ToonIt Manual

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Give film/video a cartoon look.

ToonIt! for Film/Video

Four great plugins for After Effects,

Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Premiere Pro

[ from: Digital Anarchy] [render code by]

f/x tools for revolutionaries
ToonIt! Film/Video: Table of Contents

Introduction to ToonIt! 1
What you can do 1

Breakdown of ToonIt! filters 2

Roto Toon filter 2
Outlines Only filter 2
Goth filter 2
Blacklight Edges filter 2

Macintosh Installation 3
Install for After Effects 3
Install for FCP/Motion 3

Installation: Windows 4
After Effects 4
Premiere Pro 5
Where to find the tools 6
Activate your purchase 6
Get an Activation Code 6
Support & Registration 7

ToonIt! and Speed 8

Multi-processing support 8
Example of speed tests 8
Final Cut Pro notes 8
Note about FCP render times 9
Note about interlaced footage 9
How to work with ToonIt! speed 9

Filter 1: Roto Toon 10

About this manual 10
About Roto Toon params 11
Blur Type section 11
Blur Type 11
Blur Radius 11
Blur Thresh 11
Blur Quality 12

© 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Table of Contents

Roto section 12
Roto 12
Flatness 13
Simplicity 14
Roto Quality 14
Strength 14
Level 15
Temporal Fix 15
Halftone section 15
Halftone 15
Dot Size 15
Dot Quality 16
Blur Outline section 17
Use Main Blur 17
Outline Color 17
Blur Type 17
Outline Blur Radius 17
Outline Blur Thresh 18
Blur Quality 18
Soft section 18
Soft 18
Soft Strength 19
Soft Thickness 19
Soft Outline Quality 19
Comic section 20
Comic 20
Comic Sensitivity 20
Comic Strength 21
Comic Thickness 21
Comic Antialias 21
Comic Outline Quality 21
Shadow section 22
Shadow 22
Shadow Threshold 22
Shadow Antialias 22
Tint Foreground 22

© 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Table of Contents

Stipple section 23
Stipple 23
Stipple Density 24
Stipple Threshold 24
Fine Tune params 25
Lighter 25
Blend with Original 25
Filter 2: Outlines Only 26
About this manual 26
About Outlines Only params 27
Fine Tune params 27
Outline Color 27
Blend with Original 27
Blur section 28
Blur Type 28
Blur Radius 28
Blur Thresh 29
Blur Quality 29
Soft section 30
Soft 30
Soft Strength 30
Soft Thickness 30
Soft Outline Quality 30
Comic section 31
Comic 31
Comic Sensitivity 31
Comic Strength 31
Comic Thickness 31
Comic Antialias 33
Comic Outline Quality 33
Shadow section 33
Shadow 33
Shadow Threshold 33
Shadow Antialias 33

© 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Table of Contents

Stipple section 34
Stipple 35
Stipple Density 35
Stipple Thresh 35
Filter 3: Goth 36
About this manual 36
About Goth params 37
Color section 37
Type 37
Color 37
Level 37
Color Width 37
Blur section 38
Blur Type 38
Blur Radius 38
Blur Thresh 39
Blur Quality 39
Fine Tune section 39
Blend with Original 39
Filter 4: Blacklight Edges 40
About this manual 40
About Blacklight Edges params 41
Edge section 41
Color 41
Edge Width 41
Invert 41
Blur section 42
Blur Type 42
Blur Radius 42
Blur Thresh 42
Blur Quality 42
Fine Tune section 43
Blend with Original 43

© 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

Introduction to ToonIt!
Finally! An easy way to give video footage that sought-after cartoon look.
ToonIt! uses advanced algorithms to process your image and create cartoon
shading and lines. ToonIt! plugins free you from time consuming techniques like
rotoscoping and hand painting.

ToonIt! analyses an image, then reduces its color palette and detects where the
important edges are. The edges are used to shape and control areas of color.
ToonIt!ʼs edges can be rendered to produce a pen & ink look. Use ʻedges onlyʼ
options to create a realistic line drawing. Combine different styles and outlines
to create even more variation. Voila: youʼve been toonʼed.

This plugin set is a collaboration between Digital Anarchy

and the technology company Toonamation.

What you can do

Achieving a cartoon look with other methods is time-
consuming and limiting. ToonIt! gives you the power of new technology
designed by Toonamation specifically for animators and video editors. An easy-
to-use interface and custom controls give you unlimited flexibility. No other
cartooning solution produces such good results with so little work.

Using the four filters in ToonIt!, you can effortlessly cartoon in several different
styles, including:

* Flat Cartoon
* Graphic Novel
* Comic Noir (b&w)
* Half-Tone (dots)
* Stipple
* High Contrast
* Line Art
* Neon Edge

1 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

Breakdown of ToonIt! filters

There are four plugins in this package. The primary tool is Roto Toon; you will
probably use this filter the most, as it creates a full-fledged cartoon image. The
Outlines Only filter is an edge detection version of Roto Toon. Goth creates a
high contrast effect. Blacklight Edges is a stylized edge detection filter.

Roto Toon filter

Roto Toon is the full ToonIt! package working together. This filter contains
the internal rotoscoping and edge detection composited together to produce
a fully-fledged cartoon effect. Three rotoscoping algorithms plus a half-tone
effect, the entire Outlines set, individual blurring and detail parameters… The

Outlines Only filter

This filter contains all of the edge detection algorithms included in ToonIt! This
will disregard all the color in the footage and reduce it to edges on a white
background, which can be kept as is or composited back onto the original
footage. Soft Edges with mild shading, hard Comic edges, ink & paint Shadow
fills, and noise Stippling are all included and are fully customizable.

