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Assessment of the Financial Wellness

of Married Couples in San Jose, Batangas

Chapter I

Background of the Study

Till death do us part, well let’s hope that doesn’t turn into, till debt do us apart. In the
Philippines one of the top reasons for failed marriage is money. So married couples also need
to plan not only about building a family but also how to handle financially. Financial wellness
involves the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses. It is presumed
that financial wellness help more people find balance and control over their personal finances.

In this chapter an attempt is made to evaluate the ability of the respondents to manage
expenses and decision-making about finances. Financial wellness became more important to
implement especially to starting families. This is because in today’s economy, households are
faced with complex decisions about the rising prices of commodities along with the inflation rate.
This will include the risks of lacking of financial resources.

The researchers conducted this study to give the importance on the level of financial
wellness to married couples and how it affects the behaviours of the respondents and
its outcome. Result of the study will help the respondents gain knowledge about financial
wellness in order to know how to manage their wealth and the principles in making financial
decisions. It is not enough that people work and get paid. It is also important where to put their
money and let their money earn as well.
Statement of the Problem

The main purpose and concern of this study was to assess the financial wellness of
married couples in San Jose, Batangas.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

• Monthly Income;

• Occupation; and

• Marriage Duration?

2. How may the financial wellness of married couples be assessed with regards to the

• Objective Status;

• Financial Satisfaction;

• Financial Behavior; and

• Subjective Perception?

3.Is there a significant difference on the assessment of financial wellness of married couples
in Batangas City when grouped according to profile variable?

4. What guidelines can the researchers contribute to the married couples to further improve
their financial wellness?
Conceptual Framework

In the development of the project, the different concepts were considered. The
Researchers discussed were all related to the present study. The concepts played significant
roles toward the accomplishment of this study.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study.

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

Perception on the Report on the

A paradigm identifies a program’s input, its output, in the processing step required to
transform the input into the output. The Input Process Putput (IPO) model developed by Haris
and Taylor (1997) was used as a guide in general direction of the study.

The Input box contains Perception on the Assessment of the Financial Wellness

of Married Couples in San Jose, Batangas

In the Process box, the content of the input box is joined together and undergo process

The Output box is finally product of process, input which the report on the Assessment of
the Financial Wellness of Married Couples in San Jose, Batangas
Scope and Delimitations

Significance of the Study

Future Researchers- To use and depend on this study as reference.

Married Couples- Develop various approaches in financial wellness.

Present Researchers- Give a general overview on how to assess financial wellness.

Community of Batangas City- Become more aware in terms of financial wellness.

Definition of Terms

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