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GT01303 – Computer Application for Business

GAP - ASSIGNMENT 3 Deadline: 12-Apr, 4 pm

Activity 1: Travel Booklet

1. A travel booklet is a small book consisting information about a country destination, a city
or a tourist attraction. It is meant to become a quick reference for the travelers and
visitors with tips, maps, places to stay and eat, and survival guides.
2. Create one 19-page travel booklet for a travel agent company.
3. You can choose a country such as Malaysia, South Africa or South Korea; a city such as
Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo or London; a region such as South East Asia countries, East
Europe or Caribbean; tourist attractions such as theme parks, beaches, islands or
national parks.
4. Your choice of place must be unique and must not be similar from the other groups.
Therefore, a Group Leader should notify me through messages about his or her group’s
proposal on travel booklet before proceed any further.
5. The recommended websites to learn about travel information are Lonely Planet,
TripAdvisor, and Travelocity. In addition, you can go to government tourism agency,
hotel and airlines websites. Blogs can also help. However, remember to record the
source of information for your bibliography.
6. Your travel booklet must consist 1 cover page, 1 automatic table of content page, 15
travel information pages, 1 bibliography, and 1 notes page, arranged in sequence. Refer
to my sample of handbook.
7. The cover page must contain the title of your travel booklet, fictional company logo
and/or slogan, your group name and date of publication (i.e. date of submission)
8. General document elements such as page layout, header, footer, an automatic table of
content, page numbers, tables, images, paragraph, styles, page layout, footnotes and
bibliography are expected to be used appropriately and correctly. The usage of images
and texts in your booklet should be balanced and well-explained. Overall, your travel
booklet should be designed to have a professional or a corporate look.
9. Specific document elements are as follows:
a. Page Setup: 1” Margin for all sides except Gutter is 0”, Landscape Orientation,
Bookfold Multiple Pages
b. An automatic table of contents
c. Heading 1, Heading 2 & Body Text Styles
d. Line spacing must be between 1.0 and 1.5
e. Paragraph spacing for paragraph texts must not exceed 12 Before and/or After
f. Font size for paragraph texts must be between 10 and 12
g. Font size for paragraph titles or headings must be between 12 and 14
h. Bibliography must be generated from Microsoft Word
10. Save your travel booklet as ‘travel-booklet-group-30.docx’ (change the underlined with
your group number). Submit it to Google Drive, share the link to public and then shorten
the link using Google URL Shortener. Later, submit the link to before the
deadline. Refer to the previous Assignment 2 for instruction details.
11. Install a PDF creator such as CutePDF into your computer. Print to PDF and save your
travel booklet docx file as ‘travel-booklet-group-30.pdf’ (change the underlined with your
group name). Submit it to Google Drive, share the link to public and then shorten the link
using Google URL Shortener. Later, submit the link to before the
deadline. Refer to the previous Assignment 2 for instruction details.
GT01303 – Computer Application for Business
GAP - ASSIGNMENT 3 Deadline: 12-Apr, 4 pm
12. Print your travel booklet pdf file on both sides of a paper. Fold and bind all printed pages
with staples. Submit it by hand to me during class on Wednesday, 12-Apr.

Activity 2: GAP Feedback

1. The Group Leader is responsible to submit a GAP Feedback using the message system
to the lecturer.
2. The feedback should consist the roles of all group members and their responsibilities
pertaining to each assessment; assignment, tutorial exercise and class participation, and
overall feedback.
3. Example of GAP Feedback (from the previous Assignment 2):

##Group 10
##GAP Deadline: 22-Mar-2017, 4 pm
>>Group Leader (Boboiboy): delegates tasks, reminds deadlines, answers
Tutorial Exercise 2, submits GAP Feedback.
>>Secretary (Gopal): reminds deadlines, helps the Group Leader to answer
Tutorial Exercise 2, complete Class Participation Report 2
>>Researcher 1 (Ying): finds info for Infographic #1 – online banking
>>Researcher 2 (Yaya): finds info for Infographic #2 – computer hardware
>>Researcher 3 (Tok Aba): finds info for Infographic #3 – hackers
>>Reporter 1 (Fang): designs infographic #1 – online banking
>>Reporter 2 (Adudu): designs infographic #2 – computer hardware
>>Reporter 3 (Probe): designs infographic #3 – hackers
>>Runner 1 (Ochobot): submits infographics online, helps the researchers
>>Runner 2: (Papa Zola): submits tutorial exercise and class participation report
to the lecturer, helps the Group Leader to answer Tutorial Exercise 2.
*Overall feedback:
*All group members participated well in all activities. Only one group member,
Researcher 3 (Tok Aba) was not around for a few days due to high fever and he
needed to rest. However, she managed to complete her tasks with the help of
Runner 1 (Ochobot). Finally, we have agreed that the marks for this GAP should
be given equally to all members.
GT01303 – Computer Application for Business
GAP - ASSIGNMENT 3 Deadline: 12-Apr, 4 pm

Grading Criteria

 Fail (0 mark) - No submission of assignment. Less than 50% of the assignment

requirements are met. Knowledge of the topic is not shown. Late submission 24 hours
after the deadline.
 Pass (5 marks) - Between 50% but less than 70% of the assignment requirements are
met. Knowledge of the topic is understood but at a minimum level of competency. Major
errors are found. Late submission within 24 hours after the deadline.
 Merit (7 marks) - Between 70% but less than 90% of the assignment requirements are
met. Knowledge of the topics is well delivered. Some minor errors are found.
 Distinction (10 marks) - More than 90% of the assignment requirements are met.
Knowledge of the topic is effectively delivered.

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