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J-girl Fight 2 – walkthrough

(Help from “Someone” – Moka, Kurumu, Lala, Yui and Haruna names)

Before start…

During fight, the menu is in Japanese. A complete menu has:

- Attack

- Charge (do nothing, just increase the Special Power Bar – but it’s useful!)

- Move (shift position with other character on party)

- Special (use some special attacks, if any)

- Super Special (use some special attacks, if any – a Super Special has 3 levels, available as the
Special Bar is charged)

- Support Attack (when there is a support character that could attack – only available when
Special Bar is charged at least with 1)

Sometimes some menus don’t appear so you should have in mind how each menu is written in
Japanese (at least an idea).
The party has 2 chars on front and 2 on rear, and could have more 2 on support. Remember that
the 2 on rear must have distance attack or they couldn’t attack.

Each person has a WT (timer) that is related to the frequency of attacks. In other words, low
numbers are better.

Each person has a cost, and the party has a limited cost sum.

Each battle has a limit time; you must win before reach zero.

makes more damage against

makes more damage against

makes more damage against

Girl Fighters – ordered by walkthrough sequence

Eve – HP 340, Power 43, WT 119, COST 6.

Special Power 1: SHIELD – she doesn’t attack, only stay on super defense

Special Power 2: CONTINUOUS – it makes 20 more damage than normal attack, but doesn’t
increase the Special Bar.
Rinsu – HP 270, Power 30, WT 110, COST 2. She is weak but has the lowest
cost, so you will use her sometimes.

Special Power 1: GUN – distance attack.

Special Power 2: FROZEN BULLET – distance attack, low damage but it increases 20 to enemy
WT (useful).

Robin – HP 340, Power 45, WT 106, Cost 8. From anime One Piece (Nico

Special Power 1: 3 FLEUR – Distance attack, good damage.

Special Power 2: CLUTCH – Distance attack, low damage but increases 50 on enemy WT

Super Special Power: INFINITY – attacks ALL enemies with good damage (very useful!)

Nami – HP 270, Power 36, WT 123, Cost 3. From anime One Piece, her normal
attack is not good but she has some interesting special powers.

Special Power 1: THUNDER BOLT – distance attack, regular damage (but useful)

Super Special Power: TORNADO – distance attack, high damage! Ps: once per battle.
Unknown 1 – HP 320, Power 40, WT 108, Cost 3. Someone knows her name???

Special Power 1: DEFENSE UP – Increase defense of one ally

Black Magic Garu – HP 350, Power 30, WT 95 (good), Cost 4.

Special Power 1: FIRE BOMB – distance attack

Mamu – HP 440 (good), Power 63 (good), WT 88 (good), Cost 8. Very useful!

Special Power 1: RECOVERY – Heal 40 HP

Special Power 2: TIGER PUNCH – Attacking increases enemy WT in 10.

Super Special Power: SHINING – Powerful attack (enemy HP lost couldn’t be recovered!)

Leona (or Reona) – HP 300, Power 30, WT 110, Cost 5. She doesn’t attack but
it’s very useful.

Special Power 1: RECOVERY – Heal 60 HP (very useful)

Special Power 2: SHIELD – increase defense of one ally

Special Power 3: DISPEL – clear positive/negative status of one char (useful!)

Unknown 2 – HP 300, Power 30, WT 115, Cost 3. She doesn’t attack, but it´s
useful, specially you could use with an attacker support girl so you could attack sometimes.

Special Power 1: LASER BEAM – high damage to one enemy. The disadvantage is that she
could use only twice per battle.

Sakura – HP 390, Power 65 (good), WT 99, Cost 7. From anime Naruto (Hakuno
Sakura, shannarô!), very useful.

Special Power 1: RECOVERY – Heal 40 HP

Special Power 2: DISPEL – clear positive/negative status of one char (useful!)

Special Power 3: POWER UP – increase attack for one ally.

Soi Fong – HP 370, Power 56, WT 70 (good), cost 9. From anime Bleach, very

Special Power 1: VESPID – at first, low damage. Second attempt to same target makes high
damage (useful)

Special Power 2: HADOU – distance attack, regular damage.

