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Group name Even

Serial No. Name ID

02. Zillur Rahman 12302103
04. Parvin Akter 13102011
06. Md. Arif hosen
08. Md. Mamun Sarker 13102505
10. Mst. Shamoly khatun 13102673
12. Saima sultana mou 13202009
14. Md. Mustafizur Rahman
16. Tushar latif 14102348
18. Sohana akter sarna 4102085
20. Rakibul haque 4102104
22. Umme Habiba 14102122
24. Md. Jabir Biswas 14102190
26. Fariha Binte Farhad 14102252
28. Abdulla-all-numan linkon 14102262
30. Maksud aAkter 14102282
32. Aminur Rahman 14102338
34. Mir Ashiqul islam arnob 14102346
36. Lamia Akte rSumi 14102348
38. Sultana Nasrin 14102356
40. Fatema Tuz Zohora 14102358
42. Jewel Rana 14102370
44. Nayem Kabir 14102385
46. Md. Mahide Hassan 14102453
48. Tasmia Tabassum 14102479
50. Farjana Akter 14102506
52. Mehedi Hasan 14102518
54. Hosneara 14102523
56. Kamrl Hasan
Case 2: Merryland Amusement Park-2009
Marryland Amusement Park has been a fixture in Kansas City; Kansas until its closure in 2009.

The Park was originally started in 1955 by Stanley merry. Upon his passing in 1988, the park

was passed along to his daughter in laws Samantha Steinberg, who had very little interest in

running a theme park. Her husband, Alan took care of the day to day operations of the park until

2008.But this park has poor financial management.One of the main reasons the park failed was

because of its poor financial management. There were not enough funds to maintain the rides and

gain more customer attraction. Tony has three investment options, which he apply for financial

development and poor performance. His first option is to buy the park, make the renovations, and

reopen it under his management.Tony also wanted to serve directly the disabled kids and their

family of Kansas and surrounding states.

1. Who exactly are Merryland’s customers?


We can see that Marryland Amusement park suitable for kids and their families. Customer are

loves to join camp programs.Camper is haired for doing camp programs. This Amusement Park

is a group of entertainment, ride and other event in the location for the enjoyment of large

number of people. Their customer types are:

1. Family household (Families)with their 3. Female householder

4. 18 years young boy and girls

2. Married couples
5. Elementary school Student (grade 1–8)
2. What are their needs, wants, and desire?


InMarryland Amusement parkcustomer’s main attractions were wooden roller coaster. Others

wants and needs and desire are-

 Friendly environment  Low ticket price

 Advanced technology  Repairing and maintenance the rides

 Advancer rides and features  Highly attractive water parks

 Safety of rides  Discount and family fund package

 Suitable for every age

Tony believe the theme park would be enable for him to serve the disabled people kids and

their family of Kansas and surrounding states. He wants to put his creativity and innovative

marketing skills to he could have some compensation commensurate with the work

and profit, and an investigation report that park need some more advance rides and it has to

be decorated with new decoration style. Another psychological report said that kids under

seven years old like simple rides while the kids over seven including adults are like verity of

rides including water based attraction. So in the end we can say tony is desire to have a high

class theme park where disable kids and their family can have some fun and tony also can

have some profit from it. plan of this theme park is not only focusing the owner desire but

also focusing the customer desire as well, to make them satisfy and happy.
3. What is the best way to market/advertise/promote the park to its


Merryland is a local theme/fun park that originally opened in 1955 and closed in 2009.Tony

wants to buy and reopen Merryland Park.

To promote Merryland Park to its consumer/customer they can use some way. They can let

people know what is best in that park and why people should come there.

Screamer Roller Coaster:

For residents of Kansas City, there was only one reason to go to Merryland- the roller coaster.

Some people nicknamed it the “scream machine” and with good reason. The history of the

“Screamer” reflected a constant search for greater and more death-defying thrills.

Merryland Park’s Screamer roller coaster was a product of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company

and one of the last surviving original wooden coasters designed by Herbert Paul Schmeck. Along

with the trademark attractions was the park’s Wurlitzer organ with Louie the Clown on front of

it. The local’s say it’s still one of the best roller coasters they’ve ever ridden. This was one of the

best places they could go with their friends and family on weekends and have fun.

To promote their park the owner of the park can inform people about their Screamer Roller

Coaster. The roller coaster is 50 years old and it is wooden made which is not available any more

in other places. It can attract people to come to the park.