Goth filter
This filter will run the internal rotoscoping algorithm to flatten the entire image
into three colors, a dark, a light, and a midtone. You can change the algorithm
used, the midtone color, and how much or little the image is affected. This
produces a very high contrast effect for extreme stylization.

Blacklight Edges filter

This filter will run the ToonIt edge detection algorithm on your footage and map
a specialized color gradient to the resulting edges, making your image stand out
as if the edges have been placed under a blacklight.

2 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

Macintosh Installation
ToonIt! is supported on Mac OS X, all variants. We do not support OS 9.0
for this product. This product is Intel Mac native and FxPlug compatible. ToonIt!
works in After Effects 5.5 +higher, including AE CS3. It is compatible with FCP
4.0 +higher, Motion 2.0 +higher, and Premiere Pro 2.0 +higher.

Install for After Effects

To install for After Effects, double-click on the ToonIt.
dmg to mount the volume to your hard drive. Go into
the mounted disk image and the ʻAEʼ folder. There is
one installer for all versions of After Effects. Double-
click the ʻToonIt for AE.mpkgʼ.

You need to designate both the drive to install to AND

the install location. Choose the ʻPlug-insʼ folder for
your version of After Effects when prompted to do so.

The path should be something like this:

Hard Drive/Applications/After Effects/Plugins

Install for FCP/Motion

To install for Final Cut Pro and Motion, double-click on the ToonIt.dmg to
mount the volume to your hard drive. Go into the mounted disk image and the
ʻFCPʼ folder.

There are separate installers for FCP 5.1 + higher and an installer for FCP 5.0.4
+lower. This is because versions 5.1 +higher support a new Apple standard for
plugins called FxPlug. Double-click the appropriate ʻToonIt for FCP.mpkgʼ.

3 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

For FCP/Motion, you only need to designate the drive to

install. You do not need to choose the install location.
The path that ToonIt! installs to automatically is part of
your System.

For FCP 5.1 + higher, that path is:

Hard Drive/Library/Plugins/FxPlug

For FCP 5.04 + lower, that path is:

Hard Drive/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro

Installation: Windows
ToonIt! is supported in all current variants of Windows:
Win 2000, XP Home and XP Pro. This product runs in
Vista 32-bit. It may run in Vista 64-bit, but we do not
provide support for those systems yet because none of
the host applications are 64-bit. ToonIt! works in After Effects 5.5 +higher,
including AE CS3. It is compatible with Premiere Pro 2.0 +higher.

After Effects
Launch the ToonIt! installer and click the ʻNextʼ button through the License Agreement. If
you are installing the purchased version, you will be asked for your ʻserial numberʼ, which
is the serial number we sent you via email.

The next screen asks you which version of After Effects youʼll be installing for. Select the
appropriate version and click ʻNextʼ.

Click ʻNextʼ until you get to the ʻLocate Destinationʼ screen. Click on ʻBrowseʼ and
navigate to Adobe After Effects directory on your hard drive. Select the ʻPlug-insʼ folder.
Click ʻNextʼ.

4 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

If you are installing to AE 6.0 +higher, your install path will be something
like this: C:/Program Files/Adobe/After Effects/Support/Plug-ins. If you are
installing to AE 5.5, your install path will be something like this: C:/Program
Files/Adobe/After Effects/Plug-ins.

INSTALL NOTE: This is important. You need to specifically choose the ʻPlug-insʼ
folder as your destination, or the plugin many not work correctly.

You are ready to install. The installer will show a screen informing you of this.
Click the ʻNextʼ button to begin installation.

Premiere Pro
Launch the ToonIt! installer and click the ʻNextʼ button through the License
Agreement. If you are installing the purchased version, you will be asked for
your ʻserial numberʼ, which is the serial number we sent you via email.

Click ʻNextʼ until you get to the ʻLocate Destinationʼ screen. Click on ʻBrowseʼ
and navigate to the Adobe Premiere Pro directory on your hard drive.

Open the ʻPluginsʼ folder and select the ʻCommonʼ folder as

the install directory. You are now ready to install ToonIt! into
Premiere Pro. The install path should look like this: C:/Program
Files/Adobe/Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0/Plug-ins/Common.

INSTALL NOTE: This is important. You need to specifically

choose the ʻPlug-insʼ folder as your destination, or the plugin
many not work correctly.

You are ready to install. The installer will show a screen

informing you of this. Click the ʻNextʼ button to begin

Using demo or purchase

If you are using ToonIt! in demo mode, you will see a watermark through
your footage. Except for that crosshatch, the demo of ToonIt! will work
exactly the same as the purchased version. When you are ready to purchase,
you can unlock the watermark with a serial number.

5 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

Where to find the tools

In After Effects and Premiere Pro, the ToonIt! filters will appear in a Digital
Anarchy sub-menu in the Effects menu. ToonIt! filter names are prefixed with

In Final Cut Pro and Motion, the ToonIt! filters will appear under a Digital
Anarchy folder in the Video Filters bin.

Activate your purchase

If you are using ToonIt! in demo mode, you will see a watermark through your
footage. If you have purchased ToonIt!, you can unlock the watermark by
entering your serial number.