Special Power 3: target becomes with 50 on WT

Yoruichi – HP 390, Power 60 (good), WT 86 (good), cost 10. From anime
Bleach, very useful, her super special power is amazing!

Special Power 1: KICK – distance attack – regular damage

Special Power 2: Decrease 30 WT to target

Super Special Power: SUPER POWER until end of battle or Dispel (very useful – even normal
attack become very strong!)

Tsunade – HP 500 (wow!), Power 75 (good), WT 115, cost 9. From anime

Naruto, very useful!

Special Power 1: Heal 50 HP

Special Power 2: KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU – conjure a slime (need a free place on the party) –
the slime has HP 100 and has a special power (distance attack, regular damage, it decrease
something from enemy – I’m not sure what). Only once per battle.

Super Special Power: SUPER HEAL !!! The only valid target is Tsunade herself. (good)

Rinari – HP 300, Power 30, WT 72 (good), cost 5. From anime D-gray Man.

Special Power 1: WIND – distance attack, regular damage

Special Power 2: DRAGON – high damage on enemy, but causes damage on Rinari too.
Rangiku – HP 440 (good), Power 50, WT 108, Cost 7. From anime Bleach
(Rangiku Matsumoto), useful.

Special Power 1: ASH – Attack all enemies and increase WT +10 to all them (good)

Special Power 2: DISPEL – clear positive/negative status of one char (useful!)

Nemu – HP 500 (good), Power 40, WT 104, Cost 7. From anime Bleach (she
helps the crazy cientist captain). Useful.

Special Power 1: POISON – poison an enemy, permanent damage (good)

Orihime – HP 280, Power 30, WT 115, Cost 4. From anime Bleach, weak attack
but useful.

Special Power 1: Heal 50 HP

Super Special Power: SUPER SHIELD – until 150 damage is absorved (good)

Dakki – HP 440 (good), Power 60 (good), WT 100, Cost 10. Very useful.
Special Power 1: HYPER WIND – change ally party or enemy party, between front and rear
positions (interesting sometimes…)

Special Power 2: RESET – like dispel but reaches all chars, party and enemies (interesting…)

Super Special Power: TEMPTATION – high damage to the target and possibility of paralyze

UU – HP 370, Power 50, WT 98, Cost 9. Also called Lala (from anime To Love

Special Power 1: WARP-kun – shift position with an ally

Special Power 2: PINK LASER – distance attack, regular damage

Sefilia – HP 450 (good), Power 59, WT 99, Cost 10. Very useful.

Special Power 1: THUNDER – distance attack

Special Power 2: SPEED UP – decrease her WT by 20 (good)

Super Special Power: RUIN WORLD – attack all enemies with high damage, but WT will
restart greater (good, even though)

Moka – HP 280, Power 40, WT 108, Cost 3. From anime Rosario+Vampire.

Super Special Power: POWER ATTACK – increase the attack power

Kurumu – HP 290, Power 44, WT 100, Cost 5. From anime Rosario+Vampire.

Special Power 1: Try to paralyze the enemy.

Tao – HP 300, Power 50, WT 110, Cost 4.

Special Power 1: Decrease WT from target by 30.

Super Special Power: REENCARNATION – Tao disappear and resurrect another char which
died previously in the same combat. Resurrected char will have HP depending of the level.

Nanomachine – HP 50, Power 30, WT 130, Cost 3 (he should cost zero, piece of

Special Power 1: Distance Attack

Super Special Power: Attack all enemies.

Hinamori – HP 280, Power 30, WT 115, Cost 4. From anime Bleach (also called

Special Power 1: FIREBALL – distance attack

Special Power 2: JAIL OF LIGHT – Doubles the enemy current WT (good!)

Tokiko – HP 290, Power 40, WT 108, Cost 6.

Special Power 1: “BURAKIRISU” CUT – double attack

Special Power 2: RECOVERY – Heal 60 HP, only for herself. Selfish…

Nagisa – HP 290, Power 30, WT 108, Cost 6.

