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Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 1

Table of Contents

Downloading Destiny 6 2
Choosing Your Server
2 Signing Into Your Account 2
When to Re-roll Your Account 2-3
How to Re-roll Your Account 3
Team Building 3
Progression 4
Orbs 4-5
Flat Orbs Vs. Percentage Orbs 5
Crests 5-6
Making Six Stars 6
Ragoons 6
What to do With Dupes 7
Final Notes 7

Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 2

Downloading Destiny 6

Video Guide
Source: /u/TeamUnfairBear

Download the APK here. This APK has been verified by Lookout Security Software to work
properly and not cause your phone issues.

1. Download VPN ( I used CyberGhost) 
2. Set VPN to Singapore 
3. Go to Apple Store – Account Settings 
4. Change Country/Region to Singapore 
5. Use Address from This website (​​) 
6. Download Destiny6 from AppStore 
7. Do Tutorial with VPN still on. (Some Say you can stop after reaching level 2) 
8. Verify Asia Server 
9. Link Apple ID (GameCenter) or Facebook to Account 
Source: Childish Plays 

Choosing Your Server

Currently there are two servers: Korea and Asia. The Korean server is easy to get on to, but is
harder to make purchases on. In order to connect to the Asia server, you need to use a VPN.
Currently, FlashVPN or Turbo VPN seem to be great options on Android. A friend has confirmed
that VPN Proxy Master works on IOS (There is a free singapore server). Run the VPN in
Singapore. Install the game and play through the tutorial with the VPN engaged. Once the
tutorial is completed and you have verified you are in the Asia server according to account
settings in D6, you may disengage the VPN.

Signing Into Your Account

If you plan on re-rolling your account, you want to make sure you ​do not​​ use your google play
account if you are on Android. Simply click connect and use something random for the account
name. Later on you'll be able to spend 1,000 gems to rename your account to what you want,
but not if you've already used the name you wanted on a dummy account.
After choosing the account you want, you can link your D6 account to apple, google play, or
facebook using the settings in D6.

Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 3

When to Re-Roll Your Account

Generally, you want to re-roll if you have not gotten one nat 5 from the first legendary and one
nat 5 from the first 3500 rubies awarded to you after completing the first stage. Re-rolling your
account for a specific nat 5 is mostly a waste of time since the odds of you getting that specific
monster is very slim. Therefore, after getting 2 nat 5s from your legendary and 3500 rubies, you
are ready to start on your adventure.
Note 1: ​If you are unsure if your monster is good, look at the tier list in the sidebar. It is
important to note that this list is not final and may not accurately rate your monsters.
Note 2:​​ Monsters to look out for when re-rolling: R. Adonis, P. Adonis, S. Arcana, S. Tasia,
P. Tasia, P. Fransisca, R. Fransisca, S. Carlota, R. ​ ​Natalia, S. Natalia, P. Kur, S. Yanuk, P.
Yona, R. Yona, S. Shaolin, S. Zhao Chi,​ ​P. Zhao Chi, P. Jun, S. Julian, R. Julian, R. Helga, S.
Helga, S. Gunter, P. Gunter, P. Eve, S. Eve, P. Sierra

How to Re-Roll Your Destiny 6 Account

You'll need a file manager. If you don't have one, Amaze File Manager is decent:

1) Use a file manager to navigate to: /Android/data/com.netmarble.destiny

2) Rename the folder. I just added a 6 at the end (com.netmarble.destiny6).
3) Go to your device settings -> Apps -> Destiny 6
4) Force Stop the app, then go to Storage -> Clear Data.
5) Go back to the file manager and change the name of the directory back to
Then you can open the app again and you'll be back to a fresh install.

Unfortunately, you must remove and reinstall the app entirely.
Source: /u/Yomat

Team Building

A beginners team should consist of a damage dealer, a breaker, a healer, and a debuffer/buffer.
There are many monsters that fulfill several of these requirements.
An example of a team would be:
Damage Dealer:​​ R. Julian (L)
Breaker:​​ P. Kur
Debuffer/Buffer:​​ S. Shaolin
Healer:​​ S. Eve (Striker)

Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 4

Video Help for Team Building:
Source: /u/TeamUnfairBear


It is important to progress through the scenario in order to get rubies, gold, and orbs. Ensure
you are checking the Tome of Prophecies along the way to collect all your rewards.
Do the Tower of Promises because you have only 6 keys and 1 level costs 2 keys (you get 1
key/hr) and if you have 1 or 2 nat5 you should be able to clear it easily (early stages at least).
Do the dungeon, you have 5 entrance per dungeon per day (unless you refill). Do them to get
awakening material and even crests (even if you can't use them right now).
Do at least 5 arena per day once you are able to for quest/event. (If you can do 10 do so, you
get more rewards)
Note: You gain a buff where you deal bonus damage while taking less damage for any
stage that you have gotten three stars on. (Note Source: /u/sedangbekerja)
Source: /u/Bloodyfoxx


There are 5 types of orbs in this game. Each have their own uses. Orbs go from 1 star to 4 star
and have primary stats that can be flat or a percentage. Each orbs main stat will vary by a small
amount. For example, a 4 star slot 1 rune could have roughly between +9-11.5% Hp at power
up level 0 (Not sure exact amounts here, just giving an example).
1) Vitality:​​ +5% max hp for each set of 2 equipped.
2) Bravery:​​ +5% atk for each set of 2 equipped.
3) Iron Wall:​​ + 10% def for each set of 2 equipped.
4) Concentration:​​ +5% crit rate for each set of 2 equipped. This is my favorite orb and I
recommend you put these on all your damage dealers.
5) Punishment:​​ +10% crit dmg for each set of 2 equipped.

