Yogesh Jaat Boy Bharatpur

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Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Management

Submitted to

Rajasthan Technical University, Kota

in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (2009-11)

Supervised by: Submitted by:


(An Autonomous Institution of Govt. of Rajasthan)

Barliya Chouraha, National Highway - 8, Ajmer – 305025

Tel. (145) 2671800 Fax (145) 2671801 Website: www.ecajmer.ac.in


This is to certify that Seminar Report entitled “Channel of distribution

for increase sales volume” submitted by Yogesh Kumar of MBA

Semester - II in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of

Master of Business Administration has been completed under my


To the best of my knowledge and belief, this study is the original work

of the candidate and has been completed by his own efforts. I am

satisfied with the work and recommend for its acceptance.

I wish him success in his future endeavors.

(Mr. Ashok Kumawat)

Faculty of Management Studies


I take immense pleasure in completing this project and submitting the final project

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my guide for giving me an opportunity of

learning and contributing through this project. I am highly obliged to Mr.Ashok
Kumawat who made this experience a memorable one.

In this context as a student, Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, I would like to express
my heartiest gratitude to Mr.Ashok Kumawat for assigning me such a worthwhile topic
to work upon banking industry.

I am highly indebted to, Mr.Ashok Kumawat who have been a source of inspiration
through their constant guidance, personal interest, encouragement and help during
the entire project work. In spite of their busy schedule they always found time to guide
me through the project. I am also grateful to them for reposing confidence in my
abilities and giving me the freedom to work on my project.

The project would not reach its final destination without timely and vital help of his
invaluable guidance, cooperation, inspiration and of course moral support throughout
my project session.

Last but not the least I thank all my respondents, family members & friends who have
helped me directly or indirectly without whose help this project would not be

Yogesh Kumar

1. Introduction
2. Channel of distribution - Meaning
3. Distribution Channel Function
4. The Need of Distribution Channel
5. Participants In The Distribution Channel
5.2.Agents and Broker
6. The Retail Distribution Channel
7. Dual Channel or Multiple channel
7.1.Channel Intermediater-Wholesaler
7.2.Channel Intermediater-Agents
7.3.Channel Intermediater-Retailor
7.4.Channel Intermediater-Internet
8. Customer Marketing Channel
9. Channel organization
10.Export Goods Distributions considerations
10.1.Indirect Exporting
10.2.Direct Exporting
11.Locating Foreign Representative and Buyers
12.Role of Middleman
13.How Channel are Chosen
14.Choice of Channel of Distribution


As you know, the primary objective of all business enterprises is to
earn profit by selling goods and services to ultimate consumers or users. In
order to bring goods from the place of manufacture to the place of
consumers, the goods have to follow a path or route which is known as
channel of distribution or trade channel. A trade or marketing channel
consists of producer, middlemen, and consumers or users. The channel
serves as a link between the producer and consumers. In the present
lesson we shall discuss the various aspects of channels of distribution.
This article discusses Methods of Exporting and Channels of Distribution.
The most common methods of export goods are indirect selling and direct
selling. In indirect selling, an export intermediary normally assumes
responsibility for finding overseas buyers, shipping products, and getting
paid. In direct selling, the producer deals directly with a foreign buyer.

The paramount consideration in determining whether to export goods

indirectly or directly is the level of resources a company is willing to devote
to its international marketing effort. These are some other factors to
consider when deciding whether to market indirectly or directly:

• The size of the firm.

• The nature of its products.

• Previous export experience and expertise.

• Business conditions in the selected overseas markets.

Channel of distribution - Meaning

A channel of distribution or trade channel is the path or route along
which goods move from producers to ultimate consumers or industrial
users. In other words, it is the distribution network through which a
producer puts his product in the hands of actual users. The channel of
distribution includes the original producer, the final buyer and any
middlemen-either wholesaler or retailer. The term middleman refers to any
institution or individual in the channel which either acquires title to the
goods or negotiates or sells in the capacity of an agent or broker. But
facilitating agencies who perform or assist in marketing function are not
included as middlemen in the channel of distribution. This is because they
neither acquire title to the goods nor negotiate purchase or sale. Such
facilitating agencies include banks, railways, roadways, warehouses,
insurance companies, advertising agencies, etc.
The following diagram (chart) is illustrative of the channel of
distribution which may exist in a market. The above chart indicates that the
number of middlemen may vary. If there is direct sale by the produce to the
consumers then there is No. middleman. But that is very rare. As the chart
shows the producer may sell goods to retailer who may then sell the same
to consumers. The producer may sell goods to wholesalers who may in
turn sell to retailers and the retailer may sell to consumers. The fourth
alternative channel of distribution is when any agent/dealer intervenes
between the producer and retailers and acts as a middlemen. The agent is
appointed by the producer for the sale of goods to the retailers. Another
alternative channel is there when producer’s agent sells goods to
wholesalers who sell to retailers. Agent/dealer is an independent
person/firm buying goods and selling them to retailers. Agent/dealer may
also sell to wholesalers who may then sell to retailers and goods are thus
made available to consumers. In the channel of distribution there may be
more than one agent/dealer and wholesaler.