First apply a ToonIt! filter to a layer or track. A dialog box

should pop up asking you to enter your serial information.

Alternately, in Final Cut Pro or Motion, click the ʻRegisterʼ

button in the Effects palette. In After Effects or Premiere
Pro, you can alternately click the ʻAboutʼ button in the
Effects palette.

If you have purchased the product, we sent you an email

with this information. This info is case sensitive and very specific.
Please enter the info exactly as weʼve written it.

Get an Activation Code

If you are behind a firewall or off-line, you
will be asked to contact us for additional
instructions. You will need to send us your
Hardware ID. Using this ID, we will generate a
unique code for your machine to run ToonIt!.

Install to multiple apps

You can install ToonIt! as many times as
needed on the same computer, to multiple
host applications on that computer. For each
host app, you will need to perform a separate
installation of ToonIt!.

Once you have serialized the first filter, the entire ToonIt!
suite is activated for all host applications.

6 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Introduction

Support & Registration

We hope that you find ToonIt! to give you all the control you could want,
while simple enough that you can set everything up in a few minutes. Itʼs
our desire to make sure youʼre satisfied with your purchase. If you have any
questions, comments, or whatever, weʼd love to hear them. Send an email to

If youʼre having trouble with ToonIt!, please make sure you go through the
introductory video tutorials available on If you have
any technical problems or questions related to the filter, please email us at

Registration occurs when you purchase the filter. We register you in our database
using the contact information you supplied upon purchase, and the serial number
weʼve given you. If you need a serial number, installer, or any other material
support, just contact

7 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Render speed

ToonIt! and Speed

ToonIt! is an very render intensive product. Using the default values, we have
averaged around 4-6 seconds per frame for SD footage, and about 9-12
seconds a frame for HD footage on both PCs and Macs.

We are working towards faster speed upgrades and multiprocessing support,

which will be available in ToonIt! 1.1, a free update for owners of the product.
(NOTE: The update release is estimated for August 2007.)

Multi-processing support
As hard as we worked for it, we were not able to include multiprocessing
support in version 1.0. Because the current release doesnʼt include multi-
processing support, render times will be rather slow.

Our free version 1.1 will include speed upgrades and optimization along with
multi-processing support. However, ToonIt! will never be a real-time or even a
semi-real time product, so please plan your render time accordingly.

Example of speed tests

In our tests on a dual 1.8 ghz PPC Mac, we are averaging about 5-6 seconds
a frame using SD footage. This was using default settings in Roto Toon. On
the Mac Pro Dual 2.6 Intel Xeon processors, our tests were averaging around 4
seconds a frame. Similar times in Windows XP Pro. Vista 32-bit was a little faster
than XP because itʼs 64-bit. This refers to RAM previewing as well the final
output render.

Speed releases will be addressed in a free version 1.1 update. However, ToonIt!
will never be a real-time or even semi-real time product. Itʼs too render

Final Cut Pro notes

Due to the way Apple handles FxPlug plug-ins and the way Final Cut Pro handles
the Canvas video display, ToonIt! is extremely slow in FCP 5.1.4 and below. We
were unable to build in the proper workarounds to make the rendering times
faster in FCP 5.1.4 and below. That improvement is also coming in the free 1.1

Apple seems to have fixed the video display issues in FCP 6.0 (part of Final Cut
Studio 2). This means that ToonIt! is faster in FCP 6.0 and higher.

8 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Render speed

Note about FCP render times

FCP likes to give really rough render time estimates while rendering. The app
usually starts at the worst-case time scenario and then gradually chips time
away from the estimated finish.

As you work with ToonIt!, keep this factor in mind when you evaluate how long
the render will actually take: Does the render dialog start at 25 hours and stay
there? Or does the time estimate gradually start going down as the render
progresses (such as saying 20 hours after a few frames have been rendered,
then saying 13 hours after a few more frames have rendered a few minutes

Note about interlaced footage

Right now, we recommend deinterlacing any interlaced footage and completing
all ToonIt! work in a Progressive frame state.

For instance, in relation to our FCP render time note above, the speed issues
are mainly generated by FCP forcing ToonIt! to render twice per frame, once for
each field. By working with progressive footage, you can instantly cut the render
times in half.

How to work with ToonIt! speed

So you have ToonIt! set up for a 30 minute production. The visuals look great.
You hit the ʻRenderʼ button and your host app calculates that a final render will
take almost 3 days…! Yikes.

For something as long as 30 minutes, we recommend doing it in sections or

splitting up the rendering between machines. ToonIt! is actually quite stable;
weʼve worked out all of the crashing bugs and memory leaks, so you donʼt need
to worry about the product crashing during render.

Hereʼs another thing weʼve done with long projects that had huge render times.
Render the project out as an uncompressed image or Targa sequence. That way,
if anything goes wrong during the render, you will have all of your frames up to
the crash intact, and not be left with a corrupted QuickTime .mov file. You could
then start rendering from the frame where everything went wrong and not have
to re-render everything all over again.

After you get your full image sequences, just pop them back into After Effects
or Premiere and render the sequence out with your final target codec of choice.
Rendering out image sequences takes no time at all; the only drawback is that
image sequences can take up more disk space than a compressed movie file
while initially rendering everything.

9 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Filter 1: Roto Toon

Roto Toon contains the internal rotoscoping and edge
detection composited together to produce a full-fledged
cartoon effect. Three rotoscoping algorithms plus a half-tone
effect, the entire Outlines set, individual blurring and detail
parameters…The works!

