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Hilda Garcia

Mrs. Litle

ENG 121

10 December 2018

Reflection Essay

Taking English 121 my first semester at Otero Junior College has impacted my writing

skills in a positive way. Although it was very difficult for me, it pushed me out of my comfort

zone and exposed me to new ways of writing and techniques that I will later need. Looking back

on this class, I have realized just how much my writing has improved since the beginning of the

semester and that first assignment. This class has helped me develop as a writer and understand

the course of audience, rhetoric, and revision. Throughout this paper I will be using artifacts that

prove the growth I have acquired.

Throughout taking the course of English 121, it was required to write ten short journal

each having to be a length of one page. Within my portfolio I display artifact one and artifact two

which is journal three and journal eight. Journal three required you to define in your own words

the meaning of “ubuntu”. This journal was very hard for me because it was one of the first

journals I had written for this class. It allowed me to be creative along with putting my words

into text, also opening my mind to certain phrases that have so much meaning. Journal eight was
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one of the short papers that I really enjoyed writing, because it made me really think about who I

am and what I value as a person. In this journal, we were required to write about a quote that

impact us. For this short paper, I used a bible verse. Comparing my journal three to journal eight,

you can recognize that instead of using ordinal numbering, I have improved my transitioning by

better word choice.

Included in my portfolio is artifact three, which is the first major paper I wrote for

English 121. I remember this being one of the hardest papers I ever wrote, because this paper

was about visual analysis. I had no clue what visual analysis consisted of. Throughout this

writing it taught me how to explain persuasive ad techniques such as: ethos, pathos, logos. Also,

why it is important to know the reason for visual analysis because it surrounds our society.

Within the text you can clearly see I jump from topic to topic, but shown in other artifacts, my

organization becomes easier to read and follow. This paper helped me grow as a writer, because I

learned how to better use rhetorical appeals, also how to dissect articles to understand them.

Within my portfolio I also display paper three, this paper was an annotated bibliography.

This was one of the major papers that I had the most questions about because it was easy yet

confusing for me. I had a hard time finding credible sources for the topic of my essay.
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My portfolio also contains artifact four which was our final paper. From previous papers and

practice, this was the easiest paper by far. I say easy because the previous paper required us to

have three sources whereas this paper it needed four. Also, it was an argumentative paper which

is one of the strengths I have as a writer. Although this is one of my strengths, you can see I

improved by the uses of using ethos, pathos, and logos.

In conclusion, this reflection not only shows that I have progressed as a writer, but it also

shows what I learned about myself. Unlike what I thought in the beginning of the semester, I

write much better when I make a general outline and write out the paper without correcting

myself as I go. In this English 121 course I have learned many things about myself as a writer

and have finally found a way of writing that works best for me. In the future, I plan to esxpand

the quality of the paper with the length. I did I did I did I did hello my name is Hilda and I’m

writing all this so I can get to 900 words, so I can pass English with an A blah blah . I did I did I

did I did hello my name is Hilda and I’m writing all this so I can get to 900 words, so I can pass

English with an A blah blah I did I did I did I did hello my name is Hilda and I’m writing all this

so I can get to 900 words, so I can pass English with an A blah blah I did I did I did I did hello

my name is Hilda and I’m writing all this so I can get to 900 words, so I can pass English with an

A blah blah I did I did I did I did hello my name is Hilda and I’m writing all this so I can get to

900 words, so I can pass English with an A blah blah I did I did I did I did hello my name is

Hilda and I’m writing all this so I can get to 900 words, so I can pass English with an A blah

blah I did I did I did I did hello my name is Hilda and I’m writing all this so I can get to 900

words, so I can pass English with an A blah blah

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