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SRK Consulting’s
International Newsletter
Focus on Water

Mine water supply in SA’s

Limpopo province
SRK and a joint-venture partner can be credited with helping to breathe new life into the mining of
platinum group metals, chrome and andalusite in South Africa’s Limpopo Province.

Historically development of these In 2000, SRK and Ninham Shand Project director Peter Labrum comments:
resources in the area north-west of were appointed to carry out an “The total project cost was R230 million,
Burgersfort has been only partially initial feasibility study, followed by a which was within 0.5% of budget. The
possible due to the lack of water. comprehensive appointment to complete mines’ requirements necessitated a very
an environmental scoping report as tight project schedule. Construction
In response to mining requirements, the
well as detailed designs and contract commenced in April 2001 and water was
SA Department of Water Affairs & Forestry
management. The project entailed the available for delivery to the mines almost
(DWAF) set up a steering committee to
supply of 84 Ml of raw water per day from exactly a year later.”
co-ordinate the planning of water supplies
the Olifants River.
to a number of mines in the region. In a subsequent phase, DWAF will be
SRK was responsible for the responsible for the distribution of a portion
The committee subsequently evolved
environmental and geotechnical aspects of the water to nearby communities for
to become the Lebalelo Water User
of the project, as well as the pipeline domestic use.
Association (LWUA), comprising six mining
design, desilting works, pump stations,
houses and the local communities. Peter Labrum:
housing services and earth dams.

John Harman Water to the power industry
now heads water
group in Chile

John Harman

J ohn Harman joined SRK early in 2001

and now heads up the Water Group in A pressure transducer allows flow rate to be continuously monitored and recorded
the Chile office following the return of Lyle
Davis to SRK Tucson.

John has over 25 years of experience in a

broad range of groundwater and surface
Electrical power demands Typically, wells were drilled
in the southwestern United using air, air-foam, or
water engineering, and for the past 15
States have increased as the conventional mud rotary
years has been involved predominantly in
population has grown. To meet methods. The drilling method
projects for the mining industry.
the demand, utility companies Paul and Larry selected
John moved to South America after are constructing a number of for the new wells used
working for many years in Australia on gas-fired generating plants dual-tube, flooded reverse
mining and water resource projects and but dependable, cost-efficient circulation drilling technology.
has also worked extensively throughout supplies of cooling water are a
Where conventional rotary
the Far East and Africa. critical concern for developing
drilling pushes cuttings to
plants in this arid region. That’s
In the time that John has spent in South the surface with a heavy,
where SRK’s Paul Hackenberry Larry Cope
America he has been involved with viscous drilling mud, this
and Larry Cope came in.
development of key areas of SRK activity method uses airlift to
such as ARD studies and other mine Paul and Larry evaluated the potential for circulate drilling fluids and lift drill cuttings.
closure issues, waste rock and tailings groundwater development, then designed The reverse circulation method also
operations, mining environmental studies and installed large capacity groundwater lessens or eliminates the need for the
and groundwater supply schemes. He supply wells for the Nevada Power bentonite additives that can diminish
has worked for some of the key new Company and Pinnacle West Energy near well yield. SRK designed and oversaw
mining developments in Chile and Peru, Las Vegas. The first phase of the project the installation of the wells. They were a
as well as for other types of industry. involved researching records for existing success, demonstrating higher production
wells in the region and reviewing well- capacities than wells previously installed in
John Harman: drilling and construction techniques. the immediate area.

Larry Cope:, Paul Hackenberry:

Water supplies for mining in Saudi Arabia

B ased on many years’ experience there are very few true wadis, so we and there is no recharge, meaning that
evaluating groundwater supplies for various are carrying out an air-photo, satellite groundwater will have to be “mined” from
mining prospects and projects in the imagery and geophysical survey of storage. The aquifer is already over-
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, SRK recently target sites over an initial radius of exploited in parts, and in need of overall
embarked on two significant assessment 25 km from the proposed mine site. We management to sustain supplies in the
projects – one in the Arabian shield rocks, have planned 20 exploration holes and future.
the other in sedimentary rocks. hope that some produce water.”
The first stages of the project include a
The first requires a supply of The second project has a projected detailed conceptual model, preliminary
2,000 m3/day, though borehole yields water demand of 30,000 m3/day, and aquifer model and drilling test production
are dependent on significant structure will involve the exploitation of major and observation holes, scheduled for
with some recharge from alluvial sandstone basin aquifers at depths of completion in May 2003.
sediments in dry river beds (wadis). 700 and 1,500 m. Potential borehole
Richard Connelly:
yields are 40 l/s.
“The wadi sediment is recharged
periodically and sustains the fractured Beyond the numbers lie significant real-
cropped version
zone aquifer,” says SRK’s Richard world challenges. The site is near the
of site plan
Connelly. “In the area in question international borders
to come
of Iraq and Jordan,

