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Powertrain Plants
Vehicle Assembly Plants

The objective of the Renault Production System (SPR) is to OsB àËPrás lB ÔÐj ßgÏÌ×kÙI , SPR ØI ÉÔsÔÌ ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás
ensure that Renault can benefit from the most high-performance NjÔzI) CáÐf àÌCËQ jf Bj fk¿ÇË® _¤s ÎâkQãCI jf gáÈÔQ gÐBÔPI ØÀ
production system worldwide. .gâCËÐ ÎáË~Q (àÐCÙY
Since 2000, a wide range of projects focusing on standardization, ,fÔHÙI ,ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB kI mÀkËQ CI ßfCâl ßCÚ×nÓkM ,2000 ÅCs lB
progress, self-maintenance and quality control have been BkYB ØI µÇPdÌ NCXÐCejCÀ jf ,Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ Ó àQBkáˬQ fÔe
deployed at the plants, often at a high labour cost. The SPR is .OsB ×fÔI ×BkËÚ ßfCâl jCÀ ßÓkáÐ ØÏâmÚ CI CÙÐD GdzB ØÀ ×gÌD jf
now a daily reality for all those involved in the Renault ÔÐj jf gáÈÔQ CI à®ÔÐ ØI ØÀ ßfBk¸B àÌCËQ ßBkI SPR ÍÔÏÀB ÊÚ
manufacturing function. In many instances, we can now see the
.OsB ×gåw ÅgåHÌ ×kåÌlÓj OåᬼBÓ ¾â NjÔåzI ,gåÏPrÚ £HQkåÌ
positive impact of each SPR procedure on the quality of our
products, our delivery times, the performance of our facilities
and manufacturing times.
Ó NãD ÎáwCÌ fk¿ÇË® ,ÆâÔ`Q ÍCÌl ,ÅÔz`Ì Oá¶áÀ kI SPR
However now that Renault is conquering new markets and .fkI gáÈÔQ ÍCÌl máÐ Ó NBmáÙXQ
extending its industrial scope right across the world, the SPR tkPrÄ Ó gâgY ßCÚjBlCI _P¸ ÅCa jf ÍÔÏÀB ÊÚ ÔÐj ØÀ gÏ] kÚ
« system » will have to operate to its full potential and become CI SPR ÊPrás àÈÓ ,OsCáÐf àÌCËQ jf fÔe àP¬Ï{ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸
a true philosophy of management. All the component strategies ଼BÓ Ø¶rǸ ÍBÔϬI gÐBÔPI OrâCIàÌ ,ÍBÔQ ÉCËQ lB ßkáÄ×kÙI
in the Renault Production System are inter-linked thus creating ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás jf CÚßoQBkPsB @BmYB àÌCËQ . gâCËÐ ÆË® OâkâgÌ
a powerful synergy that should bring us ever closer to the ßBkI gÏËQjg¼ àâBm¸B ÊÚ ¾â fCXâB ÎâBkICÏI ,gÏPrÚ £HQkÌ ÊÚ ØI
ultimate of target « daily excellence » by: £sÔQ ,OsB <ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI> CÐCËÚ ØÀ àâCÙÐ ´gÚ ØI àICáPsf
:OsB ÅÔza ÆIC¼ Æâh fjBÔÌ
• ensuring that we provide the level of quality required by our
internal and external customers, ØåÞBjB Bj Oá¶áÀ lB à`å¤s ÊáPrÚ jfCå¼ CåÌ ØÀ GÇ¤Ì ÎâB ÎáË~Q
,OsB àYjCe Ó àÇeBf ÍCåâkPvÌ OsBÔe ºIC¤Ì ØÀ ÊáÞCËÐ
• reducing overall costs,
,jCIks ßCÚØÏâmÚ uÚCÀ
• manufacturing the required products at the required moment,
kåQfÓl ØåÐ) OåsBÔejf fjÔÌ ÍCÌl jf àPsBÔejf NãÔz`Ì gáÈÔåQ
• promoting accountability and mutual respect. ,(kåQkåâf ØåÐ Ó

Just as the EWT managers have been issued a EWT Book, we .ÆIC»PÌ ÉBkPaB Ó ßkâiM OáÈÔÝrÌ ÂÏÚk¸ Ø®CwB
have decided to provide all workshop managers and plant
managers with an SPR Management Book. This is a reference ,ÊâfkÀ ØáÙQ EWT ÍBkâgÌ ßBkI Bj EWT FCPÀ ØÀ jÔ¤ÐCËÚ
document which, in addition to presenting the target results of ÍBkâgÌ ßBkI máÐ Bj SPR OâkâgÌ FCPÀ CQ ÊáP¸kÄ ÊáËzQ
each SPR strategy, also indicates the manner in which they OsB à¬YkÌ FCPÀ ÎâB .ÊáÏÀ ØÞBjB NCXÐCejCÀ Ó CÚ ×CÄjCÀ
interact, i.e. the very driving force of the system. It should give ØÞBjB Bj SPR ßoQBkPsB kÚ lB ØÇ{Ca WâCPÐ Ø¿ÏâB kI ×Óä® ØÀ
you the means to coordinate the rational implementation of NjCH¬I .gÐjBf ÆÌC¬Q ÊÚ CI CÙÐD ØÀ OsB àwÓj kÃÐCáI ,gâCËÐàÌ
the system in all spheres of activity, to continually improve our ßjBmIB OrâCIàÌ Ó fÓjàÌ jCËvI ÊPrás ØÀk`Ì ßÓkáÐ ,kÃâf
Work Stations and processes and promote our current and
future performance.
gáÚf ÉCXÐB CÚØÏáÌl àÌCËQ jf ÊPrás ໤ÏÌ ßBkYB OÙY Bj Élã
.gáwCI ÍCÌ×gÏâD Ó àǬ¸ fk¿ÇË®

ØååÐkååêÄ ÆváÌ
Michel Gornet OåeCås kåâgåÌ
Director of Manufacturing 2004 kHÌCsf
December 2004

SPR for optimum performance ....................................................4 4 .......................................................................................... ØÏáÙI fk¿ÇË® ßBkI SPR

Standardization .....................................................................................9 9 ............................................................................................................ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB

Progress through standardization .........................................................9 9 ............................................................................... ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM
Key standardization players ..................................................................12 12 ....................................................................... ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB jf ßgáÇÀ ßCÚu»Ð
The Standardization « dimension » ....................................................13 13 ........................................................................................ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB <fCååå¬åIB>

Kaizen: continuous improvement ..............................................15 15 .......................................................................................... kËPrÌ fÔHÙI : Kaizen

Progress through Kaizen .......................................................................15 15................................................................................................ ÍmâCÀ ؤsBÔI O¸kváM
Different types of Kaizen ......................................................................16 16 ....................................................................................................... ÍmâCÀ µÇPdÌ ªBÔÐB
Key operatives in the Kaizen strategy ...............................................18 18............................................................................. ÍmâCÀ ßoQBkPsB jf ßgáÇÀ ÆÌBÔ®
The « System » dimension of Kaizen .................................................19 19................................................................................................. ÍmâCÀ <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

Quality Control: QC ........................................................................21 21.................................................................................................. QC :Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ

Progress through Quality Control .....................................................21 21............................................................................... Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM
Daily quality management .....................................................................21 21 ................................................................................................. Oá¶áÀ ØÐBlÓj OâkâgÌ
Quality management tools ...................................................................22 22............................................................................................. Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ ßCÚjBmIB
Self-alignment and surveillance ............................................................24 24 .................................................................................................... NjC¨Ð Ó Êá¨ÏQ fÔe
Quality control operatives ...................................................................26 26 ...................................................................................... Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ®
QC « System » dimension ....................................................................27 27 ................................................................................................... QC <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

Facilities management: :NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) ...............................29 29........................................................... (udI kËU «ÌCY ßjBgÙÃÐ) TPM
Progress through TPM ..........................................................................29 29............................................................................................... TPM ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM
Implementing TPM .................................................................................31 31............................................................................................................. TPM ßkáÄjC¿I
TPM operatives .......................................................................................32 32 ................................................................................................................... TPM ÆÌBÔ®
TPM « System » dimension ..................................................................33 33 ................................................................................................. TPM <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

Flow management: Just-in-Time (JIT) .....................................35 35............................................................ JIT ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB :ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ
Progress through JIT ..............................................................................35 35................................................................................................... JIT ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM
Kaizen JIT project ...................................................................................37 37 ............................................................................................... JIT ÉCÃÏÙI ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM
The JIT operatives ..................................................................................38 38 ....................................................................................................................... JIT ÆÌBÔ®
The JIT « System » dimension .............................................................39 39 .............................................................................................. JIT ÉCÃÏÙI ÊPrás fC¬IB

Deployment of objectives and action plans ..........................42 42............................................................... NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I
Directing progress dynamics ................................................................42 42....................................................................................... O¸kváM ßCÚàâCâÔM ßkHÚBj
PDCA management ...............................................................................42 42............................................................................................................ PDCA OâkâgÌ
Operatives in the deployment of objectives and ßkáÄjC¿I gÏâDk¸ jf àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ®
action plan procedure .....................................................................45 45....................................................................................... NCáÇË® Øv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB
Deployment of objectives and ßkáÄjC¿I ÊPrás fC¬IB
action plans system dimension ......................................................45 45............................................................................... NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB

From a « system » strategy to « daily excellence » .........47 47........................................................ ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI CQ ÊPrás ßoQBkPsB ¾â lB

Annex ......................................................................................................49 49........................................................................................................................... OsÔáM

Annex I: the Roadmaps .........................................................................49 49............................................................................................... ×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð :1 OsÔáM
Annex II: the EWT book ......................................................................53 53............................................................................................... EWT FCPÀ :2 OsÔáM
ØåÏáÙI fk¿ÇË® ßBkI SPR
The Renault Production System, ,ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás
optimum performance ØÏáÙI fk¿ÇË®
The objective of the Renault Production System (SPR) is to àËPrás lB ÔÐj ßgÏÌ×kÙI , SPR ØI ÉÔsÔÌ ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ´gÚ
ensure that Renault can benefit from the most high-performance CåáÐf àÌCåËQ jf Bj fkå¿ÇË® _¤ås ÎâkQãCåI jf gáÈÔåQ gÐBÔPI ØåÀ OåsB
production system worldwide. To this end, the SPR focuses on Æ{B Óf ßÓj kI SPR ,ÍD ØI ÆáÐ ßBkI .gâCËÐ ÎáË~Q (àÐCåÙåY NjÔåzI)
two fundamental principles:
:fjBf mÀkËQ ÎâfCáÏI
coordinated quality control and lean production. Four strategic
targets have been set in order to achieve maximum customer _¤s ÎâkQãCI ØI Ígásj ßBkI .FCÐ gáÈÔQ Ó ×gw ÂÏÚCËÚ à¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ
satisfaction: :OsB ×gw ÎááHQ ¾âoÐBkPsB ´gÚ 4 ßkPvÌ OâC¡j

• ensure that the level of quality expected by both internal and

external customers is achieved,
ÊáÞCËÐ ØÞBjB Bj Oá¶áÀ lB à`¤s ÊáPrÚ jfC¼ CÌ ØÀ GÇ¤Ì ÎâB ÎáË~Q
,OsB àYjCe Ó àÇeBf ÍCâkPvÌ OsBÔe ºIC¤Ì ØÀ
• reduce overall production costs, ,gååáÈÔåQ jCåIks ßCÚØåÏâmÚ uÚCåÀ
• manufacture the required products at the required moment,
kåQfÓl ØåÐ ) lCåáÐ fjÔåÌ ÍCåÌl jf ×gåw OåsBÔåejf NãÔåz`Ì gåáÈÔåQ
• promote a sense of personal accountability and mutual respect. ,(kQkâf ØÐ Ó
The efficiency of our industrial model - although expressed in
terms of quality, cost, delivery time and personnel management .ÆIC»PÌ ÉBkPaB Ó ßkâiMOáÈÔÝrÌ ÂÏÚk¸ Ø®CwB
- is measured first and foremost at the Work Station.
For example, the reliability of the components delivered, the line ÆâÔ`Q ,ØÏâmÚ ,Oá¶áÀ ká¨Ð àQC²È CI Ø] kÄB) CÌ àP¬Ï{ ÅgÌ àvdIkUB
procurement method, the Work Station design and the product
jf ,ÉCåÄ ÎáÈÓB jf (fÔwàÌ _åâkvQ àÐCrÐB ßÓkåáÐ OåâkâgÌ Ó «¼ÔåËI
manufactured, all of these factors together determine the level
of performance of the operator at the Work Station. .fÔwàÌ ßkáÄ×lBgÐB ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB
With the Work Station as the primary focus of industrial fBÔÌ ÎáÌACQ tÓj ,×gw ÆâÔ`Q ج¤¼ lB ÍCÏáË¥B OáÇIC¼ :ÅCTÌ ßBkI
performance, the SPR system ensures that all operatives from ÎâB àÌCËQ ,×gw gáÈÔQ ÅÔz`Ì Ó ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB àaBk¥ ,£e ØáÈÓB
the four main functions involved in the manufacture of a product ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB kÚ jf jÔQBkMB fk¿ÇË® _¤s ×gÏÏÀ Îáá¬Q éC®ÔËXÌ ÆÌBÔ®
abide by same set of principles, operating rules, procedures, tools .OsB
and standards. These 4 functions are:
> product-process design, ÍCâkXÌ ÉCËQ gâCËÐàÌ ÎáË~Q SPR ÊPrás ,OsB ^k¤Ì àP¬Ï{
Ó ÅÔ{B lB ,gÐjBf OÈCef ÅÔz`Ì gáÈÔQ jf ØÀ Æâh ØÐCÄjCÙ] ßCÚOáÈC¬¸
> suppliers of parts, materials, components and equipment, .gÏâCËÐ Oá¬HQ àÐCr¿â ßCÚfjBgÐCPsB Ó CÚjBmIB ,CÚØâÓj ,àâBkYB ÎáÐBÔ¼
> part delivery and vehicle shipment logistics,

> manufacturing. ,gÏâDk¸ å ÅÔz`Ì àaBk¥ <

,NBmáÙXQ Ó @BmYB ,fBÔÌ ,NC¬¤¼ ÎáÌACQ <

,àâCÙÐ ÅÔz`Ì ¾áPrXÈ Ó NC¬¤¼ ÅCsjB <

Suppliers .gåáåÈÔåQ <

ÍCåâkåY ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB gåáÈÔåQ

Flow Work Station Manufacturing


ØåÏáÙI fk¿ÇË® ßBkI SPR

ÆÌCw kÃâf ´k¥ lB Ó gwCIàÌ «¼ÔËI ÆâÔ`Q Ó ØÏâmÚ ,Oá¶áÀ ßCÚØÏáÌl jf gáÈÔQ ×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q u»Ð ÆÌCw ´k¤¿â lB ,OeCs ضá©Ó gáÐBfàÌ Ø\ÐCÏ]
,OsB ßjÓk¡ ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB kËPrÌ fÔHÙI ,£HQkÌ ÊÚ ØI OâjÔÌACÌ Óf ÎâB ØI àICáPsf ßBkI .gwCIàÌ «¼ÔËI ÆâÔ`Q Ó ØÏâmÚ ,Oá¶áÀ jf kËPrÌ fÔHÙI
:gICâ Osf fÔe Oá¸k© kTÀBga ØI Æâh ÅÔ{B OâC®j CI ,ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ØÀ fÔwàÌ S®CI OâCÙÐ jf Ó fÔwàÌ ÎáË~Q SPR ÊPrás ßBkYB £sÔQ ØÀ à¸gÚ
;fÔHÙI ÍBmáÌ ßkáÄ×lBgÐB yeCw ÍBÔϬI EWT kâgÌ Ó jÔQBkMB ßkáÄk¨Ð jf •
;ØÏáÙI fk¿ÇË® _¤s ØI àICáPsf ØÇakÌ CQ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
;CÚºIC¤Q Ég® ÆÇ® ´ia ØÇásÔI kËPrÌ fÔHÙI lB ÍCÏáË¥B •
.NgÌ lBjf jf O¸kváM ÎáË~Q OÙY uÐBf ÅC»PÐB OâkâgÌ •

As regards the manufacturing function, their primary role is to guarantee manufacture in terms of quality, cost and delivery time on the
one hand, and then to continuously improve the manufacturing quality, cost and delivery time on the other. To achieve these two closely
connected missions, continuous improvements to the Work Station are necessary, an objective ensured by the implementation of the SPR
system, which pushes the Work Station to its full potential by application of the following principles:

• place the operator and EWT manager at the centre of all progress measures;
• standardize until the optimum level is attained;
• ensure continuous improvement by eliminating the causes of non-performance;
• manage knowledge transfer to ensure progress over the long term.

SPR Management Book

Guidelines CÚfkHÚBj Principles ÅÔ{B Targets ´BgÚB Objective ´gÚ

ÍD ÆÌC¿Q Ó gáÈÔQ / tlBfkM ÍfkÀ ÎáË~Q å

fjBgÐCPsB CI ºIC¤Q å
gáÈÔQ £e §¶a Ó ^k¥ å fBkâB ÍÓgI ÅÔz`Ì OeCs Ó àaBk¥
- Ensure a robust product / process and its evolutions Design and manufacture
- Strictly comply with the standard operation zero defect product k¨Ð fjÔÌ %100 Oá¶áÀ fCXâB
- Desing and maintain production line àYjCe Ó àÇeBf ÍCâkPvÌ FCÐ gáÈÔQ Ó Oá¶áÀ
Deliver 100% the quality required Quality driven
NjC¨Ð ØÌCÐkI ßBkYB å by internal and external Lean Production
Oá¶áÀ Nä¿vÌ _âkzQ Ó Æa å ×fk¿Ð ÅÔH¼ Bj FBke NBgáÈÔQ customers
fBkâB [áÚ Ífk¿Ð ÅÔH¼ å gÏÏ¿Ð ÅCsjB Ó
Do not accept or forward
- Perform surveillance plan defective products
- Resolve quality problems and carry out corrections
- Do not accept any defects

OeCs ÍCÌl ÍgáÐCsj ƼBga ØI OÙY tlBfkM /gáÈÔQ ^k¥ å

£e qÐãCI ÍCÌgÐBj ÍfkI ãCI å àÞBjCÀ ÍgÐCsj kTÀBga ØI
Start Up ÍCÌl ßlCs ØÏáÙI å àÐCrÐB ßÓkáÐ
- Design a product-process to minimize manufacturing time Maximize performance
- Maximize the line balancing performance of workforce
- Optimize start-ups


- Allocate materials to match orders Minimize costs of materials Reduce total cost
- Respect and optimize the materials specifications

NBmáÙXQ àÇÀ ØÏâmÚ ÍgáÐCsj ƼBga ØI å àvdIkUB ÍgÐCsj kTÀBga ØI

ÆÞCsÓ lB ØÏáÙI ×fC¶PsB å NBmáÙXQ ßfCzP¼B
- Minimize the total cost of equipment Maximize equipment
- Make good use of equipment economical efficiency

´C¤¬ÐB CI àP¬Ï{ ÊPrás جsÔQ å

(Lead Time) ½jBgQ ÍCÌl uÚCÀ å ßCÚØPsBÔe ØI ØYÔQ uâBm¸B
jBgâCM Ó OICU ÊXa Ó GáÀkQ lB ÍCÏáË¥B å ßkPvÌ
- Develop a flexible industrial system Increase our reactivity
- Reduce lead time to customer demand
- Ensure consistent mix and volume


ØÌCÐkI ºIC¤Ì gáÈÔQ àÈBÔQ ØI ÆË® å Manufacture the products
Keep to production schedule
- Guarantee the daily production required in the moment required
- Guarantee the quality and quantity of daily supplies
- Strictly comply with scheduled sequence of production

ßgáÈÔQ ßCÚ[I mâCs uÚCÀ å tjCHÐB _¤s ÍgÐCsj ƼBga ØI

gÏâDk¸ Óf ÎáI ãCÀ ßfÔYÔÌ _¤s ÍgáÐCsj ƼBga ØI å Minimize stock levels
- Reduce the size of manufacturing batches
- Minimize work in progress and stock levels between

CÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB fkIjCÀ Ó tkPrÄ å

k¶Ð kÚ täQ OeCÏw Ó ½k`Q fCXâB å
- Deploy and apply objectives and action plans Involved all staff
- Mobilize and recognize the efforts of each employee
- Guarantee safety and improve ergonomics

½kPvÌ àÞBkYB ´BgÚB jf ½k`Q fCXâB å àPÀjCvÌ jCÀ

ÍCÄgÏÏÀÎáÌACåQ CåI ×gÐkI å ×gÐkI ؤIBj fCXâB å
Work in partnership
- Mobilize everyone on common performance objectives
- Create win-win relationship with suppliers Ó àÐCrÐB ßÓkáÐ ØI ÍfBf jCáPeB
Empower people
ÍCÏÀjCÀ tlÔÌD å and respect them
jCÀ ßÓkáР໤ÏÌ Ø¬sÔQ lB ÍCÏáË¥B å Develop skills
- Train and develop personnel
- Organize staff versatility
- Ensure logical career progression

Orâl £á`Ì kI NBkUB uÚCÀ lB ÍCÏáË¥B å £á`Ì §¶a

àÇeBf ßCÚÎËXÐB CI ßjC¿ËÚ å Protect the environment
- Ensure on going reduction of environmental impact
- Engage with local community

ØåÏáÙI fk¿ÇË® ßBkI SPR

Implementation of the Renault ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ßkáÄjC¿I

Production System (SPR)
Each SPR target is governed by its own inherent set of principles .fÔwàÌ OâkâgÌ fÔe xCe ÎáÐBÔ¼ Ó ÅÔ{B ØÇásÔI SPR ´BgÚB lB ¾âkÚ
and rules. These procedures and rules are indicated in the SPR arrow ) < SPR ÍC¿áM jBfÔËÐ > jf CÚgÏâDk¸ Ó ÎáÐBÔ¼ ÎâB
« SPR arrow diagram ». They can be grouped into five families: :gÐÔw ßgÏI×ÓkÄ ØPsf WÏM ØI gÏÐBÔQàÌ CÙÐD .gÐB×gwydvÌ ( diagram
workshop management is based on Work Station Standardization ßlCsfjBgÐCPsB pCsBkI (Workshop Management) ×CÄjCÀ OâkâgÌ
(WSS), Basic Skill Training and on the Kaizen method;
;ÍmâCÀ tÓj Ó ØâCM ßCÚNjCÙÌ tlÔÌD , (WSS) ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB
quality control is based on daily quality coordination, response
time and a set of non-quality analysis and locking tools such as ,ØåÐBlÓj à¶áÀ àÃÏÚCËÚ pCsB kåI (Quality Control) à¶åáÀ ÅkåPåÏÀ
QC Story, the QA matrix or Poka-Yoke; ßCÚjBmIB lB àekI Ó CÚºIC¤Q Ég® lB ßkr¿â àsjkI Ó àÞÔÃdsCM ÍCåÌl
facilities management is based on Total Productive Maintenance C¤åe gå¡ ßCÚÊPrás Ó Oá¶áÀ ÎáË~Q qâkåQCÌ , QC Stroy ÆÌCw
(TPM) and on other tools such as the MBR (Major Breakdown ; Poka-Yoke Câ
Report), QC Story and the competency grid; ßkÃâf ßCÚjBmIB Ó TPM lB ×fC¶PsB CI ßgáÈÔQ ¾ËÀ NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ
flow management is based on the just-in-time method; ;ØÈCrÌ Æa ßCÚjBmIB Ó NBmáÙXQ µ¼ÔQ ßCÙwjBmÄ gÏÐCÌ
progress management is based on the deployment of objectives ; JIT tÓj lB ×fC¶PsB CI fBÔÌ ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ
and action plans from senior management down to the EWT.
ÉBgå¼B ßCÚØÌCåÐkåI ßkáÃáM Ó ´BgåÚB pCsBkåI jCåÀ Oå¸kváåM OâkâgÌ
.(ßjCÀ ÊáQ ÎâkP¿]ÔÀ) EWT _¤s CQ OâkâgÌ _¤s lB àaä{B

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI
Daily excellence

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

of objectives
and action




A D ÍmâCÀ ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßlCsfjBgÐCPsB
C Kaizen Basic Skill Training
Work Station Standardization (WSS)

However, even if an SPR strategy is considered the best way to OËá¼ Oá¶áÀ yeCw fÔHÙI ßBkI ×Bj ÎâkPÙI SPR ßoQBkPsB ØÀ gÏ] kÚ
improve a specific Quality Cost Delay Human Ressource àPa Ó gwCIàÌ à{ÔzdI (QCDHRE) £á`Ì àÐCrÐB «ICÏÌ káeACQ
Environment (QCDHRE) indicator and even though each ¢CHQjB ¾â ,ÊÚ CI àÈÓ ,fÔw tlBfkM àâCÙÏQ ØI gÐBÔPI yeCw kÚ ØÀ kÄB
indicator can be processed separately, together they constitute a
SPR ÊPrás ØI àskPsf ßBkI ßgáÇÀ ØÀ gÏÚfàÌ Æá¿vQ Bj àÇÀ
coherent whole: this is the key to the SPR system.
The SPR arrow diagram states: :OsB
:OsB kâl fjBÔÌ kÃÐCáI SPR ÍC¿áM jBfÔËÐ
that it is necessary to run several progress strategies
simultaneously (JIT, TPM, Standardization, Kaizen…); , TPM , JIT ) ÍCåÌmåËÚ jÔ¤åI fgå¬PÌ ßCÚßoåQBkåPsB ÍfkåÀ ÅCåHåÐf
that the process has to be implemented (for example, ;( . . . Kaizen ,ßlCsfjBgÐCPsB
standardization must be effective before Kaizen can be effective); Kaizen lB ÆH¼ ßlCsfjBgÐCPsB ,ÅCTÌ ßBkI) fÔw ØP¸kÄjC¿I gâCI ØsÓkM
the direction to be followed by all, the deployment of objectives; ;(fÔw «¼BÓ kUÒÌ gâCI
that the ultimate objective is « daily excellence ». ;´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó tkPrÄ ,gÏÏÀàÌ ÅCHÐf ØËÚ ØÀ ßkárÌ
The diagram does not however adequately explain the « system .<ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI> ´gÚ ÎâkQãCI
effect ». « The whole is always more than the sum of its parts ».
The efficiency of the SPR system and of its component strategies ÅÔË¬Ì jÔ¤I .gÚfàËÐ _á¡ÔQ ÆÌCÀ jÔ¤I Bj <ÊPrás kUB> jBfÔËÐ ÎâB
depends on its capacity to create a « system effect », i.e. its ßoQBkPsB Ó SPR ÊPrás àÚflCI .<OsB @BmYB «ËY lB kPváI ÆÀ>
capacity to combine several progress procedures or tools. Each .fjÓD fÔYÔI Bj kUÒÌ ÊPrás ¾â CQ fjBf àPá¸k© ØI àÃPrI ,ÍD @BmYB
manager is responsible for implementing the SPR system within kÚ .ÆÞCsÓ Câ O¸kváM ßCÚÆˬÈBjÔPsf ÎPeCs g`PÌ OáÇIC¼ àϬâ
his own sphere of activity. To coordinate the SPR within a given .gwCIàÌ fÔe OáÈC¬¸ ×kâBf jf SPR ÊPrás ßkáÄjC¿I ØI µ©ÒÌ ßkâgÌ
sector, it is necessary to implement each of the procedures (its
principles, objectives, the results to be attained), however the
lB ¾â kÚ OsB Élã ,Îá¬Ì udI ¾â jf SPR ßlCsÂÏÚCËÚ ßBkI
« System » dimension should also be properly understood, i.e. all OÙY Ó ,(WâCPÐ ØI Ígásj Ó ´BgÚB ,ÅÔ{B) fkÀ OâC®j Bj CÚtÓj
the associated synergies. .àÐCÃËÚ àwÔÀ ÊÚ àϬâ ,fÔw ½jf ä é ÌCÀ gâCI máÐ <ÊPrás>

SPR Management Book: : SPR OâkâgÌ FCPÀ

efficient coordination kUÒÌ àÃÏÚCËÚ
The SPR management book has been specially drafted for plant ÍBkâgÌ Ó àÐCHáPvM ÆÌBÔ® ,×CÄjCÀ ÍBkâgÌ ×oâÓ SPR OâkâgÌ FCPÀ
workshop managers, the support functions and plant managers. EWT FCPÀ lB EWT ÍBkâgÌ ØÀ jÔ¤ÐCËÚ .OsB ×gw ^k¥ ØÐCejCÀ
Just as the EWT managers use the EWT book to charter progress OâkâgÌ FCPÀ ,gÏÏÀàÌ ×fC¶PsB ×CQÔÀ NgÌ jf O¸kváM Îáá¬Q ßBkI
in the short term, the SPR Management Book is the reference
jf ,CÚudI ÍBkâgÌ Ó ×CÄjCÀ ÍBkâgÌ ßBkI àÞCËÏÚBj «HÏÌ ¾â SPR
guide for workshop managers and department managers when
drafting the Renault Production System implementation plan for .OsB Ø¥ÔIkÌ ßCÚudI ßBkI ÔåÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ^k¥ ßkáÄjC¿I ÍCÌl
their respective sectors. :fjBf ßÔ¼ jCárI àakw , SPR ßoQBkPsB kÚ ßBkI SPR OâkâgÌ FCPÀ
The SPR Management Book provides a concrete explanation of
each SPR strategy: ÍD àϸ NCâÔP`Ì Ó ÅÔ{B ,ÍD ßgÏÌfÔs ,ßoQBkPsB :< jBmåIB > fCå¬IB
The « Tools » dimension: defines the strategy, its utility, principles
.gÏÀàÌ µâk¬Q Bj
and technical content.
jf Bj àÐCHáPvM ÆÌBÔ® Ó £e OâkâgÌ u»Ð :< OâkâgÌ > fCå¬IB
The « Management » dimension: defines the role of line .gÏÀàÌ µâk¬Q ßoQBkPsB ØÐBlÓj ßkáÄjC¿I
management and of support functions in the daily implementation
of the strategy.
GáQkQ ,kÃâf ßCÚgÏâDk¸ CI gÏâDk¸ kÚ Ø¤IBj :< ÊPrás > fCå¬IB
The « System » dimension: defines the interactions of the ßCÚ×káeh uâBm¸B ßBkI ×gw fCâ ÍCÌl ÅÔ¥ jf BkÐD jBk»PsB Ó tkPrÄ
procedure with other procedures, which prompts sequence of .gÏÀàÌ µâk¬Q QCDHRE
deployment over time, in order to maximise the QCDHRE