Distribution Channel Functions
• Information: gathering and distributing marketing research and
intelligence information about the marketing environment

• Promotion: developing and spreading persuasive communications

about an offer

• Contact: finding and communicating with prospective buyers

• Matching: shaping and fitting the offer to the buyer’s needs,
including such activities as manufacturing, grading, assembling, and

• Negotiation: agreeing on price and other terms of the offer so that

ownership or possession can be transferred

• Physical distribution: transporting and storing goods

• Financing: acquiring and using funds to cover the costs of channel

• Risk taking: assuming financial risks such as the inability to sell

inventory at full margin

The Need for Distribution Channels

Why are all these layers needed in distribution? Why can’t a

producer simply sell to a retailer, who sells to a consumer? It’s a fair
question, and in some cases, that is exactly how it happens. But the fact is
that many producers are either too small or too large to handle all the
necessary functions themselves to get their products to market. Consider
the small, specialty manufacturer who is terrific at making fine leather
handbags but may not have the expertise to market its products as
well as it makes them, or they may not have the money to hire a team of
Salespeople to court the customers and secure the orders.
An intermediary who works for several small, noncompeting firms can
easily handle those functions cost-effectively. An intermediary who
specializes in importing and exporting can handle the intricacies of
customs paperwork, overseas shipping, and foreign markets, too.
Conversely, large companies need intermediaries because they are also in
the business of manufacturing, not marketing. Turning out tens of
thousands of cases of soft drinks, for instance, do you think Pepsi has
time to take and fill individual orders from households? Channel
members like wholesalers and retailers are useful because they are best at
specific aspects of sales in their markets, leaving the manufacturers to do
what they do best—which is turn out the best possible product. Having a
distribution channel breaks the whole buying and selling process and all its
related negotiations into manageable tasks, each performed by companies
that specialize in certain skills. Using an import wholesaler, for example,
can be handy because they know the laws and customs of the suppliers’
nations; and they generally offer their own lines of credit so the retailer
won’t have

Participants In The Distribution Channel

Retailers come in many shapes and sizes, so to speak. Retailers may be
According to any of the following four categories:

• Ownership. Every brick-and-mortar retailer can be classified as a
large, national chain store; a smaller, regional chain store; an
independent retailer; or a franchisee.
• Pricing philosophy. Stores are generally either discounters or
full-price retailers. Within the “discounter” category, there are several
subcategories such as factory outlets, consignment stores, dollar
stores, specialty discount stores, warehouse membership clubs, and
so on.
• Product assortment. The breadth and depth of product lines
carried by the store depends a lot on its ownership. An Ann Taylor
store, for example, sells Ann Taylor branded clothing—not much
breadth of product line there, but extensive depth in that line. A
Kmart, on the other hand, carries thousands of brands, but perhaps
does not have much depth (not many brands)in any given category of
• Service level. The more exclusive or specialized the store, the
more types of services it will generally offer from a name-branded
credit card, to on-site alterations, to liberal return policies for its loyal
customers. With the “big box” discounters, on the other hand,
customers pay for convenience and bypass traditional service, by
bagging their own groceries and the like. These distinctions between
various types of stores will be important as we discuss their
participation in certain distribution channels.

Wholesalers are intermediaries or middlemen who buy products from
manufacturers and resell them to the retailers. They take the same types of

financial risks as retailers, since they purchase the products (thereby taking
legal responsibility for them), keep them in inventory until they are resold
to retailers, and may arrange for shipment to those retailers. Wholesalers
can gather product from around a country or region, or can buy foreign
product lines by becoming importers. The term “wholesale” is often used to
describe discount retailers (as in “wholesale clubs”), but discounters are
retailers, not technically wholesalers.