The surface is desert but at 700 m there is abundant water

Richard Connelly

Quebrada Seca tailings impoundment design

Rio Manque at the Quebrada Seca tailings dam site

N ew tailings disposal facilities for the “Both rivers are tributaries of the Rio floods with return periods of more than
Minera Los Pelambres copper mine in Choapa, a major watershed in central about 100 years.
Chile were designed by a consortium Chile with significant agricultural
“As a result, a combination of
consisting of SRK and CADE-IDEPE of activity. As a result, relatively extensive
theoretical and statistical methods were
Santiago, Chile. precipitation and runoff records are
used to predict discharge hydrographs
SRK’s primary responsibility was the design for 500-year, 1000-year and 5000-
of the tailings dam, including hydrologic “The climate of the area is fairly dry year floods as well as the Probable
analyses related to the design of diversion but both precipitation and runoff data Maximum Flood.
facilities to route floods around the dam. periodically demonstrate wetter than
“These inputs were used for the design
normal years, thought to be associated
Lyle Davis, principal engineer, says: “The of operational diversion structures and
with the El Niño phenomenon.
proposed Quebrada Seca tailings dam is for the preliminary closure plan design
located in the Rio Manque drainage basin “This dual-mode precipitation for the tailings impoundment.”
west of the Rio Cuncumen basin in which distribution makes it difficult to use
Lyle Davis:
the mine is located. traditional statistical methods to predict

Water balances for tailings dams

SRK Consulting has been in the locations, evaporation areas and potential a responsible
forefront of the development of water bal- seepage points. In addition to highlighting manner, it is im-
ances, and has been instrumental in the shortfalls and excesses of water, it should portant that the
verification of water balances as part of a also show estimated values for the flow recovery of water
continuing drive to take the guesswork out between the various components. from the tailings
of water balance design and operation. dam for reuse in
“In the South African mining industry, the
Peter Shepherd
A water balance, explains SRK’s Peter the water balance for a tailings dam is plant be op-
Shepherd, is a tool used to represent complex and the control mechanisms are timised. This
the flow of water between the various fraught with unknowns and estimates,” reduces the need for additional make-up
infrastructural components of a mine. Peter elaborates. “However, in order water, which will impact on already scarce
It should be used to optimise the water to comply with the new National Water water resources in semi-arid SA.
usage on the mine, and should show Act (Act No 36 of 1998), which aims to
the water supply sources and discharge ensure that major water users behave in Peter Shepherd:

Meet our team in Ankara

SRK’s office in Turkey, with an address in at the Middle East Technical University, is the Cayirhan Coal Mine in conjunction with
Ankara, boasts a team of nine in-house pro- outside consultant managing the groundwa- SRK specialists from the UK.
fessionals and several external consultants. ter modeling and evaluation aspects.
Cevat Er says: “Part of our aim is to assist
The office, established in summer 2001 The SRK team also features geologists, with watershed management studies by
primarily serves Rio Tinto’s Kazan project, geochemists, hydrogeologists, environ- using state-of-the-art numerical models and
where SRK is assisting with evaluation of the mental engineers and GIS specialists. All GIS techniques.”
hydrogeology of the area and preparation of are working closely with colleagues in North
You can reach the Ankara office at their new
the EIA permit application. America and the UK.
number: 90 312 266 1800
The team is led by Cevat Er, who has more In addition to the Kazan project, the
Cevat Er:
than 16 years’ hydrogeological and geo- Ankara office recently completed a
chemical investigation experience. hydrogeological evaluation for Tuprag
Dr. Hasan Yazicigil, a hydrogeology professor Mining Company, a health and safety L to R: Arda, Bahar, Ibrahim, Tuba,
audit for Cayeli Copper Mine, and a Cevat, Banu, Uygar, Jale, Ilhan
due diligence assessment for the

