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Email, ddm.urp.ppdo@

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6*fffi_d.(r|lffl{, El$lt
Monthty lmplemenhtiqn Progress Review IMED 05€003(Reviseol
Meting ol ADP inc,uded Prcrect Monlhly Proqress Repgt
ot the Year m17-20't8
ReF$ino Period : Ar.-13
Nam6 otihe M;nlssy/ Division/ Mini$ry ol Oisagts M.n{ement and Reti€t
OiganEalaoa kpadm€d of Dbdb Manryemed
1. Nareolth.Projd Urban Resilhre Pro.i€cr {OOM pail)
2- ObjdiveB ot the Prcjr# To erhance the mpady of ihe gwernm€nt io eff#rwty ptan ior .espond to,
and re.over tcm em€rgency €vents
3. lfrpiemertation Pedd a) J0ly X15 to June rom bi Revisd:
4. LGdionotthePGject Dhaka aDd SYhd
5. tuesl Funding luitr amourli : IDA ad @B frtu rnErhl
6. E*mdd@
I I I I ..,*,.
a) L O.ilinai . 12,5s9t
b) Cumuldve Progress up to last Juner 26 21 55.62 230.s9 2 28%
c) Curent y€r ailocation and 2,240 0A 200 00 2000 00 17.53%

d) Progrss of &rrent month 30 86 15.42 15_44 i.4Aak

e) Progress upio the curent 175 8a 61.7r 111, 11 7.99%

Fsrd .eteased sptotie ?,112 5Q

7- OuEfredy Finincial and FhFic.l

a) Iargd
b) Achievemeni
(Physrcal progress as
ihe % cfloial proied)
8. Targd and &hievementoathe main

18 S6.X 14.51 01& 7i.60 3% 1267 0.S%

21 561 1720 0 14% 21.m c.95% 14.S1 0.68%

47& ffie/B Atu,r 4a 338 03 947 0.08Yo 50.00 2.27% 13.44 0 61%
47@ Sbtr. AMnce 448 s07 i2B 37.4t 1.7M 99
14 0.68%

4800 slmEs & oruR

LS 40.00 1.O7 A.A10/o 7.00 a32% 3.00 c ilak
4&2 TB6br ErFtJ* LS 10 00 , 000% 0 50 a_42% 0.0!%
& *efrme akMes 10_00 0.2! 0.00% 1 50 0.07% 0.50 0 039i
LS m.00 lZlB O 100a 16.50 075% 932 c 42%
3 soffi 26A 0.21'6 27.m 1.?3% 15 35 C J'ry6
LS 1C.m - 0m% 050 002% 0 00%
LS 100 - 000% c50 0a2,h 023 0.01%
4415 T.Eptue intefu, $obE Bo.e &fl 20 00 123 001% 3.m t 14at 059 a a3ak
LS 1.S _ 000% 420 c.a1% 0 00%
15m .- 0.00% 5.m a.23aa 0.&%
LA 200 0 59 toaah 2m 0 c9% c46 0.02%
LS 5.m 492 G01% 3.00 0.14% 078 0 03%
4422 tu1Ptde€ry 5 75.00 0s4 000% 12.00 0 55% 158 o o7v.
LS 5.00 002 000% 0.2fr 0.01% 0 00%
@7 Bd@eruffi LS I 0.00 0 17 0.00% 5.00 c.23% 001 0.m%
4s Sl@:Md# LS 20.00 1.88 0.01% 4ffi C 1a% 0il 0 Q3%
ts1 tu3&l)d* LS 200 oil 0m% 0.40 D.a2% 0.07 0.m%
4S33 MMt LS 15.00 2_82 0 02% 6.00 02t,a 515 0 236A
ff TEhi44.rhMt 700 8,Sa-00 - occ% 0.30%
LS 15_m 1 45 001% 5.00 423% c 00%
@5 Edd$ftd LS 15.d0 1 14 I A1n/o 5 00 n.x% r-:: 0M%
46tl krwtuCd LS 5.m 0s 0m% 1.0c e.05% a_27 3 t1%
LS 20w ' 0 00qo 124 0.m% 4.15 c c1%
3 450.00 82.49 0.S% 122.5C 5.51% 73.53 3U%
ryJ Hffii@idrel& LS 70m i 41 0.81% 12.m 0 55% 2.44 0 11%
@ CrMqkcer$fu LS 500 offi 000% 1 00 0.05% 0.00%
LS 20.00 4.00 0.18% 0.48

a$l Vdkle Uainienak 5 15.00 , 000% 1 00 0.05% 0.10 0 00%

4S Fumhre ReFi€ LA 5.m - 0.00% 10c 005% 0 laq,
{916 6pddddE. ro.hiq LS 5OO - 0.00% 1.S 0.050h a ac.h
4921 LS 6O0 - 0_00% 1.00 0 0570 0 0006

5 280 0! 6551 0.528A 18000 I 18% - 000%

LS 55 00 8.51 0.01% 9.00 0.41% 0s 004%
*rt tuSed+-$& LS 24S 8€ 0.07% 900 041% 0s3 c04%
5W -offi - 0.& -0m
LS 284.S _ 000% - 000% 0.49 0.02%
LS 30 00 12.45 0 10% 2.m 0.09% 1.36 0.06%
S23 Tehmhuni6h EquipM LS 675 - 000% - 0t0%
- 500 00

(c) PttFicalediryry
90s.00 000% 2273'/a
/ -r'-
g, RsGrqk @yo,

: kyd F*ing ol Projd Oi,e ad (ry\6ty
eyd lffidd P.lM
il*ting of ADP included prcjecr
ot the Ye.2017-2018

Remrtino Period : Aor-r8

Name ol lhe Minislry/Divisron/Organiation : Mifigtry of Dissi6. ilsnagemnt atrd Rdlief

2200.00 200 00 2000.c0 112.50 2000.00 81.77 114 11

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