Agents and Brokers

Agents (sometimes called brokers) are also intermediaries who work

between suppliers and retailers (or in B2B channels), but their
agreements are different, in that they do not take ownership of the products
they sell. They are independent sales representatives who typically work on
commission based on sales volume, and they can sell to wholesalers as
well as retailers. In B2B arrangements, this means they sell to distributors
and end users.

Resident sales agents are good examples in retail. They reside in the
country to which they sell products, but the products come from a variety of
foreign manufacturers. The resident sales agent represents those
manufacturers, who pay the agent on commission. A resident sales
agent does not always have merchandise warehoused and ready to sell,
but he or she does have product samples for which orders can be placed
and is responsible for bringing the items through the importation process.
Retailers that don’t have the money, time, or manpower to send someone
overseas for manufacturers’ site visits to check out the new product lines
can depend on a resident sales agent to do the job.

Buying offices can also be considered a type of agent or broker, since
they earn their money pairing up retailers with product lines from various

The Retail Distribution Channel

We’ll set aside business-to-business channels for now and look at the four

types of retail distribution channels for consumer products:

Direct channel. This is when the same company that manufactures a

product sells it directly to the consumer or end user. Dell,asmentioned in, is
a direct channel marketer. Mail-order catalog sales companies,
like Lands’ End, are also direct channel sellers.
Retailer channel. This is when the producer sells to the retailer, and the
retailer sells to the consumer.
Wholesaler channel. Intermediaries play a role here, as the
manufacturer sells to a wholesaler . . . who sells to a retailer . . . who sells
to the consumer.
Agent or broker channel. The most complex arrangement involves
several transactions, often because the merchandise is being imported.
The producer sells to an agent . . . who sells to a wholesaler . . . who sells
to a retailer. . . who finally sells to the consumer or end user.

Dual channel or multiple channel.

This term refers to the use of two or more channels to sell products
to different types of customers. A lawnmower manufacturer, for example,

might sell some product lines at retail and others to commercial lawn care
companies, each requiring different intermediary services.

Channel intermediaries - Wholesalers

• Break down ‘bulk’

• buys from producers and sell small quantities to retailers
• Provides storage facilities
• reduces contact cost between producer andconsumer
• Wholesaler takes some of the marketing responsibility e.g sales force,

Channel intermediaries – Agents

• Mainly used in international markets
• Commission agent - does not take title of the goods. Secures orders.
• Stockist agent - hold ‘consignment’ stock
• Control is difficult due to cultural differences
• Training, motivation, etc are expensive

Channel intermediaries – Retailer

• Much stronger personal relationship with the consumer
• Hold a variety of products
• Offer consumers credit
• Promote and merchandise products
• Price the final product
• Build retailer ‘brand’ in the high street

Channel intermediaries – Internet
• Sell to a geographically disperse market
• Able to target and focus on specific segments
• Relatively low set-up costs
• Use of e-commerce technology (for payment, shopping software
• Paradigm shift in commerce and consumption

Channel Organization
A vertical marketing system (VMS) consists of producers,
wholesalers, and retailers acting as a unified system One channel
member either owns the others, has contracts with them, or wields so much
power that they all cooperate

Export Goods Distributions Consideration

Which channels of distribution should the firm use to market its products
Where should the firm produce its products and how should it distribute
them in the foreign market?

What types of representatives, brokers, wholesalers, dealers, distributors,

retailers, and so on should the firm use?

What are the characteristics and capabilities of the available


Indirect Exporting
The principal advantage of indirect marketing for a smaller company
is that it provides a way to penetrate foreign markets without the
complexities and risks of direct exporting. Several kinds of intermediary
firms provide a range of export services. Each type of firm offers distinct
advantages for the company.

Commission agents
Commission or buying agents are finders for foreign firms that want to
purchase domestic products. They seek to obtain the desired items at the
lowest possible price and are paid a commission by their foreign clients. In
some cases, they may be foreign government agencies or quasi-
governmental firms empowered to locate and purchase desired goods.
Foreign government purchasing missions are one example.

Export management companies

An EMC acts as the export department for one or several producers
of goods or services. It solicits and transacts business in the names of the
producers it represents or in its own name for a commission, salary, or
retainer plus commission. Some EMCs provide immediate payment for the
producer's products by either arranging financing or directly purchasing

products for resale. Typically, only larger EMCs can afford to purchase or
finance exports.

EMCs usually specialize either by product or by foreign market or

both. Because of their specialization, the best EMCs know their products
and the markets they serve very well and usually have well-established
networks of foreign distributors already in place. This immediate access to
foreign markets is one of the principal reasons for using an EMC, since
establishing a productive relationship with a foreign representative may be
a costly and lengthy process.