Board SPR Management book
×kâgÌ OÝáÚ

EWT Manager EWT kåâgåÌ EWT book
ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB

Progress through
ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM
The purpose of standardization ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ´gÚ
Standardization is the keystone of the SPR system, the basis for pCsB Ó ØâCM ØÀ OsB SPR ÊPrás ßCÏI àÇ{B ÂÏs ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
effective Standardize Do Check Act (SDCA) management. ÍÓgI .gwCIàÌ SDCA Câ PDCA Øek] OâkâgÌ kUÒÌ ÍfkÀ fjBgÐCPsB
Without standards there can be no progress and no efficient .gw jÔzPÌ ßkUÒÌ àËÇ® OâkâgÌ Ó O¸kváM ÍBÔQàËÐ CÚfjBgÐCPsB
knowledge management. Standardization applies to all repetitive ØËÚ ,gáÈÔQ ßjBk¿Q ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ØËÚ ßBkI ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB fkIjCÀ
manufacturing activities, to all installation stations, recurring
jf jBmIB ßjBiÄjCI ÆTÌ) ×gÐÔw jBk¿Q ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ,GzÐ ßCÙÚCÃPrâB
operations (e.g. tool loading in highly automated sectors), and to
all quality control and logistical and environmental management ,jCÀ £á`Ì ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ØËÚ ßBkI Ó (ãCI ÍÔásCÌÔQB CI ßCÚudI
activities. .gwCIàÌ Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ Ó ¾áPrXÈ
Standardization means indicating the best way to accomplish a ßBkYB OÙY tÓj ÎâkPÙI ÍfkÀ ydvÌ àÏ¬Ì ØI ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
given task « at a given moment ». The standard is the Standard ØÄkI ,máÐ jCÀ ÎâB jCá¬Ì .gwCIàÌ Îá¬Ì àÐCÌl jf ,Îá¬Ì àPáÈC¬¸
Operation Sheet (SOS) drawn up by the EWT manager. It is based EWT kåååâgååÌ ØÇásÔåI ØåÀ gååwCIàÌ (SOS) fjBgååÐCåPsB NCåáÇËå®
on dialogue between the operator (or all operators running the
ßÔÃP¶Ä ÍD pCsB .OsB ×gw ØáÙQ (jCÀfCPsB) (ßjCÀ ÊáQ ÎâkP¿]ÔÀ)
station) and the unit manager, and is drawn up by the EWT
manager according to a set of engineering recommendations Ó (gÏPrÚ ×CÃPrâB jf jCÀ ÅÔ²vÌ ØÀ àâCÚjÔQBkMB ØËÚ Câ) jÔQBkMB ÎáI
drafted in the form of a Process Operation Sheet (POS). The SOS ØPwÔÐ jCÀfCPsB ØÇásÔI ØÄkI ÎâB .OsB gaBÓ ÍD ÅÔÝrÌ Câ jCÀfCPsB
describes not only the procedure to be followed, but also the key OÌk¸ jf ØÀ OsB àsgÏÙÌ ßCÚØá{ÔQ lB ßkr¿â ÍD pCsB Ó ×gw
requirements that guarantee the quality of the operation _âkvQ CÙÏQ ØÐ SOS .OsB ×gw ^k¤Ì (POS) gÏâDk¸ NCáÇË® ØÄkI
concerned. Once validated, the standard must be rigorously
observed by all operators at the station. The SOS is also a
reference work to be used when training personnel newly Ø¥ÔIkÌ OáÈC¬¸ Oá¶áÀ ×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q ØÀ fÔwàÌ ÆÌCw máÐ Bj ßgáÇÀ
appointed to the Work Station. £sÔQ OrâCIàÌ fjBgÐCPsB ,fÔwàÌ kHP¬Ì ½jgÌ ØÀ àÐCÌl .gÏwCIàÌ
Rigorous compliance with the standard ensures: fjBÔÌ kI ×Óä® .fÔw OâC®j ÆÌCÀ NjÔzI CÙÚCÃPrâB ßCÚjÔQBkMB àÌCËQ
jf gåâgY ßCÚÓkáÐ tlÔåÌD ÍCåÌl jf ØåÀ OsB àå¬YkåÌ SOS ,×gw kÀh
the safety of the operator;
. fÔwàÌ ×fC¶PsB ×CÃPrâB
the highest level of quality, from the first task onwards, meaning
no additional quality control or rework is required and that :gwCIàÌ Æâh fjBÔÌ ×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q ,fjBgÐCPsB ºá¼f ßBkYB
dispersions between the shifts are minimized: the same SOS is ;jÔåQBkåMB àÏËâB
used by all shifts at a given station;
ÎåáÈÓB lB Oá¶áÀ _¤s ÎâkQãCI ØI Ígásj ,FÔÇ¤Ì Oá¶áÀ ØåI àICáPsf
a simple, ergonomic and economic procedure;
ÅkPÏåÀ ØI lCåáÐ Égå® àÏ¬Ì ØåI Ó ÅÔz`åÌ ßÓj kåI Ó ÔÇY ØåI Ój OáÈC¬¸
that the delivery time is observed, i.e. the delivery of the part or ÅÔåz`Ì jf àÄgåÏåÀBkåM ,ÍD kåI ×Óäå® .àå¸C¡B ßjCåÀ×jCåIÓf Ó àå¶áåÀ
assembly to the next process at the right moment.
ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ¾â jf Bkâl ,gsjàÌ Æ¼Bgåa ØI NÓC¶PÌ ßjCÀßCÚO¶áw
;fÔwàÌ ×fC¶PsB CÚO¶áw ØáÇÀ ßBkI SOS ¾â lB
àåÐCrÐB ßCåÚjÔPÀCå¸ ÅÔå{B OåâCå®j CåI Ó ßfCåzåPå¼B ,×fCås ØåâÓj ¾åâ
ßBkI ×gw nCPÐÔÌ Ø®ÔåËXÌ Câ ج¤¼ ÆâÔ`Q àϬåâ ,OáÈC¬¸ «¼ÔËI ÆâÔ`Q
.×gw Îáá¬Q Ó ºá¼f ÍCÌl jf ,g¬I ×CÃPrâB ØI ÆâÔ`Q

Training on the Work Station is OsB ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB jf tlÔÌD gÏÌlCáÐ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
required for Standardization ØÀ OsB ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ØâÓj Ó ØsÓkM ÍfkÀ _âkvQ ,fjBgÐCPsB lB ´gÚ
The purpose of the standard is to describe the procedure to be ßjCÀ ØâÓj tlÔÌD ÍCÌl jf fjBgÐCPsB ÎâB .fÔw ßÓkáM ÍD lB OrâCIàÌ
followed at the Work Station. It serves as the training support for
the EWT manager when teaching the applicable procedure to
new operators at the station. For these purposes, the training ØÇakÌ 3 pCsB kI àwlÔÌD ×jÓf ,´BgÚB ÎâB ßBkI .fjBf fkIjCÀ ,jCÀfCPsB
course has been structured into three stages: :OsB ×gw àÚgÐCÌlCs

SPR Management Book

1- Basic Skill Training: for learning the basic gestures of the OÀka ßCÚÅgÌ Ó ØâCM ßCÚ¾áÏ¿Q tlÔÌD :ØâCM NjCÙÌ tlÔÌD å1
technique. .OáÈC¬¸ ÉCXÐB OÙY
2- Training on a model or replicate stations: in particular ÍCÌl jf ×oâÔI :ßjBk¿Q ßCÙÚCÃPrâB Câ ÅgÌ ¾â ßÓj kI tlÔÌD å2
during production start up when many operators have to be tlÔÌD gâCI CÚjÔQBkMB lB ßfCâl fBg¬Q ØÀ àÐCÌl Ó ÅÔz`Ì ¾â gáÈÔQ ªÓkw
trained, training can be conducted on off-line stations upstream.
.fÔw ØÞBjB £e VjCe ßCÙÚCÃPrâB jf gÐBÔQàÌ tlÔÌD ,gÐÔw ×fBf
3- Training on the station: this training session, ensured by the
EWT manager with the assistance of the senior operator or U jCÀfCPsB ØÇásÔI ,àwlÔÌD ØrÇY ÎâB :ßjCÀ ßCÙÚCÃPrâB jf tlÔÌD å3
operator, consists in teaching the content of the SOS in three ØÀ ,fÔwàÌ ÎáË~Q U NjCÙÌ _¤s jÔQBkMB Câ gwjB jÔQBkMB ßjC¿ËÚ CI
steps. ;gwCIàÌ ÉCÄ 3 jf ÊáÚC¶Ì tlÔÌD ÆÌCw
Step 1 (« I do ») ( I do ) < ÊÚfàÌ ÉCXÐB ÎÌ > :ÅÓB ÉCÄ
the EWT manager shows the operator how to execute the ÍCvÐ SOS pCsBkI Bj NCáÇË® àâBkYB ×Ô`Ð jÔQBkMB ØI EWT kâgÌ
operation according to the SOS. He explains the various steps of OâC®j gâCIàÌ ØÀ Bj ßgáÇÀ fjBÔÌ Ó gÏâDk¸ µÇPdÌ ÆaBkÌ ÓB .gÚfàÌ
the procedure and the key requirements to be met.
.gÚfàÌ _á¡ÔQ ,gÐÔw
Step 2 (« We do together ») ( We do together ) < ÊáÚfàÌ ÉCXÐB kÃâgËÚ CI CÌ > :ÉÓf ÉCÄ
the operator executes the operation with the help of the EWT ÆaBkÌ ÓB ;gÚfàÌ ÉCXÐB Bj k¨Ð fjÔÌ OáÈC¬¸ EWT kâgÌ ¾ËÀ CI jÔQBkMB
manager; he indicates the main steps and knows the key gwCI ØPwBf Ø¥CaB CÙÐD ØI OrâCIàÌ ØÀ Bj ßgáÇÀ fjBÔÌ Ó NCáÇË® àÇ{B
.gÚfàÌ ÍCvÐ
Step 3 (« You do ») < àÚfàÌ ÉCXÐBÔQ > :ÉÔs ÉCÄ
( You do )
the operator performs the procedure by himself within the .gÚfàÌ ÉCXÐB ×gw ×fBf yázdQ ÍCÌl jf Ó àÞCÙÏQ ØI Bj gÏâDk¸ jÔQBkMB
allocated task time.
At each station, the level of operator knowledge is described by µá{ÔQ ILU ^Ô¤s ØÇásÔI jÔQBkMB uÐBf Ó NjCÙÌ _¤s ,×CÃPrâB kÚ jf
the ILU levels: .fÔwàÌ
I - The operator knows how to perform the designated task ×fBf yázdQ ÍCÌl jf Bj NCáÇË® ØÐÔÃ] ØÀ gÐBfàÌ jÔQBkMB : I _¤s
within the allocated time although he may need help should a ,Æ¿vÌ ÍgÌD uáM ÍCÌl jf OsB οËÌ ØÀ gÏ]kÚ .gÚf ÉCXÐB ×gw
difficulty arise. . gwCI ØPwBf ¾ËÀ ØI lCáÐ
L - The operator can execute the task independently. .fjBf Æ»PrÌ NjÔzI Bj NCáÇË® ÉCXÐB àÞCÐBÔQ jÔQBkMB : L _¤s
U - The operator is capable of assisting and training other kâl ,ßjCÀ OrM ÎâB ßBkI Bj CÚjÔQBkMB kâCs OsB jfC¼ jÔQBkMB : U _¤s
operators on the station, under the responsibility of the EWT .gÏÀ àICâljB Ó ×fBf tlÔÌD , EWT kâgÌ k¨Ð
×CÃPrâB Câ ßjCÀ OrM jf àËÙÌ káá²Q ØÀ àÐCÌl U Ó L , I ^Ô¤s ÎâB
These levels I, L and U are to be re-evaluated whenever a ÅÔz`Ì ,gâgY OáÈC¬¸ ¾â gÏÐCÌ) . fÔwàÌ ßkÃÐlCI ,gâDàÌ uáM ÍD
significant change is made to the station or its environment:
re-commissioning, new product, new line balancing, etc.
( . . . Ó £e gâgY qÐãCI Câ gâgY
Managing operator versatility (multi-skilling) is one of the key ØQjCÙÌ gÏ] jÔQBkMB OâkâgÌ ,EWT kâgÌ ßgáÇÀ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ lB à¿â
activities of the EWT manager: :gwCIàÌ (multi-skill)
a skills deficiency will mean the system is vulnerable to àQä¿vÌ ÆIC»Ì jf ÊPrás ÍfÔI kâiMGásD àÏ¬Ì ØI CÚNjCÙÌ fÔHËÀ
problems such as absenteeism; on the other hand too much fCåâl fBg¬åQ ØåI àICåâOsf ,kÃåâf ´k¥ lB .fÔI gÚBÔe OåHåá³ ÆáH¼ lB
versatility can be difficult to attain and even more difficult to à¼CI àPa ,fÔI gÚBÔe àÇ¿vÌ jCÀ ØQjCÙÌ gÏ] Câ ×jCÀ ØËÚ ßCÚjÔQBkMB
maintain. The right balance is targeted as follows: qÐãCåI ¾â .fÔI gÚBÔe kQÆ¿vÌ OÈCa ÎâB jf CÚÓkåáÐ ÎâB ÎPwBgÙÃÐ
:fÔwàÌ ßjBiÄ´gÚ kâl Æ¿w ØI ,fBk¸B Ó CÚNjCÙÌ ÎáI Osjf
1 operator – 3 stations: each operator is capable of running 3 3 jf OáÈC¬¸ ÉCXÐB ØI jfC¼ jÔQBkMB kÚ :ßjCÀ OrM Øs å jÔQBkMB ¾â
stations, for example 2 stations at level L and 1 station at level U, ¾â Ó L NjCÙÌ _¤s jf ßjCÀ OrM 2 ÅCTÌ ßBkI ,gwCIàÌ ßjCÀ OrM
, U NjCÙÌ _¤s jf ßjCÀ OrM
3 operators – 1 station: each station can be run by 3 3 ØÇásÓ ØI gÐBÔQàÌ ßjCÀ OrM kÚ :ßjCÀ OrM ¾â å jÔQBkMB Øs
operators, e.g. 2 operators at level L and 1 operator at level U,
furthermore and depending on how the EWT is organized, , U NjCÙÌ _¤s CI
certain operators - for example the senior operators - should
be capable of running a higher number of stations within the ,OsB ×gw àåÚgåÐCÌlCs EWT ØÐÔÃ] Ø¿ÏâB ØåI ØPrIBÓ Ó ÍD kI ×Óä®
EWT or module. ØI jfC¼ OrâCIàÌ (gwjB ßCÚjÔQBkåMB ÅCTÌ ßBkI) àzdvÌ ßCÚjÔQBkåMB
.gÏwCI ÅÓgÌ Câ EWT ¾â ßjCÀ ßCÚ OrMlB ßkPváI fBg¬Q ÉCXÐB

ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB

Standardization and Quality Control Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ Ó ßlCs jBgÐCPsB

The standard has a direct impact on quality control: firstly, lB àPâC¡jCÐ ,éãÓB :fjBf Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ ßÓj kI àËá»PrÌ káUACQ fjBgÐCPsB
compliance with the standard reduces manufacturing dispersions Bkâl ,gICâàÌ uÚCÀ fjBgÐCPsB ØÇásÔI ÅÔz`Ì OeCs ªÔåÐ àÄgåÏÀBkåM
by virtue of the fact that all operators follow the same procedure ,gÐkIàÌ jC¿I ßjCÀ OrM ¾â jf Bj ØICvÌ gÏâDk¸ ¾â ,CÚjÔQBkMB ØËÚ
at the same station, i.e. the procedure defined as the most
appropriate at the moment concerned.
.ydvÌ àÐCÌl jf gÏâDk¸ ÎâkQ GsCÏÌ ÅCTÌ ÍBÔϬI
Because the standard is the first guarantee of quality check, ÅkPÏÀ Ó gwCIàÌ Oá¶áÀ ×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q ÎáÈÓB fjBgÐCPsB ØÀ àÞCXÐD lB
always, on a daily basis, that standardization conditions are listed OrâCIàÌ ,fkáÄ jBk¼ ØÐBlÓj ØÌCÐkI jf OrâCIàÌ ×gw fjBgÐCPsB £âBkw
on the indicator panel and are effectively observed. .gwCI NBk¶Ð ØáÇÀ pkPsf jf Ó jCáPeB jf
Furthermore, whenever an incident associated with an internal àÇeBf ßCÚØsÓkM lB à¿â CI £HQkÌ ØÀ ßfjÔÌ à¼C¶QB Ø¿áÐCÌl ,×Óä¬I
procedure is identified (manual installation, welding, painting, etc.), gâCI ,gÚfàÌ bj (. . . Ó ßmáÌD ÂÐj ,ßjC¿wÔY ,àPsf GzÐ) gwCIàÌ
the exact conditions and parameters prevailing at the moment
.fÔw ydvÌ ,OsB ×fÔI ×gÏÏÀ Îáá¬Q fBkâB lÓkI jf ØÀ àâCÚkPÌBjCM
the incident occurred should be determined.
If the same standard is not observed by all parties, it becomes
ÆáÇ`Q ÎáË~Q ,fÔvÐ OâC®j xCdwB ÉCËQ ÎáI gaBÓ fjBgÐCPsB ¾â kÄB
difficult to ensure quality analysis; nor is it possible to make a CI ໤ÏÌ ØrâC»Ì ¾â ÍC¿ÌB Bkâl ,fÔI gÚBÔe Æ¿vÌ fBkâB Øvâj
rational comparison with a known reference in order to identify fÔYÓ fBkâB Øvâj Îáá¬Q jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI ,ÅÔH¼ ÆIC¼ Ó ×gw ØPeCÏw à¬YkÌ
the root causes of the fault. The standard therefore ensures both Ó gÏâDk¸ ¾â ÉCXÐB Oá¶áÀ ×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q ,fjBgÐCPsB ÎâB kICÏI .fjBgÐ
the quality of the procedure and the identification of high-risk ydvÌ fjBgÐCPsB .gwCIàÌ ÍCÌABÔQ NjÔ{ ØI ,ãCI ¾râj CI fjBÔÌ Îáá¬Q
issues. The standard indicates the key requirements to be met to
¾â jf FÔÇ¤Ì Oá¶áÀ ØI Ígásj ÎáË~Q OÙY àÇ{B ßCÚlCáÐ ×gÏÏÀ
ensure the quality of the operation.
.gwCIàÌ NCáÇË®
If an assembly defect is detected on a part, the EWT manager
checks whether the standard has been observed and whether EWT kâgÌ ,fÔw ×fBf yádvQ ج¤¼ ¾â jf ßnCPÐÔÌ fBkâB ¾â kÄB
the defect is subject to a key requirement: àsjkI ÍD lB qM Ó gÏÀàÌ BgáM ÍCÏáË¥B fjBgÐCPsB Ígw OâC®j lB
:káe Câ OrÚ SOS jf ßgáÇÀ ØP¿Ð ¾â fCXâB ØI ßlCáÐ CâD ØÀ gâCËÐàÌ
> if the SOS stipulates a key requirement, three causes ÆáÈf Øs ,gwCI ×gw _âkzQ SOS jf ßgáÇÀ ØP¿Ð kÄB ÅCa <
may explain the origin of the defect: :OsB _á¡ÔQ ÆIC¼ fBkâB @CvÏÌ OÙY
1- the key requirement has not been understood by the operator, ,OsB ×gáËٶРBj ßgáÇÀ ØP¿Ð jÔQBkMB å 1
2- the operator has not complied with the key requirement, ,OsB ×fk¿Ð ÆË® ßgáÇÀ ØP¿Ð pCsBkI jÔQBkMB å 2
3- the key requirement is not sufficiently robust.
.OráÐ kUÒÌ Ó Ê¿`Ì à¸CÀ ×lBgÐB ØI ßgáÇÀ ØP¿Ð å 3
In all cases, the EWT manager must promptly rectify the problem
either by modifying the standard and/or by teaching its contents.
Æ¿vÌ «¸j ØI OHrÐ ÂÐjf àI OrâCIàÌ EWT kâgÌ ,fjBÔÌ àÌCËQ jf
.ÊáÚC¶Ì tlÔÌD CI Ø] ,fjBgÐCPsB káá²Q ØÇásÔI Ø] .gâCËÐ ÉBg¼B
> if the SOS does not stipulate a key requirement, OrâCIàÌ jCÀfCPsB ,OsB ×fk¿Ð _âkzQ Bj ßgáÇÀ ØP¿Ð SOS kÄB <
the EWT manager should include the new requirement in the ØåI ÍD pCsB kI Ó gÏÀ ظC¡B fjBgåÐCåPsB ØåI Bj ßgåâgåY ßgáÇÀ ØåP¿Ð
standard and then train the operators accordingly. Next, once fjBgåÐCPsB k¨Ð fjÔÌ _¤s ØÀ àÌCÃÏÚ ,qLs .gåÚf tlÔÌD CÚjÔQBkåMB
the required level of quality has been achieved for the
customer, a project to define a counter-measure may be
¾åâ ßBkåYB Ó Îåáá¬Q ØåI lCåáÐ OsB οËÌ ,gw ÎáÌACåQ ßkPvÌ ßBkåI
implemented. This will involve a modification to the procedure lB Câ fÔw àÏáIlCI gåâCåI gÏâDk¸ GáQkQ ÎâB ØI .gwCI ÎâmÃâCåY Æåa ×Bj
or implementation of a more robust product-process. .ffkÄ ×fC¶PsB ßkQ ÊXrÏÌ Ó kQkUÒÌ gáÈÔQ å tlBfkM tÓj

Standardization and improvement fÔHÙI Ó ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB

Although standardization is the base of the procedure, it is never éCÌÓmÈ ×CÃ\áÚ àÈÓ ,OsB gÏâDk¸ pCsB Ó ØâCM ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ø] kÄB
necessarily complete. .gwCIàËÐ ÆÌCÀ
On the one hand, a standard must evolve, for example to remain
ÅCTÌ ßBkI) gICâ جsÔQ kËPrÌ jÔ¤I OrâCIàÌ fjBgÐCPsB ´k¥ ¾â lB
in line with upgrades to the Work Station (re-organization, new
appointments). On the other hand, the standard will change based àÚgÐCÌlCs ÍCÌl jf ãCI _¤s jf à¶áÀÓ àËÀ £âBkw ÍgÐCÌ à¼CI ßBkI
on quality incidents not accounted for in the initial procedure. .(k¨Ð fjÔÌ ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB jf gâgY jCÀ ßÓkáÐ ÉBgdPsB Câ CÚÓkáÐ fgXÌ
Such improvements to the standard may in turn prompt a ªÓkw ßBgPIB jf ØÀ à¶áÀ ßCÚfBgâÓj pCsB kI fjBgÐCPsB ,kÃâf ´k¥ lB
modification to the process operation sheet or to the product .fkÀ gÚBÔe káá²Q ,OsB ×gvÐ ×gâf gÏâDk¸
and technical standards (cf. diagram below) through engineering àÏáIlCI GYÔÌ fÔe ØIÔÐ ØI OsB οËÌ ,fjBgÐCPsB jf àâCÚfÔHÙI ÎáÏ]
projects and knowledge transfer.
Ó àsgÏÙÌ ßCÚ×nÓkM ºâk¥ lB Câ ,×gw NCáÇË® gÏâDk¸ ßCÚØÄkI jf
.gÐÔw àϸ ßCÚfjBgÐCPsB Ó gáÈÔQ jf àÏáIlCI GYÔÌ ,uÐBf ÅC»PÐB

ØP¸kváM ×nÓkM àsgÏÙÌ ×nÓkM / ØÐCejCÀ àsgÏÙÌ ×CÄjCÀ OâkâgÌ
Advanced project engineering Plant / Project engineering Workshop management



A Std D A D A D


Knowledge management CÚØPrÐBf OâkâgÌ

×gÏâD jf CÚØPrÐBf ÅC»PÐB ßBkI ßÔ¼ ßBØâCM :ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB jf ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
Standardization at the Work Station: a robust base for future knowledge transfer

Key standardization players ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB jf ßgáÇÀ ßCÚu»Ð

Role of the EWT manager EWTkâgÌ u»Ð

The EWT manager is the main standardization operative. By pCsB kI .OsB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB jf àâBkYB fk¸ ÎâkQàÇ{B jCÀfCPsB
reference the Process Operation Sheets (POS), his role is to: :OsB kâl ^kvI ßÓ u»Ð ,(POS) NCáÇË® gÏâDk¸ ßCÚØÄkI
define, in conjunction with the operators and EWT managers CåI ,ydvÌ ÍCåÌl kåÚ jf gÏâDkå¸ ßBkåYB ßBkåI tÓj ÎåâkåPÙI Îáá¬Q
of the other shifts, the best procedure to be applied at a given ;CÚO¶áw kâCs EWT ÍBkâgÌ Ó CÚjÔQBkMB ßjC¿ËÚ
ßjCåÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB ßBkI ,(SOS) NCåáÇË® fjBgåÐCPsB ßCÚØåÄkåI ÊáskQ
draw up the « Standard Operation Sheets» (SOS) for the
various stations in his EWT; ;fÔe EWT jf µÇPdÌ
apply the SOS for each of the stations in his unit; ;fÔe gaBÓ jf CÚ×CÃPrâB lB ÉBgÀ kÚ ßBkI SOS ßBkYB
initiate the training process for the Work Station operators ÆâÔ`Q lB ÆH¼ ,ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßCÚjÔQBkMB ßBkåI tlÔÌD gÏâDk¸ ßkåHÚBj
before handing over to the level U operators; ; U _¤s ßCÚjÔQBkMB ØI
ensure that the operators continuously observe the applicable pCsB kåI CÚjÔåQBkåMB £sÔQ NCåáÇË® ÉCåXåÐB O`{ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ,ÅkåPÏÀ
standard by regularly checking the stations (EWT and by day); ; EWT jf CÚ×CÃPrâB ØÐBlÓj ʨÏÌ gâflCI CI ,fjBgåÐCPsB
improve the standard, in particular by means of « Kaizen » ;(2Æz¸) <ÍmâCÀ> ÊáÚC¶Ì pCsB kI xÔzdI ,fjBgÐCPsB fÔHÙI
(cf. chapter 2);
Îáá¬Q ×CÄjCÀ kåâgåÌ ßjC¿ËÚ CåI ØÀ ãCåI OâÔåÈB CåI ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ßBkYB
implement the high-priority actions defined with the workshop
manager in order to advance with the Standardization strategy jf ØÀ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ßoåQBkåPsB pCsB kåI O¸kváM jÔ¨ÏÌ ØåI ,×gw
in the EWT Book. .OsB ×gÌB EWT FCPÀ

Role of the workshop manager ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ u»Ð

For standardization, the main role of the workshop manager is to: :OsB kâl ^kvI ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ àÇ{B u»Ð ,ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB xÔze jf
organize the deployment of the standards, in particular within a ¾â GÈC¼ jf xÔzdI ,CÚfjBgåÐCPsB ßkáÄjCå¿I Ó jBk»åPsB àÚgÐCÌlCås
project context; ;×nÓkM
validate the standards; ;CÚfjBgÐCPsB ØI ÍgávdI jCHP®B
ensure that the Work Station monitoring system is robust;
ßjCåÀ ßCåÚ×CÃåPrâB àåQjC¨åÐ ßCÚÊåPrás _á`{ fk¿ÇË® lB ÍCÏáË¥B
check the Work Station regularly (once a week and by ;(ÍCPskMks Ó ÍBjCÀfCPsB fk¿ÇË®)
workshop manager);
;(×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ ØÇásÔI Ó ØP¶Ú jf jCH¿â) ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB ʨÏÌ ÅkPÏÀ
identify the high-priority actions in order to coordinate the
advance of the EWTs along the standardization strategy in the O¸kváM jf àÃÏÚCåËÚ jÔå¨ÏÌ ØåI ãCåI OâÔåÈÓB CI ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ àÞCsCÏw
EWT Book, and assist them in implementing these actions. EWTFCPÀ jf ×gw kÀh ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ßoQBkPsB pCsB kI CÚ EWT
.CÚOáÈC¬¸ ÎâB ßkáÄjC¿I jf CÚ EWT CI ßjC¿ËÚ Ó

ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB

Role of the department manager ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ Ó ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ u»Ð

and plant management kâl ^kvI ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgåÌ àåÇå{B u»Ð ,ßlCås fjBgåÐCPsB xÔze jf
For standardization, the main role of plant management is to: :gwCIàÌ
ensure that the right conditions for the continued ßCÚÍCÌl) CÚfjBgÐCPsB kËPrÌ ßBkYB ßBkåI GsCÏÌ £âBkw lB ÍCÏáË¥B
implementation of the standard are in place (recruitment times ;(. . . Ó tlÔÌD ßCÚÍCÌl Ó gâgY ßÓkáÐ ßkáÄjC¿I
including training time…);
Ó CåÚjÔåQBkåMB tlÔÌD) ßlCs fjBgåÐCåPsB ÅÔå{B Ígw ×fjÓDkåI ÅkPÏÀ
check compliance with standardization principles (training of
operators ensured by EWT manager…); ;(EWT kâgÌ £sÔQ ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
ensure that resources necessary for compliance with standards ßBkI Élã «ååICååÏÌ ÍfÔååI CååáÙåÌ lB ,ØåÐBlÓj jÔå¤åI ,ÍCåÏáË¥B ÅÔza
are in place and operate on a daily basis; ;CÚÍD _á`{ ßBkYB Ó CÚfjBgÐCPsB ßlCs ×fjÓDkI
organize project standardization by ensuring knowledge transfer ÅCå»PÐB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza CåI ×nÓkåM ßlCås fjBgåÐCåPsB àÚgåÐCåÌlCås
from current practices. .ßjCY ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ lB CÚØPrÐBf

The Standardization
« dimension » ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB < fCåå¬åIB >
Standardization is the keystone of the SPR system and is therefore ÎáÈÓB ÎâBkICÏI Ó OsB SPR ÊPrás ßCÏI àÇ{B ÂÏs ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
the first measure to be applied, in conjunction with the 5S method OrâCIàÌ ,ØáÈÓB NjCÙÌ tlÔÌD Ó 5S tÓj CI ÆÌC¬Q jf ØÀ OsB ßjBmIB
and Basic Skill Training. Rigorous standardization is the base for àÌÔÐÔÄjB Ó Oá¶áÀ ØâCM Ó pCsB ,ßÔ¼ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ¾â .fÓj jC¿I
the quality and ergonomics of other improvement processes,
whether JIT, Kaizen or TPM.
.gwCIàÌ TPM Ó Kaizen Ó JIT ÆÌCw CÚfÔHÙI kâCs

1. Basic Skill Standardization ØâCM NjCÙÌ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB å 1

Basic Skill Training ensures that the operators execute the right .gwCIàÌ CÚjÔQBkMB _á`{ Ék¸ ßBkYB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ,ØâCM NjCÙÌ tlÔÌD
gesture. Along with the 5S method, Basic Skill Training ensures ßBkYB àÞCÐBÔQ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ,ØâCM ßCÚNjCÙÌ tlÔÌD , 5S tÓj CI ×BkËÚ
that the operator is capable of implementing the standard in .OsB QCDHRE OâC®j CI jÔQBkMB £sÔQ fjBgÐCPsB
compliance with the QCDHRE constraints.

