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CAED 500C : (7541)


I. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Inventory

a. Activity Sheet
b. Scoring Sheet
c. Essay: There is a growing conflict amongst the employees in the company you are
working in. Base on the result of your MBTI Inventory how will you attain coherence
within the group? Discuss comprehensively.

II: Multiple Intelligences Inventory

III: Interest Scale

a. Essay: Discuss comprehensively what influenced you to pursue the course you are
currently taking.

IV: Rosenberg’s Self – Esteem Scale

a. Activity Sheet
b. Reflection Paper: (Kindly give a reflection on this short story-min: 50 words)

A tired bird landed on a branch. The bird rested, enjoying the view from the branch
and the protection it offered from dangerous animals. Just as the bird became used
to the branch and the support and safety it offered, a strong wind started blowing,
and the tree swayed with such intensity that it seemed the branch would snap in half.

But the bird was not worried for it knew two important truths. The first truth – even
without the branch it was able to fly, and thus remain safe through the power of its
own two wings. The second truth – it also knew that there are many other branches
upon which it can temporarily rest.

V: Work Values

a. Essay: Most Filipino’s are family centered, what would you do if the company/
organization/ community you work for tells you that you will be assigned/ transferred
to a different job location which requires you to leave the city for a span of 3 years
straight in exchange of a big salary.

Submitted By:

Name: Francis Angelo L. Bete

Year & Course: 4th – BPE-SPE

Francis Angelo L. Bete CAED 500c

4th yr BPE-SPE 5:30-6:30(7541)


There is growing conflict among employees in the company you are workingin, as a
leader. what skill will you use in order to attain coherence within the group?

Ans: Conflict is a day by day event at work that can either impel or upset the force for
a pioneer, a group or the whole association. The work environment can turn into a
poisonous domain when pioneers enable clash to putrefy instead of stand up to it head-
on. Overseeing struggle can be a dubious thing – particularly when you are not
acquainted with the bigger biological system in which the specific individual or division
making the contention works, and how endeavors to determine strife will resound all
through that environment. The working environment is powered with such a significant
number of simultaneous motivation that no one can tell which ones might be influenced
when you settle struggle exclusively to profit and advance your own. As a leader must
be expected to neutralize or minimize conflict, not allow it to grow and run rampant.

Leaders must act capably to be regarded. Administration isn't a fame challenge; it is a

genuine obligation that fundamentally includes creating and controlling the maximum
capacity in individuals, groups and the association on the loose. A vital part during the
time spent creating potential is realizing how to see strife and when to grab the open
door inside the contention before solid strain transforms into excessively troublesome
Francis Angelo L. Bete CAED 500c

4th yr BPE-SPE 5:30-6:30(7541)

Interest Scale

Discuss comprehensively what influenced you to pursue the course you are currently
taking up

Why I Have Chosen the Teaching Profession When I think of becoming a teacher I
would like to imagine or hope that I would be “turning the key” for a student of mine to
become something great. I have been soul searching for many years now to have a
better understanding of what I am suppose to do in my life.

Each teacher gives his or her life to training for reasons as individual to them as some
other piece of their character. One reason for turning into an educator is to add to your
locale definitively. Instructing is a standout amongst the most immediate approaches to
have an effect, and on the off chance that you are driven by the craving to help people
around you, being an educator is an important contribution.PE Teachers can possibly
associate with understudies at all phases of advancement and from varying
backgrounds. An incredible educator needs to help understudies along this way and to
have an impact in forming the individual they will at last progress toward becoming.
Francis Angelo L. Bete CAED 500c

4th yr BPE-SPE 5:30-6:30(7541)

a. Reflection Paper

A tired bird landed on a branch. The bird rested, enjoying the view from the branch and the
protection it offered from dangerous animals. Just as the bird became used to the branch
and the support and safety it offered, a strong wind started blowing, and the tree swayed
with such intensity that it seemed the branch would snap in half.

But the bird was not worried for it knew two important truths. The first truth – even without the
branch it was able to fly, and thus remain safe through the power of its own two wings. The
second truth – it also knew that there are many other branches upon which it can temporarily

self confidence and a solid rule in oneself and the things that you can accomplish
is a solid characteristic that an individual can have. At the point when a man has
a decent character, they find that they can not just achieve their objectives yet
they can accomplish things far or more anything that they ever envisioned. At the
end of the day, in some cases a man, who has an abnormal state of self-
assurance, can find something inside themselves that they probably won't have
thought at any point existed. Self certainty is tied in with esteeming our identity
characteristically and not about outside activities directing how you feel about
and see yourself. Looking at, assessing and scrutinizing assaults our self worth,
what helps fabricate and find our natural worth is sympathy toward oneself
liberality, trustworthiness and testing our negative convictions. The present story
is an extraordinary case of this impact of fearlessness. force that it appeared the
branch would snap into equal parts. Be that as it may, the winged creature was
not stressed for it knew two noteworthy realities. The first truth– even without the
branch it could fly, and accordingly stay safe through the intensity of its own two
wings. The second truth – it additionally realized that there are numerous
different branches whereupon it can briefly rest. This little story reveals to us a
great deal about our very own fearlessness and mettle. We are prepared to do so
significantly more than we understand in regular day to day existence
Francis Angelo L. Bete CAED 500c

4th yr BPE-SPE 5:30-6:30(7541)

Work Values

Most Filipino’s are family centered, what would you do if the company/
organization/ community you work for tells you that you will be assigned/
transferred to a different job location which requires you to leave the city for a
span of 3 years straight in exchange of a big salary.

Ans: I choose Family. For me, money and family both are important but not
Family life is amazing. To live with other human beings but never feel like they
aren't a part of your heart.
Family goes through ups and downs together, laughs and cries together, eats
and sleeps together and live together. It is the utmost blessing a person can have
to have a loving and caring family.
Now money. Money can buy a house, food, clothes, car, jewellery, furniture and
all even few are important. It can make you happy and satisfied. Agreed.
So I feel like money is essential but not everything.
But Family -everything :)

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