One disadvantage in using an EMC is that a manufacturer may lose

control over foreign sales. Most manufacturers are properly concerned that
their product and company image be well maintained in foreign markets. An
important way for a company to retain sufficient control in such an
arrangement is to carefully select an EMC that can meet the company's
needs and maintain close communication with it. For example, a company
may ask for regular reports on efforts to market its products and may
require approval of certain types of efforts, such as advertising programs or
service arrangements. If a company wants to maintain this type of
relationship with an EMC, it should negotiate points of concern before
entering an agreement, since not all EMCs are willing to comply with the
company's concerns.

Export trading companies

An ETC facilitates the export of domestic goods and services. Like an
EMC, an ETC can either act as the export department for producers or take
title to the product and export for its own account. Therefore, the terms
ETC and EMC are often used interchangeably. A special kind of ETC is a
group organized and operated by producers. These ETCs can be

organized along multiple- or single-industry lines and can represent
producers of competing products.

Export agents, merchants, or remarketers

Export agents, merchants, or remarketers purchase products directly
from the manufacturer, packing and marking the products according to their
own specifications. They then sell overseas through their contacts in their
own names and assume all risks for accounts.In transactions with export
agents, merchants, or remarketers, a firm relinquishes control over the
marketing and promotion of its product, which could have an adverse effect
on future sales efforts abroad. For example, the product could be under
priced or incorrectly positioned in the market, or after-sales service could
be neglected. On the other hand, the effort required by the manufacturer to
market the product overseas is very small and may lead to sales that
otherwise would take a great deal of effort to obtain.

Piggyback marketing
Piggyback marketing is an arrangement in which one manufacturer
or service firm distributes a second firm's product or service. The most
common piggybacking situation is when a domestic company has a
contract with an overseas buyer to provide a wide range of products or
services. Often, this first company does not produce all of the products it is
under contract to provide, and it turns to other companies to provide the
remaining products. The second company thus piggybacks its products to
the international market, generally without incurring the marketing and
distribution costs associated with exporting. Successful arrangements

usually require that the product lines be complementary and appeal to the
same customers.

Direct Exporting
The advantages of direct exporting for a company include more
control over the export process, potentially higher profits, and a closer
relationship to the overseas buyer and marketplace. These advantages do
not come easily, however, since the company needs to devote more time,
personnel, and corporate resources than are needed with indirect

When a company chooses to export directly to foreign markets, it usually

makes internal organizational changes to support more complex functions.
A direct exporter normally selects the markets it wishes to penetrate,
chooses the best channels of distribution for each market, and then makes
specific foreign business connections in order to sell its product. The rest of
this chapter discusses these aspects of direct exporting in more detail.

Organizing for exporting

A company new to exporting generally treats its export sales no
differently from domestic sales, using existing personnel and organizational
structures. As international sales and inquiries increase, however, the
company may separate the management of its exports from that of its
domestic sales.

The advantages of separating international from domestic business

include the centralization of specialized skills needed to deal with
international markets and the benefits of a focused marketing effort that is
more likely to lead to increased export sales. A possible disadvantage of

such a separation is the less efficient use of corporate resources due to

When a company separates international from domestic business, it

may do so at different levels in the organization. For example, when a
company first begins to export, it may create an export department with a
full or part-time manager who reports to the head of domestic sales and
marketing. At later stages a company may choose to increase the
autonomy of the export department to the point of creating an international
division that reports directly to the president.

Larger companies at advanced stages of exporting may choose to retain

the international division or to organize along product or geographic lines. A
company with distinct product lines may create an international department
in each product division. A company with products that have common end
users may organize geographically; for example, it may form a division for
Europe, another for the Far East, and so on. A small company's initial
needs may be satisfied by a single export manager who has responsibility
for the full range of international activities. Regardless of how a company
organizes for exporting, it should ensure that the organization facilitates the
marketer's job. Good marketing skills can help the firm overcome the
handicap of operating in an unfamiliar market. Experience has shown that a
company's success in foreign markets depends less on the unique
attributes of its products than on its marketing methods.

Once a company has been organized to handle exporting, the proper

channel of distribution needs to be selected in each market. These
channels include sales representatives, agents, distributors, retailers, and
end users.

