plan -
types of project oriented evaluation forms are ners, the main reasons for mistaken estimates of pro -
. presented by Kerzner [ 14 ]. .ject cost are insufficient data, vague defi ‫ ח‬ition of
4. Assigning Standards to the Chosen Criteria project objectives, and lack of experie ‫ ח‬ced person -
Standards are used to indicate the satisfactory level nel .
of performance, above which an incenti've is paid. An Another issue which. may complicate the standard
appropriate standard has to be higller than the pre - setting in a project environment is the frequent revi -
sent average performa ‫ ח‬ce, but still be attainable if it sions which may occur in design or scheduling, and
is to encourage continuous improvement. Also. there result in different time and cost structures. Standards
must be simple and logical techniques by which stan - have to be revised accordingly, and it becomes dif -
dards can be revised . ficult to evaluate the performance to date on the
~ ossible techniques for assigning standards to PCs basis of the previousiy valid standards. As standa ‫ 'ז‬ds
include : for the output oriented PCs tended to be dynamic ,
• Work measurement techniques: nlethods such as and therefore harder to deal with, they should be
time study, predetermined time standards, and supported by process oriented PCs which tlse
work sampling (See Mundel [17). These techni - behavioral attributes. The standards for the
ques are used for determining standards for oniy behavioral attributes may be based either ‫ חס‬the
one PC, mainly efficiency as expressed by the average of all the employees, or on the previous per -
ratio of assigned time to actual time . formance of the evaluated employee .
• Analysis 0/ past organizational per/ormance : 5. Formulating the Incentive EQuation
data for each PC may show deviations of the The incentive, which is the value added to the base
value of the PC. and a!so trends that can be salary. is a fu ‫ח‬ction of the value of all the PCs and
depicted by a learning curve. Based ‫ חס‬this their assig ‫ ח‬ed sta ‫ ח‬dards. A very importa ‫ ח‬t part of ip -
analysis a relevant standard may be assigned . centive scheme design is the formulation of the equ ~-
• Manageme ‫ ח‬t by objectives approach: assignment tion used to calculate the incentive. Some examples
of standards or objectives is based on different of equations can be found in Globerson [1OJand Fein
considerations such as needs, abilities, and [6J .
availability of resources. The specified objectives The fo110wing is a simp1e example of an i ‫ח‬centive

‫חח‬ 'r -r , ,
‫ ן‬1II1e ‫חן‬ A I __ , ._" '''T" " 0 ••• , .~ ••.•••••
Page 231 December 1983