2. Standardization and Kaizen ( ÍmâCÀ ) kËPrÌ fÔHÙI Ó ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB å 2

The standard defines the best method to conduct an operation Îáá¬Q ,ydvÌ àÐCÌl jf Bj NCáÇË® ÉCXÐB tÓj ÎâkPÙI ,fjBgÐCPsB
« at a given moment ». The procedure can always be improved, ×nÓkM ÍCÌl NgÌ jf ×oâÔI ,OsB fÔHÙI ÆIC¼ ØváËÚ gÏâDk¸ .gÏÀàÌ
in particular during the Kaizen 2-day and Kaizen 2-hour projects. àwlÔÌD ØÌCÐkI Ó SOS ,OÈCa ÎâB jf .ØP®Cs Óf ÍmâCÀ Ó ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ
In this case, the SOS concerned and the training programme for .fÔwàÌ ßjÓDlÓj ØI ÍmâCÀ gÏâDk¸ lB àvdI ÍBÔϬI ,CÚjÔQBkMB ßBkI
the operators are updated as part of the Kaizen procedure.

3. Standardization and Quality Management Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ Ó ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB å 3

Compliance with the SOS guarantees the quality of the ßgáÈÔQ OáÈC¬¸ _á`{ ÉCXÐB ×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q , SOS ÆÌCÀ ÍfkÀ ×fjÓDkI
manufacturing operation. The dynamics of continued ×fkPrÄ Ø¬sÔQ ØI ¢ÔÏÌ ,fjBgÐCPsB kËPrÌ fÔHÙI jf àâCâÔM .OsB
improvement to the standard depend to a large extent on the BkYB ØÐBlÓj àPá¶áÀ NCáÇË® jf ØÀ OsB Nä¿vÌ ÆáÇ`Q gÏâDk¸
overall problem resolution procedure conducted during the daily ØI kXÏÌ OsB οËÌ ,Æ¿vÌ ¾â ÆáÇ`Q ,kÃâf NjCH® ØI .fÔwàÌ
quality operations. In other words, the resolution of a problem
may prompt a modification to the SOS.
.ffkÄ SOS jf àÏáIlCI

4. Standardization and Just-in-Time JIT ( Just-in-Time ) Ó ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB å 4

Compliance with the standard within the time alloted ensures ÅÔz`Ì ÆâÔ`Q ØI kXÏÌ ,×gw ×fBf yázdQ ÍCÌl jf OáÈC¬¸ ¾â ÉCXÐB
compliance with the associated delivery times i.e. delivery of the ÆáË¿Q Câ Ó ßg¬I gÏâDk¸ ØI ج¤¼ ÆâÔ`Q CI ,fÔwàÌ k¨Ð fjÔÌ ÍCÌl jf
part to the next process or completion of all required tasks at ,ÍD kI ×Óä® .×gw ØP¸kÄ k¨Ð jf ÍCÌl jf ×gw ØPsBÔe ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ØËÚ
the designated time. Furthermore, the JIT projects, which focus
on process flow times and on the restructuring of manufacturing
¢Ô¤e ßlCslCI Ó gÏâDk¸ ÍCâkY ßÓj kI mÀkËQ ØÀ JIT ßCÚ×nÓkM jf
lines and Work Stations, often lead to modifications to the Work ×CÃPrâB jf káá²Q OËs ØI GdzB ,OsB ßjCÀ ßCÙÚCÃPrâB Ó ßgáÈÔQ
Station, which in turn leads to a modification to the .gw gÚBÔe SOS káá²Q ØI kXÏÌ OâCÙÐ jf ØÀ fÔwàÌ OâBgÚ ßjCÀ
corresponding SOS sheet.

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

of objectives
and action
Just-in-Time .4
Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ .3 .fÔwàÌ k¨Ð fjÔÌ ÍCÌl
.gÏÀàÌ ÎáË~Q Bj gáÈÔQ 4. Just-in-Time

3. Quality control JIT Compliance with the SOS

enures that manufacturing
Compliance with the SOS times are met
guarantees the quality of the
production operation

2. Kaizen
Once the SOS has been drafted,
it should be improved by the
ßfCáÏI ßCÚNjCÙÌ tlÔÌD .1 Kaizen 2 Hour et 2 Day projects
.fÔwàÌ CÚfjBgÐCPsB ÅkPÏÀ P Kaizen ÍmâCÀ .2
1. Basic Skill Training
Basic Skill Training reinforces
C ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB fÔHÙI ØP®Cs 2 Ó ×lÓj 2 Kaizen
control of the standard Kaizen .gÏÀ BgáM
Basic Skill Training
Work Station
Standardization (WSS)

Kaizen: continuous improvement

Progress through Kaizen ÍmâCÀ ؤsBÔI O¸kváM

Kaizen or Breakpoint: :ßBØÇM fÔHÙI Câ kËPrÌ fÔHÙI

There are two paths to progress: :fjBf fÔYÓ O¸kváM ×Bj Óf CXÏâB jf
> Breakpoint progress: a significant change: expenditure on :ßBØÇM fÔHÙI ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM <
new lines, technological innovations, organizational change. ,gâgY gáÈÔQ ¢Ô¤e fCXâB OÙY ÍfkÀ ØÏâmÚ ÆTÌ àÇÀ káá²Q ¾â
There are significant progress results if successfully ydvÌ àQjÔ{ jf fÔHÙI WâCPÐ .àÐCÌlCs NBkáá²Q Ó àϸ ßCÚßjÓDÔÐ
implemented and if the cost-benefit ratio is effectively
jf .gÐÔw BkYB ßmáÌD OỸÔÌ NjÔzI ØÀ fÔI gÏÚBÔe jBfàÏ¬Ì Ó
determined. Usually initiated when new production lines are
commissioned, and usually coordinated by the engineering NjÔzI (cost-benefit ratio) fÔs ØI ØÏâmÚ bkÐ OrâCIàÌ ÎË¡
function rather than the manufacturing function. ,gâgY ¢Ô¤e ßlBgÐB×Bj ÍCÌl jf éãÔË¬Ì .gwCI ×gw Îáá¬Q ßjBfàϬÌ
.gwCIàÌ ßgáÈÔQ ßCÚgaBÓ lB kPváI àsgÏÙÌ ßCÚgaBÓ u»Ð
> Kaizen (or continuous improvement): consists in constantly : ( ÍmâCÀ ) kPËrÌ fÔHÙI <
making improvements in « small increments », without ÍÓgI (¾]ÔÀ ßCÚuÙY jf) jBgâCM ßCÚfÔHÙI fCXâB lB OrQjCH®
necessarily incurring heavy expenditure. Coordinated by the ßjC¿ËÚ CI OeCs ÆÌBÔ® £sÔQ ÍmâCÀ .ÎáÃÏs ßCÚØÏâmÚ ÆáË`Q
manufacturing function with the assistance of support functions,
µÀ NBgÚCvÌ ßÓj kI ÍmâCÀ pCsB .ffkÄàÌ BkYB ÍCHáPvM ÆÌBÔ®
Kaizen is based on close observation of the shop floor in order
to find concrete improvements that can be implemented in the ×CQÔÀ ÍCÌl jf BkYB ÍC¿ÌB ØÀ ,fÔHÙI ¢C»Ð àâCsCÏw jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI ×CÄjCÀ
short term. .OsB ×gw CÏI ,gÐjBf Bj
The two modes of progress are not incompatible; they are, in fact, ÎáË~Q uÐBf kUÒÌ OâkâgÌ ,Óf ÎâB ÎP¸kÄ jBk¼ ÆË¿Ì ºâk¥ lB «¼BÓ jf
perfectly complementary provided effective knowledge fÔHÙI Ó BkYB ßgáÈÔQ ßCÚgaBÓ ØÇásÔI ØÀ àÞCÚfÔHÙI ÅCTÌ ßBkI .fÔwàÌ
management is ensured, i.e. improvements made by the àaBk¥ ÍCÌl jf àsgÏÙÌ ßCÚgaBÓ ×fC¶PsB OÙY ,fÔwàÌ Æ{Ca
manufacturing departments and the level of performance obtained .gÐÔwàÌ ×fkI jC¿I gâgY àP¬Ï{ NCÐC¿ÌB
are taken into account by the engineering departments when
designing new industrial facilities.

O¸kváM O¸kváM
Progress Progress


Breakpoint Breakpoint
ÍCååÌl ÍCååÌl
Time Time
Breakpoint Progress Additional gains by combining Breakpoint and Kaizen

gwCIàÌ ydvÌ ÍCÌl jf ,NCáÇË® ¾â ÉCXÐB tÓj ÎâkPÙI ,fjBgÐCPsB µâk¬Q .ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB jf àÞBkYB kËPrÌ fÔHÙI àϬâ ÍmâCÀ , SPR ÉÔÙ¶Ì jf
. fÔw ßjÓDlÓjØI Orâl £á`Ì Ó àÌÔÐÔÄjB ,àÏËâB ,ÆâÔ`Q ,ØÏâmÚ ,Oá¶áÀ SaCHÌ jf éCHQkÌ ÍD lB qM OrâCIàÌ Ó
In the SPR context, « Kaizen » means continuous improving the performance of the Work Station. The standard defines the best way to
perform an operation « at a given moment » and should therefore be regularly updated in terms of Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Ergonomy
and Environment.

SPR Management Book

« Kaizen and Productivity » < ßjÓ ×kÙI Ó ÍmâCÀ >

Whereas standardization places the focus on quality, « Kaizen » <ÍmâCÀ> ,fjBf mÀkËQ Oá¶áÀ S`I ßÓj ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ø¿áÈCa jf
places the focus (though not exclusively) on productivity. .OsB mÀkËPÌ (ëBkz`ÏÌ ØÐ gÏ] kÚ) ßjÓ×kÙI ßÓj
By group analysis of Work Stations, the « Kaizen » method ,<ÍmâCÀ> tÓj lB ×fC¶PsB CI Ó ,ßjCåÀ ßCÚ×CÃåPrâB àÚÓkÄ ÆáÇ`Q CåI
searches for ways of eliminating waste, i.e. time-consuming O¼Ó ´k{ ÅCTÌ ÍBÔÏ® ØI ,ffkÄàÌ ÔY Ó OrY CÚ´äQB ´ia ßCÚ×Bj
operations without any added value, e.g. waiting time, unnecessary
,jC¨PÐB ÍCÌl ÆÌCw ,gÐjBgÐ ßB×fÓm¸B tljB ØÐÔÄ [áÚ ØÀ àQCáÇË® OÙY
gestures and movements. Adjustments to the Work Station
subsequent to a Kaizen project should generally result in a ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â ßBkYB G¼C¬PÌ .ßjÓk¡ ká³ ßCÚàÞCXICY Ó NCÀka
significant improvement to several QCDHRE performance ßCÚyeCw kâCs jf ßjBfàÏ¬Ì ßCÚfÔHÙI ,àÇÀ NjÔzI OrâCIàÌ
indicators. .fÔw ØXáPÐ QCDHRE àâBkYB

« Kaizen and improvements to < àÏËâB Ó àÌÔÐÔÄjB jf fÔHÙI Ó ÍmâCÀ >

ergonomy and safety » ßjÓk¡ Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ Ó ßjÓ ×kÙI º»`Q ßBkI ,ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB àÌÔÐÔÄjB
Work station ergonomy is essential for productivity and quality ´ia lB ÍBÔQàÌ ,<ÍmâCÀ> ßoQBkPsB lB àwCÐ ´BgÚB kÃâf lB .gwCIàÌ
control. Another objective of the « Kaizen » strategy, therefore,
àÏËâB àÐBk`I NBk¥CdÌ Ó ×gÏÏÀ ØPre ßCÚä»Q ,jCÀ GsCÏÌCÐ NãCa
is to improve ergonomy by eliminating bad postures, tiresome
efforts and safety critical risks (falls, hits, cuts, splashes, burns, .fkI ÉCÐ (. . . Ó Bg{ Ó ks ,àÃPeÔs ,ÍgáwCM ,OaBkY ,´fCzQ ,¢Ô»s)
noise, etc.). Whatever the case, even if the objective of the Kaizen àDzw OâC¡j ,OsB ßjÓ×kåÙI uâBmå¸B ÍmåâCÀ ×nÓkåM ´gåÚ gÏ] kåÚ
project is to increase productivity, satisfactory work conditions ÉCËQ OrâCIàÌ ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â ÍCâCM jf .fÔw ØP¸kÄ k¨Ð jf OrâCIàÌ
should never be undermined. At the end of a given project, all ßBkYB lB CQ gÐÔw àICâljB ,×gw ÅCË®B CÙÐD jf NBkáá²Q ØÀ àâCÚ×CÃPrâB
modified stations are evaluated and rated to ensure the
Osf ,lCáÐ fjÔÌ ØPsBÔe ƼBga .ÊáÏÀ Æ{Ca ÍCÏáË¥B NBkáá²Q kUÒÌ
improvements are effectively implemented. The minimum
requirement is that the satisfactory working conditions at the ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB jf jCÀ àDzw OâC¡j Oá¬¡Ó ÍgÐCÌ à¼CI ×fjÔdÐ
Work Station remain intact. .gwCIàÌ

Different types of Kaizen ÍmâCÀ µÇPdÌ ªBÔÐB

Kaizen is always applied according to a well-defined set of rules. ×fkI jC¿I ,gÐB×gw µâk¬Q _á`{ ØÀ àÏáÐBÔ¼ pCsB kI ×jBÔËÚ ÍmâCÀ
The Kaizen projects, defined by the plant department and passed ØI Ó fÔwàÌ µâk¬Q ØÐCejCÀ kâgÌ £sÔQ ØÀ ÍmâCÀ ßCÚ×nÓkM .fÔwàÌ
onto the workshops, are selected and programmed according to Ó ×gw FCdPÐB ØÐCáÈCs ÅÓgY ¾â ºIC¤Ì ,gsjàÌ ßgáÈÔQ ßCÙÏÈCs
an annual schedule in order to improve productivity and / or
ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ¾â jCÀ £âBkw fÔHÙI Câ / Ó ßjÓ×kÙI fÔHÙI OÙY
working conditions at the stations. Work stations requiring a
Kaizen project are then selected according to the results kI ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ØI ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB ßgÏÌlCáÐ .fÔwàÌ ßmâjØÌCÐkI
expected within a general progress plan. Îáá¬Q ,O¸kváM àÌÔË® ßCÚØÌCÐkI Åäe jf ×gÌD OsgI WâCPÐ ºH¥
There are several types of Kaizen depending on the type of .ffkÄàÌ
station to be improved. However, all Kaizen projects are jBk¼ ØÀ fjBf àÚCÃPrâB ªÔÐ ØI àÃPrI ØÀ fjBf fÔYÓ ÍmâCÀ µÇPdÌ ªBÔÐB
conducted according to the following routine: kI ÍmâCÀ ßCÚ×nÓkM ÉCËQ ,ÅC`ÏâB CI .fkâiM NjÔ{ ÍD jf fÔHÙI OsB
assess the current situation, through actual observation of the :gÐfkÄàÌ ßkHÚBj kâl ØâÓj ºH¥
station and standards;
;CÚfjBgÐCPsB Ó CÚ×CÃPrâB àÇË® NBgÚCvÌ Ø¤sBÔI ßjCY £âBkw àICâljB
determine the progress objective to be attained;
;fÔw Æ{Ca gâCI ØÀ àP¸kváM ´gÚ Îáá¬Q
determine the actions conducive to achieving the objective;
;´gÚ ØI ÎP¸Câ Osf OÙY gÏÌfÔs ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ÍfkÀ Îáá¬Q
implement all actions identified, if necessary with the assistance
of the support functions. ÍCåHáPvM ßCÚgaBÓ ßjC¿ËåÚ CåI ×gw Îá¬Ì ßCÚOáÈC嬸 ÉCËQ ÆåáË¿Q
A successful project requires group work and full transparency, .ÉÓmÈ NjÔ{ jf
i.e. all project operatives should be informed beforehand on the ÅCTÌ ÍBÔÏ® ØI ,fjBf Oá¸C¶w Ó àÚÓkÄ jCÀ ¾â ØI lCáÐ º¸ÔÌ ×nÓkM ¾â
target objectives to be attained. àICáPsf ÆIC¼ Ó àÏá® ´BgÚB lB uáMCváM jÔ¤I gâCI ×nÓkM ÆÌBÔ® ÉCËQ

KAIZEN: continuous improvement

The 2-day Kaizen and associated Kaizens ÍD CI ×BkËÚ ßCÚÍmâCÀ Ó ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ
The two day Kaizen (K2D) is a method for improving ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB fÔHÙI ßBkI tÓj ¾â ( K2D ) ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ
workstations that perform repetitive operations. This means ØÀ àÏ¬Ì ÎâB ØI .fÔwàÌ ÉCXÐB CÙÐD jf ßjBk¿Q NCáÇË® ØÀ gwCIàÌ
improvements are implemented within a well-defined perimeter
Ó (ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ¾â lB uáI) Îá¬Ì ëäÌCÀ ×fÓg`Ì ¾â jf ,CÚfÔHÙI
(more than one station) and within a well-defined period of two
days. .fkáÄàÌ NjÔ{ ×lÓj Óf Ó Îá¬Ì ä
ë ÌCÀ àÐCÌl NgÌ jf
A K2D project is conducted in a group context. It is coordinated kâgÌ £sÔQ ×ÓkÄ ØÀ fÔwàÌ ×jBfB ×ÓkÄ ¾â ØÇásÔI K2D ×nÓkM ¾â
by the EWT manager and should involve all the EWT operators ,NBkáˬQ) lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÍCHáPvM ßCÚÊáQ Ó CÚjÔQBkMB Ó ×gw ÂÏÚCËÚ EWT
and support functions concerned (maintenance, engineering, .gÏPrÚ Æáef ÍD jf máÐ (. . . ¾áPrXÈ ,Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ ,àsgÏÙÌ
logistics, quality…). The objective is to meet the improvement .gÐB×gw ydvÌ ×nÓkM ßBgPIB lB ØÀ OsB àÏá® ßCÚfÔHÙI º»`Q ,´gÚ
objectives set out at the beginning of the project. Concerning the
, K2D ×nÓkM ¾â ßBkI ×gw µâk¬Q ßfCÙÏváM ßCÚ^k¥ xÔzejf
proposals identified for a K2D project, the EWT manager should
always prioritize those proposals that can be implemented during gÐBÔPI CQ gÏÀ ßgÏIOâÔÈÓB Bj CÚ^k¥ ÎâB ØváËÚ gâCIàÌ EWT kâgÌ
the two day cycle. Certain actions identified may require the OsB οËÌ ×gw µâk¬Q ßCÙPáÈC¬¸ .gÚf ÉCXÐB ×lÓj Óf ×jÓf jf Bj CÙÐD
expertise of the engineering or logistical functions… however ØÀ gÏ] kÚ .gÏwCI ØPwBf ¾áPrXÈ Câ àsgÏÙÌ ÆÌBÔ® yzdQ ØI lCáÐ
responsibility for their implementation lies with the EWT àϬâ .gwCIàÌ EWT kâgÌ ×gÙ®kI CÚOáÈC¬¸ ÎâB ßBkYB OáÈÔÝrÌ
manager, who must ensure that the objectives set in the K2D
projects are effectively attained.
.gÏÀ Æ{Ca ÍCÏáË¥B K2D ×nÓkM
Although the focus of the K2D projects is on manual Work
Stations, they can be extended to cater for the specific àPsf ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB ßÓj kI K2D ßCÚ×nÓkM mÀkËQ Ø] kÄB
imperatives of other activities and processes. For example: CÚOáÈC¬¸ ßBkI ,×oâÓ jÔPsf ¾â pCsBkI gÏÐBÔQàÌ CÚ×nÓkM ÎâB ,gwCIàÌ
the automated line Kaizen is applied to improve automated :ÅCTÌ ÍBÔÏ® ØI .gÏICâ tkPrÄ CÚgÏâDk¸ Ó
Work Stations in sectors such as machining and bodywork ,¾áQCÌÔQB ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB jf fÔHÙI ßBkI ,¾áQCÌÔQB ¢Ô¤e ÍmåâCåÀ
lines. Its scope may be extended (e.g. all stations on one .gwCIàÌ ØåÐgåI gåáÈÔåQ ¢Ôå¤e Ó àÏáwCÌ ¢Ô¤e ÍÔ] àâCÚudI jf
machining line), however the same K2D principles will always
be adopted,
K2D àÇ{B ÅÔ{B gÏ] kÚ ,(àÏáwCÌ £e ¾â jf ßjCåÀ ßCÚ×CåÃPrâB
the logistics Kaizen is applied to improve transport operations
,gwCIàÌ ÍCr¿â
(loading, unloading...),
finally, there exists an overall plant flow improvement procedure ØåáÇdQ ,ßkáÄjCåI) Æ»Ð Ó ÆËa NCáÇË® fÔHÙåI ßBkåI ¾áPrXÈ ÍmåâCåÀ
specifically aimed at reducing throughput time. This is the ,fÔwàÌ ØP¸kÄ jC¿I (. . . Ó
« Kaizen Just-in-Time » described in chapter 5. ´gÚ Ó fjBf fÔYÓ ØÐCejCÀ «ÌCY ÍCâkY fÔåHÙI gåÏâDkå¸ ¾â ,OâCÙÐ jf
<ÉCåÃÏÙI ÍmåâCÀ> ØÀ gwCIàÌ àåÚflCåI ÍCåÌl uÚCåÀ ,xCe jÔ¤I ÍD
.×gw ×fBf _á¡ÔQ 5 Æz¸ jf Ó fjBf ÉCÐ (Kaizen Just-in-Time)

« Two-Hour Kaizen » ØP®Cs Óf ÍmâCÀ

The 2-hour Kaizen (K2H) follows the same pattern as the 2-day kÚ ,fjBf ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ CI ØICvÌ ßÔÃÈB ¾â ( K2H ) ØP®Cs Óf ÍmâCÀ
Kaizen, however it is implemented over a period of two hours ×CÃPrâB ¾â jf CÙÏQ Ó ØP®Cs Óf àÐCÌl ×jÓf ¾â jf BkYB ßBkI ØÀ gÏ]
and is confined to one station only. A K2H is organized on the
ØÀ OsB ×gw àÚgÐCÌlCs EWT kâgÌ £sÔQ K2H ¾â .ffkÄàÌ BkYB
initiative of the EWT manager, who implements the process
along with the senior operator and the operators in charge of ,k¨Ð fjÔÌ ×CÃPrâB jf ÅÔÝrÌ ßCÚjÔQBkMB kâCs Ó gwjB jÔQBkMB ×BkËÚ ØI
the station concerned. The project is usually limited to optimizing fÓg`Ì ×CÃPrâB àÞDjCÀ ßlCs ØÏáÙI ØI ëãÔË¬Ì ×nÓkM .gâDàÌ jf BkYB ØI
performance of the station (layout and sequence of operations). ,nCPÐÔÌ £e ¾â xCe OÈCa jf .(CÚOáÈC¬¸ àÈBÔQ Ó àÞCËÐCY) ffkÄàÌ
In the specific case of an assembly line, following the completion ×jCIÓf nCPÐÔÌ £e ,<ØP®Cs Óf ÍmâCÀ> ÎâgÏ] ÆáË¿Q ÅCHÐf ØI
of several « Kaizen 2 Hour », the line is re-commissioned in .gÏÀ OáHTQ Bj gáÈÔQ jf fÔHÙI CQ ×gw ßlBgÐB ×Bj
order to consolidate the productivity improvements.

