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Student Nurses' Association of India of The Trained Nurses’ Association of India Incorporating Student Nurses Association, The Health Visitors League and Midwives & Auxiliary Nurse - Midwives Association L17, Florence Nightingale Lane, Green Park (Main), Now Deth- 170016 “Tel: 91-11-26566665, 26966873, 26534765, Telefax: 91-11-26858306 mal a@nainine org tol 2003yohoteom, Webste *werinaonn og APPLICATION FORM FOR ESTABLISHING SNA/TNAI MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION [Student Code: | we wi spn lc CAPTAL LETTERS xy wth oe loterin ora oe ° Each wor shoud be speaed by one Bark box ot ot ate eee aes ome ow Fervor ee sient Sigutee Name & Adress of fstution Name & Adéress of Student | iti iy State PINCODE (Compulsory) | emai Phone No. Name ofthe Programme Se. (Nog VGNM /ANM MPHW ) Name of Pineal | Name ofthe CounetBoars Sinatra FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Receipt No Date of Estabishing of Unt Amount Re a Lapse Dat: ote of Reminder: ‘SNA Badge/SNA Daly sent on: INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All Applications Farms ibe accepted only when ts recommended by the Director of Nursing Principal Principal Tuto Neo 2. vary students required to pay onetime paymentor Rs, 2000 athe ime of admission. This paymentis incusie of SNA Subscription fr 4 years, seholarshipfund and SNA te TNAI Membership. 3. Allratesaresubjecttoevsin emote timeby the TNAI Counc 4. The TNA membership cards wil be isued to you once a copy your Stale Nurses registration council cetiicale (RNRM) and a fete from the princpalotine respective Schoo /Callege of Nursingissubmteto TNA 5. Appllaton Form, completed in al respects, shouldbe sentio the Secretary General L-17, Florence Nightngale Lane, Green Park (Main), New Dalhi- 110016. long with membership fee though Demand Drain favourof Student Nurses Associaton "by 31st December.

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