Special Power 1: KIKOU – more damage than normal

Super Special Power: SPIRAL SHOT – high damage

Hinata – HP 300, Power 45, WT 110, Cost 5. From anime Naruto (Hinata
Hyuuga), useful.
Special Power 1: unknown, something related to WT

Special Power 2: Reduces enemy’s special bar by 0.5 level (good)

Special Power 3: 64 PUNCH – good damage, and decrease enemy’s defense

Rukia – HP 350, Power 50, WT 102, Cost 7. From anime Bleach (Kuchiki

Special Power 1: HOLD- target becomes with WT 50.

Super Special Power: SODE NO MAI – good attack and makes enemy WT become max

Kyoko – HP 320, Power 40, WT 112, Cost 5.

Special Power 1: FIREBALL – distance attack

Special Power 2: HEAT ARMS – increase ally attack

Support Characters – ordered by walkthrough sequence

Support Nagisa (cost 1) helps attacking (uses a bit of Special Bar) – attack
Support Satsuki (cost 1) helps increasing attack +5 to party (good!)

Support Rina (cost 2) helps starting battle with half level of Special Bar charged

Support Tokiko (cost 2) helps attacking (use Special Bar) with double attack.

Support Nishi (cost 3) helps with attack+10 for all allies (good)

Support Kuja (cost 2) helps with start all allies WT decreased by 30.
Support Itsuna helps attacking (use some special bar) and increase 10 WT on

Support Rukia (cost 3) helps attacking and make target reset WT to max.
attack. From anime Bleach (Kuchiki Rukia).

Support Nagi (cost 1) helps changing all party to chars.

Support Haruna (cost 5) helps with decreasing WT by 10 for all allies during all
battle! (good). From anime To Love Ru.

Support Ryu (cost 2) helps attacking (use 1 level special bar) all enemies (good).
Support Thia (cost 3) helps resurrecting the first ally who dies. The ally returns
with 100 HP. (good)

Support Mis (cost 1) helps attacking (use some special bar). attack

Support Nase (cost 2) helps with unknown influence. Someone knows ?

Support Hinamori (cost 6) helps attacking target enemy, damaging zero but
double her WT (good). From anime Bleach (also called Momo).

Support Toujou (cost 3) helps increasing attack +15 to all allies (good).
Support Unknown3 (cost 1) helps attacking (using some special bar). attack.

Support Yui (cost 2) helps increasing 50 HP on all allies (good). From anime To
Love Ru.

Support Mamori (cost 1) helps changing all party to chars.

Support Misa (Misa Misa from anime Death Note) (cost 2) helps increasing
attack +30 ! The problem is that HP is reduced by half.

Support Kyoko (cost 2) helps attacking (use some special bar). attack.
Support Tomoe (cost 4) helps starting battle with 1 level of Special Bar charged

Support Hinata (cost 3) helps (uses 1 level of special bar) creating a reflect shield
on char. From anime Naruto (Hyuuga Hinata).

Support Iyo (cost 6) helps starting battle with 1 level and half of Special Bar
charged (good!)

Suport Kozi (cost 1) helps changing all party to chars.


You start only with Eve, and the party with limit cost of 20.

Battle 1 – Rinsu
Well, it’s piece of cake, obvious that you must fight using Eve…

Just use her special power Continuous (fourth menu, then second option) until Rinsu dies.

Prize: Rinsu is available.

After that you could use this battle to test other powers from other chars.

Battle 2 – Nami/Robin (One Piece)

Using Eve on front and Rinsu on Rear, first attack Robin (black hair). Eve uses special
Continuous again, and Rinsu uses Gun (fourth menu, then first option). After Robin dies, then
use same strategy to Nami.

Prize: Nami/Robin is available.

Battle 3 – Black Magic Garu / unknown 1 / Nagisa

Use Eve/Robin on front, and Rinsu/Nami on rear.

First attack Nagisa (blue hair) because she has a super special power. Robin with 3 fleur, Eve
normal attack, Rinsu’s Gun or Frozen Bullet and Nami with Thunder Bolt. When Special Bar is
charged with 1, use Robin’s special power Infinity to attack all enemies, probably Nagisa will
die here.

