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Mr Bean at the Restaurant.

1) How did Mr Bean surprise himself?

2) Why did he go to the restaurant ?
3) What did he order?
4) Why didn’t he accept more wine?
5) How did he make music?
6) Did he like the meat?
7) What expressions did the waiter use to ask Mr Bean about the food? Tick the ones
you listen.
___ Do you like the food, Sir? ___ Everything’s your satisfaction, Sir?
___ Is everything ok, Sir? ___ Is everything all right, Sir?
___ Are you Okay, Sir? ___ Are you sure?
8) Where did Mr Bean hide the meat?
a) _______________________ d) __________________________
b) _______________________ e) __________________________
c) _______________________ f) __________________________
9) What song did the violinist play for him?
10) How did the waiter fall down?
11) According Mr Bean, what happened when the waiter fell down?
12) Was Mr Bean really happy at the end? Why?

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