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i G

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p r
Su r
Mixed Ability Worksheets
 Worksheet  Worksheet

Teatime at Granny’s 4
Night and day
Reinforcement 1 1 Catch-up 16
Reinforcement 2 2 Support 17
Reinforcement 3 3 Reinforcement 18
Extension 19
A real cowboy
Catch-up 4 5
Off to school
Support 5 Catch-up 20
Reinforcement 6 Support 21
Extension 7 Reinforcement 22
Extension 23
Bathtime for Fifi
Catch-up 8 6
The Wolf’s in town
Support 9 Catch-up 24
Reinforcement 10 Support 25
Extension 11 Reinforcement 26
Extension 27
The hungry rat
Catch-up 12
Support 13
Reinforcement 14
Extension 15

S Teatime at Granny’s Reinforcement

1 Look and write.
chocolate  bananas  sandwiches  tomatoes  crisps  chicken  ice cream  sausages

1 She likes sausageš 3 He


2 4

2 Look and write. Write another question for a friend to answer.

1 Is the girl wearing a skirt?

˙o, she isn’t. ‡he’∫ wearing

2 Is she wearing sandals?

3 Is the boy wearing a shirt?

4 Is he wearing trousers?

5 ?

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 1

S Teatime at Granny’s Reinforcement

1 Circle the food words in red and the clothes words in blue.

2 Follow and write the time.

4 ýt’š

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 2

S Teatime at Granny’s Reinforcement

1 Look à â . Circle and write.
1 2
t s u l r p e t

r p a r r o t p

parrot o k p s u s h e

u v i o l i n n
3 4
s n a k e b a c

e t n h r s o i

r f o a p i a l

s h o e s e l e
5 8

6 7

2 Find and write.

1 Where’s the cap? 4

ýn the 1


2 Where’s 3 5

3 6

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 3

1 A real cowboy Catch-up

1 Follow and write.

1 sledging rollerblading
horse riding

2 7
playing hockey

playing basketball
3 8

4 canoeing 9


5 playing badminton 10

2 Look and write. Draw yourself and write.

1 2 3 4

I like horse I like I like I like


5 6 7 8

I like I like I like I like

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 4

1 A real cowboy Support

1 Look and circle.
1 2 3 4

sledging skateboarding fishing fishing

jogging rollerblading jogging sledging
5 6 7 8

playing basketball skateboarding rollerblading playing basketball

playing hockey horse riding horse riding playing hockey

2 Write.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7

1 j ogg ing 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 5

1 A real cowboy Reinforcement

1 Read and number.
1 2 3 4

a He likes playing basketball.  3 e He likes playing badminton.

b He doesn’t like playing basketball. f He doesn’t like playing hockey. 

c She likes playing basketball. g She likes playing hockey.

d She doesn’t like playing h She doesn’t like playing hockey.


2 Find four differences. Write.

canoeing sledging jogging fishing


1 ‡he likeš fishing. ‡he doesn’t like fishing.


Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 6

1 A real cowboy Extension

1 Read and complete the table.

Ellie likes playing hockey, watching Jamie likes canoeing, playing

TV and canoeing. She doesn’t like basketball and watching TV.
reading comics, playing basketball He doesn’t like playing hockey,
or fishing. reading comics or fishing.

Pete likes fishing, playing hockey Nicky likes reading comics, playing
and reading comics. He doesn’t like basketball and watching TV.
watching TV, canoeing or playing She doesn’t like playing hockey,
basketball. canoeing or fishing.