ÍCååÌl gÏâDk¸ CI ×gw ÂÏÚCËÚ tÓj fÔw ÆáÇ`Q gâCI ØÀ àPáÈC¬¸

Time Method Adapted to Process Activity to be Analyzed
immediate ßjÔåå¸ KAIZEN 2 Hour ØP®Cs 2 ÍmâCÀ Cyclic operations ßBØek] NCáÇË®

short term NgÌ ×CQÔÀ KAIZEN 2 Day ×lÓj 2 ÍmâCÀ Cyclic operations ßBØek] NCáÇË®

KAIZEN ÍmâCÀ All operations ¾â jf NCáÇË® ØáÇÀ

Automated lines ¾áQCÌÔQB ¢Ô¤e in an automated sector ¾áQCÌÔQB udI

KAIZEN Logistics ¾áPrXÈ ÍmâCÀ Delivery flow ÅCsjB ÍCâkY

Key operatives in ÍmâCÀ ßoQBkPsB jf ßgáÇÀ ÆÌBÔ®
the Kaizen strategy
Role of the EWT manager EWT kâgÌ u»Ð
For the Kaizen strategy, the main role of the EWT manager is to: :OsB kâl fjBÔÌ ÆÌCw EWT kâgÌ àÇ{B u»Ð ,ÍmâCÀ ßoQBkPsB jf
coordinate the K2D projects programmed in the annual schedule; ;ØÐCáÈCs ØÌCÐkI jf ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ ßCÚ×nÓkM ÍfkÀ ÂÏÚCËÚ
ensure that the EWT operatives are fully involved in the procedure; ;gÐkáÄjf jCÀ ÅBÓj jf ÆÌCÀ jÔ¤I EWT ÆÌBÔ® Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B
implement the procedure in accordance with the standard process; ;gÏâDk¸ fjBgÐCPsB tÓj CI ºIC¤Q jf OáÈC¬¸ ßBkYB
achieve the objectives set for each project; ;gÐB×gw àÏáIuáM ×nÓkM kÚ ßBkI ØÀ à¸BgÚB ØI àICáPsf
regularly implement Kaizen 2-hour projects; ;ØP®Cs Óf ÍmâCÀ ßCÚ×nÓkM ʨÏÌ ßBkYB
implement the high-priority actions defined with the workshop
µâk¬Q ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ ßjC¿ËÚ CI ØÀ ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ßBkYB
manager to make progress according to the strategies of
delivery time control, cost reduction and working conditions ÅkPÏÀ ßCÚßoQBkPsB pCsB kI jCÀ O¸kváM ØÀ ´gÚ ÎâB CI ,gÐB×gw
in the EWT book. ×gÌD EWT FCPÀ jf ØÀ ßjCÀ £âBkw Ó ØÏâmÚ uÚCÀ ,ÅCsjB ÍCÌl

Role of the workshop manager ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ u»Ð

For the Kaizen strategy, the main role of the workshop manager is to: :OsB kâl fjBÔÌ ÆÌCw ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ àÇ{B u»Ð ,ÍmâCÀ ßoQBkPsB jf
define the annual deployment of the Kaizen 2-day projects kI ,gÐÔw BkYB ØÐCáÈCs jÔ¤I gâCI ØÀ ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ ßCÚ×nÓkM µâk¬Q
according to the productivity objectives and workshop working ;×CÄjCÀ jf jCÀ £âBkw Ó ßjÓ ×kÙI ´BgÚB pCsB
Ø¿ÏâB àÏáIlCI Ó ,×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ´BgÚB ÍfkÀ ydvÌ Ó Îáá¬Q
determine and indicate the objectives of the Kaizen 2-day project,
xÔzdI) gÐÔwàÌ BkYB _á`{ Ó ÆÌCÀ jÔ¤I ,×gw ydvÌ ßCÚfÔHÙI
check that identified improvements are effectively implemented
(in particular those to be implemented outside the strict project ,(gÐÔwàÌ BkYB ×nÓkM ßgÏIÍCÌl ºá¼f ØÌCÐkI lB VjCe ØÀ àÚÓkÄ ÍD
deadline), then measure the confirm the real savings; ;଼BÓ ßCÚØPeÓgÐB gáÞCQ fjÓDkI qLs Ó
ensure that the necessary resources are available for all scheduled ,×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßCÚ×nÓkM lCáÐ fjÔÌ «ICÏÌ Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
projects; ;gÏwCI fÔYÔÌ
record the actions and ensure improvement found are applied jf ,×gÌD OsgI ßCÚfÔHÙI Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza Ó CÚOáÈC¬¸ OHU
across the workshop;
identify high-priority actions for developing the skills of the
EWT with respect to flow and time control, cost reduction and
working conditions in the EWT book, then assist the EWTs in ØÀ jCÀ £âBkw Ó ØÏâmÚ uÚCÀ ,ÍCâkY Ó ÍCÌl Êá¨ÏQ ÎPwBf k¨Ð jf
implementing these actions. ÎâB ßBkYB ßBkI CÚ EWT CI ßjC¿ËÚ qLs Ó ,×gÌD EWT FCPÀ jf

Role of the support functions àÐCHáPvM ÆÌBÔ® u»Ð

For the Kaizen strategy, the quality, engineering, maintenance and ßjBgÙÃÐ Ó NBkáˬQ ,àsgÏÙÌ ,Oá¶áÀ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ,ÍmâCÀ ßoQBkPsB jf
logistics functions join forces to facilitate technical analysis and Ó gÐÔwàÌ àϸ ÆáÇ`Q ÆáÙrQ GYÔÌ kÃâgËÚ ßjC¿ËÚ CI ,¾áPrXÈ Ó
determine progress actions accordingly. For example, the logistics
,ÅCTÌ ÍBÔϬI .gÏÏÀàÌ ydvÌ Bj ×gÐkI uáM ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ GáQkQ ÎâB ØI
function plays a key role in the Kaizen Logistics function. Participation
of maintenance staff is essential during the Kaizen Automated Line C¶âB ¾áPrXÈ ÍmâCÀ OáÈC¬¸ jf ßgáÇÀ àv»Ð ¾áPrXÈ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸
projects. In addition, associated inputs contributes to knowledge ×nÓkM ßBkYB NgÌ jf ßjBgÙÃÐ Ó NBkáˬQ udI fBk¸B OÀkw .gÏÏÀàÌ
management of the measures implemented after a Kaizen project. ØI Æ{Ca ßCÚßfÓjÓ ,×Óä¬I .gwCIàÌ ßjÓk¡ ¾áQCÌÔQB ¢Ô¤e ÍmâCÀ
.gÏÀàÌ ¾ËÀ ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM lB qM ×gw BkYB ßCÚÆa ×Bj uÐBf OâkâgÌ
Role of the department manager
ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ Ó ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ u»Ð
and of plant management
fjBÔÌ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza ,ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ àÇ{B u»Ð ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM jf
For the Kaizen project, the main role of plant management is to
ensure that:
:OsB kâl
the Kaizen project programme has been defined and that the O¸kváM ØÌCÐkI jf ØÀ àÞDjCÀ ´BgÚB Ó ×gw µâk¬Q ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ØÌCÐkI
performance objectives indicated in the plant progress plan are ;gÐB×gw Æ{Ca ,×gw ydvÌ ØÐCejCÀ
achieved; ;OsB CáÙÌ ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ßBkYB ßBkI Élã £âBkw
the conditions necessary to implement the « Kaizen » project are CÚjÔQBkMB xÔzdI ,gÐB×fkÀ OÀkw ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM jf ÅC¬¸ jÔ¤I ÆÏskM
in place;
;àÐCHáPvM udI Ó
the personnel are effectively involved in the « Kaizen » project,
in particular the operators and support functions; .gwCIàÌ ^Ô¤s àÌCËQ jf جsÔQ ,O¸kváM ضrǸ
the philosophy of improvement is developing at all levels. 18
KAIZEN: continuous improvement

The « System » dimension ÍmâCÀ <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

of Kaizen
Kaizen cannot be effectively implemented as a continuous Work ,ÍD ßBkYB lB ÆH¼ Ø¿ÏâB kÃÌ ,fjBgÐ fÔYÓ ÍmâCÀ kUÒÌ ßBkYB ÍC¿ÌB
Station improvement strategy unless the perimeter to which it ,ffkÄ @BkYB ÍD jf ÍmâCÀ OsB jBk¼ ØÀ à¤á`Ì jf ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
applies has been standardized beforehand. Although the primary jf fÔHÙI fCXâB ,ÍmâCÀ ßoQBkPsB lB àâCÙÐ ´gÚ Ø] kÄB .fÔw ÉCXÐB
objective of the Kaizen strategy is to improve the productivity
and ergonomy of one station or set of stations, it does have the
ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB Câ ×CÃPrâB ¾â jf jCÀ àÌÔÐÔÄjB Ó gáÈÔQ ßjÓ×kÙI
indirect result of improving production flow and production Oá¶áÀ Ó gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY fÔHÙI ßÓj kI máÐ àËá»PrÌká³ kUB ,gwCIàÌ
quality. .fjBf gáÈÔQ

1. Kaizen and standardization ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ó ÍmâCÀ .1

The Kaizen project will have the effect of modifying the Work ÆÌCw) gwCIàÌ ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB jf àsgÏÙÌ NBkáá²Q fCXâB ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM
Station concerned (layout, sequence of operations…), and as a
×CÃPrâB ßCÚàICâljB Ó SOS ØXáPÐjf Ó (. . . Ó OáÈC¬¸ kQBÔQ ,àÞCËÐ CY
result both the standard operation sheets and Work Station
evaluations will have to be updated. This closing stage between ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ó fÔHÙI ÎáI ¾âfmÐ ¢CHQjB .fÔw lÓj ØI OrâCI máÐ ßjCÀ
improvement and standardization is essential to ensure there is Ó fÔI gÚBÔdÐ ÆH¼ OÈCa ØI àPvÄkI ØÀ gâCËÐ ÎáË~Q CQ OsB ßjÓk¡
no return to the previous situation and that a training support is .fÔwàÌ FÔr`Ì jÔQBkMB ßBkI máÐ pkPsf jf àwlÔÌD OâCËa ¾â
available for the operators.
JIT (Just-in-Time) Ó ÍmâCÀ .2
2. Kaizen and Just-in-Time
jCP¸j káá²Q fCXâB ÍC¿ÌB ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â ÅÔ¥ jf ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB fÔHÙI
An improvement to a Work Station during a Kaizen project will
make allowance for upstream and downstream part flow and for
Câ OÈCa ¾â ÍfBf CI ,Bj g¬I Ó ÆH¼ ×CÃPrâB NC¬¤¼ ÆâÔ`Q Ó Øâi²Q jf
the manner in which deliveries to the station are organized. The ØI ¾ËÀ ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ØXáPÐ GdzB .gÏÀàÌ ÊÚBk¸ kPváI ÆË® ßfBlD
result is that a Kaizen project will often contribute to improving ká³ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ´ia CI Câ ,fÔHÙI ÎâB .fÔwàÌ máÐ gÏâDk¸ ÍCâkY fÔHÙI
the process flow times, either directly by eliminating unnecessary ×gw gáÈÔQ ÅÔz`Ì Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI CI ,Êá»PrÌká³ NjÔzI Câ Ó ßjÓk¡
operations, or indirectly by improving the quality of the part àÇH¼ Ó ßg¬I NCÐCâkY NC¸Bk`ÐB lB ÉBgÀkÚ ,Ój ÎâB lB Ó fÔwàÌ Æ{Ca
produced and hence any subsequent flow deviations. Conversely,
×gÚCvÌ ( JIT ÍmâCÀ ) 5 udI jf Ø\ÐCÏ] ,kÃâf ´k¥ lB .fÔwàÌ ´ia
in the context of a JIT Kaizen (cf. chapter 5), analysis of the flow
in the plant may prompt a decision to implement a Kaizen 2-day OsB οËÌ ,ØÐCejCÀ ¾â jf gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY ÆáÇ`Q ,fkÀ gáÚBÔe
or 2 Hour project on a station where a potential for significant ,ØP®Cs 2 Câ ×lÓj 2 ÍmâCÀ ßBkYB ,ÍD ØXáPÐ ØÀ ffkÄ àËáËzQ ØI kXÏÌ
process flow times savings have been identified. jf بaäÌ ÆIC¼ àÞÔY ظk{ ßBkI ×Ô»ÈCI ÍBÔQ ØÀ gwCI àÚCÃPrâB jf
.fjBf Bj tlBfkM ÍCâkY ÍCÌl
3. Kaizen and TPM
A Kaizen project conducted on an set of Work Stations, in TPM Ó ÍmâCÀ .3
particular on automated lines, should result in the elimination of
any prevailing malfunctions. This will have a positive impact on the
,ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB lB àÚÓkÄ ßÓj kI ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â ßBkYB ØXáPÐ
operational efficiency of the line concerned. On the other hand, a .gwCI ÅÓBgPÌ fBkâB ØÐÔÄ kÚ ´ia gâCI ,¾áQCÌÔQB ¢Ô¤e jf xÔzdI
TPM project, and in particular continued analysis of the causes of lB .fjBf k¨Ð fjÔÌ £e àQCáÇË® àÞDjCÀ ßÓj kI OHTÌ ßkáUACQ kÌB ÎâB
non-operational efficiency may reveal the existence of a àÞDjCÀ Æâãf kËPrÌ ÆáÇ`Q xÔzdI Ó , TPM ×nÓkM ¾â ,kÃâf ´k¥
downgraded machine and prompt the implementation of a Kaizen VjCe ×fj lB ÎáwCÌ ¾â fÔYÓ kÃÐCâCËÐ OsB οËÌ ,àQCáÇË® ká³ Ó ÎáÞCM
.fÔw ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â ßBkYB GYÔÌ Ó ffkÄ

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

of objectives
and action
TPM .3
< ¾áQCÌÔQB £e > ÍmâCÀ
Just-in-Time .2 .fÔw àÌ àÇË® gáÈÔQ fÔHÙI GYÔÌ
ßÓj kI ×gw ÅCË®B ßCÚfÔHÙI
The « Automated line » Kaizen
GáQkQ ÎâgI Ó ×gw ج¤¼ ÍCâkY contributes to improving
tlBfkM ÍCâkY ÍCÌl uÚCÀ GYÔÌ operational productivity.
2. Just-in-Time
Improvements to a workstation
optimize part flow and thereby
reduce process flow times.

ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB .1
P ÍmâCÀ ßfCáÏI ßCÚNjCÙÌ tlÔÌD gâCI CÙÏQ ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â
A D fjBgÐCPsB ×CÃPrâB ¾â ßÓj kI
ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
C ,×nÓkM ÍCâCM jf .fÔw ÅCË®B ×gw
Basic Skill Training gâCI ×CÃPrâB CI ×BkËÚ SOS
Work Station .fÔw lÓj ØI
Standardization (WSS) 1. Standardization
A Kaizen project should only
be conducted on a standardized
station. At the end of the project,
the SOS associated with the
station should be updated.

Quality Control: QC
jCÀ ØI ÍCÌlCs à¶áÀ _¤s jf fÔHÙI ØI àICáPsf OÙY jf ØÀ fÔwàÌ ØP¶Ä àÐCÌlCs ßCÙwÓj Ó CÚjBmIB ,NCáÇË® ØáÇÀ ØI Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ
Ó NjC¨Ð ^k¥ , QC qâkQCÌ , QC Story jBmIB , ( Poka-Yoke )ØÀÔâCÀÔM ßC¤e g¡ ÊPrás lB ÍBÔQàÌ ÅCTÌ ÍBÔÏ® ØI .gÐÔw ØP¸kÄ
.gwCIàÌ Oá¶áÀ ÎáË~Q àÇ{B ßCÚjBmIB Ó ØÐBlÓj Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ kI mÀkËQ , SPR ÊPrás xCe fjÔÌ jf .fkI ÉCÐ ×ká³

Quality Control concerns all actions, tools and organizational methods conducive to achieving an
improvement in the level of quality: Poka-Yoke, QC Story, Checkman, QA Matrix, Surveillance plan etc. In the
case of the SPR system, the focus is on daily quality management and the main quality assurance tools.

Progress through Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM

Quality Control
To achieve 100% customer quality, the manufacturing function NCáÇË® , %100 NjÔ{ ØI ßkPvÌ FÔÇ¤Ì Oá¶áÀ ØI àICáPsf ßBkI
must ensure that the production system is in full conformity with Ó ÅÔz`Ì fjBgÐCPsB ßCÚàÄoâÓ CI gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ÆÌCÀ ¹CH¤ÐB gâCI gáÈÔQ
the product specifications and process specifications defined by ºâk¥ lB ´gÚ ÎâB .gÏÀ ÎáË~Q Bj àsgÏÙÌ ßCÚgÏâDk¸ ßCÚàÄoâÓ máÐ
the engineering department. This objective is primarily achieved
by standardizing all manufacturing operations and by « getting it
_á`{ ÉCXÐB> ºâk¥ lB máÐ Ó ßgáÈÔQ NCáÇË® ØáÇÀ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
right the first time ». The standardization process is reinforced by ¾â £sÔQ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB gÏâDk¸ .gâDàÌ Osf ØI <ÅÓB ج¸f jf CÚjCÀ
a surveillance standard. Standardization is therefore the keystone gáÇÀ ,ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ØXáPÐ jf .fÔwàÌ OâÔ»Q NjC¨Ð fjBgÐCPsB
of good quality management insofar as it indicates the correct .gwCIàÌ NjC¨Ð àsCsB g®BÔ¼ CI ÍD ¹CH¤ÐB Ó Oá¶áÀ _á`{ OâkâgÌ
method to be adopted and the applicable monitoring rules: good ßCÚfk¿ÇË® kI ØÐBlÓj NjC¨Ð lB OsB NjCH® Oá¶áÀ _á`{ OâkâgÌ
quality management means monitoring quality on a daily basis and
effectively processing any incidents detected in a responsive,
reliable and definitive manner. .×gw µâk¬Q Ó
Manufacturing QC requires daily management at all hierarchy àÐCÌlCs ^Ô¤s ÉCËQ ØÐBlÓj OâkâgÌ gÏÌlCáÐ ,gáÈÔQ Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ
levels (QRQC: Quick Response Quality Control, called Quality + ØÐCejCÀ jf ØÀ ,«âks uÏÀBÓ CI Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ QRQC gÏÐCÌ) gwCIàÌ
at the body assembly plant and daily quality management at the jf Ó fÔwàÌ ØP¶Ä “Quality +” OHTÌ Oá¶áÀ ÍD ØI ,ØÐgI nCPÐÔÌ
powertrain plant), and the utilization of tools that structure the Ó (OsB ØÐBlÓj Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ ÍCËÚ máÐ ØÀk`Ì ßÓkáÐ gáÈÔQ ØÐCejCÀ
analysis of quality risks (ex: QA matrix), the resolution of
incidents detected (ex: QC Story) and the implementation of the
à¶áÀ ßCÚ¾râj ÆáÇ`Q Ó ØâmXQ jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI àâCÚjBmIB lB ×fC¶PsB máÐ
necessary locks (ex: Poka-Yoke). All quality assurance measures in lB ×fC¶PsB gÏÐCÌ) ×gw ×gÚCvÌ Nä¿vÌ Æa , (QA qâkQCÌ gÏÐCÌ)
place are indicated in the surveillance plan. àÌCËQ . (Poka-Yoke gÏÐCÌ) Élã ßCÚgs fCXâB Ó (QC Story jBmIB
. gÐB×gw ×fjÓD NjC¨Ð ^k¥ àÇÀ ØÌCÐkI jf ,Oá¶áÀ ÎáË~Q ßCÚtÓj

Daily quality management Oá¶áÀ ØÐBlÓj OâkâgÌ

QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control) («âks uÏÀBÓ CI Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ) QRQC
The dynamics of quality improvement in the plant are maintained Ó uâCM ^Ô¤s àÌCËQ £sÔQ ØÐCejCÀ jf Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI ßCâÔM ßCÚØHÏY
at each hierarchy level (plant management, Workshop Department lB jCÀ ÎâB . ( EWT Ó gáÈÔQ udI ,ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ) fÔwàÌ OÐCá{
and EWT) through daily quality meetings lasting around 30 fÓga) gvÀàÌ ÅÔ¥ Ø»á¼f 30 fÓga ØÀ Oá¶áÀ ØÐBlÓj NCrÇY ºâk¥
minutes (5 min at EWT), which are coordinated by the ´gÚ .fÔwàÌ ÂÏÚCËÚ gáÈÔQ udI £sÔQ Ó ( EWT kÚ ßBkI Ø»á¼f 5
manufacturing department. These meetings are held to analyze
incidents and the quality monitoring results at the various control
NjC¨Ð ^k¥ WâCPÐ Ó NBfBkâB ÆáÇ`Q Ó ØâmXQ Ó àsjkI ,CÚØrÇY ÎâB
points AVES, Straight Through Ratio (STR), rejects, TNC, clinic STR: ) Êá»PrÌ jÔH® , AVES ßCÚyeCw xÔze jf ØÀ OsB à¶áÀ
drive, faults identified by inspections by different sectors…). This Ó ßjCÀ×jCIÓf bkÐ , TNC ,NC¬âC¡ , ( Straight Trough Ration
is a group analysis procedure with an input from the various plant .gÐÔwàÌ ^k¤Ì ,µÇPdÌ ßCÚudI àsjlCI jf ×gw ydvÌ NBfBkâB
sectors (Manufacturing, Quality, Logistics, Maintenance, lB Bj tBßfÓjÓ ØÀ OsB àÚÓkÄ ÆáÇ`Q Ó ØâmXQ ØâÓj ¾â tÓj ÎâB
Engineering…) and is based on the QC Story problem resolution
,ßjBgÙÃÐ ,¾áPrXÈ ,Oá¶áÀ ,gáÈÔQ ÆáH¼ lB) ØÐCejCÀ µÇPdÌ ßCÚudI
tool (cf. below).
ØÈACrÌ Æa jBmIB ØâCM kI ÊPrás ÎâB ÎáÏ\ËÚ .gÏÀàÌ ieB (. . .àsgÏÙÌ
.gÏÀàÌ ÆË® QC Story

SPR Management Book

A typical meeting agenda is as follows: :OsB kâl gÏÐCÌ CÚØrÇY ÎâB jÔPsf éCQgË®
presentation of faults and quality results of previous day; ;ØPwiÄ lÓj à¶áÀ WâCPÐ Ó NBfBkâB ØÞBjB Ó uâCËÐ
choice of problem to be resolved (in general for the following ;(×gÏâD lÓj ßBkI éCQgË®) fÔw Æa gâCI ØÀ ßBØÈACrÌ FCdPÐB
;(OsB ×gw àâCsCÏw ÆH¼ lÓj jf éCQgË® ØÀ) ØÈACrÌ ÆáÇ`Q
problem analysis (generally identified the day before);
;ÉBg¼B kÚ ßBkI ØËQCe câjCQ Ó ÅÔÝrÌ ÍfkÀ ydvÌ ,CÚÆa ×Bj gáâACQ
validation of counter-measures, appointment of persons
responsible, and deadline; .àÇH¼ fjBÔÌ ßkáÃáM ÆáÇ`Q Ó ØâmXQ
analysis of follow-up of previous problems.
:gÏÏÀàÌ ÅCHÐf Bj ×gË® ´gÚ Øs ,ØÐBlÓj NCrÇY ÎâB
This daily meeting has three objectives:
CI fÔYÔÌ Nä¿vÌ Ø¿ÏâB lB ÎP¸Câ ÍCÏáË¥B ºâk¥ lB Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI
improve quality by ensuring that the high-priority problems in
Ó ÎÈCs ,ßgáÈÔQ gÏâDk¸ ,udI ,ØÐCejCÀ _¤s jf ãCI ßCÚOâÔÈÓB
the plant, department, process, workshop and EWT are
addressed at the right level, ;gÐB×gw ªCYjB GsCÏÌ _¤s ØI Ó àPsjf ØI EWT
share the problems and solutions between all operatives ,gáÈÔQ) ßjCÀ ßCÚudI ÉCËQ ÍCáÌ ,CÚÆa ×Bj máÐ Ó Nä¿vÌ Êár»Q
(manufacturing, engineering, maintenance, quality…), ;(. . . ,Oá¶áÀ ,ßjBgÙÃÐ ,àsgÏÙÌ
ensure quick response time in processing the problems. .Nä¿vÌ Æa Ó tlBfkM jf «âks àÚf csCM lB ÎP¸Câ ÍCÏáË¥B

(Quick Response Quality Engineering) («âks uÏÀBÓ CI Oá¶áÀ àsgÏÙÌ) QRQE
If a problem does not fall within the manufacturing perimeter, i.e. ØI éäTÌ) gXÏÃÐ ßgáÈÔQ µâjC¬Q ×fÓg`Ì jf ØÈACrÌ ¾â Ø¿áQjÔ{ jf
associated with product design or an installation and requiring ÍCÌl ØI ×CÃÐD ,(gwCI £HQkÌ xCe máÙXQ ¾â Câ ÅÔz`Ì àaBk¥
more resolution time, then it is addressed during weekly QRQE £sÔQ ØÀ QRQE àÃP¶Ú NCrÇY jf Ó ×fÔI gÏÌlCáÐ Æa ßBkI ßkPváI
meetings coordindated by the production engineering
máÐ CXÏâB jf .ffkÄàÌ ^k¤Ì ,fÔwàÌ àÚgÐCÌlCs gáÈÔQ àsgÏÙÌ gaBÓ
department. Here again, the QC Story method is used to guide
the problem resolution process. .fÔwàÌ ×fC¶PsB ØÈACrÌ Æa gÏâDk¸ OâBgÚ ßBkI QC Story tÓj lB
If the problem is a supplier non-conformity problem, then the ,gwCI ×gÏÏÀ ÎáÌACQ CI £HQkÌ ¹CH¤ÐB Ég® lB àwCÐ ØÈACrÌ ØÀ àQjÔ{ jf
issue is coordinated by the Supplier Quality Department (SQF), Ó fÔwàÌ Æa (SQF) ÍCÄgÏÏÀ ÎáÌACQ Oá¶áÀ gaBÓ £sÔQ ØÈCrÌ ÎâB
which then reports to the manufacturing department. .ffkÄàÌ tjBmÄ gáÈÔQ udI ØI ÍD ØXáPÐ

Quality management tools Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ ßCÚjBmIB

QC Story (Quality Control Story) QC Story (Quality Control Story)
QC Story is the daily standard problem resolution tool ØÀ OsB à¶áÀ ÆÞCrÌ Æa ßBkI ØÐBlÓj fjBgÐCPsB jBmIB ¾â QC Story
recommended for analysing all type of malfunctions in all types of CÚOáÈC¬¸ µÇPdÌ ªBÔÐB jf ,CÚàâDjCÀCÐ Ó CÚNkâC²Ì ªBÔÐB ØáÇÀ ÆáÇ`Q ßBkI
activities (production, maintenance, logistics, support…). However .fkáÄàÌ jBk¼ ×fC¶PsB fjÔÌ (. . . ,¾áPrXÈ ,àÐCHáPvM ,NBkáˬQ ,gáÈÔQ)
before adopting the QC Story approach, always ensure, through ÆáÇ`Q ¾â ºâk¥ lB gâCI , QC Story fk¿âÓj FCrPÀB lB ÆH¼ gÏ] kÚ
a preliminary conformity analysis, that all pre-requisites are met:
compliance with standards, conformity of parts, etc.
:ÆÌCw) Ø¥ÔIkÌ ßCÚlCáÐ uáM ØÀ O¸Câ ÍCÏáË¥B ,ßjBiÄØ`{ ØáÈÓB
.gÐB×gw ÎáÌACQ (. . . Ó NC¬¤¼ ØâgáâACQ ,CÚfjBgÐCPsB CI ¹CH¤ÐB
A QC Story consists in conducting a group analysis of the root
causes of a problem and in eliminating them definitively by Ó ßBØvâj ÆÇ® ÎP¸Câ jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI ,àÚÓkÄ ÆáÇ`Q ÆÌCw QC Story ¾â
implementing a robust action plan, which can be shared by the ØÀ OsB kHP¬Ì Ó DjCÀ àaä{B ÉBg¼B ¾â jBk»PsB ºâk¥ lB CÙÐD ´ia
various functions (manufacturing, quality, engineering…). ,àsgÏÙÌ ,gáÈÔQ gÏÐCÌ) .fÔw ÉCXÐB µÇPdÌ ßCÚfk¿ÇË® jf gÐBÔQàÌ
(. . . ,Oá¶áÀ

Quality Control: QC

> There are 9 essential stages to the process: :OsB kâl fjBÔÌ ÆÌCw QC Story gÏâDk¸ àÇ{B ÉCÄ 9 <
1- Choose the issue. .ªÔ¡ÔÌ FCdPÐB .1
2- Explain the reasons for the selection. .FCdPÐB Æâãf _âkvQ .2
3- Understand the initial status. .ØáÈÓB Oá¬¡Ó ½jf .3
4- Define the targets. .´BgÚB µâk¬Q .4
5- Analyse.
.ÆáÇ`Q Ó ØâmXQ .5
6- Implement corrective measures.
.àaä{B NCÌBg¼B ÅCË®B .6
7- Confirm the effects.
.NBkáUACQ gáâACQ .7
8- Standardize.
.ÍfkÀ fjBgÐCPsB .8
9- Conduct a synthesis and define future plans.
.×gÏâD ØÌCÐkI µâk¬Q Ó àÇÀ ÆáÇ`Q ¾â ÉCXÐB .9
For easily resolved and easily measured problems, the
conventional quality tools (known as the « 7 tools ») are used to ßCÚjBmIB lB ,gÐÔwàÌ Æa Ó ×gw ßkáÄ×lBgÐB àÄfCs ØI ØÀ àÇÞCrÌ ßBkI
follow these steps (Story board, Pareto, cause-effect diagram, ßBkI ,gÐÔwàÌ ØPeCÏw < ØÐCÃP¶Ú jBmIB > ÍBÔϬI ØÀ Oá¶áÀ ´jC¬PÌ
5 whys ?…). For more complex problems and/or problems that Ó OÇ® jBfÔËÐ ,ÔQjCM , Story board) fÔwàÌ ×fC¶PsB ÆaBkÌ ÎâB à¥
are difficult to measure, additional tools are used such as affinity ØÀ àÇÞCrÌ Câ Ó kQ×gá\áM ÆÞCrÌ ßBkI .(. . .?ØÐCÃXÏM ßCÚBk] ,ÅÔǬÌ
diagrams, tree diagrams, relational diagrams… àÃPrIBÓ ßCÚjBfÔËÐ ká¨Ð ßkPváI ßCÚjBmIB ,OsB jBÔwf CÙÐB ßkáÄ×lBgÐB
.gÐÓjàÌ jCÀ ØI . . . Ó à¥CHQjB ßCÚjBfÔËÐ Ó àPejf ßCÚjBfÔËÐ Ó