Sales representatives
The representative uses the company's product literature and
samples to present the product to potential buyers. A representative usually
handles many complementary lines that do not compete. The sales
representative usually works on a commission basis, assumes no risk or
responsibility, and is under contract for a definite period of time (renewable
by mutual agreement). The contract defines territory, terms of sale, method
of compensation, reasons and procedures for terminating the agreement,
and other details. The sales representative may operate on either an
exclusive or a nonexclusive basis.

The widely misunderstood term agent means a representative who
normally has authority, perhaps even power of attorney, to make
commitments on behalf of the firm he or she represents. Firms in the
developed countries have stopped using the term and instead rely on the
term representative, since agent can imply more than intended. Any
contract should state whether the representative or agent does or does not
have legal authority to obligate the firm.

The foreign distributor is a merchant who purchases merchandise
from an exporter (often at substantial discount) and resells it at a profit. The
foreign distributor generally provides support and service for the product,
relieving the export company of these responsibilities. The distributor
usually carries an inventory of products and a sufficient supply of spare
parts and maintains adequate facilities and personnel for normal servicing

operations. The distributor typically carries a range of non-competitive but
complementary products. End users do not usually buy from a distributor;
they buy from retailers or dealers.

The payment terms and length of association between the export

company and the foreign distributor are established by contract. Some
export companies prefer to begin with a relatively short trial period and then
extend the contract if the relationship proves satisfactory to both parties.

Foreign retailers
A company may also sell directly to a foreign retailer, although in
such transactions, products are generally limited to consumer lines. The
growth of major retail chains in markets such as Europe and Japan has
created new opportunities for this type of direct sale. The method relies
mainly on traveling sales representatives who directly contact foreign
retailers, although results may be accomplished by mailing catalogs,
brochures, or other literature. The direct mail approach has the benefits of
eliminating commissions, reducing traveling expenses, and reaching a
broader audience. For best results, however, a firm that uses direct mail to
reach foreign retailers should support it with other marketing activities.

Manufacturers with ties to major domestic retailers may also be able to use
them to sell abroad. Many large retailers maintain overseas buying offices
and use these offices to sell abroad when practicable.

Direct sales to end users

A business may sell its products or services directly to end users in
foreign countries. These buyers can be foreign governments; institutions
such as hospitals, banks, and schools; or businesses. Buyers can be
identified at trade shows, through international publications, or through
government contact.

The company should be aware that if a product is sold in such a direct

fashion, the exporter is responsible for shipping, payment collection, and
product servicing unless other arrangements are made. Unless the cost of
providing these services is built into the export price, a company could end
up making far less than originally intended.

Locating foreign representatives and buyers

A company that chooses to use foreign representatives may meet
them during overseas business trips or at domestic or international trade
shows. There are other effective methods, too, that can be employed
without leaving the country. Ultimately, the exporter may need to travel
abroad to identify, evaluate, and sign overseas representatives; however, a
company can save time by first doing homework at home. Methods include
use of banks and service organizations, and publications.

Contacting and evaluating foreign representatives

Once the company has identified a number of potential
representatives or distributors in the selected market, it should write directly
to each. Just as the firm is seeking information on the foreign
representative, the representative is interested in corporate and product
information on the export firm. The prospective representative may want
more information than the company normally provides to a casual buyer.
Therefore, the firm should provide full information on its history, resources,
personnel, the product line, previous export activity, and all other pertinent
matters. The firm may wish to include a photograph or two of plant facilities
and products or possibly product samples, when practical. (Whenever the
danger of piracy is significant, the exporter should guard against sending
product samples that could be easily copied.)

A firm should investigate potential representatives of distributors

carefully before entering into an agreement. See table 4-1 below for an
extensive checklist of factors to consider in such evaluations. In brief, the
firm needs to know the following points about the representative or
distributor's firm:

• Current status and history, including background on principal officers.

• Personnel and other resources (salespeople, warehouse and service

facilities, etc.).

• Sales territory covered.

• Current sales volume.

• Typical customer profiles.

• Methods of introducing new products into the sales territory.

• Names and addresses of firms currently represented.

• Trade and bank references.

• Data on whether the exporting firm's special requirements can be


• View of the in-country market potential for the exporting firm's

products. This information is not only useful in gauging how much the

representative knows about the exporter's industry, it is also valuable
market research in its own right.

A company may obtain much of this information from business

associates who currently work with foreign representatives. However,
exporters should not hesitate to ask potential representatives or distributors
detailed and specific questions; exporters have the right to explore the
qualifications of those who propose to represent them overseas. Well-
qualified representatives will gladly answer questions that help distinguish
them from less-qualified competitors.