scheme based ‫ חס‬tW‫ ס‬PCs : PL1 at which there is maximum penalty (n ‫ס‬
b ‫ חס‬us paid)? This fU ‫ח‬cti ‫ חס‬may be a li ‫ח‬ear ‫ ס‬r
INC = (Eff - 1(0) R (1)
n ‫ ןחס‬inear fu ‫ח‬cti ‫ ס‬n .
where INC: percent ‫ ס‬f i‫ ח‬centive ‫ ס‬r the value added The example described ab ‫ ס‬ve is releva ‫ ח‬t t ‫ ס ס‬utput
t ‫ ס‬the base salary ‫ס‬rie ‫ח‬ted PCs. The next secti ‫ס‬n describes a case study
Eff: the efficie ‫ ח‬cy, which is Ihe rati ‫ ס ס‬f ‫ ס‬f a pr ‫ ס‬cess ‫ ס‬riented incentive scheme based ‫ ס‬n the
assig ‫ ח‬ed time ‫ סן‬actual time multiplied results ‫ ס‬f empl ‫ס‬yees' evaluati ‫ס‬n. A complete descrip -
by 100 ti ‫ ס‬n ‫ ס‬f the study may be f ‫ ס‬und in Shapira and
GI ‫ ס‬bers ‫ ס‬n [22 ].
R: the resp ‫ חס‬se time fact ‫ ס‬r expressed as a
fu ‫ ח‬ctio ‫ ס ח‬f the pr ‫ס‬jecI le ‫ ח‬gth. A possi -
ble· functio ‫ ח‬is described i ‫ ח‬f"igure 1 The Case Study
This secti ‫ ס‬f ‫ נ‬describes an existing individuaJ illcen -
Figure 1 tive scheme, which is used by a project oriented
Resp ‫ חס‬se Time Factor R as a FU ‫ח‬cti ‫ חס‬of Pr ‫ס‬ject research a ‫ח‬d devel ‫ ס‬pme ‫ ח‬t ‫ ס‬rga ‫ ח‬izati ‫ חס‬which
l,e ‫ח‬gth (nlo ‫ ח‬ths ) devel ‫ ס‬ps eJectr ‫ ס‬mecha ‫ ח‬ical pr ‫ ס‬ducts. The ‫ ס‬rganiza "
ti ‫ ס‬n employs about 500 pers ‫ חס‬s, includi ‫ח‬g scie ‫ ח‬tists ,
1.5 e ‫ ח‬gineers, technicians, a ‫ ח‬d administrative staff. The
incentive scheme is based ‫ ס‬n the results of empJ ‫ ס‬yees '
1.0+- __ ••... evaluati ‫ ס‬n with. regard ‫ סן‬ch ‫ ס‬sen behavi ‫ ס‬ral at -
Iributes. The scheme includes tW‫ ס‬subschemes , ‫ ס‬ne
for empJ ‫ס‬yees and one f ‫ ס‬r managers, with a c ‫ס‬mm ‫ ס‬n
0.5 part. Only the employees' subscheme is rcported in
PL this sectio ‫ח‬. A f ‫ס‬rm (See Figure 2) is used f‫ ס‬r
0.0 •.•.••
--r--r----r --‫ד‬--- -y- ---"'‫ל‬--~ d ‫ס‬cumenting Ihe evaluati ‫ס‬n results .
2 3 4 5 6 Group 1 01 PC. There are five general weighted
perf ‫ ס‬rma ‫ח‬ce criteria (weight is given in brackets ):
T ‫ ס‬ge ‫ח‬erate the resp ‫ ס‬nse time factor fU ‫ ח‬cti ‫חס‬,
1. Discipline at w ‫ס‬rk ( 15)
ma ‫ח‬age ‫ ז‬ne ‫ ח‬t has to a ‫ ח‬swer the foll ‫ ס‬wi ‫ח‬g questio ‫ ח‬s :
2. Pr ‫ ס‬fessi ‫ חס‬al knowledge relevant t ‫ ס‬the last
• What is the critical project le ‫ ח‬gth (PL ‫ )ן‬ab ‫ ס‬ve peri ‫ ס‬d' s projects ( 30 )
which the ince ‫ ח‬tive achieved by the efficie ‫ ח‬cy 3. Human relations ( 15)
fact ‫ ס‬r has t ‫ ס‬be reduced? F ‫ ס‬r example, let us 4. Production and quality of perf ‫ ס‬rmance (20 )
assume that Eff = 120. The b ‫ ס‬nus, based ‫ ןחס‬y 5. Dedicati ‫ חס‬at work and resp ‫ ס‬nsibility ( 20 )
‫ חס‬efficiency, is 120 - 100 = 20070. 1f ‫ןח‬a ‫ח‬age -
me ‫ ח‬t decided that PL ‫ = ן‬1.0, and the actual pro - A relative weight is assigned ‫ סן‬each criteri ‫ ס‬n s ‫ס‬
ject le ‫ח‬gth was ‫סן‬nger tha ‫ ח‬1.0 m ‫ חס‬th, Ihe bO ‫ ח‬LIS that the t ‫ ס‬taJ \veight equals 100. The weights ‫ 'ןס‬the
paid w ‫ ס‬uld be less tha ‫ ח‬20 o o • criteria were assig ‫ ח‬ed by a management c ‫ס‬mmittee ,
a ‫ח‬d the results \vere appr ‫ס‬ved by the empJ ‫ ס‬yees .
• Is ma ‫ ח‬ageme ‫ ןח‬willing (0 pay more f ‫ ס‬r faster
Assig ‫ ח‬me ‫ ח‬t ‫ ס‬f weights t ‫ ס‬the criteria was based ‫חס‬
c ‫ ס‬mpleti ‫ חס‬tha ‫ ח‬PL ‫ חן ?ן‬this example, ma ‫ח‬age -
relative imp ‫ ס‬rta ‫ח‬ce a ‫ח‬d the p ‫ ס‬te ‫ ח‬tial impact that
me ‫ח‬t decided l‫ סן‬t ‫ סן‬pay a ‫ ח‬additi ‫ חס‬al b ‫ חס‬us f ‫ ס‬r
they ‫ןח‬ay have ‫ ס‬n the success ‫ ס‬f performi ‫ח‬g the j ‫ ס‬b
c ‫ס‬mpleting the pr ‫ס‬ject bef ‫ ס‬re PL ,.
under evaluation .
• Whal is the crilical project Iength (PL,) after Each criterion c ‫ ס‬nsists ‫ ס‬f 4 subcriteria (As can be
which a b ‫ס‬nus will n ‫ ס‬t be paid despite high effi - see ‫ ח‬in Figure 2). A 7-p ‫ ס‬i ‫ ח‬t scale f ‫ ס‬r each sub -
ciency? In this example, if PL, = 6.0 m ‫ס‬nths criteri ‫ ס‬n is used f ‫ ס‬r evaluati ‫ ס‬n, where 4 is the ‫סן‬west
a ‫ח‬d the actual le ‫ח‬gth is 7.5 , ‫ סח‬thi ‫ח‬g w ‫ ס‬uld be grade and 10 is the highest. The meani ‫ח‬g ‫ ס‬f each
paid eve ‫ ח‬though a 20070 bo ‫ ח‬us would be i ‫ח‬- grade is defi ‫ ח‬ed i ‫ ח‬Figure 2. The grade is assig ‫ח‬ed by
dicated based ‫ חס‬efficie ‫ח‬cy al ‫ חס‬e . the ma ‫ ח‬ager ‫ ס‬f the evaluated pers ‫חס‬.
• What reducti ‫ חס‬fU ‫ח‬cti ‫ ס‬n sh ‫ ס‬uld be used bctwee ‫ח‬ The f ‫ ןס‬l‫ ס‬wi ‫ח‬g equati ‫ חס‬is used f ‫ ס‬r calculati ‫ח‬g the
Ihe p ‫ ס‬i ‫ח‬t PL, at which there is ‫ סח‬penalty, a ‫ח‬d Gr ‫ ס‬up 1 efficie ‫ח‬cy fact ‫ ס‬r f ‫ ס‬r each empl ‫ ס‬yee k :