Orb Main Stats:

Slot 1: ​Hp + or Hp %
Slot 2:​​ Atk + or Atk %
Slot 3:​​ Def + or Def %
Slot 4:​​ Crit Rate %

Note: ​% orbs are not necessarily better than flat orbs, because some units with really low base
stats in one area will scale better with flat orbs over % orbs.

Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 5

e.g. P Francisca, P Adonis with really low attack will notice that Atk % and Atk + orbs are very
similar, with Atk + edging out Atk % ​Source: /u/Vyzima

Note: ​The following orb recommendations are my own opinion, feel free to comment with

Support: ​This type of monster has a max hp heal or max def heal. I recommend either full
Vitality or full Iron Wall. Whichever benefits the skills most.

Damage Dealer: ​This is your main nuke monster, either has high hp/atk scaling skills or ignores
defense. I recommend full Concentration or Concentration and Bravery/Vitality, depending on
the skills.

Debuffer/Buffer:​​ Some debuffers can be used as damage dealers and I recommend the same
orbs as above. Some debuffers/buffers scale off hp or def. It is up to you to decide what orbs
best suit their skills.

Flat Orbs Vs. Percent Orbs

Below 13000 base HP, Use Flat HP, with a minimum of 245 at level 0.
Over 13000 base HP, Use %HP.
Bellow 900 base ATK, use Flat ATK, with a minimum of 17 at level 0.
Over 900 base ATK, use %ATK.
Bellow 900 base DEF, use Flat DEF, with a minimum of 17 at level 0.
Over 900 base DEF, use %DEF.
Pouloum found that you should keep 4 star orbs with flat HP > 245, ATK/DEF > 17.
Source: /u/Pouloum


There are 5 types of crests in this game. Each have their own uses. All crests are 2 set, so
double below amounts for a 4 set. Crests go from 1 star to 4 star and have primary stats that
can be flat or a percentage.
1) Grit:​​ +5% skill cooldown reduction. My favorite crest. Faster skills means more uses. These
crests are good for any monster type in the game.
2) Resistance:​​ +5% status resistance. Useful in all areas, resistance is not to be taken lightly
and can save you in certain situations. These crests are good for supports.
3) Precision:​​ +5% status activation. Not to be confused with accuracy, this means your stuns
have a 5% greater chance to activate, but not to land. Good for debuff units.

Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 6

4) Persistence:​​ +10% debuff duration. Good for debuff units.

5) Preservation:​​ +10% buff duration. Great for supports that provide shield skills (invincibility,
damage reflect). Good for any units that provide buffs.

Making Six Stars

So you’ve beaten a few scenarios. You’ve summoned a few cool looking nat 5’s. You notice one
of your nat 5’s is already max level. Time to make them 6 star!
There are three main methods of evolving quickly:

1) Farming XP:​​ Much like in SW, pop an XP booster and solo a scenario with three fodder. This
will take you some time. Not recommended as you do not get much XP from stages.

2) Farming Secret Dungeons: ​There are 4 star secret dungeons in D6. Grab some and farm
fodder! You can level them in the scenario after or use ragoons to level them.

3) Farming Ragoons: ​My favorite method, more p2w than the others. This is probably the
fastest solution. You farm ragoons in tower of promises, in the daily dungeon, or in the scenario
stages as you farm for orbs. Refresh the dungeons when you run out of tries, or buy keys when
you run out of those. Power up those three stars to four stars, etc. Remember to only use
enhanced ragoons on their same type of monster for the added efficiency.


There are a few types of Ragoon:

1) Evolved:​​ The evolved ragoon can only be used to evolve monsters of the same type. For
example: if you have 5 five star rock ragoons, you can evolve your rock Julian to six star (so
long as he is max level 5 star).

2) Enhanced:​​ If your five star rock Julian is not max level, you can use enhanced ragoons to
level him up. Enhanced ragoons provide 150% xp to monsters of the same type.

3) Skilled:​​ This is the most valuable ragoon. You can use the skilled ragoon to level up the
skills of any monster in the game. I recommend using these sparingly and primarily on nat 5
monsters. The number of skilled ragoons it takes to level up a skill varies based on the skill
level. At level 1, a skill requires one skilled ragoon to get to level 2. At level 2, a skill requires
two skilled ragoons to get to level 3, etc.

Destiny 6 Beginners Guide 7

What to do With Dupes

You can use dupe Nat 5’s for 3 things.

1) Evolving your other Nat 5’s to 6 star (​Not Recommended!​​).
2) Leveling up your Nat 5’s skills.
3) As a second team in guild conquest. For example: If you use P. Fransisca in your first guild
conquest fight, you can use your dupe P. Fransisca in the next guild conquest fight.
Note: ​I do not consider Nat 5’s of different types to be dupes. For example: P. Fransisca and R.
Fransisca are not dupes of each other (even though you can’t use both on same team).

Note: ​Feel free to comment any suggestions on this document. This information is mostly my
opinion or the opinion of those from the Destiny 6 Global subreddit. Nothing here is final and I
will periodically check back and update it. Thanks and good luck in D6!


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