Mike Smith joins
Denver Office
Water management for the
Colomac mine closure

Stephen Schultz

Mike Smith

W e are pleased to announce that in

September 2002, R. Michael Smith joined
the team at SRK as a principal in our
Denver office. Mike comes to us from
Knight Piesold and Co. where he rose
from senior geotechnical engineer to vice
president over his 14 years in their Denver

At Knight Piesold, he was involved in the

design and construction management of
water resource projects including dams,
pipelines and diversion structures, in SRK is working with Indian & developed, permitted and
construction management, mine closure Northern Affairs Canada and Public implemented by 2005.
design and geotechnical assessment Works & Government Services
and civil design as that relates to mining SRK’s Stephen Schultz and Daryl
Canada to develop a closure plan for
projects. He also managed the company’s Hockley are leading a multidisciplinary
the remote Colomac mine site in the
staff of 135. His previous experience team of consultants, including SRK
Northwest Territories.
with the firms of Ground Engineering and experts and others, to develop
Chen and Associates in Denver involved Colomac is an open pit gold mine a number of complete water
him in soil and foundation investigation, that ceased operating in 1997, after management alternatives for the site,
construction management, construction less than five years of production. and to assess the environmental
oversight and materials testing. The owner became insolvent in 1999, impacts and costs of these
leaving the federal government with the alternatives. The federal government
“My primary focus will be to augment SRK’s task of closing the site. will work closely with the local Dogrib
already considerable technical talents First Nation to choose a preferred
and to expand our market share into halo Water management is the central alternative.
markets such as Water Resources – dams, issue in developing a closure plan for
urban drainage and groundwater – and the the site. The mine operated a ‘total Stephen comments: “Water
Industrial Minerals sector,” said Mike. “I’m containment’ tailings disposal facility, management measures under
excited at the prospects that exist out there and had no permit to discharge treated consideration include geotechnical
and am eager to work with our domestic effluent to the environment. methods to increase water storage
and international staff in putting together capacity, combined with enhanced
Due to production shortfalls and natural degradation of contaminants.
exceptional teams that clearly show that operating problems, the tailings system
SRK is the firm of choice.” We’re also looking at several water
failed to manage water effectively, treatment methods that could be
“Mike has been a fixture in the mining leaving 9.5 million cubic metres of applied under short-term or long-
community in Denver for years now,” said water on site, contaminated with term schedules. The current focus of
Andy Barrett, SRK President for North cyanide and related compounds. A project activities includes geotechnical
America, “and we’re glad he’s finally positive water balance in the tailings investigations of potential dam sites
crossed the street to join SRK.” disposal basin means that long-term and pilot testing of water treatment
water management plans must be technologies.”
Mike Smith:
Stephen Schultz:

Benchmarking can help to reduce unnecessary water losses

Benchmarking water use in industry Fiona Cessford

SRK is currently working on two basic water supply and sustainable use of to develop baseline values that will
prestigious projects for the water water resources. The strategy forms part help companies set realistic targets for
management regulators in South Africa of the National Water Resources Strategy water consumption in line with specific
and the UK that aim to derive water use and recognises the need for a paradigm production figures, thus allowing the
standards for industry. shift to the principles of WC/WDM by all assessment of potential cost savings.
water use sectors.
SRK was commissioned by the South SRK Cardiff has been asked to extend
African Department of Water Affairs & Fiona Cessford, principal scientist in SRK’s the current information base and
Forestry (DWAF) to develop benchmark Johannesburg office, comments: “Phase 1 produce a document that will include
values and best management practices of the program to establish the framework benchmark water use and best practice
for the industry, mining and power in which benchmarking values can be methodologies across a range of industrial
generation sectors in a bid to support the determined is now complete. Phase 2 is sectors. The study involves preparation of
conservation of water resources and the now underway, and is looking at some of questionnaires, consolidation of returns,
development of demand management. the prioritised industries.” literature review, water use surveys
at a number of volunteer sites, and
The project unfolds against the backdrop The UK’s Environment Agency is carrying
production of an updateable report with
of the development of Water Conservation out the next phase of its award-winning
an operational feedback loop.
& Demand Management (WC/WDM) R&D Study of Optimum Water Use in
National Strategy to meet the goals of Agriculture & Industry. The study aims Fiona Cessford:

Welcoming home Wetland habitat mitigation
Lyle Davis

Lyle Davis

P rincipal engineer Lyle Davis recently

rejoined SRK’s Tucson office after a three-
year assignment in Santiago, Chile.

