NLB Using 4LB Unit Initiative Ratings

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NLB using 4LB

Unit Initiative Ratings

GD: 4
IVC, YG: 3
All Other: 2

Cooke, Picton, Cavalry: 3
KGL, Hanoverian, Nassauers (white numbers on green background), other British: 2
Brunswicker, Dutch: 1

Cavalry of I: 3
I, II: 2
III, IV: 1

All artillery have an initiative of 1. Cavalry with 7 MP are light. Cavalry with 6 MP are heavy.

Leader Ratings
Napoleon: [3/2] (on a roll of 1-5 he is a 3)
Ney: [2/1] (on a roll of 1-2 he is a 2)
Grouchy: [2]
Kellermann: (5)
Gerard, Vandamme, Pajol, Exelmans, Milhaud: (4)
Reille, Mouton, Drouot: (3)
d'Erlon: (2)

Wellington: [4]
Orange: [1]
Uxbridge, Perponcher: (4)
Picton, Cole, Chasse Collaert: (3)
Cooke, Clinton, Alten, Colvlle, Brunswick: (2)

Blucher: [3]
Bulow: (4)
Thielmann, Zeiten: (3)
Prich: (2)

Replacement Officers:
Soult: [2]
Gneisenau: [2]
Hill: [2]
French Corps: (2)
Coalition Corps: (1)
Leaders who give a -1 DRM when attacking and a +1 DRM when defending:
French: Napoleon, Ney, Kellermann, Vandamme, Gerard, Mouton, Drouot (only for artillery)
Coalition: Wellington, Picton, Chasse, Perponcher, Hill, Blucher, Bulow

Command Rules:
Use leader activation and command rules from 4LB. Reinforcements start with a march order as does
D'Erlon's Corps on the first turn.

4LB cards: Play for text (and take VP penalty or bonus) or play for phase (weather, reorganization). If
card has no phase, then it can be played for just movement. Use movement allotments regardless. French
get 4 bonus cards. The British and Prussians each receive 1 and keep their hands separate and hidden.
No cards are drawn during night turns.

Optional French Command Arrangement:

To represent French command division, and allow for four players, Napoleon receives 2 bonus cards,
and Ney receives 1. If at anytime Napoleon is in command range of Ney, but not Grouchy, the Ney
player must then take over for Grouchy.

French exclude these cards:

Secure Column, Replacements, Hesitant Advance, Second Day of Battle, General Retreat, New Chief of
Staff, Alternate Reinforcements, Commander Enters the Map, Consolidate Position, In Bivouac. Take
out 2 Delay – March Confusion and 1 Cancel One Formation.
Coalition exclude these cards:
Secure column, Second Day of Battle, General Retreat, New Chief of Staff, Cancel One Formation,
Alternate Reinforcements, Commander Enters the Map, No Discipline in the Ranks, Delay – March
Confusion, In Bivouac.

Mode Cards:
French: 1-3 none, 4-5 one, 6 two.
Coalition: 1-2 none, 3-4 one, 5 two, 6 three. These are used as the Coalition player wishes, so all or
none can effect one army.

Victory Points
The French gain 1 VP for every 4 SP they exit off any road on the northern map edge.
Control of all hexes in Wavre are worth 1 VP.
Combined control of all hexes in St. Armand, Ligny, and Brye are worth 1 VP.
Le Haye-Sainte, Quarte-Bras, and Mazy are each worth 1 VP.
Officers are worth 1 VP. Commanders are worth VP equal to their highest possible rating.
If Napoleon is lost, the game is over.
Do not tally VP until the end of the scenario.

On rain turns 16-25, add a -1 to the weather die roll. If there is no rain or mud on turn 25, then repeat
all the phases for turn 25 (represents an extended morning preparation that is not included in the original

Turns 10, 11, 23, and 24 are to be treated as daylight turns.

Separate corps demoralization values are not given so use the army demoralization values included in
the original rules.

The Dutch have a 2 initiative until Quarte-Bras falls.

Let the British use Hill. Place him with Clinton or Colville.

Let the French use Soult. Place him with any infantry unit. Grouchy may only order French cavalry.


500 French per infantry SP
400 French per cavalry SP
4 guns per SP

400 British per infantry SP
700 Dutch/Hanoverian/Brunswicker per infantry SP
400 British/Hanoverian/Brunswicker per cavalry SP
1000 Dutch per cavalry SP
8 guns per SP

800 Prussians per infantry SP
600 Prussians per cavalry SP
12 guns per SP

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