Annotated Bib - Sinclair

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Drew Langdon

Professor Sinclair

LBST Global Connections

23 October 2018

Annotated Bibliography

Moore, J. “BEHAVIORISM.” Psychological Record, vol. 61, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 449–
465. EBSCOhost,

I chose this article for my annotated bibliography because I believe behaviorism relates to

our class because throughout the course we discussed happiness and I believe that

behaviorism plays a role in our happiness levels. Behaviorism is all about conditioning

and through one’s life I believe that one’s happiness levels are based on what events

occur in their childhood influence their happiness levels when they are adults.

Komaroff, A. L. (2017). Intranasal oxytocin improves social function in kids with autism. NEJM
Journal Watch.General
Medicine, doi:

I decided to choose the topic of oxytocin in kids with autism. I think that this relevant

because the article discusses the differences in kids with autism who have the intranasal

oxytocin the those who don’t. This article shows that oxytocin plays a significant role in

one’s sociability and I think knowing how some of the hormones work will allow me to

understand the content of this course better because there are a lot of different factors that

contributes to one’s life.

Francis, L. J., Robbins, M., & White, A. (2003). Correlation between Religion and Happiness: A
Replication. Psychological Reports, 92(1), 51–

Although there was only a small positive correlation between happiness and religion,

there is still a correlation. While reading the book there has been a lot of points brought up that

correlate religion and happiness, this experiment further showed that there is a correlation

between happiness and religion. I can relate this to the course because we discussed religion in

class and I think this source helped me better understand the correlation between happiness and


Wu, Xiangfan, et al. “The Effect of Workplace Negative Gossip on Employee Proactive
Behavior in China: The Moderating Role of Traditionality.” Journal of Business Ethics,
vol. 148, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 801–815. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10551-015-3006-5.

This source relates to the course and book because we spent a whole class discussing how

gossip affects behavior and happiness. I was able to explore an experiment where first hand

researchers found that negative gossip affects workers in the work place. Negative gossip causes

people who are directly or indirectly involved to negatively affect ones behavior which leads to

workers not working as hard as they normally would and or should.

Kuyken, Willem. “Mindfullness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression.” Shibboleth

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I chose this source because I remember discussing in class that certain therapies aid in

one’s depression/ happiness and I wanted to research cognitive therapy because I personally have

tried cognitive therapy and I think that it should be more widely used and Being able to look

through some research article I was able to understand more about how this therapy works as

well as the results that come from this therapy.

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