In addition, the company may wish to obtain at least two supporting

business and credit reports to ensure that the distributor or representative
is reputable. By using a second credit report from another source, the firm
may gain new or more complete information. Reports are available from
commercial firms.

Commercial firms and banks are good sources of credit information

on overseas representatives. They can provide information directly or from
their correspondent banks or branches overseas. Directories of
international companies may also provide credit information on foreign

If the company has the necessary information, it may wish to contact

a few of the foreign firm's domestic clients to obtain an evaluation of their
representative's character, reliability, efficiency, and past performance. To
protect itself against possible conflicts of interest, it is also important for the
firm to learn about other product lines that the foreign firm represents.

Once the company has qualified some foreign representatives, it

may wish to travel to the foreign country to observe the size, condition, and
location of offices and warehouses. In addition, the company should meet

the sales force and try to assess its strength in the marketplace. If traveling
to each distributor or representative is difficult, the company may decide to
meet with them at local and worldwide trade

Negotiating an agreement with a foreign

When the company has found a prospective representative that
meets its requirements, the next step is to negotiate a foreign sales

The potential representative is interested in the company's pricing

structure and profit potential. Representatives are also concerned with the
terms of payment, product regulation, competitors and their market shares,
the amount of support provided by the exporting firm (sales aids,
promotional material, advertising ), training for sales and service staff, and
the company's ability to deliver on schedule.

The agreement may contain provisions that the foreign representative

not have business dealings with competitive firms (this provision may
cause problems in some European countries and may also cause problems
under U.S. antitrust laws); not reveal any confidential information in a way
that would prove injurious, detrimental, or competitive to the exporting firm;
not enter into agreements binding to the exporting firm; and refer all
inquiries received from outside the designated sales territory to the
exporting firm for action.

To ensure a conscientious sales effort from the foreign

representative, the agreement should include a requirement that the foreign
representative apply the utmost skill and ability to the sale of the product for
the compensation named in the contract. It may be appropriate to include

performance requirements such as a minimum sales volume and an
expected rate of increase.

In the drafting of the agreement, special attention must be paid to

safeguarding the exporter's interests in cases in which the representative
proves less than satisfactory. It is vital to include an escape clause in the
agreement, allowing the exporter to end the relationship safely and cleanly
if the representative does not work out. Some contracts specify that either
party may terminate the agreement with written notice 30, 60, or 90 days in
advance. The contract may also spell out exactly what constitutes just
cause for ending the agreement . Other contracts specify a certain term for
the agreement (usually one year) but arrange for automatic annual renewal
unless either party gives notice in writing of its intention not to renew.

In all cases, escape clauses and other provisions to safeguard the

exporter may be limited by the laws of the country in which the
representative is located. For this reason, the exporting firm should learn as
much as it can about the legal requirements of the representative's country
and obtain qualified legal counsel in preparing the contract. These are
some of the legal questions to consider:

How far in advance must the representative be notified of the

exporter's intention to terminate the agreement? Three months satisfy the
requirements of most countries, but a verifiable means of conveyance may
be needed to establish when the notice was served.

What is just cause for terminating a representative? Specifying

causes for termination in the written contract usually strengthens the
exporter's position.

Which country's laws (or which international convention) govern a
contract dispute? Laws in the representative's country may forbid the
representative from waiving its nation's legal jurisdiction.

What compensation is due the representative on dismissal?

Depending on the length of the relationship, the added value of the market
the representative has created for the exporter, and whether termination is
for just cause as defined by the foreign country, the exporter may be
required to compensate the representative for losses.

What must the representative give up if dismissed? The contract

should specify the return of patents, trademarks, name registrations,
customer records, and so on.

Should the representative be referred to as an agent? In some

countries, the word agent implies power of attorney. The contract may need
to specify that the representative is not a legal agent with power of

In what language should the contract be drafted? An English-language text

should be the official language of the contract in most cases.

Role of middlemen in the distribution of goods

The middlemen perform the following marketing functions which are
listed in sequence.
a. Searching out buyers and sellers (contacting & Mechandising),
matching goods to the requirements of market.
b. Offering goods in the form of assortments or packages.
c. Persuading and influencing the prospective buyers to favour a
certain product and its maker (personal selling/sales promotion).
d. Implementing pricing policies in such a manner that would be
acceptable to buyers and ensure effective distribution.
e. Providing feedback information, marketing intelligence and sales
ore casting services for the regions to their suppliers.
f. Looking after the process of distribution where necessary.
g. Participating actively in the creation and establishment of a market
for a new product.
h. Offering pre and after sale services to consumers.
i. Communicating the use of technique of the product to the users.
j. Offering credit to retailers and consumers.
k. Risk bearing with reference to stock hoarding/transport.