l)ccel ‫ ןך‬bcr 1983 Page 232

5 4 For example, the nUlnerical value of Ihe efficiency

E E factor of equatio ‫ ( ח‬2), whe ‫ ח‬o ‫ ח‬e uses the values cir -
G I EFF(k ) ~~‫_נ‬j = ~~~~ i, j) W(i ). (2) cled ill Figure 2, is :
4 {)
where I
GIEFI;(k) = --- [(9+ R + 1() + 7)\ 15 +
i: criterion number 4()
j: 5ubcriterio ‫ ח‬11un1ber (7 + 6 + 5 + 9) x 30 +
PC(k, i, j): grade of e ‫ז‬np]oyee k 011 5ubcriterion j (8 + 9 + 6 + 6) x 15 +
\ vithi ‫ז‬1 crtieriorl i (6 +,6 + 9 + 7) x 20 +
W(i): relalive \veight 01' cri ‫ ז‬erio ‫ ח‬i (Wi = 1(0 ) (5 + 9 + 9 + 7) x 20] = 72.875
Sincc each crilerion Inay obtai ‫ רז‬a J ‫וו‬3ximum grade of
40 points (4 sllbcriteria wi!h a ‫ ךךן‬aximL ‫ נ‬m of 10 points GIEFF = 72.8 5
each), the value of the denomirlator is 40. Thl ‫ נ‬S ,
G 1EFF(k) \vill be \vitl ‫ ו‬iI‫ ן‬t !‫ ו‬e range ( Note that tlle va!Lles ci ‫ז‬- c !‫ז‬:d r"erlrescI ‫ ך‬t I!IC rerf"c)r -
o (. GIEFF ( 100 manc'e of a specif'ic ‫ ןןז‬p!oyec .)

Figure 2
Eva]uation Form
Group 1 of Performa ‫ ח‬ce Criteria (for emp]oyees and managers )

1. Discipline
At Work
to work ‫ חס‬time .
all the time .
< 9Q) ‫ד‬ 8 7 6 5 4
6 5 4
c. Doesn't ]eave before time . @ 987654 3
d. Works according 10 regulations . 10 9 (2)6 5 4 3
2. Professional Knowledg :
a. Able to apply krlow]edge as expected in 10 9 (j)6 5 4 3
view of salary and professional standing .
b_ Able 10 solvc problems under constraints . 1098 7 @5 4 3
c. -Capable of solviIlg u ‫ ח‬expected problems . 10 9 8 7 (D4 3
d. Does ‫סח‬t repeal rnistakes . 1«V8 7 6 5 4 3
3. Human Relatio ‫ח‬s
a. We]1 integrated in the group's activities . 10 ~‫ד‬ 6 5 4 3
b. Contributes 10 advance group tasks . ‫ג‬ c(V8
7 6 5 4 3
c. Has good relatio ‫ ח‬s wilh co-workers . iO 9 8 7(6)5 4 3
d. Ready 10 do any lask . 10 9 8 7~ 5 4 3
4. Production And Quality Of Performance
a. High productive employee . 10 9 8 ‫~ך‬ 5 4 3
b. Output is of high quality 10 9 8 7i 6 5 4 3
c. Inlerested in improving processes a ‫ח‬d 1(V8 ‫ך‬ 5 4 3
work methods .
d. Plans his activities properly . 10 9 (2)6 5 4 3
5. Dedication And Responsibility
a. Prepared to carry-out complicated tasks . 10 9 8 ‫( ד‬V4 3
b. Dedicated 10 his job . 1~ 8 ‫ד‬ 6 5 4 3
c. Very responsible . 198 7 654 3
d. Mai ‫ ח‬tains equipment and material properly . 10 (2)6 5 4 3