Twenty acres:

The park has total 50 acre facility – twenty of those acres were still in woods and fields behind

the 30-acre theme park area. They can use this area for camping. And let people know about this


Historical Place:

The park is over 50 years old. So it can be a historical place. Merryland Park was an integral part

of Kansas City’s history. People will find interest in historical place. Where else could the ride a

50 plus year old coaster? The old part of that is the thrill.

Cheap and Nice:

Merryland Park was dirt cheap and a nice place to take children. It may have been considered a

beginner’s theme park, but at those prices, how anyone could resist going without kids. It was a

great place for first dates and senior citizens as well. They need to let people memories all that

encourage them to come again.

For everyone:

The Merryland Park is for all age people. Children, teens, adults anyone can come and enjoy.

Alan and Samantha, unlike the previous Owners, were far removed from the changing needs,

wants, and desires of a new generation of amusement park children, teens, and adults that began

to take shape in the early 1990’s. Customers demographics had shifted and Merryland didn’t

shift whit them. Now the owner have to differentiate among different age of customer and

arrange according to their desire and wants and inform people. It will create interest about park

among people.

Now a day everyone is related with social media and technology. Merryland should make it

promotion/marketing based on technology or social media. By sending email to customer, or

promoting event or opening any group in social media and advertising on social media they can

attract customer. Amusement park owner can have cost effective methods, reach hundreds more

people, places photos of the park on their website and offer the ability to communicate with

prospective customers in real-time, which consumers really like.

The owner want to see Merryland as the bigger, more lavish theme park, however ,offered

highly attractive water parks, modern steel coasters, entertainers and an endless array of

promotions, discounts, and family fun “packages” that made It worth the several hundred mile

drive to be thrilled and entertained.

4. Is control of the operations really important for Tony as an


Yes, control of the operations is really important for Tony as an entrepreneur. As a successful

entrepreneur, Tony have to get the full control over all the activities of the organization. He

should know about the revenue, expenses, profit and other activities for doing the future

improvement in the organization.

5. What is right balance of control/risk for each of the purchase


Risk Assessment:To properly manage their operations, managers need to determine the level of

financial and compliance risk they are willing to assume. Risk assessment is one of

management's responsibilities and enables management to act pro-actively in reducing unwanted

surprises. Failure to consciously manage these risks can result in a lack of confidence that

financial and compliance goals will be achieved.

Control Assessment:Aneffective control environment is an environment where competent

people understand their responsibilities, the limits to their authority, and are knowledgeable,

mindful, and committed to doing what is right and doing it the right way.

In the case study we can see that Tony was the Independent Entrepreneurs. Here we will talk

about the right balance of control/risk for each of the purchase options for the business. Tony

find out that there are three funding option can bring success Merryland.

Options-1: Altria’s Cash offer to purchase

Altria wanted that Tony will work for them. They was also aware about Tony growth

performance with Showbiz Pizza and impresses with Tony’s ability to build business, profits,

and market share. Alria’s Finance executive offer and want to invest $25 million so that Tony

can add waterpark and more renovations profitable games in Merryland. Tony was interested to

take money from Altria. Before taking money Tony make a research about Altria Group and get

some interesting information. Altria provide some specific condition:

a. The park must promote only the Altria product line. This will include displaying the

Altria name prominently around the park, having all of the rides and game kiosks

offer prizes that emphasize the Altria product line, and banning the sale of all other

competitors’ products.

b. As manager, Tony must offer/honor free tickets and/or discounts to customers who

mail in a certain number of points from Altria product cartons and packages.

c. The name of the park must be changed to Altria Gardens and Water Park.

d. Altria wants 10 percent of the gross profit. They agree to give Tony total control of

operations but insist that he consult with them before he makes any single

expenditure over $50,000. Altria will promote the theme park on its product packages

and cartons during pre- and early-season promotions in March and April, and again

during July for a fall push.

Options-2: A Consortium of local business Entrepreneurs

Merryland is historical site of Kansas City for that some business entrepreneurs of Kansas City

contact with Tony and offer to purchase the Park. Merryland become a part Kansas City people

life. They laid out the some offer for Tony-

a. They will allow Tony to make the renovations to the existing park and let Tony

completely manage and control the daily operations.

b. These “venture capitalists” want 40 percent of the park’s net income but will give

Tony total autonomy in running the park’s day-to-day operations.

c. They also want the additional 20 acres of land signed over to their control for

additional purposes they will not disclose. They state their primary interest in

rebuilding the park is to offer the people of Kansas and surrounding states the same

experience as they had while growing up.

d. Each of the investors currently runs at least one other business and guarantees park

promotion and publicity through those existing enterprises.