With consulting experience spanning nearly

25 years, primarily related to water issues
at mines, Lyle’s expertise includes surface
water hydrology, open channel hydraulics,
and groundwater hydrology with an
emphasis on numerical modeling.

Lyle has applied his surface and ground

water modeling skills to new mine facility
design, optimisation of water management
schemes at operating mines, and Engineered wetlands to offset aquatic habitat disturbance
development of strategies for closing mines
which are no longer viable.
SRK, on behalf of Mineral Because this titanium sand
During his South American assignment, Recovery Systems, recently mining and extraction project
his work focused on the design of new developed a wetland habitat is the first of its kind in the
facilities at operating mines in Chile, Peru mitigation plan to offset state of Tennessee, SRK
and Argentina. proposed disturbances to proactively sought input
native aquatic and terrestrial from the regional permitting
Lyle says: “My first major assignment
habitat areas resulting from authorities, including the
back in Tucson is to provide hydrologic
construction of a pilot-scale Tennessee Department of
and hydrogeologic expertise to the team
titanium sand mining and Environment & Conservation
preparing the closure plan for the BHP
extraction operation in rural (TDEC), the US Army Corps
Copper San Manuel mine.
Benton County, Tennessee. of Engineers (COE), and the
“I will also be working closely with Tucson Tennessee Valley Authority
SRK’s Mark Willow notes: Mark Willow (TVA) to develop a blueprint
colleagues to develop new work related
“Integral to the mitigation acceptable to all parties. The
to mine closures in the southwest, while
strategy was the creation and plan was ultimately submitted
continuing to provide services to clients in
enhancement of additional wetland and to the TDEC, Division of Water Pollution
Latin America.”
upland grassland terrestrial habitat areas. Control, Mining Sector, as part of their
Lyle Davis: Recent photos of the area demonstrate Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit/Clean
the success of the project.” Water Act Section 401 Certification

20 year milestone
for Rosewarne
P eter Rosewarne, principal hydrogeologist
and director in the Cape Town office
recently passed
the milestone of
20 years of service
with SRK. He had
previously spent
seven years with
the Department of
Water Affairs and
Forestry in Cape
Town and Pretoria
after emigrating to
SA in 1975. Peter Rosewarne

Starting out in SRK’s

Johannesburg groundwater department
under Richard Connelly, he worked
on mine dewatering and water supply
projects. Peter relocated to Cape Town
in late 1984 to start up a groundwater
section in what was then a five-man
civils/geotechnical office. The rest, as
they say, is history. At its peak, the Cape
groundwater department numbered 16
hydrogeologists and technicians. The
Cape team has hosted several seconded
SRK luminaries, including individuals
from Santiago and Vancouver.

Peter was also instrumental in

establishing regional offices in Port
Elizabeth and East London.

Today Peter focuses on groundwater

supply and management, mine and civils
dewatering, subsurface contamination,
hydrogeological mapping and waste
disposal. He has carried out major
projects in SA, Namibia, Zimbabwe
and Chile for clients such as Rio Tinto,
World Bank, African Development
Bank, CMDIC, the Southern African
After a detailed delineation of habitat at the permitting under the COE’s Nationwide
Development Community, numerous
site (including limited stream and wetland Permit No 26, for which TDEC certification
municipalities, the Department of Water
areas), a determination was made by was required. The affected areas included
Affairs and Forestry and Water Research
the TDEC that the proposed disturbance small standing water pools, streambeds,
would impact no more than 500 linear feet wet areas and limited upland grass areas.
of streambed and less than one-third of an Nesting boxes for water fowl were also Peter Rosewarne:
acre of jurisdictional wetland habitat. As introduced.
such, the project would qualify for federal
Mark Willow:

