Reflection Assignment

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Reflection Assignment: Which philosopher did you enjoy learning about the most?

As I look back on this class I think of all of the interesting things I learned about
philosophy and ethics. Some of these things we do as a society without even thinking about it. I
enjoyed learning about all of the philosophers in this class but Kant and Aristotle stick out the
most to me.

Immanuel Kant is a German philosopher (1724-1804) who is an ideologist in modern

philosophy. Kant’s theory of duty is deontology which is broken down into deon: duty, and
ology: logos, the study of. For Immanuel Kant, duty is resulting from the use of reason. Kant
produced the categorical imperative and the formulas that brand it’s meaning behind it. Kant’s
bases for his theories are duty and motives behind the action.

Immanuel Kant put together his works and formed the categorical imperative. The
Categorical Imperative is three formulas on the basis of actions on reason and not on human
nature. The Categorical Imperative consists of the Formula of Universal Law, the Formula of
Humanity, and Formula of Autonomy. The Formula of the Universal Law states, “Act in a way
that I couldn’t also will that the maxim on which I act should be a universal law” (Kant,
Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, 1784). The formula of humanity is a goal that
always ends in rational beings. This formula is to treat others as an end in itself and never as a
means. The Formula for Autonomy is the idea that society should follow the Categorical
Imperative because of their rational will without persuasiveness from others.

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher (384-322 B.C.) is also known and the father of sciences.
He has created many of the sciences that we know of today and while he walked on the Earth,
was always searching for knowledge. Knowing that a state of sedentary would make you become
stagnant, he Aristotle was always seeking answers by asking questions. “Education is an
ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity” (Aristotle).

Aristotle is a pioneer in the sciences, creating the works of logic, metaphysics, physics,
biology, botany, medicine, and many, many more fields of study that we know in today’s world.
Aristotle founded his own school in Athens called the Lyceum where he spent his life teaching,
studying, and writing. “Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach” (Aristotle).

Aristotle was a man who loved to be educated, who had a passion for learning, and saw
that the way to obtain the answers to questions was to seek answers by asking questions. As
Aristotle says in Nicomachean Ethics Book I “What is the best good achievable in action?”

Aristotle and Kant have very persuasive theories. Kant compels me with his theory of
what we know as the golden rule and Aristotle captivates me with his theories of character. Even
though both opinions and theologies have me gravitate towards their view, overall I would agree
more so with Aristotle’s views of a person’s character.

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