1 ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓

2 ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗

3 þllie ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓

4 ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓

2 Look and write.

He likes

He doesn’t like

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 7

2 Bathtime for Fifi Catch-up

1 Write.
toes teeth stomach shoulders neck knees hand fingers foot face

1 face 6 f

2 n 7 h

3 st 8 t

4 kn 9 sh

5 t 10 f

2 Look and write.

a face   feet   fingers   hands  a neck  toes

1 2 3

It’s got a neck. It’s got It’s got

4 5 6

It’s got It’s got It’s got

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 8

2 Bathtime for Fifi Support

1 Match.
1 2 3 4

face feet shoulders neck stomach teeth toes fingers

5 6 7 8

2 Label.

1 face 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 9

2 Bathtime for Fifi Reinforcement

1 Follow and write. Write Yes, she has or No, she hasn’t.

1 Has she got a long neck?

2 Has she got big hands?

3 Has she got big feet?

4 Has she got long legs?

5 Has she got big ears?

6 Has she got short legs?

2 Choose and circle. Draw and write.

face teeth ears

dirty clean big small big small

legs feet

long short big small

My dog has got a face.

got teeth.

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 10

2 Bathtime for Fifi Extension

1 Look at the dog. Follow and write the name.

Has she got big ears?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she got curly hair? Has she got curly hair?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. She’s got straight hair. Yes, she has.
Has she got long legs? Has she got long legs? Has she got long legs?
No, she hasn’t. No, she hasn’t.
Yes, she has. Yes, she has.
She’s got short legs. She’s got short legs.
Has she got blue eyes? Has she got blue eyes?
Has she got blue eyes? Has she got blue eyes?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. Yes, she hasn’t. No, she hasn’t.
She’s got brown eyes

The dog’s name is: L

2 Look and write. Then draw.

Missing dog

His name is

He’s got

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 11

3 The hungry rat Catch-up

1 Write.

Food Drink

coffee meat fruit

meat coffee

cola juice milk jam

fish tea sugar

2 Find and write.

I like juice. I don’t like I like I don’t like

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

I like I don’t like I like I don’t like

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 12

3 The hungry rat Support

1 Read and tick ✓.
1 2 meat 3 fruit

coffee 5 fish 6 juice

2 Write. Draw your own word picture.

1 2 3

4 5 6


Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 13

3 The hungry rat Reinforcement

1 Look and circle.

1 There’s some cola / juice in the jug.

2 There’s some fruit / meat on the plate.

3 There’s some milk / jam in the fridge.

4 There’s some meat / fish in the fridge.

5 There’s some cola / coffee in the


2 Match and answer with Yes, of course or No, sorry.

1 Can I have some fish?

¥e∫, of course.
2 Can I have some fruit?

3 Can I have some juice?


4 Can I have some coffee?


5 Can I have some cake?



Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 14

3 The hungry rat Extension

1 Read and answer.
Can I have some fruit?

Dear Kitty, ¥e∫, of course.

There’s some fish in the plate. 2
Can I have some chicken?
There’s some juice in the jug.
There’s some fruit and some
chicken in the fridge. 3
Can I have some milk?
Love, Wanda the Witch

Can I have some coffee?

2 Match and write.

a She’s number ninety. b She’s number forty. c He’s number eighty.

‡he’š lazy.

d He’s number fifty. e She’s number seventy. f He’s number sixty.

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 15

4 Night and day Catch-up

1 Look and write.
bed breakfast dinner up home lessons school shower sleep snack

1 2 3 4 5

1 have 2 go to 3 go to 4 have a 5 get

nedinr deb chools nacks pu

6 7 8 9 10

6 have 7 go 8 have a 9 have 10 go to

fasbrekat hemo wohser lssenos splee

2 Follow and write.

fl get up.

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 16

4 Night and day Support

1 Match.

a shower

get lessons


to bed

to school

have dinner


2 Write. Tick ✓ the things you do on Sundays.

1 2 3 4

get up

5 6 7 8

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 17

4 Night and day Reinforcement

1 Read and tick ✓ or cross ✗.

1 He gets up at six o’clock. ✓

2 He has breakfast at seven o’clock. 

3 He has a shower at eight o’clock.

4 He goes to school at nine o’clock. 

5 He has lessons at ten o’clock. 

6 He goes home at four o’clock. 

7 He has dinner at five o’clock. 

8 He goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

2 Write the words in order. Match and draw the clocks.

1 seven she shower has o’clock at a


2 at school o’clock goes she nine to

3 o’clock at she four snack a has

4 goes at eight to she o’clock sleep

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 18

4 Night and day Extension

1 Number and write.

1 She gets up at quarter past seven.

2 She has a shower at

3 She has breakfast at

4 She goes to school at

5 She has lessons at

6 She goes home at

7 She has dinner at

8 She goes to sleep at

2 Read and write the name. Write about the other person.

What time get up have go to He gets up at half past six. He has

do you … ? lunch bed lunch at quarter to one. He goes
to bed at quarter past eight.