About this manual

Our screenshots for Roto Toon will show an After Effects CS3
interface. However, the parameters look and work exactly the
same in Final Cut Pro, Motion and Premiere Pro. This page After Effects 7.0/CS3 screenshot
shows the first eight Roto Toon parameters in each host
application. When there is a difference in host apps, we will
highlight that information in this manual.

After Effects 5.5-6.5 screenshot

Final Cut Pro screenshot

Motion screenshot Premiere Pro screenshot

10 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

About Roto Toon params

Roto Toon parameters fall into some basic categories: Blur, Roto, Halftone,
Outline, Blur Quality, Soft, Comic, Shadow and Stipple. Each section is described
below according to its group. A few uncategorized parameters are
discussed in our final Fine Tune section.

Blur Type section

This group of parameters sets the Blur style and properties used Blur Type parameters
by the rotoscoping algorithm.

Blur Type
Select between a Box blur or a Gaussian blur for the rotoscoping
algorithm to use.

Blur Radius
Sets the radius of the selected blur type. The higher this is, the
less color detail will be apparent in the footage, or the color areas
will blur together better. Original footage.

Blur Radius at 3 (the default). All other Blur Radius at 15. There is less detail in the
params at defaults. footage; especially in the background foliage,
details are blurred together.

Blur Thresh
Threshold of the blur effect. How much of the footage is actually affected by the
blurring before being passed to the rotoscoping algorithm. The higher this value
is, the more of the frame will be affected.

11 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Blur Thresh at 15 (default). Blur Thresh at 30. At a higher value, more blurring
Other params default. occurs. The shadows in the girlʼs scarf arenʼt as deep,
and the background leaves appear softer.

Blur Quality
Menu to switch between a Fast and High Quality blur. Leave this set to
Fast so that any parameter tweaks or interaction is relatively quick, then
set it to High prior to rendering.

Roto section
This group of parameters sets the type of rotoscoping
algorithm used by the Roto Toon filter. There are options to
controls the appearance and behavior of the Roto algorithm.

The meat of the Roto Toon plug-in! This menu allows you to
select exactly which rotoscoping algorithm youʼd like to use
with your footage. There are three settings to choose from.
Roto parameters
Use Roto1 The smoothest of the group. Blends analogous colors into smooth
fields and holds the color true over the course of your footage. Uses Flatness and
Simplicity parameters.

Use Roto2 A little rougher than Roto1, but preserves more detail and highlight
information in the final render. Deactivates the Flatness and Simplicity parameters
and uses the Strength and Level parameters.

No Roto Bypasses the initial rotoscoping algorithm. Gives you a

rougher set of color fields with higher detail, but no customization
other than the Blurring controls.

12 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Roto1. This setting gives the smoothest Roto2. This rotoscoping style preserves more
imagery. Other params default. Use Flatness detail in your footage. Use Strength and Level to
and Simplicity to customize results. customize results.

This spreads the color field bands out
across the footage. Flatness makes
highlights and shadows stand out a lot
more, but also reduces the depth of the
frame. The higher this is, the more ʻflatʼ the
footage appears. Activated with Roto1.

TECH NOTE: Though Flatness can go to 60,

itʼs really recommended that you do NOT
go above 20. This is for the sake of speed
and overall quality of the effect. The amount
of quality that you generate above 20 isnʼt
worth the speed crippling. No Roto. Higher level of detail, but no way
to customize the results because all Roto
options are grayed out.
Roto1, Flatness at 1. Other params default.
Roto1, Flatness
at 20. All other
params default.
The shadows
and highlights
are subtely more
visible; look
at her brighter
forehead and
darker hair.

13 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Controls the amount of color detail left in the frame. The higher this is, the
less detail youʼll be able to make out in fields of color. Activated with Roto1.

Simplicity at 2, Roto1. Other params default. Simplicity at 25 (the limit). Notice how detail
in the foliage is lost, and the womanʼs face
looks slightly blurred.

Roto Quality
Set this to Fast in order to speed up the interactivity of the plug-in and to
speed up render times. The trade-off to the boost in speed is the reduction
of the final render quality.

WORK TIP: One way of working with this option is to set Roto Quality to Fast
while setting up the effect. Switch back to High just before the final render to
use Roto Toonʼs full effect.

Sets how ʻsegmentedʼ the video is when using the Roto2 algorithm. The higher
this is, the more noticeable the areas between the fields of color become.
Activated with Roto2.

Strength at 100%, Roto2. Strength at 10%. There is less of a contrast

Other params default. between lights and darks, which makes the
footage look lighter overall.

14 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Level controls the shape of the shadows and highlights in the final Roto2 render.
If Level is low, then the shadows are smaller/narrower. If it is high, the shadows
become larger and more pronounced. Activated with Roto2.

Level at 90, Roto2. Other params default. Level at 10. The footage looks washed out
because the shadow range is narrower,

Temporal Fix
While this checkbox is on, Temporal Fix preserves minor details such as
highlights and fine edges after the rotoscoping algorithm has been run. Turn
this option off for a fully softened frame.

Halftone section
This group of parameters sets and defines a stylization
called Halftone. ʻHalftoneʼ is the reprographic technique that
simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of equally
spaced dots of varying size.
Halftone parameters
The halftone process creates a basic optical illusion, in which these tiny halftone
dots are blended into smooth tones by the human eye. Typically, halftone refers
to a printing process; here we are referring to an onscreen visual.