Option-3: Getting a Loan

Last of all Tony take a conventional business loan. He take loan from his brothers an Investment


a. This friend believes Tony could get a loan for the purchase of the park without any

difficulty, but he does not believe he can get the full amount needed to renovate

Merryland and build the water park. An initial inquiry reveals that Tony could get

$9.2 million for the purchase and renovations.

b. His friend believes that if the park is profitable for the first two years, then he can

obtain another $10 million to build the water park. His friend, however, did not

specify what is considered “profitable.”

Discuss all 3 options we can see that option-1 is best to balancing of control/risk for each

purchase options.
6. How will Tony’s core values impact his ability to make important


Tony’s core values will impact his ability to make important decision.

Core values will help to know what is right from wrong and this will helpful to make decision

for an event .Tony have creativity and innovative skills that is much needed for the merryland

amusement park.

From the case study we find that Tony found number of issues that are problem for the park and

show some ideas that could be taken as solution. When Tony investigation into purchasing the

park that many of the rides were old and deterioration was also reflect on the company’s balance

sheets. The park had old carousels and big old roller coaster. But at the present time new

machinery come in the modern park. Besides this customer demographics had shifted but

marryland didn’t shift with them.

By seeing above this problem, Tony’s core values will work to take some decisions about the

park .Tony want to renovate and reopened the amusement park instruments and features of the

merryland amusement park. Tony’s renovation and add some new features such as water park,

variety of riding instruments including water based attraction ,scenic train rides ,taking modern

roller coasters instead of old and others. These steps may attract customers more and more

revenue can be earned. As a Manager, Tony give some offer like free tickets or discounts to the

customers who mail in a certain number of points from Altria products cartons and packages.

This will also helpful for taking decisions .From above discussion, it can be said that Tony’s core

values will impact his ability to take important decisions.

7. Istony’s passion to help disabled kids overshadowing his ability to
bring corporate life back to merryland?


No, tony’s passion to help disabled kids is not overshadowing his ability to bring corporate life

back to merryland.

According to the case study of merryland tony prove his ability as previously worked in kids’

summer camp and as an entrepreneurial. As he is a manager in summer camp he achieve some

ability like:

a. Catch the hidden talent of kids/people: as tony worked with the disabled kids he found

the hidden talent in them. This helped him to catch the talent in others and implement that

talent in his business. Though he has some attachment with the kids but he is not

interrupting his personal attachment with the business.

b. Best use of leisure time: tony did the job in leisure time which makes him the best user

of free time. At first he did the job as a volunteer but then he found that it is his passion.

c. Not a money hunger: during work in summer camp he got little salary though he

worked which say that he is not a money hunger but he loves what he is doing.

d. A quick learner: as soon as he got something new he start to learn quickly as he learn

some disabled kids skill and abilities.

e. A good motivator: though he lost his own motivation quickly but he gets back as

quickly as possible. In mean time he tries to boost up the confidence of disable kids

through some activities and speech.

Tony is born in Chesapeake, Virginia. Tony has double major in economics and accounting from

University of Richmond. He served as president of his fraternity and improved the overall

quality of food, house service, negotiated better utility rates, and achieves all of it without having

to increase monthly rent rate. So he is an entrepreneur and according to the case it shows that he

has the ability like,

a. Innovator: Tony is the person who generates new ideas and implements those ideas in

his business. He thinks new idea to run merryland amusement park in better way so that it

can generate profit.

b. Good leader:He is a good leader as he doesn’t have any conflict with other colleague. He

manipulates all the work smoothly.

c. Love to do work: He worked in summer camp in little salary and enjoy the work which

indicate he loves his job.

d. Strong academic background: He got double major in his graduation on economics and

accounting. This helps him to run the business strongly.

e. Ability to manage all the people and task: as previously he was in manager position in

summer camp so from that position we can easily understand he was a good manager

who can handle both people and task.

f. A good predictor: his decision to change/introduce new roller coaster shows that he is a

good predictor who can predict the future business position of an organization.

g. Researcher: from his research he found that the park needs to be changed as other park

providing new ride and entertainment.

to get back the corporate success he is the right person who have all the ability to run merryland

amusement park and which dominate or overshadow the business though he have the attachment

with disabled kids it is separate from the business.


In conclusion of this case study, marryland has failed due to poor management practices, lack of

maintenance and lack of marketing. It was not improvising with the current trend. Then tony

took the park and reopen it with modify. He wanted to help the disabled kids. He was satified

with his plan and he make some new and exciting rides for the people. Finally that was

successful and famous among the people of Kansas City.

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