Desirability of eliminating the middlemen

You have already learnt the role of middlemen above, which
indicates the significance of middlemen in the channel of distribution.

Indeed without the existence of middlemen goods produced on a mass
scale could not have reached the consumers at right time and place.
However the existence of middlemen may lead to several short comings.
The elimination of middlemen is based on the following grounds.
I. Excessive number: Often there are too many middlemen between
the manufacturers and consumers. As every middleman charges some
commission or profit, the ultimate consumer has to pay a very high price for
goods. They are social parasites thriving at the cost of the consumer and
their ultimate elimination will reduce prices and burden on consumers.
II. Superfluous: Most middlemen do not render any useful service in lieu
of profit or commission. They act as only transfer agents and unnecessarily
cause delay in the flow of goods. Their elimination will result in quick and
smooth flow of goods.
III. Limited risk taking: Middlemen do not bear the producers' risk such
as loss due to strikes, lockouts, depression and change in fashions and
habits, etc.
IV. Anti-social activities: They take undue advantage of adverse
conditions in business. Some businessmen (middlemen) indulge in anti-
social activities like hoarding and adulteration to earn huge amount to
V. Limiting consumers' choice: The middlemen often promote
products which are inferior in quality and get high margin of profit. Thus
they exploit consumers and limit their choice.

Role of wholesaler and retailer in distribution of goods

Role of Wholesaler:
Wholesaler acts as a middleman in the channel of distribution as he
buys goods in large quantity from the manufacturer and sells these to
retailers in small quantities. His role in distribution of goods is discussed
I. Buying and assembling: A wholesaler forecasts the demand for
goods and assembles different varieties of goods from several
manufacturers. Some wholesalers also import goods from foreign
II. Selling and dispersing: A wholesaler breaks the bulk so that
retailers and users can buy them in small lots. His representatives regularly
call on retailers and industrial users/buyers to distribute the goods among
widely scattered people.
III. Transportation: A wholesaler arranges transportation of goods from
producers to his godowns and from there to retailers.
Sometimes he has his own transport arrangement for this purpose.
IV Storage: He holds large stocks and serves as a reservoir and supplies
to retailers. He helps in stabilising prices by adjusting supply of goods to
their demand.
V. Packing and grading: A wholesaler packs and repacks goods in
convenient lots. He sorts out goods in different grades. He also gives brand
names to the products packed and graded by him.
VI. Advertising and sales promotion: A wholesaler performs
advertising and sales promotion activities to increase the sale of products.
He also takes the services of experts for this purpose.
VII. Financing: Sometimes the wholesaler buys goods on cash basis
from manufacturers and sells them on credit to retailers. In this way he
provides financial help both to the producers and retailers.
If necessary, the wholesaler also provides financial help by way of advance
payment to producers.

VIII Risk-taking: A wholesaler bears risks of changes in demand and
prices, bad debts and damage to goods in the course of transportation and
storage. By undertaking various risks he simplifies the process of

Role of Retailers
Retailers buy goods from wholesaler and sell them directly to
consumers. Thus he acts as a direct link between the wholesaler and
consumers. His role in distribution of goods is enumerated below:
I. Wide choice to consumers: The retailer anticipates needs of
consumers. He assembles goods from different sources and stocks
different varieties of products. Thus, he offers a wide choice to consumers.
They can buy according to their purchasing power and requirements.
II. Availability of goods in small quantities and at convenient
locations: A retailer provides ready supply of goods so that consumers
can buy conveniently and quickly in small lots without any inconvenience of
placing advance orders and waiting for supplies. By ensuring uninterrupted
and fresh supply of goods, he saves consumers from the botheration of
buying goods in bulk and storing them.
III. Home delivery: A retailer transports goods from wholesalers to
ultimate consumers. Some retailers provide free home delivery service to
their consumers. Thus they create place utility.
IV. Assurance of regular supply: He maintains adequate supply of
goods so that consumers are sure of getting regular supply at the time of
their need.

V. Credit facility: Although retailers mostly sell goods for cash, they also
supply goods on credit to their regular customers.
VI. Close interaction with customers: A retailer brings new products
to the notice of customers and educates them in their uses. A retailer thus,
acts as a friend and guide to his customers. Indeed his interaction with
customers is of intimate personal nature and thus he is able to provide
feedback to wholesalers and manufacturers about consumers' preferences.