Then attack the other girl on front, using same strategy. With Special Bar 1, use Nami’s special
power Tornado on the enemy with more HP.

Prize: Black Magic Garu + Unknown 1 available. Support chars Nagisa, Satsuki and Rina also

Battle 4 – Mamu / Tokiko / Reona / Unknown 2

Use Robin and Eve on front, Nami and Rinsu on rear, and Satsuki on support.

Robin uses Clutch and Rinsu uses Frozen Bullet on Unknown 2 (up rear), because she attacks
only twice, but her attack is very powerful. Eve uses normal attack on Tokiko (bottom front).
Nami attacks Unknown 2 or Tokiko, who has more HP.

When Special Bar is charged with 1, use Robin’s special Infinity, Reona will die and maybe
more. If Unknown 2 is alive, kill her before her second attack.

Then use Robin’s Clutch and Rinsu’s Frozen Bullet on Mamu (top front) and other 2 attacks
Tokiko. With Tokiko died and Special Bar 1, use Nami’s special power Tornado on Mamu.
Continue until kill Mamu.

Prize: Mamu, Leona and Unknown 2 available. Support Tokiko, Kuja and Nishi also available.

Battle 5 (second tab) – Soi Fong / Sakura / Black Magic Garu / UU

Use Mamu and Unknown 1 on front, Leona and Nami on rear, and Satsuki on support.

Leona always use heal on ally with less HP.

First attack Soi Fong (top front), using Mamu’s normal attack, Unknown 1’s normal attack and
Nami’s thunder bolt.

Then attacks Sakura (bottom front), probably you have special bar 1, so use Mamu’s special
Shining on Sakura.

After that, attacks Black Magic Garu using same strategy, but you could use once the Nami’s
special Tornado.

And finally UU, using same strategy.

Prize: Sakura available; support Itsuna available; party limit cost increased by 1

Battle 6 – Rukia / Soi Fong / Yoruichi (Bleach)

Use Mamu and Eve on front, Leona and Rinsu or rear.

If Yoruichi (top rear) uses her Special power (a thunder appear), Leona must quickly use Dispel
on Yoruichi. Otherwise, Yoruichi’s attack will be very strong.

First attack Rukia (top front) with Mamu’s normal attack and Eve’s normal attack. Rinsu attacks
Soi Fong with Frozen Bullet.

Eventually, use Mamu’s special Shining when special bar is charged, it’s better use this power
on level 1.
After kill Rukia, attack Soi Fong. Rinsu starts to use Frozen Bullet on Yoruichi.

After kill Soi Fong, attack Yoruichi using the same strategy.

Prize: Soi Fong and Yoruichi available, and Rukia, Nagi and Haruna as support.

Battle 7 (second tab) – Tsunade / Leona (Naruto and other)

Use Soi Fong and Sakura on front, Nami and Rinsu on rear.

Pay attention: First enemy killed will be resurrected; Tsunade’s first step is to conjure slime; and
sometimes a support girl (Ryu) will attack all your party; and Tsunade’s special power could
heal a lot.

Attack Tsunade (top front) with Soi Fong (Vespid), Sakura (normal attack), Nami (thunder bolt)
and Rinsu (Frozen Bullet – so Tsunade will attack less and enemy special bar will increase less

When special bar is charged with 1, use Nami’s special Tornado on slime. He will resurrect!

Then continue attacking Tsunade, except that Nami attack slime once (eventually Tsunade or
Leona will stop to heal him).

Tsunade will use her special power when her life become lower than 400… Continue attacking
until kill her.

Then Soi Fong attacks Leona, while others attack slime, they couldn’t resist.

Prize: Tsunade available, and Ryu and Thia as support. Also, party limit cost increased by 1.

Battle 8 (second tab) – Rinari (D-gray Man)

Rinari has a powerful special power (she uses on level 2) that kills all allies, and herself.

Use Mamu and Nami (or Unknown 1) on front, Eve and Rinsu on rear, and Thia as support.