The Quality Assurance Matrix Oá¶áÀ ÎáË~Q qâkQCÌ

The QA matrix is a quality tool for measuring and improving the
ÎáË~Q ^Ô¤s fÔHÙI Ó ßkáÄ×lBgÐB ßBkI àPá¶áÀ jBmIB ¾â QA qâkQCÌ
quality assurance level of the manufacturing process. .OsB gáÈÔQ gÏâDk¸ Oá¶áÀ
It is adopted subsequent to a rigorous and in-depth analysis ØI ØÀ ºá¼f Ó ºáË® ÆáÇ`Q ¾â ßg¬I ØÇakÌ ÍBÔÏ® ØI qâkQCÌ ÎâB
conducted in order to envisage all possible failures on a process, fÔYÓ àsjkI Ó gÏâDk¸ ¾â jf οËÌ ßCÚOr¿w ØËÚ CI ØYBÔÌ jÔ¨ÏÌ
and to check for the existence and efficiency of quality control àÞCÚOr¿w ÎáÏ] lB ßkáÄÔÇY jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI QC «ÐBÔÌ Ó «ICÏÌ àÞDjCÀ Ó
locks and resources in order to prevent such failures. The QA Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI jBmIB ¾â QA qâkQCÌ ÎâBkICÏI .fÔwàÌ ØP¸kÄ k¨Ð jf
matrix is therefore a quality improvement tool which highlights
process vulnerabilities, non-addressed areas and issues to be
prioritized. .gÏÀàÌ ydvÌ ,gÐÔw
The QA matrix is posted next to its corresponding manufacturing jBk¼ Ø¥ÔIkÌ gáÈÔQ £e lB àvdI Câ gáÈÔQ £e jCÏÀ jf QA qâkQCÌ
line or line section and is completed by the workshop and/or ÎâB .fÔwàÌ ÆÌCÀ ×CÄjCÀ Câ Ó EWT kâgÌ OÀjCvÌ CI Ó ØP¸kÄ
EWT manager concerned. This coordination leads to action plans, ÊPrás ¾â ,xCe jÔ¥ ØI Ó àÞBkYB ßCÚ^k¥ ØÞBjB ØI kXÏÌ CÚàÃÏÚCËÚ
and in particular a fault elimination system to minimize the risks .fÔwàÌ àPá¶áÀ RfBÔa ¾râj ÍgÐCsj ƼBga ØI ßBkI ,C¤e ´ia
of quality incident. If a fault not indicated in the matrix occurs, the
incident should be addressed during the daily quality procedure,
gâCI ØUfCa ÎâB ,gÚf bj ,×gvÐ ydvÌ qâkQCÌ jf ØÀ àÞC¤e Ø\ÐCÏ]
and the QA matrix should be updated accordingly. gâCI ÊÚ QA qâkQCÌ Ó fÔw «¸j Ó àsjkI ,ØÐBlÓj àPá¶áÀ ØâÓj Îáa jf
Finally, the QA matrix is also a volume production quality
.fÔw lÓj ØI ÍD CI ºIC¤Ì
improvement tool used by the project departments and facility gwCIàÌ máÐ ×ÔHÐB gáÈÔQ Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI jBmIB ¾â QA qâkQCÌ OâCÙÐ jf
suppliers. Effective knowledge management of existing QA .fÓjàÌ jCÀ ØI NäáÙrQ ÍCÄgÏÏÀÎáÌACQ Ó ×nÓkM ßCÚÍCËQjCMf £sÔQ ØÀ
matrices is conducive to the development of processes capable of ØI kXÏÌ ,fÔYÔÌ QA ßCÚqâkQCÌ ßCÚØPrÐBf OâkâgÌ ÍfÔI DjCÀ
guaranteeing optimum quality from the word go.
.gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q Bj ØÏáÙI Oá¶áÀ gÏÐBÔQàÌ ØÀ fÔwàÌ àâCÚgÏâDk¸ جsÔQ

Poka-Yoke ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM

Poka-Yoke is a quality tool designed to prevent human errors and
ßCÚC¤e lB ßkáÄÔÇY ßBkI ØÀ OsB àPá¶áÀ jBmIB ¾â ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM
missed operation at the Work Station. A simple and effective .OsB ×gw àaBk¥ ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB jf OsjfCÐ NCáÇË® Ó àÐCrÐB
device often developed by the manufacturing or maintenance Câ gáÈÔQ ßCÚÍCËQjCMf £sÔQ ØÀ udIkUB Ó ×fCs ØÇásÓ ¾â GdzB
departments, the Poka-Yoke guarantees the satisfactory execution udI OâC¡j ßBkYB ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM ;gICâàÌ Ø¬sÔQ NBkáˬQ Ó ßjBgÙÃÐ
of complex, infrequent or high diversity operations that are ßãCI ¾râj |k¬Ì jf ØÀ Bj ªÔÏPÌ Ó ÅÓBgPÌká³ Ó ×gá\áM NCáÇË®
subject to a higher risk of error or missed operation.
.gÏÀàÌ ÎáË~Q ,gÏPrÚ OsjfCÐ NCáÇË® Câ CÚC¤e

There are three types of Poka-Yoke, classified according to their Ó Oá¶áÀ ÎáË~Q tÓj ßCÏHÌ kI ØÀ fjBf fÔYÓ ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM ªÔÐ Øs
quality assurance method and degree of efficiency: :fÔwàÌ ßgÏI ×fj àÞDjCÀ ÍBmáÌ
alert: the fault is detected and an alert is sent to the operator; jÔåQBkåMB ØåI jBgåvÚ ¾åâ Ó ×gåw àÞCsCÏw C¤åe ¾â : (alert) jBgvÚ
control: the fault is detected and manufacture is stopped; ;fÔwàÌ ÅCsjB
prevention: the fault is prevented before occurring. ;fÔwàÌ µ¼ÔPÌ gáÈÔQ Ó ×gw àÞCsCÏw C¤e ¾â : (control) ÅkPÏÀ
The Poka-Yoke is identified on a display on the station, which ßkåáÃváM ÍD ªÔå¼Ó lB ,C¤åe ªÔ¼Ó lB ÆH¼ : (prevention) ßkáÃváM
indicates its purpose, the operation performed and its frequency .fÔwàÌ
of inspection. Its purpose is to block all serious faults liable to
undermine customer safety or warrant significant rework cost. In ØÀ fÔwàÌ àÞCsCÏw ×CÃPrâB jf uâCËÐ Ø`¶{ ¾â ßÓj ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM
parallel, the root cause of the failure is analysed by opening a ´gÚ .gwCIàÌ ÍD àsjlCI kQBÔQ Ó ,×gw ÉCXÐB NCáÇË® ,ÍD ´gÚ kÃÐCâCËÐ
QC Story in order to determine a robust solution with the uÚCÀ S®CI ØÀ OsB ßgY ßCÚC¤e ØËÚ ÍfkÀ µ¼ÔPÌ ,ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM
engineering department. .gÏÀàÌ fCXâB ßfCâl ßjCÀ×jCIÓf ßCÚØÏâmÚ Câ ×gw ßkPvÌ àÏËâB
The Poka-Yoke is a vital process element and its operation lCI CI Ó àsgÏÙÌ ÍCËQjCMf £sÔQ ,Or¿w ßBØvâj OÇ® ,ÍD NBlBÔÌ ØI
should be monitored on the surveillance plan. ÆáÇ`Q ,ତ¼ Æa ×Bj ¾â Îáá¬Q jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI , QC Story ¾â ÍfkÀ
,NjC¨Ð ^k¥ jf gâCI ÍD jCÀ Ó OsB gÏâDk¸ àQCáa kzÏ® ¾â ØÀÔâ å CÀÔM
.fÔw ÅkPÏÀ

Self-alignment and surveillance NjC¨Ð Ó Êá¨ÏQ fÔe

Quality cannot be attained unless there is strict conformity with
ßCÚØzdvÌ CI ÆÌCÀ ºIC¤Q Ø¿ÏâB kÃÌ OráÐ àICáPsf ÆIC¼ Oá¶áÀ
product-process specifications. This is achieved chiefly by ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB CI éCQgË® ºIC¤Q ÎâB .gwCI ØPwBf gÏâDk¸ å ÅÔz`Ì
standardizing the manufacturing operations and by self-alignment Ø¿ÏâB ÎáË~Q ßBkI ,ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB jf àËá¨ÏQ fÔe CI Ó gáÈÔQ NCáÇË®
at the Work Station to ensure all operations are conducted in .fÔwàÌ Æ{Ca ,fÔw ÉCXÐB fjBgÐCPsB CI ºIC¤Ì NCáÇË® ØáÇÀ
accordance with the standard.
At the Body/Assembly plant, the surveillance standard is applied àQjC¨Ð ^k¥ ÆÌCw fjBgÐCPsB ÎâB .fÔwàÌ ÅCË®B ×CÄjCÀ ØI gâgY ØáÇ»Ð
as of the moment the first new vehicle enters the plant. It
includes the surveillance plan as specified by the engineering
fjBgÐCPsB .OsB ×gw ydvÌ àsgÏÙÌ ÍCËQjCMf £sÔQ ØÀ gwCIàÌ
department. It includes the product requirements and POS jf gâCIàÌ ØÀ ÅÔz`Ì ßCÚØzdvÌ Ó CÚßgÏÌlCáÐ ÆÌCw NjC¨Ð
characteristics to be controlled in the POS, the POS Ø¥ÔIkÌ Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ NäáÙrQ máÐ Ó POS ßCÚßgÏÌlCáÐ ,fÔw ÅkPÏÀ
requirements and also the associated quality control facilities. .OsB
This standard incorporates self-alignment, 100% unitary control ßCÚÅkPÏÀ Ó %100 gaBÓ ÅkPÏÀ Ó àËá¨ÏQ fÔe ,fjBgÐCPsB ÎâB
and the functional stationary and dynamic controls. The main gâCIàÌ ØÀ àÇ{B £âBkw .gÏÀàÌ Ø]jCL¿â Bj CPrâB Ó CâÔM ßfkÀjCÀ
conditions to be satisfied by this surveillance plan are:
:lB gÏQjCH® gÐÔw ×fjÓDkI NjC¨Ð ^k¥ ÎâB £sÔQ
the applicability and facility of implementation of the
conformity requirements indicated in the technical ydvÌ ,¹CH¤ÐB ßCÚßgÏÌlCåáÐ ßlCs×fCåáM OÈÔåÙs Ó ÅCË®B OåáÇIC¼
documentation (SIGNE, POS), , (SIGNE, POS) àϸ NBgÏPrÌ jf ×gw
rigorous application of a standardized process in conformity ßCÚØzdvÌ CåI ¹CH¤ÐB jf ×gw fjBgåÐCPsB gÏâDkå¸ ¾åâ ºá¼f fkåIjCåÀ
with the engineering specifications by trained operators, ,×gâf tlÔÌD ßCÚjÔQBkMB £sÔQ àsgÏÙÌ
detection and rework of defects as close as possible to the ØåI kP¿âfmÐ Øå]kÚ jÔ¥ ØåI FÔåá¬Ì Éäå¼B fgXÌ ^äå{B Ó àÞCåsCåÏw
manufacturing operation in the EWT, , EWT jf gáÈÔQ NCáÇË®
a plant response device ensuring there are no non-conformities
jf à¼CåH¤ÐB Égå® [áÚ gÏÀàÌ ÎåáË~Q ØÀ ×CåÄjCåÀ csCM ØÇásÓ ¾åâ
on the vehicle delivered to the customer; this device is
managed by quality measures to coordinate the problem / £sÔåQ ØÇásÓ ÎâB ;fjBgåÐ fÔYÓ ßkåPvÌ ØåI ×gw ÆåâÔ`Q ßCåÚØåÇásÓ
process problems as far as the EWT, Ó gåÏâDkå¸ / Æå¿vÌ Nä¿vÌ CåQ fÔwàÌ OâkåâgÌ àåPá¶áÀ NCåÌBgå¼B
adaptation of the surveillance standard to the defects detected. ,gÏÀ ÂÏÚCËÚ Bj EWT
.×gw àÞCsCÏw FÔá¬Ì Éä¼B CI NjC¨Ð fjBgÐCPsB ºáH¤Q

Quality Control: QC

EWT Manager
BWU kâgÌ ßlCskHP¬Ì
BWU Manager
fBkâB tlBfkM Validation
Fault processing D P BWU D
ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB fBkâB ÆáÇ`Q A
àÏáIlCI Ó ßlCskHP¬Ì
Work Station fault analysis A NjC¨Ð ÅÔÝrÌ C D
Plant efficiency
Checkman P A evaluation & verification


Manufacturing line End of assembly inspection SAVES With
P customer
C returns
ßjCÀ ×jCIÓf
A Rework

jÔQBkMB àËá¨ÏQ fÔe Oá¶áÀ Ó BWU

Operator self-alignment OâkâgÌ +
fBkâB OHU BWU and Quality fBkâB OHU
(jCÀfCPsB kÚ ßBkI kQÔáLÌCÀ 1) + management ^ä{B Ó CSC
defect recording defect recording fBkâB OHU
(1 computer per EWT) CSC et Retouche PESD
defect recording

ØÇÝrÌ tlBfkM csCM :Oá¶áÀ ßCÚÆrÇrQ

Quality loops: problem processing respone

In order to meet the conformity objective, in particular Security NBjk»Ì ßCÚàÄoâÓ NCÌBmÈB xÔzdI ,àÃ]jCL¿â ´gÚ OâC®j jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI
Regulation Features (SRF) requirements and to prevent of ÔÐj ,àÄfCP¸B jCÀ lB Ó CÚàIBke lB ßkáÃváM ßBkI Ó ,(SFR) àÏËâB
off-road breakdowns, RENAULT has decided to include a Î̾] ÉCÏI gáÈÔQ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB NjC¨Ð fjBgÐCPsB ÍgÐCXÏÄ ØI NjfCHÌ
manufacturing station monitoring standard: the checkman.
.OsB ×fÔËÐ checkman
The checkman is designed to motivate the EWT manager to focus
on the quality of his EWT, to ensure immediate protection of the EWT Oá¶áÀ ßÓj kI mÀkËQ ØI EWT kâgÌ ºâÔvQ ,Î̾] ´gÚ
customer and to address and resolve problems at their source. kI Ó àÞCsCÏw máÐ Ó ,ßkPvÌ lB ßjÔ¸ OâCËa lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza ,fÔe
It is part of the EWT self-alignment process and should ensure lB àPËr¼ Î̾] .gwCIàÌ CÙÐD @CvÏÌ ks jf ,Nä¿vÌ ßlCs ´k¥
that detected faults are blocked before the part is transferred to Æ{Ca Bj ÍCÏáË¥B ÎâB gâCIàÌ Ó gwCIàÌ EWT àËá¨ÏQ fÔe gÏâDk¸
the next station. ,ßg¬I ×CÃPrâB ØI ج¤¼ ÅC»PÐB lB ÆH¼ ,×gw àÞCsCÏw NBfBkâB ØÀ gÏÀ
This is applicable as of the moment of the first manufacture for .gÐB×gw ´k¥ kI
each new industrial project, and during the production phase for
all manufactures. Once the level of quality has been achieved in a gáÈÔQ ØI lC³D ØÀ ßgâgY àP¬Ï{ ×nÓkM kÚ ßBkI àQjC¨Ð fjBgÐCPsB ÎâB
robust manner, in particular zero V1, when the root causes of the ÆIC¼ ,NBgáÈÔQ ØËÚ OeCs ØÇakÌ ÅÔ¥ jf ÎáÏ\ËÚ Ó ,gÏÀàÌ fÔe ÅÓB
problems have been found and processed, then the number of ,O¸Câ uâBm¸B àÐCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ jÔ¤I Oá¶áÀ _¤s ØÀ àÐCÌl .gwCIàÌ BkYB
checkmen can be reduced: Ó O¸Câ ,Nä¿vÌ àÇ{B Øvâj ØÀ àÌCÃÏÚ ,k¶{ V1 jf xÔzdI
100% verification of vehicles in flow following the check-list :gICâ uÚCÀ gÐBÔQàÌ CÚÎ̾] fBg¬Q ×CÃÐD ,gw tlBfkM
defined by the EWT manager,
ØÀ àPråáÈ ¾] pCsBkI ,gåáÈÔQ ÍCâkY jf ØáǻРØåÇásÓ %100 gåáÞCQ
recording of faults detected: the objective is to identify the faults ,OsB ×gw Êá¨ÏQ EWT kâgÌ £sÔQ
detected to ensure they are subsequently monitored,
ÅÔza Ó ×gw jC¿wD NBfBkåâB àÞCsCÏw ´gÚ :×gw jC¿wD NBfBkâB OHU
validation that a modification to the documents associated with
,gwCIàÌ CÚÍD kI ßg¬I NjC¨Ð lB ÍCÏáË¥B
the vehicle or on the vehicle itself,
rework, and if this is not possible or does not have the time, kI Câ ØáǻРØÇásÓ CI ×BkËÚ fCÏsB ßÓj kI ,ØP¸kåÄ ÉCXÐB NCaä{B gåáÞCQ
operation performed by senior operator, ,ØáǻРØÇásÓ fÔe ßÓj
alert the EWT and senior operator to the faults detected. fÔYÓ à¸CÀ O¼Ó Câ OráÐ kâiMÍC¿ÌB ÍD ÉCXÐB Ø\ÐCÏ] Ó ,ßjCåÀ×jCåIÓf
,gwjB jÔQBkMB £sÔQ NCáÇË® ßBkYB ,fjBgÐ
.×gw jC¿wD NBfBkâB lB gwjB jÔQBkMB Ó EWT ßlCs ×CÄD

Quality control operatives Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ®
Role of the EWT manager EWT kâgÌ u»Ð
For quality control, the role of the EWT manager is to: :OsB kâl fjBÔÌ ÆÌCw EWT kâgÌ u»Ð ,Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ jf
participate at the quality management meeting of his workshop; ,fÔe gáÈÔQ ÎÈCs jf Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ NCrÇY jf jÔ~a
ensure daily quality management at his EWT; ,ØÐBlÓj jÔ¤I fÔe EWT jf Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
master and use the QC Story;
, QC Story Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ gÐÓj lB ×fC¶PsB Ó £ÇrQ
coordinate resolution of quality incidents detected in his EWT;
,fÔe EWT jf ×gw jC¿wD à¶áÀ ÆÞCrÌ Æa ÍfkÀ ÂÏÚCËÚ
implement the high-priority actions defined with the workshop
manager to advance according to the « quality control » ydvÌ gåáÈÔåQ kåâgåÌ ßjC¿ËÚ CI ØåÀ ãCåI OâÔåÈÓB CI NCÌBgå¼B ßBkYB
strategy in the EWT book. <Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ> ßoåQBkåPsB pCåsB kI O¸kváM ÅÔza ßBkI ,gÐB×gw

The role of the workshop manager gáÈÔQ kâgÌ u»Ð

For quality control, the role of the workshop manager is to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI gáÈÔQ kâgÌ u»Ð ,Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ jf
participate in quality management in his department; ,fÔe ÍCËQjCMf jf Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ jf OÀjCvÌ
ensure quality management in his workshop; ,fÔe gáÈÔQ ÎÈCs jf Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
manage the QA matrices for his sector; ,fÔe udI jf QA ßCÚqâkQCÌ ßBkYB Ó OâkâgÌ
ensure rigorous execution of the QC Story: choice of issues, ,CÚÆa×Bj FCdPÐB : QC Story ºá¼f ßBkYB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
quality of analysis, processing response time an efficient results; ,DjCÀ WâCPÐ Ó ßkáÃIBÔY ÍCÌl tlBfkM ,CÚÆáÇ`Q Oá¶áÀ
assign the problem resolution task to the right level;
,GsCÏÌ _¤s ØI ØÇÝrÌ Æa ßjBiÄBÓ
ensure that improvement actions are generally applied across
his workshop;
,ffkÄàÌ BkYB ÉC®
identify high-priority actions to be implemented so that the
EWT advances according to the « quality control » strategy in ßoQBkPsB pCsBkI EWT CQ ,BkYB OÙY ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI NCÌBg¼B àÞCsCÏw
the EWT book, and assist them in implementing the actions. Ó ×fkÀ O¸kváM ,OsB ×gÌD EWT FCåPÀ jf ØåÀ <Oåá¶áÀ ÅkåPÏÀ>
.NCÌBg¼B ÎâB ßBkYB jf OÀjCvÌ qLs
Role of the department manager
and plant management
ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ Ó ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ u»Ð
For Quality Control, the role of plant management is to:
:OsB kâl ^kw ØI Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ jf ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ u»Ð
set the example by coordinating the quality function and using
the QC Story for problem resolution; CI Ó à¶áÀ fkÀjCÀ ÍfkÀ ÂÏÚCËÚ CI ,ØÇÝrÌ Æa ßBkI ØåÐÔËÐ fCåXâB
ensure that, whatever the level of Quality Control deployment,
, QC Story lB ×fC¶PsB
that the root causes of incidents are always analysed, and that ÅkåPÏÀ jBk»PsB _¤s lB °jCå¸ ,RfBÔa Øåvâj Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
the PDCA cycle is appropriately closed and in accordance with ÆaBkÌ pCsB kI PDCA Øåek] Ó ,gÐÔwàÌ ÆåáÇ`Q ØváËÚ ,Oåá¶áÀ
steps 8 and 9 of the QC Story method; ,gâDàÌ jf BkYB ØI QC Story tÓj 9 Ó 8
check that the QA matrix is implemented by production line
.gáÈÔQ udI Câ gáÈÔQ £e £sÔQ QA qâkQCÌ ßBkYB kI NjC¨Ð
or line section.

Role of the plant quality department ØÐCejCÀ Oá¶áÀ ÍCËQjCMf u»Ð

For Quality Control, the role of the quality department is to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI ØÐCejCÀ jf Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ gaBÓ u»Ð
ensure, by level 3 audits, that the quality procedures are ßCÚgÏâDk¸ Ø¿ÏâB lB ,3 _å¤s ßmåáËÌ lB ×fC¶PsB CI ,ÍCåÏáË¥B ÅÔza
rigorously implemented inside and outside the workshop; ,gÐÔwàÌ BkYB ÎÈCs lB VjCe Ó ÆeBf jf ºåá¼f jÔå¤I Oá¶áÀ
assist the manufacturing department in implementing the quality ÆáÇ`Q jf Ó Oá¶áÀ ßCÚgÏâDk¸ ßBkYB jf gáÈÔQ udI CI ßjC¿ËÚ
procedures and in analyzing quality incidents; ,àPá¶áÀ RfBÔa
participate in Quality + management at all levels; ,^Ô¤s ÉCËQ jf OâkâgÌ + Oá¶áÀ jf OÀjCvÌ

Quality Control: QC

guarantees compliance with and satisfactory operation of the + Oá¶áÀ fjBgÐCPsB NCáÇË® ÍfÔI udI OâC¡j Ó CÚOÐCË¡ O»IC¤Ì
Quality standard + (preparation, performance, QC story quality, Ó ßkáÃáM ,WâCPÐ ÎP¸kâiM , QC Story Oá¶áÀ ,BkYB ,ßlCs ×fCÌD)
acknowledgement of results, follow-up and recording of issues, , (MQA CI ¢CHQjB ,NC®Ô¡ÔÌ OHU
links with MQA);
ensure that the solutions implemented are entered in the
fjBÓ NjC¨Ð ^k¥ jf ,×gw BkYB ßCÚÆa ×Bj Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
surveillance plan and are recorded by the engineering ,gÐÔwàÌ OHU àsgÏÙÌ udI £sÔQ Ó ×gw
department; .CÚ×nÓkM jf ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás Oá¶áÀ jBmIB ßBkYB gáÞCQ
validate implementation of SPR quality tools in the projects.

QC « System » dimension QC <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

1. QC and standardization ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ó QC .1
To guarantee quality, Work Station training and compliance with CI O»IC¤Ì Ó ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ÍfBf tlÔÌD ,Oá¶áÀ _¤s ÎáË~Q ßBkI
the standard are the first prerequisites. In the event of an incident, ×gw ØP¸Câ jC¿ÚBj ,fBgâÓj ¾â jf .OsB ¢kw uáM ÎáÈÓB ,fjBgÐCPsB
the solutions found must be included in the SOS of the station ØâÓj ßBkI gâCI jÔQBkMB Ó ×gw k¨Ð fjÔÌ ×CÃPrâB SOS lB àvdI gâCIàÌ
concerned and the operator must be trained on the new
GYÔÌ , Poka-Yoke ßkáÄjCÀ ØI ÅCTÌ ßBkI .gwCI ×gâf tlÔÌD ,gâgY
procedure. For example, implementation of a Poka-Yoke, prompts
modifications to the SOS and requires that the operator conduct Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ NCáÇË® ,jÔQBkMB ØÀ OsB ÍD gÏÌlCáÐ Ó ×gw SOS ^ä{B
certain quality control operations. The EWT manager's control fjBgÐCPsB fjBÔÌ lB à¿â máÐ EWT kâgÌ ÅkPÏÀ ÆÐCM .gÏÀ ×jBfB Bj à{Ce
panel is also an item of standardization that contributes to quality .gÏÀàÌ ¾ËÀ Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ ØI ØÀ OsB ßlCs
NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ Ó QC .2
2. QC and facilities management
Because the QC strategies improve quality, they have a positive
impact on the performance of the facilities and limit machine
Nä¿vÌ ÆáÈf ØI Bj NãD ÎáwCÌ µ¼ÔQ Ó ØPwBf NBmáÙXQ fk¿ÇË® ßÓj
stoppages due to quality incidents. .gÏÚfàÌ uÚCÀ ,à¶áÀ

3. QC and flow management ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ Ó QC .3

Because QC strategies improve quality, they have a positive fÓg`Ì CI ,gÏvdIàÌ fÔHÙI Bj Oá¶áÀ , QC ßCÚßoQBkPsB ØÀ CXÐD lB
impact on the throughput time by limiting flow deviations due to ×flCI ßÓj OHTÌ ßkUB ,àPá¶áÀ RfBÔa lB àwCÐ ÍCâkY NC¸Bk`ÐB ÍfkÀ
quality incidents.
.gÐjBiÄàÌ àÐCÌl

4. QC Story QC Story .4
QC Story is a problem resolution strategy used as a daily quality
OâkâgÌ fjBgÐCPsB ¾â ÍBÔÏ® ØI ØÀ OsB Æ¿vÌ Æa ßoQBkPsB ¾â
management standard. It is also recommended for the analysis of
incidents or malfunctions during other SPR strategies (JIT, ÆË® gI Câ ,«âC¼Ó ÆáÇ`Q ßBkI ÎáÏ\ËÚ .fÓjàÌ jCÀ ØI ×kÌlÓj Oá¶áÀ
deployment, TPM…). Note that each SPR strategy is designed to ( JIT , TPM, . . . ) ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ßCÚßoQBkPsB kÃâf ÅÔ¥ jf ÍfkÀ
update process vulnerabilities and to eliminate the root causes of lÓj ØI ßBkI , SPR ßoQBkPsB kÚ ØÀ fÔw ØYÔQ .fÔwàÌ Øá{ÔQ máÐ
problems. ÆÇ® ´ia ,ÍD ´gÚ Ó OsB ×gw àaBk¥ gÏâDk¸ ßkâiM GásD ÍfkÀ
.OsB ÆÞCrÌ ßBØvâj

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

Just-in-Time .3
Deployment fÔwàÌ gÏâDk¸ ÍCâkY ÍCÌl
of objectives 3. Just-in-Time
fjBgÐCPsB ×Bj ¾â QC Story .4
and action Quality control contributes
,Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI jBmIB ¾â ÍBÔϬI plans to improved process flow times

ج¼BÓ ªÔÐ kÚ ßBØvâj ÆÇ® ´ia ßBkI

fÓjàÌ jC¿I
4. QC Story is a problem
resolution standard
As a quality improvement tool, JIT
it is used to eliminate
the root causes of all
types of incidents

fÔwàÌ £e NCáÇË® ÍCÌl
ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB .1
2. TPM
Quality management
OsB Oá¶áÀ ÎáË~Q ÎáÈÓB contributes to improving
1. Standardization P ÍmâCÀ ßfCáÏI ßCÚNjCÙÌ tlÔÌD line operating times
Compliance with the A D
ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
standard is the first C
guarantee of quality Kaizen
Basic Skill Training
Work Station
Standardization (WSS)

TPM (udIkËU «ÌCY ßjBgÙÃÐ) :NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ
Facilities Management: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
àÐCÌlCs ßCÚjCPeCs ,jBmIB ,CÚtÓj ,NCÌBg¼B ØËÚ ØI Ó fÔwàÌ ÅkPÏÀ (udIkËU «ÌCY ßjBgÙÃÐ) TPM ßoQBkPsB £sÔQ NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ
,gáÈÔQ ßCÚjÔQBkMB ØI NBkáˬQ xCe ßCÚtlÔÌD ,CÚßjCXÏÚCÐ àICâfj ,NC¶ÇQ ÆáÇ`Q :flBfkMàÌ ßgáÈÔQ NäáÙrQ ØáÇÀ ßjBgÙÃÐ ØI ¢ÔIkÌ
. . . Ó àwlÔÌD NC¿Ð ,àϸ ßCÚOáaä{ ,×gË® ßCÚµ¼ÔQ tjBmÄ

Facilities management is controlled by the TPM strategy and concerns all actions, methods, tools and
organizational structures conducive to maintaining all the production facilities: analysis of loss, anomaly
detection, dojo, MBR (Major Breakdown Report), technical competencies, one point lessons…

Progress through TPM TPM ºâk¥ lB O¸kváM

TPM is designed to improve overall performance of industrial Ó ,OsB ×gw àaBk¥ àP¬Ï{ NCrásACQ àÞDjCÀ «ÌCY fÔHÙI ßBkI TPM
installations, in particular by increasing the availability of machines ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza Ó NãD ÎáwCÌ àÄfCÌD uâBm¸B CI xÔzdI Bj jÔ¨ÏÌ ÎâB
and ensuring compliance with normal production rates. This
جsÔQ CI ,´gÚ ÎâB .gÏÀàÌ ßkáÃáM gáÈÔQ ´jC¬PÌ ÍBmáÌ CI ºIC¤Q lB
objective is achieved by developing the capacity of the workforce
identifying, analyzing and eliminating all causes of installation Ó ,NCrásACQ ßCÚµ¼ÔQ ÆÇ® ´ia Ó ÆáÇ`Q ,jCÀ ßÓkáÐ àÞCsCÏw Oá¸k©
stoppages, and in implementing the five pillars of the TPM strategy. .OsB àskPsf ÆIC¼ TPM ßoQBkPsB ØÐCÃXÏM ÅÔ{B ßBkYB CI

Eliminating the causes of loss NC¶ÇQ ÆÇ® ´ia

TPM development means identifying and eliminating all causes ØÀ OsB àÇÇ® ØáÇÀ ´ia Ó àÞCsCÏw àÏ¬Ì ØI TPM ßBkYB Ó Ø¬sÔQ
leading to the loss of an installation. Sixteen causes of loss have NC¶ÇQ ßBkI OÇ® ×fmÐCw .fÔwàÌ NCrásACQ ¾â jf NC¶ÇQ lÓkI GYÔÌ
been identified and are grouped into three families depending on :gÐÔwàÌ ßgÏIØPsf ×ÓkÄ Øs jf ,CÙÐD Øvâj ØI ØPrI ØÀ ×gw àÞCsCÏw
their origin:

Programmed stoppages ×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßCÚµ¼ÔQ

Failures CÚàIBke
Settings NCËá¨ÏQ
Tooling change jBmIB }âÔ¬Q NBmáÙXQ lB àwCÐ NC¶ÇQ
Start up jCÀ ØI lC³D Types of loss due to equipment
Micro-stoppages ßBب`È ßCÚµ¼ÔQ
Extended task time BkYB ÍCÌl uâBm¸B
Rejects and rework ßjCÀ×jCIÓf Ó CÚ×gw ×fl qM

Management OâkâgÌ
Know-how gáÈÔQ uÐBf ÍCÏÀjCÀ lB àwCÐ NC¶ÇQ
Organisation ÍCÌlCs
Logistics ¾áPrXÈ Types of loss due to personnel
Measurement uXÏs

Incoming products ßfÓjÓ ÅÔz`Ì NC¶ÇQ kâCs

Tooling jBmIB
Power ßnkÐB Other causes of loss

.gÐÔw kQÆÌCÀ Câ kPváI ¾á¿¶Q ,fgXÌ ßgÏIØPsf ,fkIjCÀ ØÏáÌl pCsB kI OsB οËÌ NC¶ÇQ ßgÏI×ÓkÄ
The families of loss may be re-classified, detailed or completed depending on the field of application.