Checking this will activate a Halftone stylization to be rendered along with the
toon rotoscoping. The dots will actively size and position themselves based on
the luminance of the frame.

Dot Size
Determines the size of the halftone dots. The default is 3.

15 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Halftone on. Dot Size at 3 (the default). Dot Size at 1.

Red/Green/Blue Angle
Individually determines the ʻprintingʼ angle of the separate
halftone dot colors. This is really just a stylization choice.

Dot Quality
The Fast setting allows you to
quickly render the halftone.
High produces a high quality
version for the final render. Original image.

Halftone on. Red/Green/Blue Shifting the R/G/B Angles by

Angles set to defaults. 5 degrees changes the look
of the image.

16 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Blur Outline section

This group of parameters sets the Blur properties used by the
Outlines created by our rotoscoping algorithm.

Use Main Blur

Keep this option checked to pass the Blur settings from the
Roto section down to the Outline section of the plugin. (Those
Blur Outline parameters
parameters are Blur Type, Blur Radius, Blur Thresh, and Blur
Quality.) The same parameters in the Outline section are grayed
out if Use Main Blur is checked.

Uncheck this if you want to have separately styled Outlines

and Rotoscoped color fields. This will activate Blur Type,
Outline Blur Radius, Outline Blur Thresh, and Blur Quality
in the Outlines section.
Use Main Blur turned off.
Outline Color
This sets the final color of all the edge detection results.
The default color is black.

Blur Type
Select between a Box blur or a
Gaussian blur for the edge detection algorithm.

Outline Blur Radius

Sets the radius of the selected Blur Type. Raising this value will
result in less defined edge areas, especially in shaded areas.
Basically, the Outline is less present at higher values.
Outline color set to deep red.

Outline Blur Radius at 1. Other params default. OBR at 30. The absence of dark areas between
the tree shapes makes them less defined.

17 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Outline Blur Thresh

Threshold of the blur effect. How much of the footage is actually affected by the
blurring before being passed to the edge detection algorithm. The higher this
value is, the more that the frame will be affected.

Outline Blur Thresh at 2. Other params default. OBT at 30. The trees and grass appear blurred
The trees and grass have dark lines for definition. together because there are no lines providing
definition between their shapes.

Blur Quality
Menu to switch between a Fast and High Quality blur. Leave this set to
Fast so that any parameter tweaks or interaction is relatively quick, then
set it to High prior to rendering.

Soft section
This group of parameters determines the detail level of Roto
Toonʼs edge detection, which creates Outlines around the
cartoon fields.

Soft Soft parameters

Checking this enables the Soft outline edge detection method. This option
generates fine edges with soft areas of shading. Turning on Soft activates
Soft Strength, Soft Thickness and Soft Outline Quality.

Turning off Soft removes the shape outlines that are present by default. This
parameterʼs activation causes a definite shift in visual stylization.

TECH NOTE: With Soft unchecked, Outline Color has no effect.

18 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Soft turned on. Soft Strength at 0 (default). Soft Soft turned off, which removes the dark lines
Thickness at 2 (default). Other params default. that are typically present.

Soft Strength at 100. Soft Thickness at 3.

Soft Strength
Determines the amount of soft shading present in the frame.

Soft Thickness
Determines the thickness of the major Soft edges. This parameter has a very
narrow range, from 1 to 3.

Soft Outline Quality

Determines the quality of the effect. Set it to fast for better interaction
while tweaking, and set it to High for the final render.

19 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Comic section
This group of parameters sets and defines a stylization called
Comic. You can think of ʻComicʼ as looking like the pencilled
and inked edges of a graphic novel; black lines with no direct
shading. In Roto Toon, this stylization varies depending upon
how you set up the Comic parameters.

Comic Comic Outline parameters

Produces harsh comic-book style edges with a little rough

Turning this option on will activate the Comic parameters: Comic Sensitivity,
Comic Strength, Comic Thickness, Comic Antialias and Comic Outline Quality.
Original Roto Toon image.
Comic Sensitivity
Determines how much detail will be picked up by the edge
algorithm. Raising this will increase the amount of edge detail,
adding in the color of Outline Color.

By default, this parameter is set to 50%. Lowering the value

considerably, like to 10 or 20%, may cause the parameter to
have no effect. Raising the value to 100%, will saturate the
image in the Outline Color because so much edge is added.

Notice how the color of the womanʼs shirt gets desaturated.

Comic Sensitivity at 80. Other params default. Comic Sensitivity at 90.

20 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Comic Strength
Determines how heavily the Comic lines are drawn. Increase this for a heavier
woodblock/linotype effect. The default is 50%.

Comic Thickness
Sets how thick the Comic lines are drawn. The value is limited to 1 (thinner) or
2 (thicker). The default is 2.

Comic Antialias
A percentage slider for the final result antialiasing to help tone down any
jagged edges.

Comic Outline Quality

Determines the quality of the effect. Set it to fast for better interaction while
tweaking, and set it to High for the final render. The default is 75%.

Comic Strength at 70. Other params default. Comic Strength at 90. Linotype/woodblock stylization.

Comic Thickness at 1. Other params default. Comic Thickness at 2. Lines are a little thicker.

21 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Shadow section
These parameters add an effect that we call ʻShadowʼ. Roto Toon
Shadows fill in the cartoon color fields with a dark value.