yield of
~ 20 l/s
from an
The fairest Cape’s aqueous treasure

S ir Francis Drake described the Cape as recognise the regional potential and promote
‘the Fairest Cape in the whole circumference its use for large-scale water supply.
of the earth’. Little did the circumnavigator
Borehole blow-out yields of up to 120 l/s have
know that he was also looking at one of the
been obtained, and hot spring flows of up to
fairest aquifers in the world – certainly one of
127 l/s and 64°C occur. A number of centres,
the most important in arid SA.
including Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, are
Sir F was, of course, gazing inadvertently located on or near the outcrop and could
impact of large-scale groundwater
upon the Table Mountain Group Aquifer benefit from exploitation of the resource.
abstraction from the TMGA. The third
(TMGA), a thick, mainly sandstone sequence Peter is currently working on four projects is developing a monitoring network in a
similar in lithology to the rocks that built the dealing with different aspects of the TMGA. pristine catchment to establish a baseline for
famous Table Mountain overlooking Cape One is developing a wellfield to supply groundwater levels, river flow and rainfall. This
Town. 2 million m3/year for irrigation of orchards in is prior to establishing a wellfield to increase
the Koo Valley north-east of Cape Town. The catchment water yield in an area of intensive
SRK’s Cape Town groundwater department
blow-out yield from one of the exploration export table grape cultivation. The fourth is
has been involved in numerous investigations
boreholes is shown in the accompanying acting as the managing agent for the Little
and research into groundwater abstraction
photograph. Karoo Rural Water Supply Scheme.
and occurrence in the TMGA. Peter
Rosewarne, department head and principal The second is looking at selecting suitable Peter Rosewarne:
hydrogeologist, was one of the first to target areas to investigate the environmental

Sharing mine water management information

T hough most mines are involved in • Conduct on-site water survey to identify
monitoring water use and quality to intakes/losses of water;
comply with licence requirements, few • Develop updateable water/salt balance;
use the results for effective on-site water
• Install flow meters/weirs at strategic
management. Fewer still share their water
management experiences, despite the
general recognition that this would boost • Set water use targets for overall make-
Franciska Kok up demand (litre/tonne milled, fresh
the industry as a whole.
water intake, discharge volume, etc);
Adoption of a water management system
• Incorporate all into a documented water
based on targets can reduce demand
management strategy for ongoing
significantly and thereby benefit the water
proactive water management;
service provider, associated communities
and mine shareholders alike, according • Assess results regularly to identify
to Franciska Kok and Fiona Cessford, unexplained water losses and enable
scientist and principal scientist predictions to be made.
respectively in SRK Johannesburg’s Franciska and Fiona believe the results of the
Water & Environmental Technology above should be used as an ongoing water
Department. management tool, and should be reported.

To meet the aim of improved water “At a minimum,” they state, “reporting
management, a general process for to line management should occur. But
target setting is being successfully extra value will be added if the results are
applied at a number of southern African also used for public awareness, authority
mines. The key elements of the process consultation and comparisons with similar
are as follows: operations.”

Franciska Kok:

Risk based quarry
water management

T o access economic resources below the

water table meant that UK company, Hanson
Quarry Products, needed to monitor the
potential effect of dewatering on the local Ben Rees
surroundings in order to satisfy planning

SRK was commissioned to develop a risk-

based monitoring scheme that protected
the potentially vulnerable receptors; an
abstraction borehole down hydraulic gradient
of the quarry, and a wetland classified as
a Site of Special Scientific Interest located
slightly upgradient of the quarry.

The perceived risks were that dewatering

would lower the water table in the wetland,
potentially affecting certain important
plant species and limit the capacity of the
abstraction borehole.

UK-based Ben Rees reports: “To assess

potential future impacts, baseline conditions
were established prior to dewatering through
implementation of a monitoring network
comprising boreholes and piezometers
in and around the quarry. A study of the
geology indicated the underlying karst
limestone to be overlain by superficial
deposits. Therefore, to fully understand the
hydrogeology, boreholes and piezometers
were placed in the limestone and superficial

Monitoring was initiated in 1996 and

undergoes regular review governed by
a Scheme of Working. Hydrochemical
monitoring is conducted every 4 months
and water levels are automatically logged
using down-hole data loggers. An ecological
evaluation is undertaken annually.

Quarry dewatering commenced in the

autumn of 1999, when baseline conditions
were well established. This has enabled the
effects of quarry dewatering to be assessed
against ‘natural’ groundwater seasonal
variation, allowing the quarry operator and
the Mineral Planning Authority to fully assess
the actual effects and future risks.

Ben Rees:

Rob Bowell

Rob Bowell

With 15 years’ experience in a wide

range of mining and engineering
projects, SRK UK’s Rob Bowell is fluent
in the application of geochemistry and
mineralogy to a wide range of problems.