SPR Management Book

> The causes of loss are processed in 4 phases: :gÐÔwàÌ àsjkI ØÇakÌ jCÙ] jf NC¶ÇQ ÆÇ® <
1 - Reduce dispersion of the incidence of loss. .NC¶ÇQ lÓkI ÍBmáÌ àÄgÏÀBkM uÚCÀ å 1
2 - Extend the operating time without loss. .NC¶ÇQ ÍÓgI jCÀ ÍCÌl uâBm¸B å 2
3 - Implement periodic realignments. .ßB×jÓf NCËá¨ÏQ ßBkYB å 3
4 - Predict the incidence of loss. .NC¶ÇQ lÓkI ÍBmáÌ àÏáIuáM å 4
To achieve the overall « zero loss » target, each cause of loss
identified should be addressed on a case by case basis in order ßBkI ØÀ àPÇ® kÚ ,gwCIàÌ <k¶{ NC¶ÇQ> ØÀ àâCÙÐ ´gÚ º»`Q ßBkI
to be eliminated. This consists in conducting iterative PDCA .ffkÄ ´ia CQ ×gw àsjkI fjÔÌ ØI fjÔÌ gâCI ,fÔwàÌ àÞCsCÏw NC¶ÇQ
loops. .gwCIàÌ PDCA ßCÚØek] ÉÓBgÌ ßBkYB ÉmÇPrÌ ÆË® ÎâB

A complete strategy: the 5 pillars of TPM ÆÌCÀ ßoQBkPsB ¾â : TPM ØÐCÃXÏM ÅÔ{B
The TPM procedure is structured into five pillars based on the Ó uXÏs CÙÐD ßCÏHÌ ØÀ ×gw CÏI Æ{B WÏM pCsB kI TPM gÏâDk¸
measurement and analysis of loss: :gwCIàÌ NC¶ÇQ ÆáÇ`Q
1. Autonomous maintenance: ensure manufacturing gáÈÔQ ÍCÏÀjCÀ Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza :ÍBfkÄfÔe ßjBgÙÃÐ .1
personnel can detect, signal and process anomalies (failure ßCÚØÐCvÐ) gÏÏÀ tjBmÄ Ó àICâfj Bj jCÀ ßCÚßjCXÏÚCÐ gÏÐBÔQàÌ
symptoms, non quality, safety risk…) and propose, formalize
Bj ßjBgÙÃÐ Ó NBkáˬQ Ó (. . . Ó àÏËâB NBk¤e ,Oá¶áÀ Ég® ,àIBke
and implement maintenance
.gÏÏÀ BkYB Ó ßgÏI NjÔ{ ,×fkÀ fCÙÏváM
2. Planned maintenance: ensure maintenance personnel are
capable of improving the machines to eliminate the causes ÍCÏÀjCÀ Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza :×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ .2
of failure and of proposing, drafting and implementing ´ia ßBkI Bj NãD ÎáwCÌ Oá¬¡Ó fÔHÙI àÞCÐBÔQ ,ßjBgÙÃÐ Ó káˬQ
preventive maintenance tasks. ,×fBf fCÙÏváM Bj ßkáÃváM NCáÇË® gÏÐBÔQàÌ Ó gÐjBf àIBke ÆÇ®
3. Case by case improvement or elimination of loss: .gÏÏÀ BkYB Ó ßmâjØÌCÐkI
grade the causes of loss and eliminate them one by one by gÐÔw ßgÏIØYjf NC¶ÇQ ÆÇ® :NC¶ÇQ ´ia Câ fjÔÌ ØI fjÔÌ fÔHÙI .3
QC Story analysis.
.gÐfkÄ ´ia QC Story ÆáÇ`Q CI Ó ¾â ØI ¾â qLs Ó
4. Training and practice: teach, mainly through practice, all
operatives on the skills necessary to implement the TPM pCsBkI Ó ,ÎâkËQ kI Øá¿Q CI ,àâBkYB fBk¸B ØËÚ :ÎâkËQ Ó tlÔÌD .4
pillars and manage the installations. Set up facilities, other tlÔÌD ,NCrásACQ OâkâgÌ Ó TPM ÅÔ{B ßBkYB ßBkI àQjCÙÌ lCáÐ
than the process machines, on which they can train and ßBkI ,ßjÓDk¸ NãD ÎáwCÌ lB ká³ ßkÃâf NäáÙrQ Ó gÐÔw ×fBf
practice their skills. ßÓj Bj fÔe ßCÚNjCÙÌ uâBm¸B Ó ÎâkËQ ,tlÔÌD CQ fÔw ×fCÌD ÍCvâB
5. Knowledge management and project TPM: formalize .gÏÏÀ BkYB ÍD
on-site experience for the benefit of existing and future
ßBkI Bj àÞBkYB ßCÚØIkXQ : TPM ßmâj^k¥ Ó CÚØPrÐBf OâkâgÌ .5
machines. Reduce loss on installations.
NC¶ÇQ .gáÏÀ ÎâÓgQ Ó ßgÏINjÔ{ àQD Ó fÔYÔÌ NãD ÎáwCÌ ×fC¶PsB
.gáÚf uÚCÀ NCrásACQ jf Bj

ØÀ ãCI OâÔÈB CI £e ¾â ßÓj kI

Bj tlÔÌD ÎáwCÌ ¾â ,×gw Îáá¬Q ÍCËQjCMf £sÔQ
£e NC¶ÇQ On a high priority line by department, select a
traning machine and then pilot machine
Line loss
analysis panel
ÍBfkÄfÔe ßjBgÙÃÐ Æ{B àICâfj ÆÐCM
Measurement of line performance loss

Autonomous maintenance pillar
Anomaly monitoring
£e àÞDjCÀ NC¶ÇQ uXÏs

×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ Æ{B

Planned maintenance pillar
(NC¶ÇQ ´ia) fjÔÌ ØI fjÔÌ fÔHÙI Æ{B
Case by case improvement pillar (loss elimination)
NC¶ÇQ OâkâgÌ
ÎâkËQ Ó tlÔÌD Æ{B loss management

Training Teaching Pillar

TPM ßmâj ^k¥ Ó CÚØPrÐBf OâkâgÌ Æ{B
Knowledge management Project TPM pillar

TPM (udIkËU «ÌCY ßjBgÙÃÐ) :NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ
Facilities Management: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)

¾â jf ,Bj ×gw GzÐ NBmáÙXQ àâDjCÀ ÍBÔQàÌ GáQkQ ÎâgI ,OsB ßjÓk¡ tÓj ÎâB jf NC¶ÇQ ÆáÇ`Q ÆáÈf ÎáËÚ ØI .gÐlCsàÌ fjBÓ Bj àÈCÌ jk¡
,àÏá® àsjlCI .gvdI fÔHÙI ÍCÏáË¥B CI Ó O®ks ØI Bj gáÈÔQ ÍBmáÌ CQ fkÀ ßmâjØÌCÐkI ×fÓg`Ì ÎâB jf Bj àQCÌBg¼B qLs Ó fkÀ OHU ydvÌ ×fÓg`Ì
.gwCIàÌ _á`{ OâkâgÌ ×Bj ÎâkQßgáÇÀ ,OáÈC¬¸ ßCÚFÔ]jCÙ] pCsBkI
These inter-dependent pillars are implemented simultaneously in the workshop while constantly targeting the most disruptive
installations, and the machines or operations which are most costly during downtime. This is why the analysis of loss is fundamental:
in this way, it is possible to map the performance of the facilities installed within a given perimeter and then charter an action plan in
order to improve productivity efficiently and rapidly. Visual inspection is the key to good management and is based on activity panels.

Implementing TPM TPM ßkáÄjC¿I

TPM is implemented in the plant according to a master plan OâkâgÌ gaBÓ £sÔQ ØÀ àÇ{B ^k¥ ¾â pCsBkI ,ØÐCejCÀ jf TPM
coordinated by the management board. The master plan ØÌCÐkI ÆÌCw ,àÇ{B ^kå¥ ÎåâB .fÔåwàÌ ØåP¸kåÄ jCå¿I ,×gåw ÂåÏÚCåËÚ
schedules the TPM projects to be implemented and all lines to à¥Ô¤e ØáÇÀ ßlCsÔÐ Ó fÔHÙI Ó TPM ßCÚ×nÓkM ßBkYB ßBkI ßgÏIÍCÌl
be upgraded to the optimum level according to a manufacturing
ÎâkQ FÔÇ¤Ì ØI ,gáÈÔQ £e àÞDjCÀ Øv»Ð ¾â pCsBkI gâCI ØÀ gwCIàÌ
line performance map.
.gÏÏÀ BgáM C»QjB _¤s
At a given site, TPM deployment starts with training upper
management on a training machine according to training criteria: ßÓj kI àâãCI ÍBkâgÌ tlÔÌD CI TPM ßkáÄjC¿I ,ydvÌ ×CÃâCM ¾â jf
the management is trained during this project by the senior ÎâB ÅÔ¥ jf :fÔwàÌ lC³D ,tlÔÌD ؤIC¡ ØâCM kI Ó tlÔÌD ÎáwCÌ ¾â
plant TPM instructor. Once complete, each department in the .fÔwàÌ ×fBf tlÔÌD ØÐCejCÀ TPM gwjB àIkÌ £sÔQ OâkâgÌ ,ØÌCÐkI
site selects a pilot line in its sector on which to deploy the jf Bj CËÏÚBj £e ¾â ,×CÃâCM jf ßgaBÓ kÚ ,ØÇakÌ ÎâB ÆáË¿Q lB qM
procedure. On this pilot line, chosen because it needs a
ÎâB .fjÓDàÌ jf BkYB ØI ÍD ßÓj kI Bj gÏâDk¸ Ó ×fkÀ FCdPÐB fÔe udI
performance upgrade, the department manager conducts a
project with the workshop managers of the sector. The most kâgÌ Ó ,×gw FCdPÐB ÍD àÞDjCÀ _¤s ßC»QjB ØI lCáÐ ÆáÈf ØI CËÏÚBj £e
disruptive machine on the line is identified after a loss analysis. ×gÙ® kI Bj ×nÓkM ßkHÚBj ,OËr¼ ÍD ×CÄjCÀ ÍBkâgÌ ßjC¿ËÚ CI gaBÓ
The TPM deployment then follows the same procedure as far jCI ØI Bj àIBke ÎâkPváI ØÀ àÏáwCÌ ,NC¶ÇQ ÆáÇ`Q lB qM .gÐkáÄàÌ
as the EWT for the operators and professionals. ÎáËÚ ØI Ó ÍD lB qM TPM ßkáÄjCÀ ØI .fÔwàÌ àÞCsCÏw ,fjÓDàÌ
The success of the TPM strategy therefore depends on the CÚßBظka Ó CÚjÔQBkMB ßBkI EWT ØI OIÔÐ CQ gÏÀàÌ BgáM ØÌBfB GáQkQ
active involvement of line management, on the structured .gskI
deployment from management down to the EWT and on an
action plan focused on the main opportunities for better ÅC¬¸ OÀjCvÌ ØI fjBf àÃPrI TPM ßoQBkPsB OỸÔÌ ,GáQkQ ÎâgI
productivity. Ó , EWT CQ OâkâgÌ lB GáQkQ ØI FÔ]jCÙ] jf jBk»PsB ,£e OâkâgÌ
.OsB mÀkËPÌ ,kPÙI gáÈÔQ Ó àÇ{B ßCÚOᬼÔÌ ßÓj kI ØÀ àQCáÇË® Øv»Ð

gwjB ÍBkâgÌ ØI tlÔÌD :ßBØsjgÌ OáÈC¬¸

Training machine tlÔÌD ÎáwCÌ DSPI ¾ËÀ CI Ó gwjB àIkÌ £sÔQ
Senior instructor assisted by DPSI
to train upper management: the “school activity”

Pilot line CËÏÚBj £e máÐ CÙÐD Ó ×fBf tlÔÌD ×CÄjCÀ ÍBkâgÌ ØI gwjB ÍBkâgÌ
Upper management trains the
ÎáwCÌ ÎâkQtljB ÊÀ CI ªÓkw workshop managers who train
Start with most downgraded machine the EWTs on pilot machine

×CÌ 3 kTÀBga Spreading
3 months Maxi
×CÌ 3
3 months
Choice guided by training EWT managers train operators and professionals
opportunities on machine
and loss analysis

ÍCâl ÆáÇ`Q £sÔQ FCdPÐB jBk»PsB Ó tlÔÌD ×Ôáw : TPM

Choice guided
by loss analysis TPM: Training and deployment principle
TPM operatives TPM ÆÌBÔ®
Role of the EWT manager EWTkâgÌ u»Ð
For TPM, the role of the EWTmanager is to: :OsB kâl fjBÔÌ ÆÌCw EWT kâgÌ u»Ð , TPM jf
participate in the training programme in his workshop and EWT jf Bj CËÏÚBj ×nÓkM Ó gÏÀ OÀkw fÔe ×CÄjCÀ àwlÔÌD ØÌCÐkI jf
conduct the pilot project in his EWT; ;gâCËÐ ßkHÚBj fÔe
guide implementation of the TPM activities in his EWT: 5S, ,ØÐCÃXÏM ÅÔ{B :gÏÀ OâBgÚ fÔe EWT jf Bj TPM ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ßBkYB
autonomous maintenance, loss monitoring…;
; . . . NC¶ÇQ kI NjC¨Ð ,ÍBfkÄfÔe ßjBgÙÃÐ
ensure improved productivity in his perimeter;
;gÏÀ Æ{Ca ÍCÏáË¥B fÔe ßjCÀ ×fÓg`Ì jf gáÈÔQ fÔHÙI lB
implement high-priority actions defined with the workshop
manager to advance according to the « facility performance ,gÐB×gw Îáá¬Q ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ ßjC¿ËÚ CI ØÀ Bj ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI ßCÚOáÈC¬¸
management » strategy in the EWT book. <NäáÙrQ àÞDjCÀ OâkâgÌ> ßoQBkPsB pCsBkI O¸kváM CQ gâCËÐ BkYB
.ffkÄ Æ{Ca ,OsB ×gÌD EWT FCPÀ jf ØÀ

Role of workshop manager ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ u»Ð

For the TPM procedure, the role of the workshop manager is to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ u»Ð , TPM gÏâDk¸ jf
participate at the training programme and coordinate the ÂÏÚCËÚ Bj fÔe ×CÄjCÀ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ Ó gÏÀ OÀkw àwlÔÌD ØÌCÐkI jf
workshop in his workshop; ;gâCËÐ
ensure a robust analysis of loss is conducted in the workshop fÔe ×CÄjCÀ jf NC¶ÇQ ºá¼f Ó _âk{ ÆáÇ`Q ßBkYB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
and that loss is eliminated;
;CÙÐD ´ia Ó
develop Autonomous Maintenance in conjunction with the
planned maintenance activities;
×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ×BkËÚ ØI Bj ÍBfkÄfÔe ßjBgÙÃÐ
;fjÓDjf BkYB ØI
ensure productivity improves within his perimeter;
;fÔe ×fÓg`Ì jf gáÈÔQ fÔHÙI lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
identify the high priority actions to be implemented in order
to align the EWT according to the « facility performance gâCI EWT ,CÙÐD ßBkYB CI ØÀ ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ àÞCsCÏw
management » strategy, and assist them in implementing these OÀkw Ó ffkÄ Êá¨ÏQ <NäáÙrQ àÞDjCÀ OâkâgÌ> ßoQBkPsB pCsBkI
actions. .CÚOáÈC¬¸ ÎâB ßBkYB jf

Role of the department manager ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ gaBÓ Ó ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ u»Ð
and plant management board :OsB kâl fjBÔÌ ÆÌCw ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ u»Ð , TPM gÏâDk¸ jf
For the TPM procedure, the role of the plant management is to:
;CËÏÚBj ßCÚØÌCÐkI Ó tlÔÌD jf ØÐãC¬¸ OÀkw ºâk¥ lB ØÐÔËÐ fCXâB
set the example by actively participating in the training and
pilot programmes; GYÔÌ ,NC¶ÇQ ´ia CI , TPM ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
;gÐÔwàÌ àÇË® gáÈÔQ fÔHÙI Ó àICáPsf
ensure that the TPM activities are conducive to attaining
operational productivity by eliminating loss; ßBkI , TPM ßBkYB lB Æ{Ca ßCÚfÔHÙI Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
ensure that improvements prompted by the TPM are .gÐfkÄàÌ OHU GsCÏÌ jÔ¥ ØI ,×gÏâD ßCÚ×nÓkM jf ×fC¶PsB
appropriately recorded for future projects.
Role of the support functions ÆÌBÔ® àÌCËQ ØÀ OsB ØÐCejCÀ jf àÙYÓ gÏ] àQCáÇË® gÏâDk¸ ¾â TPM
TPM is a cross-functional procedure in the plant in which all :gÏâÔYàÌ OÀkw ÍD jf
functions participate:
,jÔQBkMB tlÔÌD ,ÍBfkÄfÔe ßjBgÙÃÐ NCáÇË® ÅÔÝrÌ ,OeCs udI
the manufacturing department is responsible for autonomous ßjBgÙÃÐ ÎázzdPÌ k¨Ð O`Q , TPM ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ó Oá¶áÀ
maintenance, operator training, quality and standardization of
the TPM activities under the supervision of maintenance
professionals; ×gw ßmâj ØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ NCáÇË® ßBkYB ÅÔÝrÌ ,ßjBgÙÃÐ udI
the maintenance department is responsible for planned ;gâÔY OÀkw máÐ CÚjÔQBkMB tlÔÌD jf gâCIàÌ Ó gwCIàÌ
maintenance and participates in training the operators; jf àÃ]jCL¿â fCXâB Ó ÍfkÀ ÂÏÚCËÚ ÅÔÝrÌ ,gáÈÔQ àsgÏÙÌ udI
the production engineering department coordinates àaBk¥ Ó fÔYÔÌ NãD ÎáwCÌ ßÓj kI TPM lB Æ{Ca ßCÚfÔHÙI
integration of the improvements prompted by TPM on ;gwCIàÌ gâgY NãD ÎáwCÌ
existing machines and the design of new machines;
CI Ó kÃâg¿â ßjC¿ËÚ CI gâCIàÌ CÚudI ØáÇÀ :káÄjf ßCÚudI kâCs
the other departments concerned: all departments must
work together, in a team spirit, in order to succeed in
gÏâDk¸ ÎâB jf , TPM máÌD OỸÔÌ ßBkYB ßBkI ,àÚÓkÄ jCÀ ØáaÓj
implementing the TPM. .gÏâÔY OÀkw

TPM (udIkËU «ÌCY ßjBgÙÃÐ) :NäáÙrQ OâkâgÌ
Facilities Management: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
and assist: • Repair káˬQ
• Teach
• Train • Alert jBgvÚ

Maintenance activities
• ... • Extend tkPrÄ

• Diagnose yádvQ
ßlCs ØÏáÙI
• Alert jBgvÚ
• Participate OÀkw

Manufacturing GzÐ
personnel • Produce OeCs Installation
• Alert jBgvÚ
• Repair káˬQ
.<×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ> Ó <ÍBfkÄfÔe ßjBgÙÃÐ> jf OeCs udI ÍCÏÀjCÀ Ó ßjBgÙÃÐ Ó NBkáˬQ udI ÍCÏÀjCÀ u»Ð :ÅCTÌ
Example: role of maintenance and manufacturing personnel in the « Autonomous maintenance » and « Planned maintenance » pillars

TPM « System » dimension TPM <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

1. TPM and standardization ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB Ó TPM .1
TPM is dependent on standardization insofar as autonomous ßjBgÙÃÐ ØI ØPrIBÓ , SOS µâk¬Q pCsB kI ØÀ ßB×lBgÐB ÍCËÚ CQ TPM
maintenance and planned maintenance operations are described fjBgÐCPsB ØI ,gwCIàÌ ×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ NCáÇË® Ó ÍBfkÄfÔe
in the SOS. Furthermore, the analysis of the causes of non-
jf ßgáÈÔQ å ká³ ÆÌBÔ® Æâãf ÆáÇ`Q ,×Óä¬I .OsB ØPrIBÓ máÐ ßlCs
productivity on a line may write up an SOS for an operation that
might cause micro-stoppages. àQCáÇË® ØI ØÀ fÔw SOS ¾â ÎâÓgQ ØI kXÏÌ OsB οËÌ ,£e ¾â
.gÐfkÄàÌ ßBب`È ßCÚµ¼ÔQ GYÔÌ ØÀ flBfkMàÌ

2. TPM and training tlÔÌD Ó TPM .2

The essential elements of workshop machine maintenance are tlÔÌD lB àvdI ÍBÔϬI ,ØÐCejCÀ NãD ÎáwCÌ ßjBgÙÃÐ àÇ{B ÍCÀjB
taught to the operators as part of the Basic Skill Training at tlÔÌD CÚjÔQBkMB ØI dojo ÉCÏI à{Ce ßCÚÍC¿Ì jf ,ßfCáÏI ßCÚNjCÙÌ
specific locations called dojos.
.fÔwàÌ ×fBf

3. TPM and continued improvement kËPrÌ fÔHÙI Ó TPM .3

Implementation of the TPM, and in particular when analyzing the å ká³ ÆÌBÔ® Æâãf ÆáÇ`Q ÉCÃÏÚ ØI xÔzdI , TPM gÏâDk¸ ßBkYB
causes of non-productivity, may highlight a disruptive machine and ¾â Ó ffkÄ FkdÌ ÎáwCÌ ¾â yádvQ GYÔÌ OsB οËÌ ,ßgáÈÔQ
prompt a Kaizen project. Conversely, a Kaizen project conducted
ÎâgÏ] ßÓj ØÀ àÐmâCÀ ×nÓkM ,ÆIC»Ì jf .gÏÀ GÇ¥ Bj ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM
on several stations, in particular on automated lines, may prompt
a reduction in the causes of malfunctions. It has a positive impact OsB οËÌ ,¾áQCÌÔQB ¢Ô¤e jf xÔzdI ,gâDàÌ jf BkYB ØI ×CÃPrâB
on the operational efficiency of the line. kI OHTÌ ßkUB GáQkQ ÎâB ØI Ó ,ffkÄ CÚfBkâB lÓkI ÆÌBÔ® uÚCÀ GYÔÌ
.fjBiÄàÌ gáÈÔQ £e àÇË® àÞDjCÀ ßÓj

4. TPM and quality management Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ Ó TPM .4

Application of the TPM prompts greater reliability of facility .ffkÄàÌ NäáÙrQ àÞDjCÀ ØI ÍCÏáË¥B uâBm¸B GYÔÌ TPM lB ×fC¶PsB
operation. If the initial impact can be seen in terms of overall kI ÍD kUB ,OsB àÏáI uáM ÆIC¼ àâCÙÐ àÞDjCÀ kI ÍD ØáÈÓB kUB Ø] kÄB
performance, it can also be seen in the production quality brought
fkÀjCÀ GYÔÌ ØÀ Bk] ,gwCIàÌ àÏáI uáM ÆIC¼ máÐ gáÈÔQ Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI
about by satisfactory operation of the machines. In addition, the
analysis of the causes of efficiency loss in the TPM uses the uÚCÀ Æâãf ÆáÇ`Q jf ,×Óä¬I .fÔwàÌ NãD ÎáwCÌ udI OâC¡j
QC Story quality tool. .fÔwàÌ ×fC¶PsB QC Story Oá¶áÀ jBmIB lB , TPM jf àÞDjCÀ

5. TPM and Just-in-Time JIT (Just-in-Time) ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB Ó TPM .5

By improving reliability and line operating times, the TPM uÚCÀ GYÔÌ TPM ,gáÈÔQ £e àÐCÌl ×flCI fÔHÙI Ó ÍCÏáË¥B uâBm¸B CI
contributes to a reduction in the process flow times, which is one (JIT) ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB ´BgÚB lB à¿â ØÀ ffkÄàÌ tlBfkM ÍCâkY ÍCÌl
of the objectives of the Just-in-Time strategy. In addition,
successful JIT requires that all machines are reliable and
performed efficiently. In this context, efficient application of the ÉäÀ Ø{äe Ó .gÏwCI ØPwBf ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ Ó ãCI àÞDjCÀ ,NãD ÎáwCÌ
TPM is a prerequisite for just-in-time production (totally JIT ) ÉCÃÏÙI gáÈÔQ ßBkI ßlCáÐ uáM , TPM lB kUÒÌ ×fC¶PsB Ø¿ÐD
synchronized production). .(ÉCÃËÚ éäÌCÀ gáÈÔQ) gwCIàÌ (“Just-in-Time”

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

of objectives Just-in-Time ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB .5
and action ,NãD ÎáwCÌ fBlD ßCÚÍCÌl fÔHÙI CI TPM
plans fjBf tlBfkM ÍCâkY ÍCÌl ßÓj kI OHTÌ ßkUB
5. Just-in-Time
Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI .4 By improving machine open times,
GYÔÌ NãD ÎáwCÌ fÔHÙI TPM has a positive impact on
fÔwàÌ gáÈÔQ Oá¶áÀ jf fÔHÙI process flow times
4. Quality improvement JIT
Improvements to machines
contribute to product quality
tlÔÌD .2


OsB ×CÄjCÀ OâkâgÌ lB àvdI
2. Training
Teaching the basics of
maintenance is part of
workshop management


ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB .1
OsB οËÌ , TPM S`HÌ jf P Kaizen
Basic Skill Training ×gw ßmâjØÌCÐkI ßjBgÙÃÐ Ó
gâDjf BkYB ØI ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â A D
Work Station gÏÀàÌ Îáá¬Q Bj
gÏÀ ´ia Bj NC¶ÇQ ªÔÏPÌ Æâãf CQ Standardization (WSS) 1. Standardization
3. Continuous improvement The SOS’ describe
In a TPM context, a kaizen project autonomous maintenance
may be implemented to eliminate and planned maintenance
various causes of loss opertations

(JIT) Just-in-Time (ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB) :ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ
Flow Management: Just-in-Time (JIT)
lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza GYÔÌ ØÀ OsB àÐCÌlCs ßCÚjCPeCs Ó CÚtÓj ,NCáÇË® ØáÇÀ , Just-in-Time (JIT) ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB mÀkËQ Ó ´gÚ
ÉCÃÏÙI ÍmâCÀ tÓj ßÓj kI mÀkËQ ,CXÏâB jf .×ká³ Ó , SMED ,ßkâiM ´C¤¬ÐB :gÏwCIàÌ lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÍCÌl jf ,lCáÐ fjÔÌ NBgáÈÔQ OeCs

The Just-in-Time (JIT) strategy focuses on all actions, methods and organizational structures conducive to
ensuring that the required products are manufactured at the required moment: flexibility, SMED, etc. Here,
the focus is on the Kaizen just in time method.