He gets up at quarter to seven.
He has lunch at quarter to one.
He goes to bed at half past eight.


Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 19

5 Off to school Catch-up

1 Write the missing letters.
1 1 a pl an e
2 6 7 2 a he pter

3 a mo bike

5 4 a l ry

4 5 a t i
9 6 a b s

7 a v n
8 a b t

10 9 a tr n

10 the underg d

2 Look and write.

1 2 3 4

What’s this? It’s a What’s this? It’s a What’s this? It’s a What’s this? It’s a
5 6 7 8

What’s this? It’s a What’s this? It’s a What’s this? It’s a What’s this? It’s a

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 20

5 Off to school Support

1 Look and circle.
1 2 3 4

taxitrain vanhelicopter motorbikeboat vanbus

5 6 7 8

taxitrain lorryhelicopter boatbus motorbikelorry

2 Follow and write.

2 helicopter

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 21

5 Off to school Reinforcement

1 Find and write.
train taxi bus bike boat plane helicopter scooter

1 She goes to school by scooter.

2 She goes to the park by

3 She goes to the sports centre by

4 She goes to the beach by

5 He goes to the park by

6 He goes to the beach by

7 He goes to school by

8 He goes to the sports centre by

2 Follow and write.

1 How do you go to the beach?

by train
2 How do you go to the park?

3 How do you go to the sports centre?

4 How do you go to school ?

5 How do you go to the shops ?

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 22

5 Off to school Extension

1 Read. Write.

I go to by .

How do you go to school, Sally?

By . How do you

go to the , Harry?
By . How do

Harry you the ? Sally

I . How do you

go to the ?
By .

™arry goeš to school by buš. ‡ally goes by

2 Read and tick ✓ or cross ✗. Write correct sentences.

Monday Tuesday 1 English is on Monday at quarter past nine.  ✗

2 Geography is on Monday at half past ten.

3 PE is on Monday at quarter to one.

4 Science is on Tuesday at quarter to nine.

5 Maths is on Monday at half past ten.


Lunch Lunch
6 History is on Tuesday at quarter past one. 

þnglish i∫ on

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 23

6 The Wolf’s in town Catch-up

1 Find and write.

51 a supermarket 56 a

52 a 57 a

53 a 58 a

54 a 59 a

55 a 60 a

2 Look and write.

1 2 3 4

I’m at the I’m at the I’m at the I’m at the

5 6 7 8

I’m at the I’m at the I’m at the I’m at the

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 24

6 The Wolf’s in town Support

1 Look and number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a supermarket 5 a station a toy shop

a cafe a book shop a museum

a cinema a swimming pool

2 Match and write.

4 cinema

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 25

6 The Wolf’s in town Reinforcement

1 Read and number.
1 2
2 I’m listening to music.

I’m sitting.
I’m drawing.
I’m talking.
I’m walking. 3 4

I’m reading.

5 6

2 Find and write.

cafe museum park station toy shop zoo

1 ‡he’š in the park. 4

‡he’š walking.

2 5

3 6

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 26
6 The Wolf’s in town Extension

1 Find the people. Write.

diving drinking eating jogging playing football swimming

1 cafe ‡he’š drinking.

2 swimming pool

3 park

2 Find the animals. Write.

1 There’s a lion opposite the bank.

2 There’s a giraffe

3 There’s a parrot

4 There’s a flamingo

5 There’s a gorilla

6 There’s a zebra

Big Surprise! 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Mixed Ability Worksheet 27

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