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Flint Woods and Bonnie Woods Field Trip

 Students will take a trip to either Flint or Bonnie Woods in Farmington. The goal of this trip is to
measure tree diameters in a certain sampling site and to observe undergrowth density.
 Students will work in groups of 3-4 students. Each group has a long tape measure. Groups are
spread out 5 meters from each other
 Students will measure a diameter of 2meters and will measure the diameter of all the trees in
that circle. The students will measure 10 meters from the first sampling sight an measure
another 2 meter diameter circle. Again, they will measure all the trees in that circle. Students
complete 10 sampling sights.

In the Classroom

 Students will write a lab right up that focuses on their findings. They will explain the mean and
standard deviation of their data. They will include tables of data. 1-2 pages.
 Students will work in their groups to compare their data to the other classes data of the
opposite sampling site. They will create a presentation that argues which type of maintenance is
better for the environment. They must use the data that was collected and work in at least 3
other, reliable, sources.

List of materials:

Transportation to and from sites, 10 m measuring tape, data charts for in the field, computers, excel,
poster material, keynote or slides.


Students who want to do more may expand on their lab reports. They can use excel to create a graph
using their data and should explain their graphs.

There will always be the option for using speech to text software for some students and if a student is
having a hard time presenting their group could create a video of their findings and play the video for
the class.

Students who have mobility issues will have the opportunity to participate because the trails are flat and
well maintained at Flint Woods. The student with mobility issues could participate along the trail edge.

Multiple Intelligences:

Natural, kinesthetic, logical, inter personal, intrapersonal

SCI. 9-12. GSS. 02.01 .02 .

Practice of Science: Students will understand and be able to use basic ideas and practices of scientific

Learning Targets: .01 I understand how to analyze and interpret data. I know how to construct a valid
explanation and engage in arguments using evidence. .02 I can obtain, evaluate, and communicate
scientific ideas to others.

4 3 2.5 2 1
Rigor: Using Rigor: Analyzing Rigor: Rigor:
Knowledge Comprehending Retrieving
I have done all I can make I can explain Support is Is not able to
that is needed reasonable the data found needed at every complete the
to attain a inferences about in the field. 2 step. The lab content of this
score of 3 and I the data outside sources report and activity even
was able to collected in the were given but Presentation are with support.
share out the field. I can may not be not well done,
data I received recognize backed up fully. and explanations
to the class and obvious data I can follow are not backed up
communicate in and all directions, but I with any
a coherent way. inferences may need some evidence or
follow a logically coaching on the outside sources.
from the data. I instructions for I need constant
can follow this coaching at every
instructions and assignment. step to be more
require only than partially
minimal successful.


.01 I understand how to analyze and interpret data. I know how to construct a valid explanation and
engage in arguments using evidence.

Students must collect their own data in the field. In their report they will analyze their own data
mathematically and in the presentation, they have to argue which point of view they have and be able
to back it up with other scientific evidence.

.02 I can obtain, evaluate, and communicate scientific ideas to others.

In the presentation they will use their own data and data from another class to shape their argument in
the final presentation. They have to be able to communicate the data to their classmates through the

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