Progress through JIT JITºâk¥ lB O¸kváM

Progress on all flow lines ÍCâkY ¢Ô¤e ØáÇÀ ßÓj O¸kváM

One of the SPR targets is to « deliver the right product at the ÍCÌl jf ,_á`{ ÅÔz`Ì ÅCsjB> ,ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ´BgÚB lB à¿â
right time ». This is where the Just-in-Time strategy comes into ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB ØÀ OsB ´gÚ ÎâB ØI Ígásj ßBkI Ó .gwCIàÌ <_á`{
play by optimizing the logistical and production flows. This ßBkI .gâDàÌ jCÀ ØI ,¾áPrXÈ Ó gáÈÔQ ßCÚÍCâkY ßlCs ØÏáÙI CI ,(JIT)
requires a corresponding lean flow production organization on
a tight production line, synchronized with the customers and
gáÈÔQ £e ¾â kI à¿PÌ Ó GsCÏPÌ gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY jCPeCs ¾â ,jÔ¨ÏÌ ÎâB
suppliers. This organization means eliminating all waste, quantity .gwCI ÉCÃËÚ ÍCÄgÏÏÀ ÎáÌACQ Ó ÍCâkPvÌ CI ØÀ OsB lCáÐ fjÔÌ Ê¿`PrÌ
and time, from the logistical flow and from internal plant ÍCâkY lB ,àÐCÌl Ó àPáËÀ ,CÚ´äQB ØáÇÀ ´ia ,jCPeCs ÎâB ´gÚ
information from the procurement of materials and parts until ,gwCIàÌ NC¬¤¼ Ó fBÔÌ ÎáÌACQ lB Ó ØÐCejCÀ àÇeBf NC®ä¥B lB ,¾áPrXÈ
the final product is delivered to the customer. .ffkÄ ÅCsjB ßkPvÌ ßBkI àÞCÙÐ ÅÔz`Ì ØÀ ßBØÇakÌ CQ

ÍCâkY ÆeBf ÍCâkY jf

Inter - Process In Process

,lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÍCÌl jf ,lCáÐ fjÔÌ «ICÏÌ ØÀ fÔw Æ{Ca ÍCÏáË¥B CQ gwCIàÌ àÈÔ{B Ó ßjCPeCs àÇ¿w ØI CÚ´äQB ´ia , (JIT) ÉCÃÏÙI ÍmâCÀ gÏâDk¸ ´gÚ
uÚCÀ Ó ßjBfjCHÐB ßCÚØÏâmÚ jf uÚCÀ ,gÏâDk¸ ÎâB ØXáPÐ .gÏwCI pkPsf jf ,ßkPvÌ lCáÐ fjÔÌ fBg¬Q ØI Ó ×gw tjC¶s NãÔz`Ì OeCs ßBkI
.OsB tlBfkM ßCÚÍCÌl

The purpose of the Kaizen JIT procedure is to eliminate such waste in a structured manner and to ensure the necessary resources are in
place to manufacture the products requested by the customer, at the required moment and in the quantity demanded. This results in a
reduction of inventories and process flow times.

SPR Management Book

The seven wastes ØÐCÃP¶Ú ßCÚ´äQB

> To optimize flow, the analysis of the production Óf ॠjf gáÈÔQ gÏâDk¸ ÆáÇ`åQ ,ÍCåâkåY jf ßlCs ØÏáÙI ßBkI <
process is divided into two activities: :ffkÄàÌ àÇË® ØÇakÌ
1- added value activities that transform the product to obtain ÎáÌACåQ ßBkI ,ÅÔz`Ì àÐÔåÄkåÄf GYÔÌ ØåÀ ×fÓmå¸B tljB NCáÇË® .1
the result demanded by the customer; ;ffkÄàÌ ßkPvÌ ßC¡C»Q
2- wastes, i.e. all activities that do not add any value to the ØI ßB×fÓm¸B tljB ØÐÔÃ\áÚ ØÀ àQCáÇË® ØáÇÀ ÅCTÌ ÍBÔϬI ,CÚ´äQB .2
In terms of production flow, a waste is a needless, inappropriate
or ineffective expense. ØÀ fÔwàÌ ØP¶Ä ßBØÏâmÚ ØÐÔÄkÚ ØI ´äQB ,gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY ÉÔÙ¶Ì jf
Conventionally, there are seven types of waste (see the draft .OsB kUB àI Câ Ó gwCIàËÐ GsCÏPÌ ,fjBgÐ fÔYÓ ÍD ØI ßlCáÐ
below). :×gÌD kâl ÅÓgY jf ØÀ fjBf fÔYÓ ´äQB ×ÓkÄ O¶Ú ,ßfBfjBk¼ jÔ¤I

7 wastes ØÐCÃP¶Ú ßCÚ´äQB

OÈCa ÎâB ØÀ ,OsB lCáÐ fjÔÌ tlBfkM ßBkI Ø\ÐD lB kP¬âks àÃÏÚD CI gáÈÔQ Câ OsB Élã Ø\ÐD lB kPváI gáÈÔQ
ßfCâl gáÈÔQ .gwCIàÌ «âCw Ngw ØI
Over production Produce more than is necessary or at a faster pace than the ensuing process requires, an extremely
frequent case.

jCPPsB GYÔÌ Ó OsB ãCÀ ßfÔYÔÌ jf ØUfCa ¾â ßjBfjCHÐB .OsB ßfCâl NBgáÈÔQ Êá»PrÌ ØXáPÐ ßjBfjCHÐB
,×Óä¬I .(ÍfÔI ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ ká³ Ó ÍfÔI ´C¤¬ÐB ÆIC¼ ká³ ,àPá¶áÀàI) fÔwàÌ gáÈÔQ gÏâDk¸ jf NBfBkâB
ßjBfjCHÐB .fjBgÐ ßkPvÌ ßBkI ßB×fÓm¸B tljB ØÐÔÃ\áÚ ØÀ gÏÀàÌ fCXâB OÀkw ßBkI بaäÌ ÆIC¼ ßBØÏâmÚ ßjBfjCHÐB
Inventories A direct consequence of over productions, inventories are seen as a contingency stocks and mask
a product process malfunction (non-quality, non-flexibility and non-reliability). In addition,
they account for a significant cost for the company, without any added value for the customer.

fÔYÓ ÍD ßBkI máÐ à®ÔÏPÌ Æâãf .fjBgÐ ÅCHÐgI ßB×fÓm¸B tljB ØÐÔÃ\áÚ NCáÇË® ÎáICÌ jC¨PÐB Ó µ¼ÔQ ÍCÌl
jC¨PÐB ÍCÌl ÎâB .(. . . NCáÇË® ÍCÌl ÎáI àÃÏÚCËÚCÐ ,NãD ÎáwCÌ ßÓj kI ظC¡B jCI ,ãCI lB ج¤¼ ÆâÔ`Q jf káeACQ) fjBf
.gÏskI ƼBga ØI gâCI CÚµ¼ÔQ
Waiting time
Downtime between operations have no added value. There are various causes (part delivery delay
upstream; machine overload; task time imbalance…), which should be reduced to a minimum.

ßjÓk¡ká³ Æ»Ð Ó ÆËa .ffkÄ ´ia àPa Câ gskI οËÌ jBg»Ì ÎâkPËÀ ØI gâCI Ó fjBgÐ ßB×fÓm¸B tljB ØÐÔÃ\áÚ NC¬¤¼ Æ»Ð Ó ÆËa
The transport of parts has no added value and should be reduced to the strict minimum, or even
Unnecessary transport eliminated.

ÍBÔϬI .fjBgÐ gáÈÔQ jf ßkáUACQ CÙÐD ´ia Ó gÐjBgÐ ÍD ØI ßlCáÐ ØÀ gÐkáÄkI jf Bj àQCáÇË® OsB οËÌ CÚgÏâDk¸
.fkÀ ´ia tlBfkM ÍCâkY kPÙI ÅkPÏÀ CI ÍBÔQàÌ ØÀ Bj Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ ¾â å
ßjÓk¡ká³ NCáÇË® .gÌCXÐBàÌ Oá¶áÀàI gáÈÔQ ØI ØÀ àQCáÇË® å
Unnecessary operations The processes may include unnecessary operations that can be eliminated without undermining the
produce. For example, this is the case of:
- a quality control which might be eliminated by better process control,
- operations generating non-quality.

gáÈÔQ ßCÚàIBke .fjBf à¸C¡B NBmáÙXQ Ó jCÀ ßÓkáÐ ßjÓk¡ká³ uâBm¸B ØI lCáÐ ,CÚàIBke ßlCslCI Ó ^ä{B
Correcting and repairing faults incur unnecessary expenditure in terms of manpower and additional
Production defects equipment.

ßjÓk¡ká³ NCÀka .gÐÔwàÌ àsjkI Ó ÆáÇ`Q ØP®Cs Óf ÍmâCÀ Ó ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ NCáÇË® ÅÔ¥ jf xÔzdI NC¶ÇQ lB ×ÓkÄ
Unnecessary movements All movements, gestures or travelling by the operator which do not add any value to the product.
In particular, this waste is analysed during the Kaizen 2 Day and Kaizen 2 Hour activities.

(JIT) Just-in-Time (ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB) :ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ
Flow Management: Just-in-Time (JIT)

JIT and problem solving ØÇÝrÌ Æa Ó JIT

In addition to making economic savings, flow optimization GYÔÌ ,ßfCzP¼B ßCÚàÞÔY ظk{ kI ×Óä® ,gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY ßlCs ØÏáÙI
highlights malfunctions in the production system (see diagrams OeCs .(kâl ÉBkÄCâf) fÔwàÌ gáÈÔQ ÊPrás jf NBfBkâB àÞCsCÏw Ó lÓkI
below). Manufacturing the required products at the required Bj kâl fjBÔÌ ,lCáÐ fjÔÌ fBg¬Q ØI Ó lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÍCÌl jf ,lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÅÔz`Ì
moment at the required quantity demands:
:gÏÀàÌ GÇ¥
flexibility in order to manufacture products in the sequence
tjCå¶s àÈBÔåQ pCsB kåI NãÔz`Ì OeCs ´gåÚ CåI ,ßkâiM ´C¤¬ÐB
ordered by the customers;
reliability to manufacture within the time between the order
and the delivery; CQ tjC¶s O¸Cåâjf ÍCÌl lB ÅÔz`Ì OeCs ßBkI ,ÍfÔI ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼
quality to manufacture the just requisite first time: a golden ;ÆâÔ`Q
rule of just in time is never to produce anything unless it can be ØåÀ ÉCåÃÏÙI ßoåQBkåPsB jf àåÞä¥ àÐÔÐC¼ :BgåPIB lB OeCs jf Oåá¶áÀ
produced in a fault-free manner. In other words this means ÉBg¼B ,gáPráÐ ÎÝË¤Ì ÅÔz`Ì ÍfÔI y»Ð àI Ó O`{ lB CåQ ,gâÔÄàÌ
« do not manufacture », « do not overlook », « do not accept » jBf fBkåâB ÅÔz`Ì ØÀ OsB ÍD kÃâf ÉÔÙ¶Ì .gáÏ¿Ð ÅÔz`Ì OeCs ØåI
defective products. .<gâkâiLÐ BkÐD> ,<gáÏ¿Ð àwÔM Êv] ÍD fBkâB kI> ,<gáÏ¿Ð gáÈÔQ> Bj
JIT Kaizen, therefore, by systematically eliminating and controlling ØI ,NC¶ÇQ ØP¸Câ ÉC¨Ð ÅkPÏÀ Ó ´ia CI (JIT) ÉCÃÏÙI ÍmâCÀ ,GáQkQ ÎâgI
waste, gradually highlights real quality control, flexibility and
ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ Ó ßkâiM ´C¤¬ÐB ,Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ ଼BÓ ÆÞCrÌ WâjgQ
reliability problems. Just-in-Time therefore places an emphasis on
product nonquality, facility non-reliability and non-flexibility by jBmIB Ó CÚgÏâDk¸ kâCs ßkáÄjC¿I CI JIT ÎâBkICÏI .gÏÀàÌ jC¿wD Bj ÍfÔI
implementing other SPR procedures and tools. Ó ÍCÏáË¥B g¼C¸ NäáÙrQ ,Oá¶áÀ g¼C¸ gáÈÔQ kI xCe àÙYÔQ , SPR
.fjBf ´C¤¬ÐB ÆIC¼ ká³

fÔYÔÌ ÆÞCrÌ ´ia ØI SPR ßCÚßoQBkPsB .3 OsB àâCÚÆa ×Bj ÎP¸Câ , JIT àÇ{B ´gÚ .2 ,tlBfkM ÍCâkY jf ßãCÀ ßfÔYÔÌ Ó ßjBfjCHÐB 01
.gÏÏÀàÌ ¾ËÀ .gÐkáÄ jBk¼ ×fC¶PsB fjÔÌ gÏÐBÔPI ØÀ .gÏÏÀàÌ jCPPsB Bj gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY jf fÔYÔÌ ÆÞCrÌ
3. The SPR strategies help in 2. The main objective of JIT is to reveal 1. Inventories and in-process stock mask
eliminating problems. issues that can then be addressed. production flow problems.

Kaizen JIT project (JIT) ÉCÃÏÙI ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM

The Kaizen JIT project is conducted over a two-day period. The .gâDàÌ jf BkYB ØI ×lÓj Óf ×jÓf ¾â jf , (JIT) ÉCÃÏÙI ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM
persons involved are the manufacturing managers in the sector jf káÄjf fBk¸B ,¾áPrXÈ ÎázzdPÌ Ó Ø¥ÔIkÌ gaBÓ OeCs ÍBkâgÌ
concerned and logistics professionals. By focusing on an analysis ßÓj kI mÀkËQ CI ,×nÓkM ßBkYB tÓj .gÏÚfàÌ Æá¿vQ Bj ×nÓkM ÎâB
of process and information flow, the typical flowchart is as
:gwCIàÌ kâl ^kw ØI ,NC®ä¥B Ó tlBfkM ÍCâkY ÆáÇ`Q
1 - Observe things on the ground OsB Ój uáM jf Ø] ÍD ×gÚCvÌ å 1
2 - Assess the current situation fÔYÔÌ £âBkw àICâljB å 2
3 - Picture the ideal situation (process flow and information (NC®ä¥B ÍCâkY Ó tlBfkM ÍCâkY) àÐCÌjD £âBkw ÊrXQ å 3
flow) àICáPsf ÆIC¼ ´gÚ Îáá¬Q å 4
4 - Define the achievable target ´gÚ ÎâB ØI Ígásj àÞBkYB ßCÚØv»Ð ßÓj ßkáÄ ÊáËzQ å 5
5 - Decide on the action plans to be undertaken to reach this
k¨Ð fjÔÌ ×fÓg`Ì ÍBkâgÌ ØI ×gw FCdPÐB àÞBkYB Øv»Ð ØÞBjB å 6
6 - Present this action plan to the managers of the perimeter
7 - Present the synthesis to the EWTs concerned.

The field analysis and the ensuing action plans should focus on kI gâCI ,ÍD lB ØP¸kÄ NACvÐ àÞBkYB ßCÚØv»Ð Ó àÐBgáÌ ÆáÇ`Q Ó ØâmXQ
six parallel objectives: :gÏwCI ØPwBf mÀkËQ ßlBÔÌ ´gÚ uw ßÓj
reduce process flow times tlBfkM ÍCâkY ÍCÌl uÚCÀ
reduce inventory levels ßjBfjCHÐB ÍBmáÌ uÚCÀ
increase facility capacity
NäáÙrQ Oá¸k© uâBm¸B
reduce surface requirements
optimize cost of bought-out parts
NC¬¤¼ gâke ØÏâmÚ jf ßlCs ØÏáÙI
improve productivity
This table provides a synthesis of how inventory reduction
prompts a reduction in process flow times. ,ßjBfjCHÐB ßCÚØÏâmÚ jf uÚCÀ ØÐÔÃ] ØÀ gÚfàÌ ÍCvÐ kâl ÅÓgY
.ffkÄàÌ tlBfkM ÍCâkY ßCÚÍCÌl uÚCÀ GYÔÌ


gáÈÔQ ßjÓDÔÐ .1 ãCÀ ßfÔYÔÌ lB ×fC¶PsB ÍÓgI gáÈÔQ jf àICáPsf .2



Oá¶áÀ fÔHÙI * Facility and installation failures NCrásACQ Ó NäáÙrQ ßCÚàIBke *
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT * Too and batch change time Ø®ÔËXÌ Ó jBmIB }âÔ¬Q ÍCÌl *
* Quality problem Oá¶áÀ jf ØÇÝrÌ *
ØÏâmÚ uÚCÀ * Transport an handling àÞCXICY Ó Æ»Ð Ó ÆËa *
COST REDUCTION * Production management gáÈÔQ OâkâgÌ *
* Supplier reliability ×gÏÏÀ ÎáÌACQ ÍfÔI ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ *

àsgÏÙÌ gâgY ßCÚ×nÓkM ßBkI ßmâjØÌCÐkI ÎâkPÙI .2å2

à¸kzÌ ØÏâmÚ uÚCÀ
* by introducing JIT planning in engineering

ßkPvÌ OâC¡j ßkPvÌ ØI ÆâÔ`Q ÍCÌl uÚCÀ ßBkI CÚÉCÄ ÎáÈÓB .3


The JIT operatives JITÆåÌBÔå®

The role of the EWT manager EWT kâgÌ u»Ð

For JIT, the role of the EWT manager is to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI EWT kâgÌ u»Ð , JIT jf
respect standard inventories and in-process stock; ;ÍCâkY jf ßãCÀ ßfÔYÔÌ Ó fjBgÐCPsB ßjBfjCHÐB ØI ØYÔQ
participate at JIT projects scheduled by the workshop manager; ;fÔwàÌ ßgÏIÍCÌl ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ £sÔQ ØÀ JIT ßCÚ×nÓkM jf OÀjCvÌ
implement the high priority actions with the workshop O¸kváM OÙY jf ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ ßjC¿ËÚ CI ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI NCáÇË® ßBkYB
manager in order to advance according to the « flow and
×gÌD EWT FCPÀ jf ØÀ <ÆâÔ`Q Ó ÍCâkY ÍCÌl OâkâgÌ> pCsBkI
delivery time management » in the EWT book.

(JIT) Just-in-Time (ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB) :ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ
Flow Management: Just-in-Time (JIT)

Role of the workshop manager ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ u»Ð

For JIT, the role of the workshop manager is to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ u»Ð , JIT jf
organize deployment of JIT activities in his workshop and jf ÍD ßBkYB Ó fÔe ×CÄjCÀ jf JIT NCáÇË® jBk»PsB ÍfBf ÍCÌlCs
undertakes to meet concrete objectives; ;àÏá® ´BgÚB ØI àICáPsf OÙY
identify the high-priority actions to advance the EWT the EWT jf O¸kváM fCXâB ßBkI ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI NCáÇË® Îáá¬Q Ó àÞCsCÏw
« flow and delivery time management » in the EWT book, and
×gÌD EWT FCPÀ jf ØÀ <ÆâÔ`Q Ó ÍCâkY ÍCÌl OâkâgÌ> pCsBkI
assist them in implementing these actions.
. EWT jf NCáÇË® ÎâB ßBkYB jf OÀjCvÌ Ó ,OsB

Role of the department manager

and plant management ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ Ó ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ u»Ð
For JIT, the role of the plant management is mainly to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI éCsCsB ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ u»Ð , JIT jf
highlight waste; ;NC¶ÇQ à¸k¬Ì Ó àÞCsCÏw
organize deployment of JIT activities; ; JIT ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ßBkYB ÍfBf ÍCÌlCs
provide the line with the facilities necessary to implement the ;gÏâDk¸ ßBkYB ßBkI £e ØI ßjÓk¡ NäáÙrQ ØÞBjB
ensure knowledge transfer on improvements to the
engineering departments in order to ensure they are taken ßCÚjBfÔËÐ Ó gâgY ßgáÈÔQ NäáÙrQ àaBk¥ jf CÙÐD lB ×fC¶PsB ßBkI
into account for the design of the new production facilities .ØPrIBÓ àÐCÌlCs
and associated organization diagrams.

Role of the support functions àÐCHáPvM ÆÌBÔ® u»Ð

For JIT, the role of the, the role of the support functions is to: :OsB kâl ^kw ØI àÐCHáPvM ÆÌBÔ® u»Ð , JIT jf
identify wastes; ;NC¶ÇQ àÞCsCÏw
help in implementing corrective actions. .àaä{B NCáÇË® ßBkYB ØI ¾ËÀ

The JIT « System » dimension JIT ÉCÃÏÙI <ÊPrás> fC¬IB

1. Just-in-Time Standardization JIT ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB .1

The Just-in-Time projects, focused on improving process flow ÍCâkY ßCÚÍCÌl fÔHÙI kI mÀkËQ CI , ( Just-in-Time ) ÉCÃÏÙI ßCÚ×nÓkM
times and therefore structuring manufacturing lines and Work ,ßjCÀ ßCÚ×CÃPrâB Ó gáÈÔQ ¢Ô¤e ØI àÚfjCPeCs ÍD «H¥ ØI Ó tlBfkM
Stations, often prompt a modification to the Work Station layout, ØI ¢ÔIkÌ SOS máÐ Ó ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB àÞCËÐ CY jf ^ä{B GYÔÌ éãÔˬÌ
and the corresponding SOS accordingly. In addition, compliance
×gÏÏÀ ÎáË~Q ,BkYB ÍCÌl jf fjBgÐCPsB CI àÐBÔdËÚ ,×Óä¬I .gÐÔwàÌ ÍD
with the standard within the task time guarantees the delivery
time, i.e. delivery of the required part or assembly to the next ØI ×gw jBÔs NC¬¤¼ Câ ج¤¼ ÆâÔ`Q ÅCTÌ ÍBÔϬI ,gwCIàÌ ÆâÔ`Q ÍCÌl
process at the designated moment. .×gw Îáá¬Q ÍCÌl jf ,ßg¬I gÏâDk¸

2. Just-in-Time and training tlÔÌD Ó JIT .2

Because non-quality and non-flexibility are costly, just in time ÍD ÍCÚBÔe JIT ,gÏPrÚ kI ØÏâmÚ ,´C¤¬ÐB Ég® Ó àPá¶áÀ àI Ø¿áÞCXÐD lB
requires that the operators have all the necessary skills to
execute the operations within the required time and at the
required quality level. .gÏwCI lCáÐ fjÔÌ Oá¶áÀ _¤s CI Ó ×gw Îáá¬Q ÍCÌl NgÌ

3. Just-in-Time and continuous improvement kËPrÌ fÔHÙI Ó JIT .3
In the Kaizen JIT strategy, analysis of flow in the plant may prompt ØI kXÏÌ OsB οËÌ ØÐCejCÀ jf ÍCâkY ÆáÇ`Q ,ÍmâCÀ JIT ßoQBkPsB jf
a decision to conduct a Kaizen 2-day or 2-hour project on a ØÀ fÔw ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ¾â jf ØP®Cs Óf Câ ×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ßBkYB
Work Station where a potential for significant process flow times ÍCâkY ÍCÌl jf ßBبaäÌ ÆIC¼ Ó ×Ô»ÈCI àÞÔYظk{ ÍC¿ÌB ,ÍD jf
savings have been identified. Conversely, an improvement to a
ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ¾â jf fÔHÙI ,kÃâf ´k¥ lB .OsB ×gw àÞCsCÏw ,tlBfkM
Work Station during a Kaizen project takes into account the
flow of parts upstream and downstream and the organization of NC¬¤¼ àPsfÓk¸ Ó àPsfBk¸ ÆâÔ`Q ÍCâkY ,ÍmâCÀ ×nÓkM ¾â ÍCâkY jf
deliveries to the station. In this context, the Kaizen project often ×nÓkM ,ÉÔÙ¶Ì ÎâB jf .gÏÀàÌ àsjkI ×CÃPrâB jf Bj ÍD àÚfÍCÌlCs Ó
contributes to improving the process flow times, either directly ÎâB ÅCa ,ffkÄàÌ tlBfkM ÍCâkY ßCÚÍCÌl fÔHÙI GYÔÌ éCHÈC³ ÍmâCÀ
by eliminating unnecessary operations, or indirectly by improving ,gwCI ßjÓk¡ ká³ NCáÇË® ´ia àM jf Ó Êá»PrÌ OsB οËÌ fÔHÙI
of the product quality and flow deviations accordingly.
ÍBmáÌ jf fÔHÙI ÍD «H¥ ØI Ó gáÈÔQ Oá¶áÀ jf fÔHÙI CI Ó Êá»PrÌ ká³ Câ
.tlBfkM ÍCâkY jf NC¸Bk`ÐB

4. Just-in-Time and quality management Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ Ó JIT .4

For just in time to operate properly, the parts have to be 100% gÏâDk¸ ÆaBkÌ lB ¾â kÚ ÅÔ¥ jf gâCI NC¬¤¼ , JIT _á`{ ßBkYB ßBkI
fault-free during each stage of the manufacturing process.
ØI éäÌCÀ JIT .(Gá® àI %100) gÏwCI y»Ð g¼C¸ Ó _á`{ éäÌCÀ ,OeCs
Just-in-Time is completely linked to Quality Control and
therefore an intensive practice of the problem resolution ×fkv¸ Ó ÉÓBgÌ ÎâkËQ ØI lCáÐ ÎâB kI CÏI Ó OsB ØPrIBÓ Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ
method. Insofar as the QC procedures improve quality, they fÔHÙI GYÔÌ ØÀ àÞCXÐD CQ QC ßCÚgÏâDk¸ .fjBf ØÇÝrÌ Æa tÓj
have a positive impact on the throughput time by limiting the GYÔÌ ØÀ Bk] ,gÐjBf àÐCÌl ×flCI kI máÐ OHTÌ ßkUB ,gÐÔwàÌ Oá¶áÀ
flow deviations associated with quality incidents. àPá¶áÀ RfBÔa ØI ØÀ gÐÔwàÌ ÍCâkY NC¸Bk`ÐB lB ØPsf ÍD jf uÚCÀ

5. Just-in-Time and TPM TPM Ó Just-in-Time .5

By improving the reliability and the line operating times, TPM uÚCÀ GYÔÌ ,ÍD ßjCÀ ßCÚÍCÌl Ó £e ÍCÏáË¥B OáÇIC¼ fÔHÙI CI TPM
contributes to reducing process flow times, which is one of the ßoQBkPsB ´BgÚB lB à¿â fÔe ÎâB ØÀ ,ffkÄàÌ tlBfkM ÍCâkY ßCÚÍCÌl
objectives of the just-in-time strategy. In addition, a successful JIT
OsB ÍD ÍCÚBÔe JIT º¸ÔÌ OsCás ¾â ,×Óä¬I .OsB Just-in-Time
policy requires that all machines are reliable and perform
effectively. In this context, efficient application of the TPM is a .gÏwCI ØPwBf udIkUB àÞDjCÀ Ó ×fÔI ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ NãD ÎáwCÌ ØáÇÀ ØÀ
necessary precondition for just in time production. ÉCÃÏÙI gáÈÔQ ßBkI Élã ¢kw uáM ¾â TPM kUÒÌ ßBkYB ,ÉÔÙ¶Ì ÎâB jf
.gwCIàÌ (just in time)

(JIT) Just-in-Time (ÉCÃÏÙI ßoQBkPsB) :ÍCâkY OâkâgÌ
Flow Management: Just-in-Time (JIT)

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

of objectives
and action
Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ .4 TPM .5
, Just-in-Time ÉCÃÏÙI gáÈÔQ , Just-in-Time ÉCÃÏÙI gáÈÔQ
NC¬¤¼ ØáÇÀ jf %100 Oá¶áÀ gÏÌlCáÐ NãD ÎáwCÌ ØáÇÀ ØÀ OsB ÍD gÏÌlCáÐ
gwCIàÌ OeCs gÏâDk¸ ÆaBkÌ ØËÚ jf Ó gÏwCI ÍCÏáË¥B ÆIC¼ %100
4. Quality Control
Just-in-Time production requires Just-in-Time production
100% quality of all parts at each requires that all machines
manufacturing process stage are 100% reliable


P ÍmâCÀ .3
ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB .1 å 2
A D ¾â jf ×gw Æ{Ca ßCÚfÔHÙI
C lB àvdI ØÀ ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB
Kaizen ffkÄàÌ tlBfkM ÍCâkY ßCÚÍCÌl jf
fÔwàÌ ÆâÔ`Q ÍCÌl OâC®j Basic Skill Training
Work Station 3. Kaizen
1-2. Standardization Standardization (WSS) Improvements to a work station
and Basic Skill Training as part of a Kaizen project
Compliance with the standard, and contributes to an improvement
therefore control by the operator of process flow times
ensures that delivery times are met

NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I
Deployment of Objectives and Action Plans

