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Date : 2016-12-23

Build : V10.00.0019
Relase Note :
1. Fix Windows Search issue.(PC becomes sluggish) [\I386\OEM\Refresh.cmd ;
2. Fix OA3 File Path. [I386\AsStageIntegrate.exe(v1.0.0.5)]
3. Remove Asinst when the process completed.
Date : 2016-11-16
Build : V10.00.0018
Relase Note :
1. Add education workaround. [I386\SYSPRE*.cmd ; I386\MigConfig.xml]
2. Remove model name of system Info. [I386\AsStageIntegrate.exe(v1.0.0.4)]
Date : 2016-10-12
Build : V10.00.0017
Relase Note :
1. BSOD flag of inst.ini is invalid , Update BSOD check function.
Date : 2016-10-04
Build : V10.00.0016
Relase Note :
1. Fix USMT issue with fontcache [I386\MigConfig.xml]
2. By DriverCD management system to decide whether to check BSOD (Check by default)
3. Do not need to delete other wallpapers
Date : 2016-09-01
Build : V10.00.0015
Relase Note :
1. Check Device Status [I386\SYSPREP*.cmd ; ChkDevice.cmd]
2. Check BSOD
Date : 2016-07-13
Build : V10.00.0014
Relase Note :
1. Remove check logo function
2. By pass the beta driver only on /pr
3. Modify LMXmlPath for PBR [I386\OEM\Reset.cmd ; Refresh.cmd]
4. Set DeviceForm Code for DT/AIO on MS Signature Image [I386\AsSetUnattend.exe]
Date : 2016-03-31
Build : V10.00.0013
Relase Note :
1. String of new OOBEPage is too long (>256) and cause the program fail , Update
AsInsXml.exe [I386\AsInsXml.exe(v1.0.0.2)]
2. Try to close crash window to patch USMT Stop working issue
Date : 2016-03-17
Build : V10.00.0012
Relase Note :
1. Support TrustID by Model , Add parameter /deviceform & /trustedimageidentifier
[I386\SpecialProc.cmd , I386\SYSPRE*.cmd , I386\AsSetUnattend.exe]
2. Fix LanguageGroup Detection issue for RDVD
3. Fix crash issue with memory and support on/off device command and new hardware
support [I386\AsTouchPanel\AsPatchTouchPanel*.*]
4. Try to close crash window to patch USMT Stop working issue [I386\TestWHQL.exe]
Date : 2016-01-18
Build : V10.00.0011
Relase Note :
1. Change ";" to "," for IgnoreList.
2. Add USMT Check/Retry rule. [I386\Sysprep*.Cmd , I386\USMT.cmd]
3. Support DPTF Config File [I386\SysPAT*.Cmd , I386\ASUSConfig.cmd ,
Date : 2015-11-09
Build : V10.00.0010
Relase Note :
1. Fix version compare for StoreApp.
2. Fix AMD control center issue during PBR. [MigConfig.xml]
Date : 2015-10-28
Build : V10.00.0009
Relase Note :
1. Add HWID [I386\AsTouchPanel\AsPatchTouchPanel.ini]
2. Update timeout 600 minutes for USMT [I386\Inst.ini]
3. Fix space issue when the main process read ignore list and compare
4. Support SmartPin [AsSmartPin.exe from HDI]
5. ** Phase Out Winsat **
Date : 2015-10-01
Build : V10.00.0008
Relase Note :
1. Hidden folder under C drive [I386\OEM\Reset.cmd]
2. Hidden folder under C drive [I386\OEM\Refresh.cmd]
(1&2 Only happend on OS is disk1)
3. Fix eSupport issue on MS Case [I386\AsInst.exe]
4. Update Ignore Process List [I386\IgnoreProcess.txt]
Date : 2015-09-08
Build : V10.00.0007
Relase Note :
1.Fix PBR issue : Incorrect system locale is set after using refresh your PC
2.Fix PBR issue : Push-button reset fails during the "Installing Windows" phase
(Note. PBR document from v1.6 , Implement 9.1.3 & 9.1.4)
3.Add Entry point to Support RDVD process [I386\Sysprep*.Cmd]
Date : 2015-08-24
Build : V10.00.0006
Relase Note :
1. Add registry key to support PBR backup solution[I386\MigConfig.xml]
Date : 2015-08-11
Build : V10.00.0005
Relase Note :
1. Add Assembly version in Inst.log [I386\AsInst.exe]
2. By rule to delete folder [I386\AsInst.exe]
When -Hotfix -HWID -MoreCheckIfRun -AsCheckExist -HDIGroup -FactoryOnly
3. [All Case] Delete eSupport\eDriver\I386 , eSupport\eDriver\Windows
4. [MS Case] Delete eSupport\eDriver [I386\AsInst.exe]
5. Create InstallWiz shortcut in All Apps , Except Signature[I386\AsInst.exe]
6. Remove fix Via audio bug [I386\AsInst.exe]
7. Remove AutoLogon Key [I386\AsInst.exe]
8. Remvoe AsChkDev.exe [I386\AsInst.exe]
9. Update Script [I386\SpecialProc.cmd]
Date : 2015-08-05
Build : V10.00.0004
Relase Note :
1. Update Win10 RTM Check Logo Tool (Fix 64bit Output Log Issue)
2. Dynamic to set DeviceForm value from Unattend [Update I386\AsSetUnattend.exe]
3. Remove eDriver if it's Signature Image
4. Remove InstallWiz ShortCut if it's Signature Image
Date : 2015-07-30
Build : V10.00.0003
Relase Note :
1. Hidden folder under C drive [I386\OEM\Reset.cmd]
2. Hidden folder under C drive [I386\OEM\Refresh.cmd]
3. Create InstallWiz shortcut in All Apps [I386\AsInst.exe]
4. New hotfix rule to detect ServicePackName [Windows\Log\OSInfo.ini]
5. Check if the hotfix had been installed before item executed [I386\AsInst.exe]
6. Add Metro app version compare rule [I386\AsInst.exe]
7. Delete Korea shortcut from All Apps
Date : 2015-07-21
Build : V10.00.0002
Relase Note :
1. Fix BBY Bug [Sysprep*.Cmd]
Date : 2015-07-20
Build : V10.00.0001
Relase Note :
1. First Release

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