Rob’s background is in mineral exploration Ferric sulphate arsenic precipitation plant

in deeply weathered environments, as well
as in academic research in exploration
and environmental geochemistry,
environmental engineering and mineralogy.
SRK expertise applied to arsenic
His main field of expertise is in mineral
processing and geochemical treatment
treatment of mine water
of mine waste and water (including
arsenic-rich waste, cyanide solutions,
acid rock drainage and saline water). With Knowledge gained by SRK principal hydrogeochemical characteristics of both
more than 100 papers on environmental geochemist Rob Bowell during post- the discharge and the receiving water. The
and exploration geochemistry, and the doctorate studies at the Natural History adoption of a single or combined process
treatment of mine waste and water he has Museum in London on stabilising arsenic will depend on economics and on the
gained considerable experience in these in mine waste and effluent has been suitability of the method to remediate an
fields. applied by SRK to evaluate, scope, and effluent at any particular site.
As principal geochemist with SRK, Rob design several arsenic treatment plants in “For example,” Rob elaborates, “when
has been deeply involved with Getchell Africa, Europe, Canada and the US. dealing with arsenic as the primary
Gold Corporation (now a subsidiary of “Mine water chemistry can show contaminant, it is possible to achieve
Placer Dome). Rob was also consulting significantly different hydrogeochemical effluent goals of 10 µg/l by using iron co-
geochemist for the closure studies characteristics,” says Rob, who works out precipitation, provided:
at San Manuel and Robinson mining of SRK’s Cardiff office. “These variations
complexes for BHP Minerals, and he has • pH is controlled to a range of 4 to 6 su
can be used to classify mine waters and
played leading roles in extensive ARD identify those constituents that are likely to • arsenic is present in the pentavalent
evaluations for Las Cruces mine, Spain, cause a negative environmental impact in state, and
Los Pelambres, Chile and for Sukhaybarat the receiving water environment.”
gold mine, Saudi Arabia. • iron:arsenic ratio is of the order of 8:1
The variations will also determine the most
In a further ARD project, this time at However, such a system does not work
appropriate strategy for the treatment of
the Geita Gold Mine, Tanzania, Rob where calcium or magnesium levels
mine water effluent. Various treatment
additionally conducted baseline studies are high. In such cases the hydrogeo-
options are available to mitigate potential
and completed an evaluation of water chemistry of the effluent becomes the
impacts, and involve physical, chemical
treatment requirements. primary focus of treatment options.”
and biological processes. The selection of
Rob Bowell: a treatment option is primarily dictated by Rob Bowell:

Numerical groundwater modeling
to support mine permitting

SRK’s engineering expertise an estimate of groundwater groundwater system,

includes the use of various numerical inflow to the property following and especially impacts
Mike Sieber
groundwater flow models to evaluate implementation of a proposed to local groundwater
specific groundwater flow systems to reclamation plan. supply wells, due to the
provide flow regime estimates for tailings dewatering activities associated with the
impoundments, underground mines and SRK’s Mike Sieber elaborates: “The proposed expansion of aggregate mining
open pit mines. The models are also used 3D finite element code, FEFLOW, was operations.”
to estimate seepage through tailings dams selected to simulate the shallow alluvial
and conventional water storage dams. groundwater system in the area. The A conceptual reclamation plan, proposed
model was calibrated to pre-mining by SRK, includes a series of wetlands
As an example, SRK recently completed conditions as well as existing conditions in and ponds that will serve as open space
a 3D flow model as a supplement to an the operating aggregate mine. and wildlife habitat property for a local
expansion permit for a sand and gravel community. The calibrated flow model
mining operation owned by Aggregate “The interaction of the groundwater provided an estimate of groundwater
Industries – WCR, Inc. The model system with two adjacent creeks as well inflow that is currently being used in
provided an estimate of impacts from the as the dewatering of an active gravel pit the engineering design of the proposed
proposed aggregate mining operation were accounted for in the flow simulation. reclamation ponds and wetlands.
to the local groundwater system during The calibrated model was then used
mining operations. It also provided to estimate the impacts to the local Mike Sieber:

