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Highways Engineering

Limit of Economic Haul (L.E.H.) = Free haul distance + Economic overhaul distance
=2+8=10 stations.
FHV1=5579.2 - 4650 =929.2 m3
FHV2=30.8 m3
Free haul volume=FHV1+FHV2=960 m3
OHV=4650 m3
Waste volume =1553.2 m3
Borrow volume=0 m3
Total cost of the earthworks:
=(cost of free haul*(FHV1+FHV2)) + (cost of waste*waste vol.)+ (cost of borrow *
borrow vol.) + (cost of free haul * OHV) + (cost of overhaul*OHV*(average hauling
=(70 * 960) + (50 * 1553.2) +0 + (70*4650) + (30 * 4650* (5.3 -2)) = 930710 ID

Example: Given the following areas of cut and fill, complete the earthwork
calculation using shrinkage factor of 10%, and draw the M.H.D. and the longitudinal
profile of the earthworks and find the following:

 Net cut and fill volumes at each station.

 Limit of Economic Haul (L.E.H.).
 Free haul volume (F.H.V.).
 Overhaul volume (O.H.V.).
 Borrow and waste volumes
 Total cost of the earthworks
If you know that:
 Cost of overhaul: 3000 ID/m3.station.
 Cost of free haul: 5000 ID/m3
 Cost of borrow: 15000 ID/m3
 Free haul distance (F.H.D): 300m
 Cost of waste =5000 ID/m3

Station 0 2 4 5 6 9 10 13 14 15
Area cut (m2) 0 0 0 0 12 16 10 6 0 0
Area Fill (m2) 10 13 16 8 0 0 0 0 12 18

Highways Engineering


Net volume
Area (m2) Volume (m3) Cumulative
Station volume
Cut Fill Cut Fill Cut Fill m3
0 0 10 0
0 2300 2530 2530
2 0 13 -2530
0 1900 3190 3190
4 0 16 -5720
0 1200 1320 1320
5 0 8 -7040
300 200 220 80
6 12 0 -6960
4200 0 0 4200
9 16 0 -2760
1300 0 0 1300
10 10 0 -1460
2400 0 0 2400
13 6 0 +940
150 300 330 180
14 0 12 +760
0 1500 1650 1650
15 0 18 -890
Economic overhaul distance = (cost of borrow/cost of overhaul)
= (15000/3000) = 5 stations
Limit of Economic Haul (L.E.H.) = Free haul distance + Economic overhaul distance
=3+5=8 stations.
FHV=FHV1+FHV2= 1400+940=2340 m3
OHV=3165 m3
Waste volume =2475 m3
Borrow volume=2475+890=3365m3
Total cost of the earthworks:
=(cost of free haul*(FHV1+FHV2)) + (cost of waste*waste vol.)+ (cost of borrow *
borrow vol.) + (cost of free haul * OHV) + (cost of overhaul*OHV*(average hauling
=(5000 * (1400+940)) + (5000 * 2475) + (15000*3365) + (5000*3165) + (3000 * 3165*
(5.1 -3)) = 110314500 ID

Highways Engineering


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-1000 Borrow=2475 Waste=2475
Cumulative volume


5.1m average hauling


-6000 FHV1=1400



Mass haul diagram


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