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Transitions Grade: KG2-1

Type and function of Strategies used to facilitate transitions Efficacy of the strategy in terms of Suggestions for further development.
transitions promoting positive behavior and
minimizing challenging behavior.
1. Greeting in the morning The teacher waits for the student in When the teacher greets the children
the classroom and when they arrive in the morning they feel happy.
she greets them then the student

automatically goes and put his card The children now directly that when
name in the pocket and sit in the they arrive they put the cards on their
carpet and wait for the rest of the places this their routine.
children to come.
2. going to the morning when it’s 8:00 the students hear a When the students walk on the line
assembly music, and know that it’s the this teach them to be more organized
morning assembly time they make and be independent they don’t wait

two lines one for boys and one for for the teacher’s instruction

girls and then the students walk on
the line till they reach their spot in
morning assembly and stand there
and listen to the morning assembly.
3. The break time When it’s break the teacher asks the This helps the student to be more
students to tide up and make one organized and follow the rules. the
line and go to the playground and teacher does not need to keep calling
play and when the break time is the students one by one they already
finished one of the teacher rings a know this bell means so they stand in
small bell in the playground so the lines and wait for the teacher’s next
students know that the break time instruction.
is finished and they should make a
line so they go to their classrooms.


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