( Conti ‫ ח‬ued ‫ חס‬next page )


Page 233 December 1983

( Figure 2, continued )
Group 2 of Performal ‫ו‬ce Criteria (only for managers )

1. We!l-organized . 10 (8h 6 5 4 3
2. Decides intelligently and deliberately . 10 9 ‫י‬ 6 5 4 3
3. Defines objecti'/es and motivates to achieve 1098 i~)5 4 3
them .
4. Plans tasks properly, and according to 10 9 (2)6 5 4 3
management priorities .
5. Known as a "good example" to subordinates .
6. Ascertains that tl1ings are done proper!y .
7. Contributes to creative and good at ‫ ןח‬osphere .
8. Ascertains that employees do what they are
10 9
10 9
10 9(!j
8 7 (D4
5 4
7 6 5 4
6 5 4
supposed to do .
9. Ascertains that materials, equipment, and 1c(?)8 7 6 5 4 3
machines are ‫ן‬.Jsed properly .
] 0. Passes reliable informat !‫ ס‬n ‫ חס‬ti n e . @ 987654 3
~-------------------------- r------------- ~ ------------------J- -----‫ר‬
Grade Scale Employee's Load Level
10 excelle ‫ ח‬t load level load factor
9 very good ‫ח‬O load 1.00
8 good slight load 1.05
7 above average moderate load 1.10
6 average extreme load 1.20
5 below average
.4 bad
3 ‫ ח‬ot relevant

Main Subject/Project this employee has dealt with this month:


Name ("irst, last) Number Signature Date

The evaluated

The evaltJator

Employee's Incenfive Scheme. The following are the EFF(k) = G I EFF(k) x LF(k) (3)
steps in calculating the emp!oyee's incentive: Continuil ‫ו‬g the previous numerical example, in
a. Caiculate G 1 EFF(k) for employee k by using which G 1EFF = 72.875, if the employee load factor
equation (2). is LF = 1.1, then
b. Evaluate the emp!oyee's work load and assign a
EFF(k) = 72.875 x 1.1 = 80.1625 .
load factor (LF); See Figure 2.
c. Calculate the efficiency of employee k, EFF(k), d. Calculate the bonus, BONUS (k), ,'or employee
by using the following equation: k by using the following formula :