The use of quantitative risk assessment to help resolve

hydrogeological problems

Risk analysis has become an increasingly years, mainly in the waste and The model predicted
important method by which government mining industries. An example is a negligible impact because
and industry assess such issues as safety, dilute-and-disperse landfill located of the low permeability,
reliability and effectiveness of products, close to the banks of a river in high retardation potential
processes and facilities. northern England that had been and high cation exchange
designated a Ramsar Site and a capacity of the clays,
Though risk assessments are in
Site of Special Scientific Interest which underlie the site,
widespread use, it is not every
in recognition of the importance and the sewage cake,
circumstance that requires this approach.
of the nearby estuary for birdlife. which was emplaced in
In general, situations that qualify are those
the base of the landfill
in which the problems are complex, the “The landfill received a heady
William Harding
prior to the introduction
variables poorly constrained, and the concoction of wastes including of other wastes.
financial and technical implications of List 1, Red List, very low Furthermore, the sewage
failure considerable. radioactivity materials and sewage,” cake was perceived as being highly
William remarks. “We performed a beneficial on the grounds that it speeds
Example applications in the water and
probabilistic risk assessment on the the stabilisation of waste and promotes
environmental industries include waste
landfill to assess the likely impact of the decay of organics by inoculating the
disposal, contaminated land, groundwater
these contaminants on the river and landfill with a diverse culture of micro-
control and water resources.
to see whether expensive engineering organisms.”
SRK’s William Harding has been involved was required to counter their potentially
in a number of risk assessments over the adverse effects. William Harding:

Bellavista stormwater management
and sediment pond design

Ivy Wu

Annual rainfall of more than a meter and steep terrain challenged stormwater design solutions

Soil erosion and degraded water quality Wheaton River contracted SRK to diversion channel and catch basin network
that could result from construction produce a site-wide Surface Water conveying sediment-laden runoff from
of mine facilities, particularly in wet Management Plan (SWMP), along with the rock dump. Sediment removal was
environments, are preventable through the detailed design of the first stormwater/ modeled using SECDAD4 sediment routing
prudent and early planning of surface sediment control impoundment, Pond software, and was achieved using flow-
water management. RD1, intended to be operating during activated dosing of chemical flocculant.
initial mine facility construction.
This principle is carried through many “A critical aspect was modeling sediment
SRK projects, including the planned The SWMP identifies the stormwater load from seasonal and peak storms to
Bellavista gold mine in western control requirements for the initial four Pond RD1,” says SRK engineer Ivy Wu. “If
Costa Rica, owned by Wheaton River operating years. It includes design for the pond’s sediment storage was not sized
Minerals. SRK has been the client’s diversion channels and erosion control, for the load and flocculated particle size,
chosen consultant for several phases and specifies effluent quality and design the resulting undersized pond would fail to
of work, including heap design and the storm criteria. meet the effluent criteria.
project EIS. “Strategic placement of upstream catch
SRK’s Rob Dorey and Ivy Wu were
basins and balancing of outflow versus
Receiving more than a meter key personnel in designing a sediment
storage capacity were required to reduce
of rainfall annually, the steep, control pond that would detain the
the size of Pond RD1 to within siting
mountainous terrain yields a paucity design storm, provide sediment removal
limitations while achieving required settling.”
of sites feasible for both planned capability that meets the stringent effluent
mine facilities and for stormwater criteria, and was geotechnically stable. Ivy Wu:
impoundments. Pond RD1 is the downstream point in a Rob Dorey:

SRK Denver’s
Britannia Mine remediation project Breckenridge
F ocusing on the
discovery of the
B ritannia Mine, located 55 km north SRK’s initial task, completed by February
2002, involved safety inspections and essential and often
of the City of Vancouver, British
rehabilitation of the 4100-level tunnel elusive resource
Columbia, has been described as one
that were required prior to undertaking a of groundwater
of the largest metal pollution sources
program of geotechnical investigations using a toolbox
in North America.
and safety tests on an existing concrete of diverse
The mine’s underground workings plug, 400 m from the tunnel entrance. experience and
incorporate naturally-occurring metal knowledge, Larry
Peter Healey, SRK project Breckenridge,
sulphide ores, which have
manager comments: “The groundwater
been exposed to air and
investigation and safety specialist, wryly
rain as a result of over 70
tests were completed by Larry Breckenridge
years of mining. Acidic describes himself
the middle of March 2002 as a ‘scientific
drainage has historically
and were followed by a plug dowser’.
discharged from two
test, which SRK and Klohn
sources: the 2200-level
are conducting to determine “Whether for mining clients, the public or
tunnel, which discharges
the storage capacity, flow private sector, my career is devoted to
into Jane Creek and
characteristics and water identifying, quantifying, and developing
subsequently into Britannia
chemistry of the mine water resources in arid environments,”
Creek, and the 4100-level
workings.” he says. “Discovering groundwater
tunnel which discharges
under challenging conditions requires the
to Howe Sound via a deep Peter Healey The plug test is now combination of many disciplines, including
outfall. complete and work is in geology, soil science, botany, surface
progress on the installation hydrology, hydrogeology and climatology.”
In September 2001, the
of a weather station in Jane Basin and
Province of British Columbia appointed
a flow gauge in Upper Jane Creek with Larry is also experienced in contaminant
four specialist technical consultants
remote access. hydrology and geochemistry, and has used
to undertake projects associated with
his skills on environmental clean-up sites
the remedial activities at the site. SRK, Peter Healey: to ensure that both the quantity and quality
in a joint-venture with Klohn Crippen,
of the water meet the project demand. In
was awarded the mine safety and
addition, he has considerable experience
hydrogeochemical components of the
creating conceptual and mathematical
models to predict the long-term
performance of groundwater remediation
or extraction.

