Dany S University Life: I Have Learned About Programation and New Programs That I Can Use in My Computer But I

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Dany´s University Life

This tetramestre I have learned new things in the differents subjects. Also I have met new
Friends and new teachers everything in this tetramestre it was so especial because I started
a new part of my life all about this is very interesting. The new teachers thouh to me many
things about my carrer and I have put them in practice. I have decided to make a great
effort in the next tetramestre I know that I can´t gave all my redemption in this time.

But in all my projects I have gave all my effort to did them and passed all my subjects in
the first part and never let any subject in final. All that I have knew I could do Works for
exapmle I have fixed some of the computers of my Friends while I have been win some of
money with all I have seen in clases.

In my free thime in this tetra I have met a wondeful woman she like me when I saw her in
the first time I decided to talked to her so she gave me the opotunity to met her better,
passed the time, She has decided to be my girfrind so now I´m in a relationship I think is
greate also I have spended the time with my new Friends in some parties.

Another thing important that this tetramestre I have learned chess and I have been
practiced with Alexis my classmate.

I have learned about programation and new programs that I can use in my computer but I
know that I hate one thing in this tetramestre and it was the projects´ week, is the worse
time in the tetarmestre because i didn´t have time to do others things In this time so the last
time in projects I haven´t passed time with my girlfriend for the gulty of the projects.

But I have learned one important thing the teachers are the best people in the univesrity
they can help to in every moment that you need them.

And the last thing that I can say the english subject was a challenge but if I put all my
interesting in this subject i can do anything during this class..

English has been the best subject in this tetramestre. Teacher If you are Reading this give
my 100 please

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