Shadow Shadow parameters

Check this to enable to Shadow edge detection effect. This will find the shadows
of the image and fill them in with as much of the Outline Color as it can. Turning
on Shadow activates three parameters: Shadow Threshold, Shadow Antialias and
Tint Foreground.

Shadow Threshold
Sets how much of the image is actually being filled in with the
shadow. The lower the value, the less the shadow fill. The default
is 50%.

Shadow Antialias
A percentage slider for the final result antialiasing to help tone
down any jagged edges. The default is 75%.
Original Roto Toon footage.

Shadow Threshold at 20. Other params default. Shadow Threshold at 30.

Tint Foreground
Tint Foreground is a more extreme Lighter parameter. Tint Foreground leaves
the footage colors but wipes out darks. It was built to fill in the missing darks
within Shadow outlines.

22 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

TECH NOTE: If Shadow and Tint Foreground are turned on and Shadow
Threshold is set to 0, the Tint Foreground effect will be applied to the whole
image. Tint Foreground overrides all other color effects, except the Halftone

Shadow and Tint Foreground turned on. Shadow and Tint Foreground turned on.
Shadow Threshold at 20. Other params Shadow Threshold at 0. This makes Tint
default. apply itself to the whole image, not just
the Shadow areas.

Stipple section
These parameters set and define a stylization called Stipple. ʻStipplingʼ is the
technique of using small dots to simulate varying degrees of solidity or shading.
This technique produces shaded line art illustrations in drawing or painting,
in addition to being a printing and printmaking technique. In Roto Toon, our
Stipple params create varying densities of noise to simulate that look.

TECH NOTE: Stipple params can work nicely with the Blur parameters. In
general, keep this concept in mind: The higher the Blur, the more random the
Stipple noise generation.

Check this to enable stippling. This option will use varying
densities of noise to shade the image. Turning on Stipple
activates two parameters, Stipple Density and Stipple Thresh.
Stipple parameters

23 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Stipple Density
Determines the amount of shading will be used in the image.
This visually defines the stylization. Increase for higher contrast and
heavy noise. The default is 50%.

Stipple Threshold
Sets how much of the image is affected by the stippling. The
default is 50%.

Original Roto Toon footage.

Stipple Density at 60%. Other params default. Stipple Density at 80%.

Stipple Threshold at 30%. Other params default. Stipple Threshold at 50%.

24 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Roto Toon plugin

Fine Tune params

Youʼll find these two parameters mingled among the other sections
in the Roto Toon palette. These effects are special in and of
themselves, so they get their very own section!

Lighter is sort of its own beast. This parameter is a Weʼve actually been using the Lighter parameter
combination of effects intended to lighten flesh tones throughout this manual. Our original footage
without making colors desaturated. Lighter still leaves was a little too dark. Whenever we have indicated
in the darks of your footage. Using Lighter, a cartoon ʻOther params defaultʼ, that statement was true
effect could look like the Sunday comics, especially after except for Lighter, which was set to 20%.
outlines are overlaid.

Lighter will raise the brightness of the frame via a

percentage value to take care of any unwanted color
blending in the tooning process. The more analogous
two colors are, the more likely theyʼll get blended
by the roto process. By raising the Lightness (or
brightness), you reseparate out those colors a bit.

This parameter is also a good way to fix your footage

if it looks too dark. Kind of a low-level Brightness filter
without any mid-tone control.

Blend with Original

Lighter at 0. The Lighter at 50. The footage
Percentage slider that will fade the results back into original Roto Toon. is lighter/brighter.
the original image. This slider is located at the bottom
of the parameter list.

Blend with Original at 30%. Blend with Original at 60%.

25 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Filter 2: Outlines Only

Outlines Only is all edge detection algorithms. This filter will
disregard the color in your footage and reduce it to edges
on a white background. The white can be kept as is, or
composited back onto the original footage.

About this manual

Our screenshots for Outlines Only will show an After Effects
CS3 interface. However, the parameters look and work
exactly the same in Final Cut Pro, Motion and Premiere Pro.
After Effects 7.0-CS3 screenshot
This page shows the first eight Outlines Only parameters in
each host application. When there is a difference in host
apps, we will highlight that information in this manual.

After Effects 5.5-6.5 screenshot

Final Cut Pro screenshot

Motion screenshot Premiere Pro screenshot

26 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

About Outlines Only params

Outlines Only parameters fall into some basic categories: Blur, Outline, Soft,
Comic, Shadow and Stipple. Each section is described below according to its
group. A few uncategorized parameters are discussed in the Fine Tune section.

Similar to Roto Toon, this filter can produce a variety of customizable effects:
Soft Edges with mild shading, hard Comic edges, ink & paint Shadow fills,
and noise Stippling. In fact, you will recognize most of the parameters from
their appearance and behavior in the Roto Toon parameter list. In some ways,
Outlines Only is Roto Toon with the color options stripped away.

Fine Tune params

Youʼll find these two parameters mingled among the other
sections in the Outlines Only palette.
Fine Tune parameters

Outline Color
Sets the final color of all the edge detection results. The
default color is black. This color well is located at the top of
the parameter list.

Blend with Original

Percentage slider that will fade the results back into the
original image. This slider is located at the bottom of the
parameter list.

Original footage.

Outlines Only applied. All params defaults. Outline Color set to a reddish-brown color that
we eyedroppered from the source footage.

27 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Blend with Original at 40%. Outline Color is black. Blend with Original at 80%. Outline Color is reddish-
Other params default. brown. This creates a very subtle cartooned image.

