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Lesson PlanTemplate

Name: Sara Abdulla Grade Level: 4 Date: 4th November 2018

Subject: Science Number of Students: 24 MST: Larrell
Unit: Life Science
Chapter 5: The health of living things. / Lesson 1: Choosing Healthful Foods.
Learning outcome:
What is food?
What are healthful foods to eat?
How do you choose your healthy food?

OBJECTIVES: Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

By the end of the Lesson the Student will be able to:
1. Students will be able to identify the five groups of food which are grains, dairy, protein, fruits,
and vegetables.
2. Students will be able to create a balanced meal.

Teacher books NA

Student book(s) Integrated science page 152.

Worksheets/ papers Match food groups worksheets.

Teacher materials Smart whiteboard – PowerPoint – Pepsi bottles – Mentos – balloons -

Student Glue- colors- pencils- posters-pictures of food.
Technology PowerPoint application. –

- YouTube video:

other gifts

Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Nutrient Substance in foods that your body needs for
growth, repair, energy.
Proteins Nutrients needed to repair of body tissues and to
make up muscles.
Grains Food crops such as wheat, rice, or barley.

Dairy A type of food produced from or containing

the milk.

Balanced Diet Meals and snacks that provide the proper daily
amounts of food from each food group
Students’ Prior Knowledge (What do the students already know that enables them to
understand the lesson?
• Students understand that humans need food to survive.
• Students know there are different kinds of food.
• Students know that some foods are healthy, and the others food are unhealthy.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions (What are some problems that students will face
because it is assumed that they have the previous knowledge?
• Students may have difficulties to figure out what is healthy food and what is not.
• Students may face difficulty in explaining why food is important.

Solutions (How/ What can be done to resolve the problems/misconceptions?

 The teacher presents multiple examples of a balanced diet and why it is important to human

Lesson Schedule (DETAIL)

Targeted teacher language (What will the teacher say throughout the lesson?
What are the five groups of food?

Student language (What language will the students use throughout the lesson?
Students name the following groups: grains, dairy, protein, fruits and, vegetables.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

- The teacher started the lesson by a quick review for last lesson about the animal
- The teacher will start the lesson by asking the students some questions:
10 -
 What do humans need to survive?
 Why do we need food on a daily basis?
- Make the students raise their hand to answer
- Give the students a time to think and explain their answers.
- The teacher will open the PowerPoint on the name of the lesson with a picture.
then she will read the title.
- The teacher will ask the students do you have any idea about the lesson or what do
you think will be when seeing the picture.
- Give the students seconds to guess.
- The teacher will start the lesson by cartoon video related to senses to attract them.
- YouTube video:
- The teacher will show to the students a variety of pictures and asks students to
identify which is food and which is not food.
- The teacher asks the students what is their favorite food? Then she asks if it is a
healthy choice or not.
- The teacher presents pictures for different meals and asks students to think which
are healthy meals and which are not unhealthy meals. After students give their
predictions, the teacher shows the right answers and she starts explaining the new
concept “balanced diet”.

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures:

- The teacher will start the explain the PowerPoint.
- The teacher will ask the students how they can make their food healthy?
- When the students answer they have to explain their answer to know the teacher if
the students understand.
- The teacher shows the students the five group of foods which are grains, protein,
dairy, fruits, vegetables.
- The teacher will show to the student pictures related for each section of the 5 20-25
groups of food.
- The teacher gives the students the instructions for the activity where they work
groups in creating a healthy and balanced meal. And remind them about the gift
and told them there is a cobon for who finish the first and work quietly.
- The teacher will show them a model of her healthy and balanced meal.
- The activity will be group work each group will have a poster and the students they
have to draw and color the five group of foods which are grains, protein, dairy,
fruits, vegetables.
- The students will create their healthy and balanced meal.
- They can draw the food or glue the pictures and label the food.
- The teacher will walk around the groups to see how the students work.
- The first group will finish the first they will burst the balloon then that group will
present their poster in front of the class.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 10 Minutes

- The teacher gives the students a worksheet the students will do it an individual.
- the student will raise their hands when they finish it
- the teacher will walk around them to correct the worksheet.

if the lesson finish early and there is more time the teacher will do a quick experiment '
The teacher shows students two items (milk, Pepsi) and she asks them which one is
healthier and why?
give time to the students to think. The teacher explains for students today we are going
to conduct an experiment to observe why Pepsi is bad for the human body. Then the
teacher shows the essential materials for the experiment which are Mentos, Pepsi, and a
The teacher asks students to observe what will happen while she is doing the experiment.
The teacher puts Mentos inside the balloon then asks the students to imagine that balloon
is the human stomach, then she hangs the balloon in the top of the Pepsi bottle and asks
students to think what will happen.
The balloon will raise up because the Pepsi reacts with the Mentos and create gases
(carbon dioxide).

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