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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 12 Desember 2018

Kelas : X Ak. Nama Guru : Rinawati, S.Pd

Text for no. 1 – 5
Hello, I’m Tiara Diva. Thank you very
My name is Able. I like eating fruits salad. I much for sending me an email yesterday. You have
am going to make some fruits salad by myself told me about your personal identity. I’ll let you
tomorrow afternoon. That is why I will go to a know about me. My full name is Tiara Diva
supermarket to buy the ingredients tomorrow Larasati. But you can call me Tiar or Diva. I’m
morning. I will buy some fresh fruits. I will also buy seventeen years old. My hobby is dancing. I love
milk, yogurt, etc. After buying the ingredients, I dancing very much. My mother is traditional
will prepare the tools to make the fruits salad. I will dancer, so I often practicing dance with her. I live in
prepare the tools to make the fruits salad. I will take solo. I study in Solo Senior High School. I have a
a knife from the cupboard. I will use a bowl to put sister. She like dancing too. On Sunday and
the fruit salad. I’m sure it will be great to make Wednesday, we practice dancing in our teacher’s
some fruits salad. house. What about you? What is your hobby? I
1. What is Able’s plan tomorrow? think that’s all my replay. I’ll be waiting for your
A. She will buy orange juice. replay soon.
B. She will make fruits salad.
C. She will prepare orange juice. Regards,
D. She will sell orange juice.
E. She will drink orange juice.
2. Where will Able buy the ingredients? Tair
A. Traditional market D. Mall
B. Movie theaters E. School 6. Who sends the email?
C. Supermarket A. Tia D. Vinka
3. What will she buy in the supermarket? B. Beta E. Solo Senior High School
A. Some fruits D. C. Via
Vegetables and some fruits
B. Some fruits, milk, and yogurt E. 7. Whom is the email for?
Fish and Milk
C. Yogurt and fish A. Solo Junior High School D. Via
4. When will she prepare the tools? B. Tiara E. dancing
A. When she buys the ingredients D. competion
After she buys the ingredients C. Diva
B. When she buys the ingredients E.
tomorrow morning 8. What is the email about?
C. Before she buys the ingredients A. Telling about hobby D.
5. What will the use to put her fruits salad? Talling about dancing
A. A pen D. A try B. Telling about personal identity E.
B. A glass E. A plate Teelling about movie
C. A bowl C. Telling about school

Text for no 26 – 30 9. How old is Tiar?

A. 16 years old D. 11 years old
From : B. 18 years old E. 21 years old
C. 17 years old
To :
10. Where dose Tiara live?
Dear Via, A. Solo D. Makassar
B. Bandung E. Bali Apuma Beach is also he docking lace of the
C. Surabaya local fisherman, so the are many boats around his
area and you might fine some of those boats very
Text for no 31 – 35 interesting.
Hello! (31) ... name is Hatta. I (32) ... a With the blue sea as far as the eye can
student. I live on Cocak 2 Street. (33) ... father is an see, with sand and high waves are the ypical
accountant and my mother is (34) ... teacher. I go to characterisic of the southern Java beach it is
school by bicycle. My bicycle (35) ... red. perfectly NOT save to swim in this area.
11. A. his D. my
A. their E. our 16. What is the kind of the taxt?
B. her A. Descripive D. Hartatory
B. Narative E. Procedure
12. A. is D. were C. Report
B. are E. am 17. What does the text describe about?
C. was A. Parangtritis D. Surabaya
B. Jember E. Papuma Beach
13. A. His D. My 18. Where is the location of the tourism space?
B. Their E. Our A. Jakarta D. East Java
C. Her B. Center Java E West Java
C. Yogyakarta
14. A. the D. a 19. What is the first paragraph called?
B. an E. were A. Resolution D. Conclution
C. these B. Identificaton E. Description
C. Orientation
15. A. are D. am 20. What is the second paragraph called?
B. is E. were A. Resolution D. Conclution
C. was B. Identificaton E. Description
C. Orientation
Taxt for no. 16 – 25 21. “A carpet of white shand circling around a
1.5 km peninsul, and also some line of green
Cape Papuma
hills with lush trees that encircle the beach”
Cape Coast Papuma (Malikan White Sand) What is the meaning of the underlineword?
is example of natural tourism that is known by A. Teluk D. Semenanjung
many people. Papuma located in the Village of B. Laut E. Danau
Sumberejo, Subdistrict Ambulu, Jember Regency, C. Selat
East Java. The Papuma Beach is reraly visited 22. Are there many fishing boats?
byforeign and domestic tourists despite of its natural A. Yes, they are D. No, they
beauty. weren’t
B. Yes, they were E. No, they won’t
This white sand beach is located C. No, they aren’t
approximately 37 km south of the city of Jember, or 23. Are there many photographers who take
less than 235 km from the City of Surabaya. The some pictures there?
beach area covers around 25 hectares of natural A. Yes, they are D. No, they
beauty. A carpet of white sand circling around a 1.5 weren’t
km peninsula, and also some line of green hills with B. Yes, they were E. No, they won’t
lush trees that encircle the beach. C. No, they aren’t
24. What is the characteristic of the wave there?
The coral rocks around the beach also
A. High D. Huge
enhance the beauty of the Papuma Beach.
B. Tall E. Tiny
Photographers usually visit the beach trying to
C. Big
capture its beauty, so if you decided to visit the
25. Is the place good for swimming?
Papuma Beach don’t be surprised if you found a lot
A. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t
of people with SLR cameras with wide lenses trying
B. Yes, it is E. No, it wasn’t
to capture the Papuma Beach’s landscape.
C. Yes, it can

My name is Andri. I am a tenth grade student of Harapan Senior High School. It’s Saturday and I have a
plan. I would like to go camping. I will go camping on the top of Merapi Mountain. I will go there by car with
my friends. I and my friends plan to camp there for two days. We want to climb the mountain, then enjoy the
view from the top. I believe that it will be so wonderful to spend my weekend with my friends there. I have
prepared everything. I will bring a tent and meals. I will also bring some clothes. I can’t wait for that.

1. What is Andri’s plan?

He will go camping.
2. With whom will he go?
His friend
3. How long will he be there?
Two days

4. What will the writer do in the top of the mountain?

Enjoy the view
5. What will the writer bring in this camping?
Tent and meals

Read the paragraph and underline the adjectives & Noun Phrase .

Anna is my best friend. She has dark eyes, a straight nose and a well-formed
mouth. Anna is tall, and has curly long hair. She speaks softly and is gentle with all her
classmates. Anna’s uniform is always clean and neat. Miss Brown thinks that Anna is
clever. We may elect her to be our class prefect.
Terry is a young man who is not yet twenty. He is tall and well-built. You can say
that he is thick with strong arms and feet. His face is rough, with pimples on both
cheeks. When he laughs his pink gums show with is yellowing teeth. He laughs out loud at
his own joke. He has no proper clothes or shoes. He wears a pair of tall boots on the
farm, where he takes care of cows, goats and sheep. Terry is polite and well-loved by all
the workers in the farm.

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