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oral medicine

School of Dentistry
University of Minnesota
515 S.E. Delaware St.
Minneapolis, Minn. 55455

Toluidine blue staining in the detection of

oral precancerous and malignant lesions
S. Silverman, Jr., M.A., D.D.S.,* C. Migliorati, D.D.S.,** and J. Barbosa, D.D.S.,***
San Francisco, Calif


One hundred thirty-two consecutive patients suspected of having malignant or precancerous oral lesions
were studied by comparing toluidine blue dye uptake clinically with a simultaneous biopsy. The
histopathologic diagnosis confirmed 57 squamous carcinomas, 42 epithelial dysplasias, and 33 benign
mucosal changes. Overall accuracy of the toluidine blue uptake was 91%. In the dysplastic and
malignant lesions the false negatives were 2%, and there were 30% false positives in the benign
lesions. It was concluded that toluidine blue staining is a useful adjunct to careful examination,
clinical judgment, and biopsy. (ORAL SWIG. 57:379-382, 1984.)

C linical identification of epithelial dysplasia and The purpose of this study was to assess the
early squamous carcinoma is often difficult because usefulness of toluidine blue stain in a series of
of the varied appearances which may confuse them patients with oral lesions suspectedof being precan-
with a number of similar-appearing benign lesions. cerous or malignant by comparing clinical impres-
In addition, biopsies are frequently delayed because sions, microscopic diagnoses, and staining reac-
of this uncertainty and becauseof attempts at initial tions.
empirical remedies. It has been shown that vital
staining techniques often help in accelerating biop-
sies, diagnoses, and treatments.le4 Therefore, tech- The study group comprised 132 consecutive
niques adjunctive to clinical judgments and micro- patients seen in the oral medicine clinic who were
scopic diagnoses have contributed to oral cancer suspectedof having oral carcinomas or precancerous
control. (dysplastic) lesions. Each patient was given a com-
Toluidine blue is a metachromatic dye of the plete examination, and a differential diagnosis was
thiazine group that has been used effectively as a formed. A biopsy was planned, since neoplastic
nuclear stain because of its binding with DNA. In changes were included in the differential diagnoses.
vivo it has been associatedwith the early recognition For staining, a 1% aqueous toluidine blue dye was
of asymptomatic oral squamous carcinomas.5-9How- applied for approximately 30 seconds,followed by a
ever, questions have arisen relative to its accuracy tap water rinse, and then lightly blotted with 1%
and thus its clinical usefulness.‘o acetic acid. Both solutions were applied with cotton-
tipped applicators. Any dye uptake was recorded by
*Professor of Oral Medicine. photographs. If there was dye uptake, the biopsy
**Postdoctoral Scholar, Oral Medicine. specimen was taken from that area; otherwise, clini-
***Visiting Professor of Oral Medicine. cal judgment guided the biopsy site. The biopsy
380 Silverman, Migliorati, and Barbosa Oral Surg.
April. 1984

Fig. 1. A, This 43-year-old man had an “irritation” of the mouth floor for several months. Note the mild
keratotic change, which was soft to palpation and nonulcerated (arrow). B, Application of 1% aqueous
toluidine blue dye. C, Note the residual area of tissue affinity for the dye after decolorization with 1% acetic
acid. D, A biopsy specimen from the dye-positive area revealed squamous carcinoma

Table 1. Toulidine blue efficacy comparing staining Table II. Clinical findings, microscopic diagnoses,
reaction and microscopic diagnosis and toluidine blue staining in thirty-three benign
Principal blue uptake
Benign 33 (25%) 10 (30%) 30% false positive clinical (‘alse
Dysplasia 42 (32%) 42 (100%) None appearance Microscopic diagnosis positives)
Carcinoma 57 (43%) 55 (96%) 4% false negative
Total 132 91% 7% Keratosis 20 Hyperkeratosis 2 (10%)
Keratosis 1 Lichen planus 0
Keratosis and 2 Hyperkeratosis I (50%)
specimenswere fixed in 10% neutral buffered forma- Ulceration and 7 Nonspecific ulceration 6 (90%)
lin and sent to the oral pathology laboratory for erythema and inflammation
routine processing. Ulceration and -3 Erosive lichen planus 1 (33%)
RESULTS 33 10 (30%)

Table I compares the microscopic diagnosis with

toluidine blue uptake in the 132 patients. Reactivity
was accurate in 97 of 99 dysplastic and malignant DISCUSSloON
lesions and 23 of 33 benign lesion, for an overall The usefulnessand reliability of toluidine blue dye
efficacy of 91% (Figs. 1 and 2). The majority of binding in tissues that have undergone malignant or
errors involved false positives in the group of benign dysplastic changes have been demonstrated. The
lesions. Table II compares the microscopic diagnoses overall 91% accuracy of the toluidine blue technique
with clinical appearance and dye reactivity in the 33 supports its clinical usage to further confirm clinical
benign lesions. Areas clinically appearing as ulcer- impressions regarding tissues at risk of malignancy,
ation and erythema constituted 70% of the lesions as well as to help the clinician choose biopsy sites.
that involved false-positive dye uptake (Fig. 3). Since most, if not all, dysplastic and malignant tissue
Volume57 Toluidine blue staining of oral lesions 381

Fig. 2. A, This M-year-old woman had a 2-year history of mildly uncomfortable erythroleukoplakia (red
and white lesions) of the lateroventral tongue. B, Note the positive areaof irregular dye retention after the
application of 1% toluidine blue and decolorization with 1% acetic acid. C, A biopsy specimen from the
dye-retention area showed superficially invasive squamous carcinoma.

Fig. 3. A, This patient experienced severe pain associated with postradiation necrosis of the tongue. He
had been treated 1 year previously for a squamous carcinoma at this site with external radiation and an
interstitial radium needle implant. B, Two well-circumscribed false-positive areas of toluidine blue uptake
remained after dye application and decolorization. The patient has remained tumor free throughout a 2-year

present in the mucosal surface will stain blue, the dye have asymptomatic malignant lesions of the oral
uptake also assisted in evaluation by marking lesion cavity. ‘I Our experience has demonstrated that clini-
margins. In addition, toluidine blue binding in oral cal judgment based on careful oral examination is
epithelium did not interfere with histologic staining the most critical and important procedure, with
or interpretation. toluidine blue staining used as a support measure.
Alternatively, toluidine blue rinses have been rec- This study was not designed to determine the
ommended for screening high-risk patients who may accuracy of the toluidine blue technique as a general
382 Silverman, Migliorati, and Barbosa Oral Surg
April. 1983

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plasmic and nuclear borders but only in the outer- Dr. S. Silverman, Jr.
Department of Oral Medicine
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