Mamu always attacks (when special bar is charged, use her special Shining); Nami or Unknown
1 uses normal attack; Eve always use special Shield (she will survive!) and Rinsu always uses
Frozen Bullet.

In the end, Rinari will use her special power, and Mamu and Eve will survive. Mamu will be
resurrected (by Thia) and Eve because of the shield.

Prize: Rinari available, Mis and Nase as support, and party limit cost increased by 1.

Battle 9 – Rangiku / Nemu / Hinamori / Orihime (Bleach)

Use Soi Fong and Unknown 2 on front, Leona and Nami on rear, Itsuna and Rina on support.

As you used Rina, your special bar will start with 0,5 level.

Use Soi Fong’s Vespid on Rangiku (top front), Unknown2’s Laser Beam on Orihime (bottom
rear), Leona’s heal and Nami’s Thunder bolt on Rangiku.

When special bar is charged (1) use Nami’s special Tornado on Hinamori (top rear), she will die!

After 2 Unknown 2’s Laser Beam, Orihime die too!

Then Soi Fong and Nami continue attacking Rangiku.

Unknown 2 must do: when special bar have at least 1, use support attack for Itsuna on Rangiku
too. Otherwise, just charge…

If Soi Fong has less than 150 HP, put her on rear, because eventually support attack Rukia (from
enemy) appear and attack one girl from front. Heal Soi Fong…

Prize: Rangiku, Nemu and Orihime are available, Hinamori and Toujou as support.

Battle 10 (second tab) – Kurumu / Rinari / Dakki / Orihime

Use Nemu and Sakura on front, Leona and Nami on rear, Satsuki on support.

With Satsuki, all alies will increase attack damage.

Use Nemu’s poison on Dakki (top rear), then on Rinari (bottom front), then on Orihime (botton
rear). Kurumu is not necessary (probably she will be already killed).

Sakura attacks first Kurumu, after kill then Rinari, after kill then Dakki. Eventually, use Dispel if
Leona becomes paralyzed (with an arc over head).

Leona just heal or use Dispel when others become paralyzed.

Nami use Thunder Bolt first on Kurumu, after kill on Rinari, after kill on Dakki. Eventually, with
special bar on level 3, use special Tornado level 3 on Orihime, she will die!

Prize: Dakki available and party limit cost increased by 1.

Battle 11 – UU
Use Nemu and Dakki on front, Rinari and Rinsu on rear.

You must have luck: Dakki must paralyze UU at least 1 time.

Nemu first use Poison then just attack.

Dakki attack and, with special bar 1, use her special Temptation to try to paralyze. If you have
success, you don’t need to use Temptation until UU recover, just attack.

Rinari attack with her distance attack Wind.

Rinsu attack with Frozen Bullet.

Prize: UU available, also Unknown3 and Yui as support.

Battle 12 (second tab) – Wall x 2 / Mamu / Leona

Similar to Jgirl Fight, but Mamu and Leona could heal full HP!

Use Dakki and Mamu on front, Nami and Rinsu on rear, Satsuki on support.

With Satsuki, all party increase attack by 5.

All persons first charge until Dakki use Hyper Wind. Now enemy is on front.

Then all charge until special bar 1, then use Dakki’s special Temptation to paralyze Leona. Then
all attacks Leona: Dakki and Mamu with normal attack, Nami with Thunder Bolt and Rinsu with
Frozen Bullet. That could be enough.
Then charge with others and Dakki uses Temptation again, now against Mamu. If you have more
special bar, then use Nami’s special Tornado, while Rinsu with Frozen Bullet and others with
normal attack.

Prize: Mamori as support and party limit cost increased by 1.

Battle 13 (second tab) – Moka / Soi Fong / Sefilia / Black Magic Garu

The objective here is survive until time finishes! So now it’s time to total defense!

Use Eve and Unknown1 on front, Tsunade and Orihime on rear, Thia as support.

Eve only use Shield.

Unknown1 use DefenseUp with herself and Tsunade. Probably she will die sooner but support
Thia will resurrect her, alleluia! But probably she will die again…

Tsunade only charge.