Decelnbcr 1983
1 • G ‫י‬rNi‫ס‬ m
Page 234

BONUS (k) CAKE EFF(k); (4) seri ‫ ס‬usly prese ‫ ח‬ted a ‫ ח‬d impleme ‫ ח‬ted, rather tha ‫ח‬
M w ‫ ס‬rk with ‫ ס‬ut such a scheme. Pr ‫ ס‬vided there is any
. 'E EFF(i); kind of periodic evaluation procedure in the
1= 1
organization, an incentive scheme can be tied to it .
where, C ‫ חחס‬ecting the incentive scheme t ‫ ס‬the evaluati ‫ ס‬n
M: number ‫ ר!ס‬employees irl that department procedure assures, among other things, that the
CAKE: the amount of money assigned for evaiuati ‫ חס‬will be taken seriously by both empl ‫ ס‬yees
b ‫ חס‬uses i ‫ ח‬that department and managers with a]] the consequences attached 10
In order 10 find the emp!oyee's bO‫ ז‬1US, tl ‫ו‬e EFF(i) for it, such as specific feedback t ‫ ס‬the employee concel'n -
a!l the ernployees in that depaI·tmc11t has to be ing potential areas fOfr in1provement .
calculated, a ‫ ח‬d the amount of the "CAKE" to be Finallv a seri ‫ ס‬us rawback is the difficulty that
divided among a]1 the en ‫ ר‬ployees has to be deter - the comp ~ n.y faces if it wants ,to ~va.luate the impact
mir ‫ו‬ed. For example, if C.A.KE = $15,000 and there ‫ ס‬f intr ‫ ס‬duclng trle sc eme. It IS dlfflcu!t t ‫ ס‬compare
are 6 employees i‫ ח‬tlle (iepal'tme ‫ ח‬t with EFF'(i) as t!le "before" and 'Iaft( ~r," because the comp!ete
fol!ows , I1ature of the \vork cl1a ‫ ח‬ges cO!‫ ו‬ti ‫ ח‬uously .
EFF(J) = 115 EFF'(2) = 120 EFF ( 3 ) = 80
EFF (4) = 60 EFF(5) = 95 EF'F (6 ) = 110
then the bOn\lS for employee 3 is : Conclusions
Wage incentive schemes can be applied to
BONUS (3) = 15000 ‫ ס‬rga ‫ ח‬izations deaJing with n ‫ ס‬nrepetitive activities
s ‫ז‬Jch as projects, but it remains difficult to evaluate
Jl5 + 120 + 80 + 60 + 95 + 110 tl‫ ך‬e impact of such a scheme ‫ס‬n perf ‫ס‬rmance. This is
especially true if the PCs are derived only from the
x 80 = 2068 pr ‫ ס‬cess ‫ ס‬riented appr ‫ ס‬ach. Further research is need -
ed in the area of investigating the relationship be -
After using the incentive scheme for two years, the tween behavioral patterns of empl ‫ ס‬yees i‫ ח‬v ‫ןס‬ved i‫ ח‬a
c ‫ ס‬mpany decided to evaluate the in ‫ו‬pact ‫ס‬n its project environment, and the level of perforn1ance
employees and managers. The f'ollowing concltlsions e)(pressed in input-output terms. Questi ‫ס‬ns such as ,
were derived from questi ‫ס‬nnaires t }‫ך‬,:! the par - " Is there a significant correlati ‫ ס‬n between 'positive '
ticipants were !'equestedto complete , changes in behavi ‫ ס‬ral attributes and successful c ‫ ס‬m -
1. Participants believe that the scl ‫ו‬eme increases pletion of the pr ‫ס‬ject?" have t ‫ ס‬be answered before
the manager's power significant!y , ma ‫ ח‬agcrs can be convinccd that the efforts are
2, Althougll a majority of botr ‫ ו‬e ‫ ןןז‬ployecs ancl jLlstified. lnspite of the lack of evide ‫ ת‬ce regar'di ‫ ת‬g
managej's are in favor o!' cl‫ ר‬ntinuing the scheme , the am ‫ס‬u ‫ ח‬t of impr ‫ס‬vement that a company can look
tlle managers' view is more favorab!e than the forward to after introducing an incentive scheme, it
employees'. A possible expla ‫ ח‬ation is that the is obvi ‫ס‬us that such a scheme increases the n1‫ס‬tiva -
incentive scheme benefits marlagers m ‫ ס‬re tha ‫ח‬ tion of the employee to use a gl'eater part of his
employees; managers and en ‫ו‬p!oyees both get p ‫ ס‬tential f ‫ ס‬r the c ‫ ס‬mpany's needs. C ‫ ס‬nsequently, a
bonuses, but managers also have power since conlpany may find that the benefits reaped by in -
they decide ‫ ס‬n the reward level . tr ‫ ס‬ducinga wage incentive sclleme far outweig!1 any
3. The eva!,uation form is c ‫ ס‬n.sidered ‫ סן‬be a increases incurred in salary C ‫ס‬sts .
reliable source of information and it re ‫ ח‬ects ac -
tual achie\'ement.s .
To conclude the case study it may be stated that it References
is possible t ‫ ס‬develop a!l incentive scheme even for 1. Baker, B., & Fisher, D., Cost Growth: Ca ‫ז‬1 It Be
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Management, Journal 01 Systems Management , criteria systems and bo ‫ ח‬us schemes for project
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Thank You
1 would like ‫ סן‬Ihank the following individuals for Iheir assista ‫ ח‬ce and response (‫ ס‬my re -
quests (June and September PMQs) for back issues of the Project Mangell1e‫ז‬/ t Quarferly :
Des CO ‫ס‬k
R.H. Gerstenberger
Char)ey Lopinsk )'
Thr ‫ ס‬ugh their efforts and others identified previ ‫ ס‬usly, a c ‫ ס‬mplete set ‫ ס‬f ‫ ס‬riginal PMQs has

bee ‫ ח‬devel ‫ ס‬ped .

Terry L. Kinnear
.Edit ‫ס‬r

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