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The writer wants to thank to Almighty God because of His bless and grace , we can finish this
paper. This paper titled “ Stating and Enquiring wether One know and Doesn’t Know about
Person , Thing and Fact “ The writer wrote it to fulfill the assignment of English subject.

We also delivers our gratitude to Mrs. Anis S.pd, for her guidance to complete it .This
English paper provides the raeder s about that case in our daily life . We realizes that this paper
is far from perfect in the arrangement or in content of the paper. We hopes that the
suggestions from the readers can be a support to make us better in the next project.

Mataram, 08 december 2018

The writer
1.1 Background

Did you know? Doesn’t know and know was original charachteristic of human that always exist
in our life . In beginning God had created human from doesn’t know to know , at the first God created us
from doesn’t know to know. These characteristic was having strongly relationship that always exist in
our daily activity eventough , we realize that or not . As human god has given us thinking skills so we
become intellectual person that we can use our mind to think and can help us in our life thinking skiils
is the indicator to comperance human between nonhuman( Flora and fauna ) how perfect us to became
a human in the world.

1.2 Purpose of the paper

1. To tell about the definition about doesn’t know and know.

2. To tell about the negative and positive impact about doesn’t know and know.

3. To tell how to say stating and Enquiring about doesn’t kow and know.

4. To know the important of stating and Enquiring doesn’t know and know.

1.3 problem foundation

 How to express or stating and Enquiring doesn’t know and know?

 What is negative and positive impact about stating and Enquiring doesn’t know and
 How important to stating and enquiring doesn’t know and know?

 What is doesn’t know?

Doesn’t know is similar of lack information we are not be able to get informationor we can say
that we doesn’t know about something but its not generally doesn’t know about the other thing
so in that case we are be able to improve our skill thingking with curious about that we can
search reference likes book or from the other person who knows about somethingand etc.

What is know?
Know is a dispotion to know and we are be able knows about something these case is necessary
needed in this era and we got so much benefits towards it and we know about largely and
But of them charactheristic always exist and stand in human beig so we always be ready to
improve our thinking skills.

The negative impact of doesn’t know

Become ashame because sometimes we found that person aks us about something but
unfortunately we don’t know about that so we realize that become ashame to our self itself.

Become stupidly because for the example we don’t know about lesson , thing or fact we lack
information of that so our knowledge about something its can’t able became upgrade

Can refers to buliying and etc. bullying the main factor of bulliying is we doesn’t know about person
that we always bullies that’s a big case in this era because some of people looks of person just from
its cover and it s also can refers to fighting in our society and ect.

The negative impact of know

Judging based on the data this case apper from person that have enough or high thinking to knows
they always judging the minority.

Kepo curios about particular object and ect.

The positive impact of doesn’t know

We always keep away from KEPO deposition

And we having a lot motivation yo become better one and ect..

The positive impact of know

Smart person because we are having a highly to knows about somethingso we become curious that
thing and find out that thing. And can improve our knowledge.

We can help others for the example when there is a person or people come to us aks about
something likes thing’ fact or even person so we could help them by our knowledge or knowing that

2.3 how to stating and enquiring wether doesn’t know and know about thing, fact or person.


A.I Don’t kow how to make this handmade craft could you tell me the step?

Yes I could………………

B.Do you know her I don’t realize she can become friends with us because she is arrogant?

No idont think so stop talking that…………..

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