Orihime heal Unknown1 or Eve, who needs more.

With special bar 1 and enemy special bar charged, use Orihime’s special Super Shield, because a
strong attack from Sefilia (top rear) will fall against all party.

After Sefilia strong power, use Tsunade’s special Super Heal to recover herself.

Then continue on defense, even if Eve dies. Always when possible use Orihime’s special Super
Shield again. If she dies, then you could use Tsunade’s special Super Heal again.

Probably the time is over, you win!

Prize: Support Misa (Death Note) is available and party limit cost increased by 1.
Battle 14 – Nanomachine x 2 / Sefilia / Kyoko

Use Nemu and Unknown1 on front, Leona and Robin on rear, and Nishi as support (increase +10
in attack on every party).

Nemu use Poison on Sefilia (top rear), then on Kyoko (bottom rear), then on nanomachine

Leona use defenseUp on Nemu, and after that heals who need more (preference to Robin)

The top nanomachine has more powerful attack, so we will attack him first, using Unknown1’s
normal attack, and Robin’s 3 Fleur.

Always when special bar is charged with 1, use Robin’s special Infinity to attack all enemies.
Remember that if some enemy has low HP, sometimes it’s better to attack other if Robin will
attack next with Infinity.

After that, use same strategy to kill other nanomachine, including Nemu’s normal attack.

After that, same strategy, but attacking Sefilia. If Kyoko is alive even after some Infinity, then
“finish her”.

Prize: Sefilia is available, Kyoko and Tomoe as support.

Battle 15 (second tab) – Nanomachine x 16

Use Sefilia and Robin on front, Unknown2 and Black Magic Garu on rear, and Setsuko on
support (attack +5 to party).
You have to kill 16 nanomachines, so it’s easy:

Sefilia attacks one with full HP (she kills 1 every time).

Robin use 3 Fleur on other one, and Black Magic Garu use Fire Bomb on the same (together they
kill 1 per round).

Unknown2 uses twice her Laser Beam on an enemy with full HP (she kills 1 every time).

With special bar charged in 1, use Robin’s special Infinity (she kills four!).

That should be enough…

Other way: you could use support for Misa, changing Black Magic Garu with Unknown1 (and
put her on front). And change Unknown2 with Nami. On that way, all attacks kills one), the only
problem is that sometimes some girl could die because of lower HP.

Prize: party limit cost increased by 1

Battle 16 (second tab) – Super Nanomachine x 2

Use Nemu and Yoruichi on front, Robin and Rinsu on rear.

Choose one SuperNanomachine to kill first, using Yoruichi’s normal attack, Robin’s 3 Fleur and
Rinsu’s Gun.

Nemu uses Poison on other Super Nanomachine. After, Nemu uses Poison on who is being

Then just continue attacking the one with more HP.

With special bar 1, use Yoruichi’s super power so she will damage more.

Then, with special bar 1, always use Robin’s special Infinity to damage both.
Don’t use Rinsu’s Frozen Bullet because you want the enemy attack (each time they attack, they
take damage from the poison!)

Prize: party limit cost increased by 1

Battle 17 (second tab) – Eve / Unknown1 / UU

Use Soi Fong and Yoruichi on front, Leona and Nami on rear. Setsuko on support (attack +5 for
all allies).

Use Soi Fong’s Vespid, Yoruichi’s normal attack, Nami’s Thunder Bolt.

Leona heals who need more.

Eventually you could have to change positions if Soi Fong or Yoruichi is in danger.

Kill first Unknown1 because she is easier and she could increase enemy defenses, then kill Eve
and finally UU.

Special bar: first time reaches 1, use Yoruichi’s special power. After that, in a good moment
(special bar 2 or some enemy has less than 200 HP, or Nami is dying) use Nami’s special

Prize: party limit cost increased by 1

Battle 18 (second tab) – Wall ???

Use Soi Fong and Mamu on front, Rinari and Black Magic Garu on rear. Misa and Setsuko on

With Misa and Setsuko on support, you will have attack +35 !!!