Blur section
This group of parameters sets the Blur style and properties
used by the Outlines Only rotoscoping algorithm.

Blur Type
Select between a Box blur or a Gaussian blur for the edge Blur parameters
detection algorithm.

Blur Radius
Sets the radius of the selected Blur Type. Raising this will result in less defined
edge areas, especially in areas with shading.

Blur Radius at 1. Other params default. Blur Radius at 10.

28 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Blur Thresh
Threshold of the blur effect. How much of the footage is actually affected by the
blurring before being passed to the edge detection algorithm. The higher this
value is, the more of the frame will be affected.

Blur Thresh at 3. Other params default. Blur Thresh at 30.

Blur Thresh at 5. Blur Thresh at 25.

Blur Quality
Menu to switch between a Fast and High Quality blur. Leave this set
to Fast so that any parameter tweaks or interaction is relatively quick,
then set it to High prior to rendering.

Original footage.

29 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Soft section
This group of parameters determines the detail level of
Outline Onlyʼs edge detection, which creates Outlines around
the cartoon fields.

Soft Soft parameters

Checking this enables the Soft outline edge detection method. This generates fine
edges with soft areas of shading. This option is turned on by default. Deactivating
Soft will turn off Soft Strength, Soft Thickness and Soft Outline Quality.

Soft Strength
Determines the amount of soft shading present in the frame. The default is 50%.

Soft Strength at 10. Other params default. Soft Strength at 90.

Soft Thickness
Determines the thickness of the major Soft
edges. The default is 1.

Soft Outline Quality

Determines the quality of the effect. Set it to
fast for better interaction while tweaking, and
set it to High for the final render.

Soft Thickness at 5. Other params default.

30 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Soft Thickness at 5. Other params default. Soft Thickness at 10.

Comic section
This group of parameters sets and defines a stylization
called Comic. You can think of ʻComicʼ as looking like the
pencilled and inked edges of a graphic novel; black lines
with no direct shading. In Outlines Only, that visualization
depends on how you set up the Outline parameters.

Comic Comic parameters

Produces harsh comic-book style edges with a little rough shading. Turning on
this option will activate Comic Sensitivity, Comic Strength, Comic Thickness,
Comic Antialias and Comic Outline Quality.

Comic Sensitivity
Determines how much detail will be picked up by
the edge algorithm. Raising this will increase the
amount of edge detail. The default is 50%.

Comic Strength
Determines how heavily the Comic lines are drawn.
Increase this for a heavier woodblock/linotype style
effect. The default is 50%.

Comic Thickness
Sets how thick the lines are drawn. The default is 2.
Comic Sensitivity at 60%. Other params default.

31 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Comic Sensitivity at 80%. Other params default. Comic Sensitivity at 90%.

Comic Strength at 10. Other params default. Comic Strength at 100.

Comic Thickness at 7. Other params default. Comic Thickness at 15.

32 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Comic Antialias
A percentage slider to help tone down any jagged
edges in the final result.

Comic Outline Quality

Determines the quality of the effect. Set it to fast for
better interaction while tweaking, and set it to High
for the final render.

Shadow section
This group of parameters adds an effect that we call
ʻShadowʼ. Shadows in Outlines Only fill in the cartoon
color fields with a dark value. Comic Strength at 80%. Other params default.

Check this option to enable to Shadow edge detection effect.
This will find the shadows of an image and fill them in with
as much of the Outline Color as it can. Turning on this option
activates Shadow Threshold and Shadow Antialias.
Shadow parameters
Shadow Threshold
Sets how much of the image is actually being filled in with the shadow.
The default is 50%.

Shadow Antialias
A percentage slider for the final result, to help tone down any jagged edges
from aliasing. The default is 70%.

Shadow Threshold at 40%. Other params default. Shadow Threshold at 50% (default).

33 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Shadow Threshold at 30%. Other params default. Shadow Threshold at 40%.

Stipple section
This group of parameters sets and defines a stylization called
Stipple. ʻStipplingʼ is the technique of using small dots to
simulate varying degrees of solidity or shading.

This technique is popular as a means of producing shaded

line art illustrations in drawing or painting, in addition to Stipple parameters
being a printing and printmaking technique. In Outlines
Only, our Stipple params create varying densities of noise to
simulate that look.

Something to note about Stipple is that its difficult to

preview at Half or Low resolution. To get an idea of
how the effect will really look, you will need to look
at a Full or High resolution preview, even just for a
frame or two.

LEFT: Half
preview in
After Effects.

preview. Stipple turned on. Other params default.

34 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Outlines Only plugin

Stipple Density at 60%. Other params default. Stipple Density at 80%.

Check this to enable stippling. This will use varying densities of noise to shade
the image. Turning on Stipple will activate Stipple Density and Stipple Thresh.

Stipple Density
Determines the amount of shading will be used in the image. Increase this for
higher contrast and heavy noise. The default is 50%.

Stipple Thresh
Sets how much of the image is affected by the stippling. The default is 50%.

Stipple Thresh at 60%. Other params default. Stipple Thresh at 90%.

35 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Goth plugin

Filter 3: Goth
Goth will run the internal rotoscoping algorithm to flatten
the entire image into three colors, a dark, a light, and a
midtone. You can change the algorithm used, the midtone
color, and how much or little the image is affected. This
produces a very high contrast effect for extreme stylization.

