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Project 10: Make a New Book Jacket

Student Name ___________________________________________________________

To receive full credit for this project, your project must be done in the form of a book jacket with all parts

It must be attractive, creative, NEAT and it must include the following:

• Jacket Cover Design
o Title and author of book.
o An attractive picture or cover design that is creative, NEAT, and applies to the story and is
consistent all the way through (front to back, spine and flaps included).
o Title along the spine.
o The back of the jacket is NEAT, unique, and contains the appropriate information.
 A review of the book from a credited source
 A barcode
 Any other keywords that describe your book’s content (optional)
• Summary and Author information to be included on Jacket
o Original Summary of the book. This means it is written by you.
o Info on the Author  Where they are from, how they got into writing, writing
rewards/successes, and current projects minimum. You may add other appropriate
information at your digression.
o Info on the Illustrator.
 This only applies if there are drawn images within the text.
o Information about other books by the author.
• Summary of the book.
o Include enough details to convince me that you read the book, but don’t give away the
ending! Make others want to read it.
• Bibliography (if necessary)
o If you use an image off line as part of your jacket cover design you must sight it in MLA
format in a bibliography. Stealing images for your work is considered plagiarism.
For every item you fail to include, you will receive 1 point off of the possible 5 points available to

See example below as a reference for one way you can structure your book Jacket. There are many
other ways/templates you can use to design your book jacket. This is just an example from a book
already in pring.

Book Jacket for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

 Image is carried from the front to the back.
 A review of the book is included.
 A barcode that includes the ISBN number is included
 MLA citation of image:
GrandPré, Mary and David Saylor. “Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s Stone Book Jacket.” Online
Image. 2002. AntiqBook. Antique Books. 15
Oct. 2010,%20J%20K
To the Left is the front inside of flap of the book contains a summary of the books events that is meant to
intrigue the reader.

Below is the back inside flap of the book which contains information about the author. No other books are
included because this is the first book that J.K. Rowling had written. However, in her other books the
titles of earlier written texts are included.

Citation: Both images of the inside flaps were scanned by Mrs. Lively directly. There for the citation only
consists of the book information. See citation below:

Book Jacket Flaps from Harry Potter and the Socerer’s Stone, images by Mary GrandPré and David
Saylor. Scanned by Pamela Lively. 15 Oct 2010.
Bibliography Requirements for Online Image:

Artist if Available. "Description or Title of Image." Online image. Date of image. Title of Larger Site.

Name of Providing Library, Consortium or Library System (if appropriate). Name of organization (if

appropriate). Date of download. <>.


"Mars Landing." Online image. 3 Nov. 1999. NASA: Solar System Exploration. NASA. 4 Oct. 2006.



Weaver, Bruce. "Challenger Explosion." Online image. 28 Jan. 1986. AP Photo Archive.
ACCESS PA. 30 Jan. 1999. <>.

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