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PDP Professional Development Plan

Take some time to read through your MST/MCT report from last semester. Highlight (or
take notes) on comments which identify points of development. Choose one or two which
you feel are especially important and write them in the table. Then decide which
competency it is, what you want to achieve in this area this semester and finally note how
you will achieve this.

MCT/ MST Enthuses myself and the children for the next time, model the activities before going to the groups,
And provide clear explanation for the activities

Competency Time management

Goal I want to achieve the recommendation that my MST gave me that is modelling and explaining the
activities for the children before moving to the groups

Action Points When I will finish the circle time, I will explain for the children each activity and I will show them
How they are going to do it.

MCT/ MST recommendation Use different tone of voice when teaching and I should work on implementing
different behavior strategies that suits me and the class that I am working with.


use different behavior strategies and use different tone of voice

Action Points I will try to separate the children when they will get distracted by anything and
I will put them in the thinking chair. Furthermore, I will use different tone of voice
After the Task - Reflection
Reflect upon your progress towards your goals.

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