Recent projects include the discovery

and evaluation of a prolific aquifer that
will supply 7,000 gpm of process water
to a large surface silver mine in the high-
elevation desert of Bolivia. In Colorado,
Larry has installed and evaluated a water
supply well for a fish hatchery that will
supply whirling-disease free water. And
in Wyoming, he evaluated the impact of
large-scale surface coal mining on water
resources in the Powder River Basin.

Larry is also a consultant to the Navajo

nation, overseeing the groundwater
Britannia Mine cutaway looking northeast remediation of four abandoned uranium
mills on Navajo land.

Larry Breckenridge:

Innovation the old fashioned way

In this day and age of technological rates automatically was

innovation, the tools available to us can important. A simple solution
yield high quality automated data. However, was to combine the modern
cost and complexity can limit their use technology of a pressure
in field applications, especially in remote transducer with the now rarely
areas where SRK professionals often find used orifice bucket method.
themselves. Such limits have led SRK to Larry obtained short threaded
build water level sounders from scratch, pipes with diameters of 0.25,
modify injection packer equipment and 0.375, and 0.5 inches from a hardware
fabricate well annulus seals for multiple store, and welded them to the bottom of
completion piezometers, using whatever a steel drum to serve as drain tubes. A
materials are on hand. combination of open and capped tubes
One such challenge led Larry Cope to would pass flows of 0.8 to 20 gallons
adopt a technique for measuring pump per minute. A pressure transducer,
test flow rates that has been virtually placed in the drum, recorded the water’s
forgotten. A groundwater evaluation depth, which was then related to flow
at a uranium mill tailings site required rate by calibration curves that had been
several long-term pumping tests at flow generated prior to starting the tests. With
This solution for monitoring pump rate
rates ranging from 1 to 20 gallons per this equipment one person was able to
provided high quality data and reduced
minute. With a total pumping duration complete the aquifer tests.
cost to our client
of more than 30 days, monitoring pump Larry Cope:

Taking some pain out of compliance reporting

It’s no secret that clients find preparing Larry and Mike developed custom-built After seeing the benefits of a coherent data
environmental compliance reports from MSAccess database applications that management approach, a client asked
scratch for each reporting period can be integrate existing data with ongoing data SRK to develop a document database
time-consuming and costly. Recently, a collected in the field and with laboratory application that compiled all environmen-
number of clients have asked for our help electronic analytical results. By automat- tal documentation relating to closure,
in reducing these costs. Larry Cope and ing data input and generating report- post-closure, decommissioning and deed
Mike Sieber responded to requests from an ready data tables and graphs, many transfer activities. The databases include
electronics manufacturing client and a min- elements of a compliance report can be monitoring plans, characterization reports,
ing client by developing data management printed with a few clicks of the mouse. Radiation Material License Applications,
systems to handle the work. The systems The database also allows rapid assess- closure plans, and relevant correspond-
they developed have yielded such dramatic ment of results to optimize monitoring ence. In essence, the regulatory history of
improvements in the efficiency of reporting programs and identify data gaps. It can the facility fits onto one compact disc.
that the cost to develop the systems was even provide the basis for requesting a
Larry Cope:
recouped in less than two years. reduction in monitoring.
Mike Sieber:

For more information, visit us at: Issue No. 30


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