Use Soi Fong’s Vespid four times (the last one you don’t have enough time, so use normal

Use Mamu’s normal attack. Always when special bar is 1 (probably just one time) use Mamu’s
special Shining.

Use Rinari’s Wind and Black Magic Garu’s Fire Bomb.

Prize: party limit cost increased by 1

Battle 19 (second tab) – Hinata / Tsunade / Sakura

Tsunade starts conjuring Slime. Hinata has an interesting power: reflect (one damage to her will
be reflected to the enemy).

Use Mamu and Soi Fong on front, Leona and Rinari on rear, Nishi as support.

Mamu attacks Hinata (top front), Soi Fong uses Vespid on Tsunade, Leona heal (or dispel some
enemy) and Rinari uses Wind to Slime (so sometimes Tsunade won’t attack to heal Slime…)

When Hinata uses Reflect, then attack her with Soi Fong’s Vespid, because only short damage
will be reflected. Or Dispel with Leona.
With special bar 1, always use Mamu’s special Shining, preferably to Tsunade, because HP lost
with Shining couldn’t be recovered.

Prize: party limit cost increased by 5 and Support Hinata available.

Battle 20 (second tab) – Yoruichi / Soi Fong / Dakki / Tsunade

Yoruichi (enemy) always has special power, so Dispel doesn’t work.

When a enemy dies, Tsunade will conjure a Slime.

Use Soi Fong and Eve on front, Yoruichi and Leona on rear, Tomoe and Setsuko on support.

First kill Yoruichi because her attack is very strong. Use Soi Fong’s Vespid and Eve’s normal

Yoruichi (yours) first use special power (with Tomoe as support, you will start with 1 level).
Then attacks who is necessary (with Kick).

Leona heals who need more. Or Dispel some ally paralyzed by Dakki.

When the Slime is conjured, uses Yoruichi’s Kick until kill him.

Then kill Soi Fong, Tsunade and Dakki, in that order.

Sometimes you could need to shift positions and change strategy.

Prize: party limit cost increased by 5

Battle 21 – Moka / Hinata / Kurumu / Tao

Use Sefilia and Tsunade on front, Soi Fong and Yoruichi on rear, Rina on support (half level of
special bar charged).

Kill first Hinata (bottom front). Then kill Kurumu (top rear), then Tao (bottom rear). Before Tao
dies, she casts Hinata again. Kill Moka and finally Hinata.

First special bar 1, use Yoruichi’s special Super Power. After that, you could use Sefilia’s Ruin
World or Tsunade’s Super Heal.

Eventually you could need to shift positions to defend Sefilia or Tsunade.

Soi Fong uses Hadou when she is on rear or Vespid in case that she comes to front.

Prize: Moka, Kurumu and Tao available, Iyo and Kozi as support.

Last Battle – Mamu/Tsunade/Reona/Tao + Dakki/Kurumu/Hinamori/Robin +

Hinata/Yoruichi/Kyoko/Rangiku + Moka/Soi Fong/Sefilia/UU

The last battle is divided in four battles, the problem is that girls you use on previous you
couldn’t use again on the last battle. So have to distribute well the girls.

FIRST PART: One way is use Rangiku/Mamu/Rinari/UU, Mamori and Ryu as support.
Mamori will make all chars become so attack will be more effective on that battle. Ryu
attacks all enemies with type.

Always you have special bar 1, use Ryu’s support attack.

First kill Mamu, because of her strong attack. Then start to attack Reona, because the computer
starts to heal her and stop to attack. While that, Mamu attacks Tsunade and Rangiku uses Ash to
attack all enemies and increase their WT.

After Reona will be dead, Tsunade probably will conjure the slime. Attack just once the slime,
because with Ryu’s support attack probably he will die. Then kill Tao. Sometimes she has time
to resurrect Mamu, sometimes not.

With one enemy only alive, start to use Mamu’s special Shining.

If Mamu resurrected, then try to kill Tsunade while use Ryu’s attack. Eventually, if Mamu is
weak, kill her first.

If Mamu don’t resurrect just attacks Tsunade (she will use her super heal) until she dies.

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