About this manual

Our screenshots for Goth will show a Premiere Pro interface.
However, the parameters look and work exactly the same in
After Effects 7.0-CS3 screenshot
After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and Motion. This page shows the
Goth parameters in each host application. When there is a
difference in host apps, we will highlight that information in
this manual.

After Effects 5.5-6.5 screenshot

Final Cut Pro screenshot

Premiere Pro screenshot

Motion screenshot

36 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Goth plugin

About Goth params

Because the Goth filter creates a very stylized look, its parameters
are more limited than Roto Toon and Outlines Only. There is a Blur
section as with all of the ToonIt! filters. Most of the other options
are color related.
Color parameters
Color section
The Goth effect is all about reducing an image into three color
values - dark, light and midtone - then mixing them into a high
contrast image. This group of parameters chooses color behavior.

Selects which Goth algorithm will be used. Goth 1 has a heavy low
color, while Goth 2 allows for more of the midtone to leak through
the final result.
Original footage.

Goth1 is Type. All other options at defaults. Goth2 is Type. All other options at defaults.

Color well that sets the color of the midtone. The default is red.

Sets the threshold or ʻdepthʼ of the Goth effect. Determines how much of the
image is affected.

Color Width
Sets how wide the midtone color appears in the final render.

37 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Goth plugin

Level at 20. Goth1 is Type. Color Width at 50. Level at 70. Goth1 is Type. Color Width at 50.

Level at 20. Goth1 is Type. Color Width at 30. Level at 70. Goth1 is Type. Color Width at 100.

Blur section
This group of parameters sets the Blur style and properties used
by the Goth rotoscoping algorithm.

Blur Type
Select between a Box blur or a Gaussian blur for the edge
detection algorithm.
Blur parameters
Blur Radius
Sets the radius of the selected blur type.

38 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Goth plugin

Blur Thresh
Threshold of the blur effect. How much of the footage is actually affected by the
blurring before being passed to the edge detection algorithm. The higher this
value is, the more of the frame will be affected.

Blur Quality
Menu to switch between a Fast and High Quality blur. Leave this set to Fast so
that any parameter tweaks or interaction is relatively quick, then set it to High
prior to rendering.

Fine Tune section

Thereʼs only one ʻleftoverʼ parameter in the short Goth list.

Blend with Original

Percentage slider that will fade the results back into the original image.
This slider is located at the bottom of the parameter list. Fine Tune parameter

Blend with Original at 40%. Goth2 is Type. Blend with Original at 70%.
Level at 40, Color Width at 70.

Original footage.

39 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Blacklight Edges plugin

Filter 4: Blacklight Edges

Blacklight Edges will run the ToonIt! edge detection
algorithm on your footage, then map a specialized color
gradient to the resulting edges. This makes your image
stand out as if the edges have been placed under a

About this manual

Our screenshots for Blacklight Edges will show a Premiere
After Effects 7.0-CS3 screenshot
Pro interface. However, the parameters look and work
exactly the same in After Effects, Motion and Final Cut Pro.
This page shows the Blacklight Edges parameters in each
host application. When there is a difference in host apps,
we will highlight that information in this manual.

After Effects 5.5-6.5 screenshot

Final Cut Pro screenshot

Premiere Pro screenshot

Motion screenshot

40 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Blacklight Edges plugin

About Blacklight Edges params

Like the Goth filter, Blacklight Edges creates a very stylized look. This means its
parameters are limited compared to Roto Toon and Outlines Only. There are Blur
options, Edge options, and the ever-present Blend with Original parameter.

Edge section
Blacklight Edges maps a color gradient to the edges it detects in your
footage. This group of parameters chooses the appearance of those

Edge parameters
Sets the color that is mapped to the edges. The color will be
arranged in a varying gradient on the edges, mapped with its
complementary color directly at the extreme outside parts of the

Edge Width
Sets the width of the rendered edges.

Inverts the edge effect.

Original footage.

Color is default red. Color is blue. Edge Width at 3.0. Color is still blue but Invert is
Edge Width at 1.0. turned on. Edge Width at 2.0.

41 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Blacklight Edges plugin

Blur section
This group of parameters sets the Blur style and properties used by
the Blacklight Edges rotoscoping algorithm.

Blur Type
Select between a Box blur or a Gaussian blur for the edge detection
algorithm. Blur parameters

Blur Radius
Sets the radius of the selected Blur Type.

Blur Thresh
Threshold of the blur effect. How much of the footage is actually affected by the
blurring before being passed to the edge detection algorithm. The higher this
value is, the more of the frame will be affected.

Blur Thresh at 5. This image Blur Thresh at default 20. Color Blur Thresh at 35, which is the
has sharper, extra details. is blue. Edge Width at 3.0. value limit. This image is softer.

Blur Quality
Menu to switch between a Fast and High Quality blur. Leave this set to Fast so
that any parameter tweaks or interaction is relatively quick. Set it to High prior
to rendering.

42 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.
ToonIt! Film/Video: Blacklight Edges plugin

Fine Tune section

Thereʼs only one ʻleftoverʼ parameter in our Fine Tune list.

Blend with Original

Percentage slider that will fade the results back into the original
image. This slider is located at the bottom of the parameter list.
Fine Tune parameter

Blend with Original at 40%. Blend with Original at 70%. Original footage.
Color is light gold. Edge Width
at 2.0.

43 © 2007, Digital Anarchy : f/x tools for revolutionaries | ToonIt! : Give video a cartoon look.

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