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Rubric for Written Report

Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Yes Yes, but No, but No
10  Directly relevant  Somewhat relevant  Remotely related  Totally unrelated
Topic %
 Good organization;  Organized; points are  Some organization;  Poorly organized; no
Organizati 10 points are logically somewhat jumpy; points jump around; logical progression;
on % ordered; sharp sense sense of beginning beginning and ending beginning and ending
of beginning and end and ending are unclear are vague
Quality of  Supporting details  Some details are non-  Details are  Unable to find
25 specific to subject supporting to the somewhat sketchy. specific details
Informatio % subject Do not support topic
Grammar,  No errors  Only one or two errors  More than two errors  Numerous errors
Usage, 25 distract from
Mechanics %
, Spelling
 Vocabulary is varied;  Vocabulary is varied;  Vocabulary is  Basic vocabulary;
supporting details supporting details unimaginative; needs descriptive
Interest 10
vivid useful details lack “color” words
Level %

 Typed; clean; neatly  Legible writing, well-  Legible writing, some  Illegible writing;
bound in a report formed characters; ill-formed letters, print loose pages
Neatness % cover; illustrations clean and neatly too small or too large;
provided bound in a report papers stapled
cover together

10  Report on time  Report one class  Report two class  Report more than
Timeliness % period late periods late one week late

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

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