Role of specialised retail outlets e.g., departmental stores,

multiple shops and mail order business house
A retailer is the final link in the distribution channel between a
manufacturer and the consumers. He is directly and continuously in touch
with people of varied tastes and preferences. Retailers may be divided into
two categories, namely institutional and non-institutional.
The institutional retailers (retail outlets) include departmental stores,
multiple shops and mail order houses. Non-institutional retailers include the
floating population of street sellers, pedlars, and hawkers.
(a) Departmental Stores: A departmental Store is a big retail store with
many departments under one roof. It offers a wide range of products so as
to suit different consumer tastes and preferences. All the departments are
centrally controlled but each department forms a complete sales unit in
itself. The examples of such stores in metropolitan cities are akbarally’s
and Saharawi Bhandar in Bombay and Spencers in Madras.
(b) Multiple shops or chain stores: Manufacturers often use their
own retail shops for direct sale of their products to consumers. These retail
shops are established as multiple shops operating in the same city or
different parts of the country. These shops have identical product display.
Bata India Ltd and DCM provide typical examples of multiple shops system.
In this type of retail selling manufacturers have control over distribution
channel and have first hand information regarding customers' preferences.
(c) Mail-order business: These are retail outlets which sell goods by
mail only. The mail order house centrally procures products, advertises
them and expect perspective buyers to send offers/ orders. The products
are sent through value-payable post. Mail Order Sales Ltd, Bombay, the
seller of ‘Bull worker’ health aid, is a typical example of such mail order
business in India.
It is through these retail outlets that manufacturers often by pass the
wholesalers in trade route or path. You have already learnt in detail about
departmental stores, multiple shops and mail-order business in lesson No.8
on ‘Internal Trade’.

How Channels Are Chosen

Although retailers drive distribution channels, it is not usually the retailer
who makes the decision to utilize one channel over the others. The
producer of the to deal with currency exchange or negotiate payment
terms with a bank in another country.
Another advantage of the distribution channel is its ability to even out the
natural ebbs and flows of a supply chain. This comes from the ability of
some channel members to store excess goods until they are needed,

and to stockpile goods in anticipation of seasonal sales peaks. Depending
on how close their relationships,
channel members may also work together to purchase goods or
services in greater quantity at discounts, passing the savings on to
customers Even for consumers, the distribution chain is handy beyond
handy, in fact! It has become a necessity in our society. What if there
were no supermarkets, for instance? Can you imagine how much more
time and money you would spend having to buy every item at its source?
How practical would it be to run out to the nearest farm to pick up a quart of
milk and some salad ingredients.

Choice of a channel of distribution

The factors to be considered before choosing a suitable channel of
distribution are listed below:
1. Product considerations: The nature and type of product have an
important bearing on the choice of distribution channels. For examples,
perishable goods need speedy movements and hence shorter channel or
route of distribution; for durable goods, longer and diversified channels may
be used; similarly, for technical products requiring specialized selling and
serving talents, the shortest channel should be used.
2. Market considerations: The nature and type of customers and size
of market are important considerations in the choice of a channel of
distribution. For example, if the market size is large, there may be long
channels, whereas in a small market direct selling may be profitable. The
nature and type of consumers include factors such as desire for credit,
preference for the stop shopping, demand for personal services, amount of
time and effort the customer is willing to spend. It also includes factors like
age, income group, sex, and religion of customers.
3. Company considerations: The nature, size and objectives of the
business firm also play an important role in the selection of distribution
channel. It includes financial resources, market standing, volume of
production, desire for control of channel, services provided by
manufacturers', etc. For example a company with substantial financial
resources need not rely too much on the middlemen and can afford to
reduce the levels of distribution.
Similarly a company desiring to exercise greater control over channel will
prefer a shorter channel.
4. Middlemen considerations: The cost and efficiency of distribution
depend largely on the nature and type of middlemen. It includes
characteristics of middlemen such as availability, attitudes, services, sales
potential, costs etc. For example, if the terms and conditions of engaging
wholesalers are unfavorable, a manufacturer may like to channelize his
products through wholesalers or retailers, thereby, bypassing wholesalers.
However, the determining factor would be the differential advantage
involved in the choice.
To conclude, the channel generating the largest sales volume at lower unit
cost will be given top priority. This will minimize distribution cost.


Books Referred

Marketing Management By Philip Kotler

Business world

Websites Referred





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