Directing progress dynamics O¸kváM ßCÚàâCâÔM ßkHÚBj

The objectives and action plans are deployed at all levels of the CÚOáÈC¬¸ ÉCËQ jf Ó ØÐCejCÀ ^Ô¤s ÉCËQ jf NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB
plant and in all functions. This consists in: :ØI fjBf àÃPrI ªÔ¡ÔÌ ÎâB .gÐB×gw ØP¸kÄ jCÀ ØI
defining the annual objectives and drafting the associated action NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð àQCÌg»Ì ^kå¥ ßlCs ×fCÌD Ó ØÐCáÈCs ´BgåÚB Îáá¬Q
plans in such a way as to attain the set objectives according to a
jCPeCs ¾â pCsB kI ×gw ßmâj ØåÌCÐkåI ´BgåÚB ØI àICáPsf jÔ¨ÏÌ ØI
structured diagnostic,
regularly ensuring that the action plans proceed and that the
objectives are met, if necessary, by ensuring that the necessary gÐÔwàÌ BkåYB NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ø¿ÏâB lB ʨÏÌ jÔ¤I ,ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
counter-measures are implemented. ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza ,ÉÓmÈ NjÔ{ jf Ó ,gÐfkÄàÌ ÎáÌACQ k¨Ð fjÔÌ ´BgÚB Ó
By deploying the objectives and action plans, it is possible to .gÐÔwàÌ BkYB lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÎâmÃâCY ßCÚÆa ×Bj Ø¿ÏâB lB
focus, in a coherent manner, all the efforts and resources of an ØáÇÀ ØÀ gâDàÌ gâgM ÍC¿ÌB ÎâB ,NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I CI
entity on the progress objectives which are essential for its ´BgÚB ßÓj kI ,ÊXrÏÌ jÔ¤I ,Bj Æ»PrÌ udI ¾â «ICÏÌ Ó CÚtäQ
profitability and competitiveness. The deployment of objectives
OIC¼j ÆIC¼ká³ Ó ßjÓDfÔs ÆáÈf ØI ØÀ à¸BgÚB .ÊáÏÀ mÀkËPÌ O¸kváM
and action plans is therefore the main driving force behind a
company. Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I ,ÎâBkICÏI .gÏPrÚ ÎâfCáÏI Ó àÈÔ{B jCárI ,ÍfÔI
.gÏwCIàÌ OÀkw ¾â ßBkI ½k`Ì ßÓkáÐ ÎâkPËÙÌ ,NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð
The objective should focus on action plans that have a significant
impact on the annual QCDHRE indicators in order to focus the ÆIC¼ ßkUB ØÀ gwCI mÀkËPÌ àQCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð ßÓj kI gâCI ´gÚ
whole hierarchy line on the performance objectives. GáQkQ ÎâgI CQ ,gÐjBiÄàÌ ØÐCáÈCs QCDHRE yeCw ßÓj kI بaäÌ
.gÐfkÄ mÀkËPÌ àÞBkYB ´BgÚB ßÓj kI ,£e GQBkÌ ØÇrÇs ØáÇÀ
àÚf FBÔY Ó ÎP¸kÄ àváM
Anticipate and respond

NgaÓ fCXâB
Achieve Deployment Unify all input
of objectives

Control and Coordinate

PDCA management PDCA OâkâgÌ

The objectives and action plans are deployed in a sequence of àÈBÔQ pCsB kI ,£e GQBkÌ ØÇrÇs àÌCËQ jf ,NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB
PDCA cycles (plan-do-check-act) across the whole hierarchy å ÅkPÏÀ å gáÈÔQ å ßmâj ØÌCÐkI) gÐÔwàÌ ØP¸kÄ jC¿I PDCA Øek]
line. Each PDCA has the following diagram: :fjBf fÔe jf Bj kâl jBfÔËÐ PDCA kÚ .(OÀka


ØÐCáÈCs ØÌCÐkI lB ßkáÄBk¸ Ó OáHTQ Define annual plan
Stabilize and learn from annual plan
Act Plan
OÀka ßmâjØÌCÐkI

Check Do
ØÐCáÈCs ØÌCÐkI ßkáÄjC¿I kI NjC¨Ð Deploy annual plan in the whole company
Monitor implementation of annual plan
SPR Management Book

The management board initiates the deployment of the objectives ßkáÄjC¿I ,( ßmâj ØÌCÐkI ) ØÐCáÈCs ØÌCÐkI Îáá¬Q CI ,OâkâgÌ gaBÓ
and action plans by defining the annual plan (Plan). This consists in WâCPÐ ÆáÇ`Q ÆÌCw jCÀ ÎâB .gÏÀàÌ lC³D Bj NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB
conducting a diagnostic (Act) of the results for the previous year.
Bk] ,OsB OáËÚB CI jCárI ÆáÇ`Q lC¸ ÎâB .( OÀka ) gwCIàÌ ÆH¼ ÅCs
This diagnostic phase is essential: it determines the manner by
which the annual objectives for the entity and the associated kÚ ßBkI ØÐCáÈCs ´BgÚB ,ÍD ØâCM kI ØÀ gÏÀàÌ ydvÌ Bj àwÓj ØÀ
action plans are defined. In effect, the object is to identify .gÐfkÄàÌ Îáá¬Q ÍD ØI ØPrIBÓ NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó Æ»PrÌ udI
performance deviations or issues where significant improvement ØI lCáÐ ØÀ OsB ßfjBÔÌ Câ àâBkYB NC¸Bk`ÐB àÞCsCÏw ,´gÚ «¼BÓ jf
is necessary in order to achieve the breakthrough objectives. ÎáÌACQ O¸kváM ÊÙÌ ´BgÚB GáQkQ ÎâgI CQ ,gÐjBf ßBبaäÌ ÆIC¼ fÔHÙI
It is based on an accurate analysis of the situation by £sÔQ ØÀ OsB jBÔPsB £âBkw lB ºá¼f àÇáÇ`Q ØâCM kI kÌB ÎâB .gÐfkÄ
« organisations » and by « causes » and on of the feedback from
ØÞBjB ,àÇH¼ Øek] lB àPvÄlCI WâCPÐ pCsB kI Ó <ÆÌBÔ®> Ó <CÚjCPeCs>
the previous cycle.
These action plans fall within the framework of actions to be
deployed and set by upper management. gâCI ØÀ gÐkáÄàÌ jBk¼ àQCáÇË® ßjCÀ FÔ]jC] jf NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð ÎâB
.gÐfkÄàÌ Êá¨ÏQ àâãCI OâkâgÌ £sÔQ Ó gÐÔw BkYB


gáÈÔQ å ßmâjØÌCÐkI
1 Plan - Do
ßCÚØv»Ð Check
objectives kI NjC¨Ð
and action ßkáÄjC¿I
of objectives

( CU , CA , CD ,ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ) fkáÄ jBk¼ ( ÅkPÏÀ ) NjC¨Ð O`Q ,^Ô¤s ØáÇÀ jf gâCI ØÀ gwCIàÌ CâÔM ßgÏâDk¸ ,NCáÇË® Øv»Ð Ó ´gÚ ßkáÄjC¿I
jÔ¤I NCáÇË® CâD fÔw ydvÌ CQ gÐkâiMàÌ ÉCXÐB jÔ¨ÏÌ ÎâB ØI fgXÌ ßCÚàÏáIlCI ÎâB .fÔwàÌ fgXÌ àÏáIlCI ØÚCÌ uw Ó ØÐCÚCÌ jÔ¤I NjC¨Ð ÎâB Ó
?káe Câ OrÚ fgXÌ àÚf OÙY ØI ßlCáÐ CâD Ó gÐfkÄàÌ k¨Ð fjÔÌ ´BgÚB ØI àICáPsf GYÔÌ Ó gÐfkÄàÌ BkYB _á`{

Objective and action plan deployment is a dynamic procedure and subject to monitoring (check) at each level (plant management, CD, CA,
CU) during monthly and six monthly reviews. These reviews are held to check that the actions are being properly implemented and
contribute to attaining the objectives, and to decide on any necessary new orientation.

SPR Management Book

N ßkáÄjC¿I
OâkâgÌ ßCÚàÏáIlCI
Mgt reviews
ßg¬I _¤s ØI ÆâÔ`Q Øe
ÍCËQjCMf ßCÚàÏáIlCI Deployment
Department reviews
ßg¬I _¤s ØI ÆâÔ`Q Øe
×CÄjCÀ ßCÚàÏáIlCI Deployment
Workshop reviews Lo
ßg¬I _¤s ØI ÆâÔ`Q Øe
BWU reviews

Each PDCA loop at management level prompts PDCA cycles ßCÚØek] tmáÃÐB GYÔÌ ,OâkâgÌ _¤s jf PDCA Øek] kÚ
across the whole hierarchy line (department, workshop, EWT). ,×CÄjCÀ ,ÍCËQjCMf) ffkÄàÌ £e GQBkÌ ØÇrÇs àÌCËQ jf PDCA
At each level, the objectives and action plans follow the same Bj ØICvÌ àâÔÃÈB ,^Ô¤s ØËÚ jf NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB . (EWT
process: diagnostic, definition of objectives and associated actions
ßkáÃáM Ó ÍD ØI ØPrIBÓ NCáÇË® Ó ´BgÚB Îáá¬Q ,ÆáÇ`Q :gÐkáÄàÌ àM
and monthly follow-up. In this way, a multitude of PDCA cycles
contribute to the strategic orientation of the plant. During the ßkáÄ OÙY GYÔÌ PDCA ßCÚØek] fg¬Q ,ÉCÄ ÎâB jf .ØÐCáÚCÌ
annual plan deployment phase, a review stage is necessary ØI lCáÐ ,ØÐCáÈCs Øv»Ð ßkáÄjC¿I lC¸ ÅÔ¥ jf .fÔwàÌ ØÐCejCÀ ¾âoQBkPsB
between each hierarchy level to ensure that the objectives lB CQ ,fjBf fÔYÓ GQBkÌ ØÇrÇs ^Ô¤s ØËÚ ÎáICÌ ,àÏáIlCI ØÇakÌ ¾â
selected are coherent: this « catchball » stage is used to ensure .ffkÄ Æ{Ca ÍCÏáË¥B ,×gw FCdPÐB ´BgÚB ÍfÔI ½jf ÆIC¼ Ó ÊXrÏÌ
each sector effectively contributes to the breakthrough objectives ØP¿Ð ÎâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza ßBkI ,_¤s ØI _¤s àÏáIlCI ØÇakÌ ÎâB
indicated on the annual plan.
´BgÚB ØI àICáPsf OÙY jf kUÒÌ jÔ¤I ,CÚudI ØËÚ ØÀ gwCIàÌ
.gÏÏÀàÌ OÀka ,ØÐCáÈCs Øv»Ð jf VjgÏÌ O¸kváM

NCáÇË® Ó ´BgÚB ßCÚØv»Ð ßkáÄjC¿I
Deployment of Objectives and Action Pkans

Operatives in the deployment ßkáÄjC¿I gÏâDk¸ jf àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ®

of objectives and action plan
Role of management line operatives OâkâgÌ £e àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ® u»Ð
Participate with level N+1 in defining the diagnostic; ;ÆáÇ`Q tÓj Îáá¬Q jf N+1 _¤s CI OÀjCvÌ
Define the actions and associated action plans for his level; ;fÔe _¤s ßBkI ØPrIBÓ NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó NCáÇË® Îáá¬Q
Ensure robustness of the procedure at his level; ;fÔe _¤s jf gÏâDk¸ OᬥC¼ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
Regularly monitor the actions and their impact on the Ó Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ fjBÔÌ Ø¬sÔQ kI ÍD kUB Ó NCáÇË® kI ʨÏÌ NjC¨Ð
development of quality control items and decide on the
necessary corrective measures.
.Élã àaä{B NCÌBg¼B fjÔÌ jf ßkáÄ ÊáËzQ

Specific role of the Director OâkâgÌ ×ÓkÄ Ó kâgÌ ×oâÓ u»Ð

and management board ÅkPÏÀ> Ó <_¤s ØI _¤s àÏáIlCI> ßBkYB ßBkI Élã £âBkw fCXâB
Create conditions for the implementation of « catchball » and ;<ÆIC»PÌ
« crosscheck »;
Ó O¸kváM NCáÇË® kI O¼f CI ,ÊPrás OᬥC¼ lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
Ensure robustness of system by noting breakthrough actions ØÐ Ó ,O¸kváM NCáÇË® ßÓj kI mÀkËQ .NCáÇË® GsCÏÌ ßkáÄjC¿I
and the relevant deployment of actions. Focuses on
_á`{ _¤s jf NCáÇË® Ø¿ÏâB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza Ó ,ØÐBlÓj NCáÇË®
breakthrough actions and not on daily actions and ensures
the actions are deployed at the right line management level; ;gÐÔwàÌ ØP¸kÄ jC¿I OâkâgÌ
Ensures regular monitoring to ensure the company objectives .OÀkw ´BgÚB ØI àICáPsf kI ʨÏÌ NjC¨Ð lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza
are achieved.

Deployment of objectives and ßkáÄjC¿I ÊPrás fC¬IB

action plans system dimension NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB
A key parameter of the SPR system, the deployment of objectives ßkáÄjCå¿I ØÀ OsB ÎåâB SPR ÊåPrás jf ßgåáÇÀ ßCÚyeCw lB à¿åâ
is associated with strategic progress planning. .gwCIàÌ ¾âoQBkPsB O¸kváM ßmâj ØÌCÐkI ØI ØPrIBÓ ,´BgÚB
As such, it draws on all the tools of the SPR system to meet the ´BgÚB ØI àICáPsf OÙY jf , SPR ÊPrás jf Bj jBmIB ØáÇÀ ,yeCw ÎâB
performance objectives as part of the action plans coordinated àÌCËQ jf ØÀ OsB NCáÇË® Øv»Ð lB àvdI ØÀ ,fkáÄàÌ jC¿I àÞBkYB
throughout the plant. In this way, the deployment of objectives
and action plans ensures coherency between daily management
ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I ,ÉCÄ ÎâB jf .×gw ÂÏÚCËÚ ØÐCejCÀ
and the strategic orientations in the plant. In effect, the SPR OâkâgÌ ÎáI àÃÏÚCËÚ Ó ÉCXrÐB lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza GYÔÌ ,NCáÇË®
should be deployed with consideration of the target SPR ,«¼BÓ jf .gwCIàÌ ØÐCejCÀ jf ¾âoQBkPsB ßCÚßkáÄOÙY Ó ØÐBlÓj
performance objectives in daily management. The operatives .fÔw ØP¸kÄ jC¿I ØÐBlÓj OâkâgÌ jf ,àÞBkYB ´BgÚB ÎP¸kÄ k¨Ð jf CI gâCI
identify the problems associated with their processes and the ßCÚØÏáÌl ×BkËÚ ØI ,Bj fÔe ßCÚtlBfkM ØI ¢ÔIkÌ ÆÞCrÌ ,àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ®
existing fields of improvement. The deployment of objectives and
action plans acts as a guideline in order to identify high-priority
issues. Daily management contributes to ensuring that the .gÏÀàÌ ÆË® ãCI OâÔÈÓB CI fjBÔÌ àÞCsCÏw ßBkI àâCËÏÚBj ÍBÔϬI
foundations of the construct are stable and serves as a support ffkÄàÌ ßjCPeCs ÅÔ{B NCHU lB ÍCÏáË¥B ÅÔza GYÔÌ ØÐBlÓj OâkâgÌ
for the measures taken. .gÏÀàÌ ÆË® BkYB Osf jf NCÌBg¼B ßBkI àÐCHáPvM ÍBÔϬI Ó

ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI

´BgÚB jBk»PsB Ó

of objectives
and action



ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
Basic Skill Training
Work Station
Standardization (WSS)

< ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI > CQ < ÊPrás > ßoQBkPsB ¾â lB
From a « System » Strategy to « Daily Excellence »

Ó CÚtÓj ØáÇÀ ØÀ gwCIàÌ kráÌ àÐCÌl ,ÍD ØI àskPsf ØÀ OsB à¸gÚ kÃÐCâCËÐ ,fjBf jBk¼ SPR jBf ÍC¿áM jBfÔËÐ ßãCI jf ØÀ <ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI> NjCH®
.gÏwCI k¨Ð gÌ ,NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ÅÔ{B ØáÇÀ Ó gÐÔw ØP¸kÄ jC¿I CÚjBmIB
´BgÚB jf tÓj ÎâB Ó :gÏâD Osf ØI ÔÐj fk¸ ØI kz`ÏÌ tÓj ºâk¥ lB gâCI Ø¿ÇI ,gÐÔw Æ{Ca gâCI CÙÏQ ØÐ ,kQkI WâCPÐ ØÀ OsB ÍD kÃÐCvÐ NjCH® ÎâB
:OsB ×gw ØâmXQ ªÔ¡ÔÌ jCÙ] ØI ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI .OsB ×gw ×fBf ÍCvÐ OâkâgÌ ´BgÚB Ó BkYB Ó tlBfkM ´BgÚB ,ØÇ{Ca

The expression « Daily excellence » at the top of the SPR arrow diagram represents the goal that can be achieved once all the methods and
tools have been deployed and all the principles and action plans have been observed.
It indicates not only that excellent results are to be achieved, but that they are to be achieved in a manner that is unique to Renault: this is
indicated through result objectives, process or operating objectives and management objectives. Daily excellence is broken down into four

of objectives
and action
plans ÉCÃËÚ gáÈÔQ

QC TPM ×gÐkI uáM àâÓkáÐ ØÀ ßBØÐCejCÀ

,ØÐC¼CPvÌ Ó uÌBjD CI àPâkâgÌ
C Kaizen Dexterity SPT
ÍBgÏÌjCÀ ØI ÉBkPaB CI à¿â Ó jCP¸kÄ Ngw ØI à¿â

1. Top level performance ãCI _¤s àÞDjCÀ .1

Performance targets are dictated by the market and by best .ÍCâCPËÚ CI OIC¼j Ó gÏÀàÌ Îáá¬Q jBlCI Bj àÞDjCÀ fÔz»Ì Ó ´BgÚB
competitor practice. External benchmarks are used to k¨Ð fjÔÌ ´BgÚB Ó fÔYÔÌ àÞDjCÀ Îáá¬Q ßBkI ,àÐÓkáI ßCÚyeCw
determine current performance and the targets to be attained: ßÓkáÐ nCPÐÔÌ udI Ó ØÐgI nCPÐÔÌ udI jf CÚyeCw ÎâB :gÐÓjàÌ jC¿I
these are applicable both to Body Assembly and Powertrain
Assembly. They are indicated by site and by component or
,ØÐCejCÀ £sÔQ CÚyeCw ÎâB .gÏPrÚ ×fC¶PsB ÆIC¼ Óf kÚ ,ØÀk`Ì
product. The paths charted should lead to a defined destination. ØI gâCI ×gw ÊáskQ ßCÚkárÌ .gÐÔwàÌ ×fBf ÍCvÐ ÅÔz`Ì Câ ج¤¼
Subsequently, achieving new targets keeps the Renault industrial ,gâgY ´BgÚB ØI àICáPsf ,GáQkQ ÎâB ØI Ó .gÏwCI kHÚBj Îá¬Ì ßgz»Ì
system ahead at all levels. .gvdIàÌ ßkQkI ^Ô¤s ØáÇÀ jf Bj ÔÐj àP¬Ï{ ÊPrás
An overall performance method, that extends beyond the ßCÚ×fÓg`Ì lB VjCe ØI ØÀ ,ØP¸kÄ Æ¿w BkYB kQkI tÓj ¾â
strict perimeter of the site and incorporating complete ÆÌC¿Q ßCÚfkHÚBj Ó gÏÀàÌ BgáM tkPrÄ ØÐCejCÀ ydvÌ Ó ÉÔskÌ
strategies, is developed.
.OsB ×fBf ßCY fÔe jf Bj ßBØP¸Câ

SPR Management Book

2. An accountable and proactive plant ÔÃdsCM Ó ÓkváM ßBØÐCejCÀ .2

The role of the plants is being extended: :OsB tkPrÄ ÅCa jf NCXÐCejCÀ u»Ð
the last industrial link before the end-customer, they protect ÍCÌl Ó Oá¶áÀ FCI jf ,àÞCÙÐ ßkPvÌ lB ÆH¼ àP¬Ï{ gÐÔáM ÎâkeD
the end-customer in terms of quality and delivery time from all
àÞCÙÐ ßkPvÌ àÌCa ,OeCs udI jf CÚàIBke ØáÇÀ Ó ÆâÔ`Q
failures in the manufacturing department,
as members or partners of the Manufacturing Department
they apply the standards: technical standards, organizational :gÏÏÀàÌ GÇ¥ Bj CÚfjBgÐCPsB ,OeCs udI ¾âkw Câ Ô~® ÍBÔϬI
standards and SPR standards. The cross-functional operations, ÊPrás ßCÚfjBgÐCPsB Ó àÐCÌlCs ßCÚfjBgÐCPsB ,àϸ ßCÚfjBgÐCPsB
exchanges and supports between the sites are developed, ÎáI CÚàÐCHáPvM Ó CÚÅfCHQ ,«¥C»PÌ NCáÇË® . (SPR) ÔÐj gáÈÔQ
major manufacturing function, they play an active and proactive ,OsB ØP¸Câ جsÔQ NCXÐCejCÀ
role amongst the manufacturing functions – engineering, OeCs ÍCÌl jf ÊÚ ,ÓkváM Ó ÅC¬¸ àv»Ð ,OeCs jf àÇ{B fkÀjCÀ
purchasing and suppliers, logistics, in particular quality and HR
OeCs ßCÚudI kâCs ÎáI jf ,ÅÔz`Ì Ø¬sÔQ ÍCÌl jf ÊÚ Ó ÅÔz`Ì
– both during product production and product development,
xÔzdI Ó ,¾áPrXÈ ,ÍCÄgÏÏÀ ÎáÌCQ Ó gâke ,àsgÏÙÌ å gÐjBf
major players in their region, involved by mainly promoting
, HR Ó Oá¶áÀ
their appeal and links with the educational system.
à¸k¬Ì ÉC® jÔ¤I Bj fÔe ßCÚOáIBiY ,fÔe Ø»¤ÏÌ jf àÇ{B ÍBkÃâlCI
.gÏPrÚ Ø¤IBj jf àwlÔÌD ßCÚÊPrás CI Ó gÏÏÀàÌ

3. Synchronized production ÉCÃËÚ gáÈÔQ .3

Synchronized production means manufacturing the products and ØÌCÐkI ¾â pCsB kI ,NC¬¤¼ Ó NãÔz`Ì OeCs ßCÏ¬Ì ØI ÉCÃËÚ gáÈÔQ
components according to a tight programme, in a synchronized NCwjC¶s pCsB kI Ó ,gwCIàÌ ÉCÃËÚ àwÓj CI Ó ÂÏQCÃÏQ Ó ºá¼f
manner and according to the customer orders.
.ffkÄàÌ ÉCXÐB ßkPvÌ
For the plants, this means conducting a manufacturing
programme in strict conformity with the sequential and time CI OeCs gÏâDk¸ ßkHÚBj àϬâ ÉCÃËÚ gáÈÔQ ÉÔÙ¶Ì ,NCXÐCejCÀ ßBkI
requirements This requires regular operation without being ØI lCáÐ jÔ¨ÏÌ ÎâB ßBkI .àÐCÌl Ó àÈBÔPÌ ßCÚßgÏÌlCáÐ lB ºá¼f Oá¬HQ
disturbed by any unexpected occurrences, both during start up ÍCÌl NgÌ jf ÊÚ Ó jCÀ lC³D ÍCÌl NgÌ jf ÊÚ ,ʨÏÌ NCáÇË® ßBkYB
and during production: deliveries are guaranteed in terms of ÆâÔ`Q :gwCIàÌ ×k¨PÏÌ k᳠ج¼BÓ ØÐÔÄ kÚ OËaBmÌ ÍÓgI ,gáÈÔQ
quality and time and by using highperformance logistics ¦C`È ØI ÊÚ ,¾áPrXÈ gÌDjCÀ jCárI ßCÚÊPrás kI Øá¿Q CI ,NBgáÈÔQ
systems. Internal quality problems are primarily mastered at
,àÇeBf àPá¶áÀ ÆÞCrÌ .ffkÄàÌ ÎáË~Q ,Oá¶áÀ ¦C`È ØI ÊÚ Ó àÐCÌl
the source. The performance of the facilities ensures that
the programmes are developed and that flow is mastered. ÍCÏáË¥B ,NäáÙrQ àÞDjCÀ .gÐÔwàÌ ´k¥kI @CvÏÌ jf Ó BgPIB jf
àPsjf ØI gáÈÔQ ÍCâkY Ó gÏPrÚ BkYB ÅCa jf CÚØÌCÐkI ØÀ gÚfàÌ
This concept, which contributes to meeting the customer
delivery times and influences the logistical operating methods, .fÓjàÌ uáM
is extended to the suppliers of parts, components and units ßkPvÌ ØI ÆâÔ`Q ßCÚÍCÌl ºá¼f OâC®j GYÔÌ ØÀ ,ÉÔÙ¶Ì ÎâB ØÏÌBf
and to the delivery of vehicles. ÎáÌACQ CQ ,fjBiÄàÌ kUB ¾áPrXÈ àÞBkYB ßCÚtÓj kI Ó ffkÄàÌ
tkPrÄ ,kÃâf ßÔs lB ÓjfÔe ÆâÔ`Q Ó Ôs ¾â lB NC¬¤¼ ÍCÄgÏÏÀ

4. A serene and enthusiastic management, CI à¿â Ó jCP¸kÄ Ngw ØI à¿â ,ØÐC¼CPvÌ Ó uÌBjD CI àPâkâgÌ .4
one that is fully involved and one that respects ÍBgÏÌjCÀ ØI ÉBkPaB
its employees
ØI Bj fÔe NC¼ÓB ÍBkâgÌ ,fÓjàÌ uáM £ÇrQ CI ØÀ NCáÇË® ¾â jf
In a well mastered operation, the managers do not spend
kËU Ó ÆÌCÀ ºIC¤Q ,ØÐBlÓj jÔ¥ ØI Ø¿ÇI :gÏÐBjiÄàËÐ NBfBkâB CI ßkáÄjf
most of their time addressing malfunctions: they guarantee, on
a daily basis, the results and conformity of the operations. They ØÌCÐkI ,gÏÏÀàÌ ßkáÃáM Bj ´BgÚB .gÏÏÀàÌ ÎáË~Q Bj NCáÇË® àvdI
deploy the objectives, draft and coordinate the progress plan Bj fÔe ÍCÏÀjCÀ ×keãCI Ó gÏÏÀàÌ ÂÏÚCËÚ Ó àaBk¥ Bj jCÀ O¸kváM
and finally train and involve their employees. .gÏÏÀàÌ jCÀ káÄjf Ó ×fBf tlÔÌD
Daily excellence is everyone's concern, and cannot be ØÀ ÍD kÃÌ OráÐ àICáPsf ÆIC¼ Ó ,OsB ØËÚ àÈÔ²vËÈf ØÐBlÓj ßkQkI
achieved unless all parties feel they are an essential part of Ó BkYB jf àsCsB àv»Ð ØÀ gÏÏÀ pCraB ,CÚ×ÓkÄ Ó fBk¸B ØËÚ
performance and progress, are aware that their career
ßCÚNjCÙÌ Ø¬sÔQ Ó àDzw O¸kváM ØÀ gÏwCI ×CÄD Ó ,gÐjBf O¸kváM
progress and skills development are determined by their
contribution and potential. .ffkÄàÌ Îáá¬Q ÍCvâB ×Ô»ÈCI ÍBÔQ Ó ßgY ßjC¿ËÚ CI ,ÍCvâB

Annex I: the Roadmaps ×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð :1 OsÔáM
Roadmaps are the diagnostic tool of the Production System. ØÀ <×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð> .gÏwCIàÌ gáÈÔQ ÊPrás ÆáÇ`Q jBmIB ,×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð
Defined by observing best practice, the « roadmaps » measure SPR ØÀ Bj àwÓj ,gÐB×gw Îáá¬Q tÓj Ó ØIkXQ ÎâkPÙI kI NjC¨Ð CI
the manner in which the SPR is deployed and managed and jBk¼ uXÏs fjÔÌ ,fÔwàÌ OâkâgÌ Ó ØP¸kÄ jCÀ ØI ÍD pCsB kI
determines the path towards industrial excellence. A plant
management item, they are an integral part of the Product System
.gÏÏÀàÌ Îáá¬Q àP¬Ï{ ßkQkI OËs ØI Bj kárÌ ÎâkPÙI Ó gÏÚfàÌ
and are used as a reference to obtain an overall view of the lB ÆÌCÀ àPËr¼ ,gÏPrÚ ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ jBmIB lB à¿â ØÀ ×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð
« system », to objectively diagnose the performance of the àÇÀ àÞCËÐ ØÀ gÐjBf Bj à¬YkÌ u»Ð Ó gÏÚfàÌ Æá¿vQ Bj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás
system, define priority measures and draw up targets and action ,×fkÀ ÆáÇ`Q àÏá® jÔ¤I Bj ÊPrás àÞDjCÀ ,gÏÚfàÌ ØÞBjB <ÊPrás> lB
plans, monitor progress, communicate and motivate. kI ,gÏÏÀàÌ ÊáskQ Bj NCáÇË® ßCÚØv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB Ó ,Îáá¬Q Bj CÚOâÔÈÓB
At present, there are four roadmaps that cover the areas of .gÏÏÀàÌ tmáÃÐB Ó ¢CHQjB fCXâB ,gÐjBf NjC¨Ð O¸kváM
standardization, Work Station improvement, problem resolution
and TPM. These roadmaps are:
,ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB ×fÓg`Ì ØÀ fjBf fÔYÓ ×Bj Øv»Ð jCÙ] ,k¡Ca ÅCa jf
ÎâB .gÏÚfàÌ uwÔM Bj TPM Ó ÆÞCrÌ Æa ,ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB fÔHÙI
Coherent: ensure the coherency and orientation of the SPR
:lB gÏQjCH® ×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð
Common: they indicate the same directions and objectives ,gÏwCIàÌ SPR ßoQBkPsB ßkáÄ OÙY Ó ÉCXrÐB ÎË~PÌ :ÊXrÏÌ
for all plants in the Renault Group, NCXÐCejCåÀ ØåáÇÀ jf ½kPvÌ ´BgåÚB Ó CÚkåárÌ kåÃvâCåËÐ :àåÌÔåË®
Organic: roadmaps are liable to evolve over time, as ,gÏwCIàÌ ÔÐj ×ÓkÄ
knowledge increases and practices change at Renault. Other ,gÏICâ ÆÌCå¿Q ÍCÌl jiåÄ jf gÏÐBÔQàÌ ×Bj ßCÚØåv»åÐ :ØåP¸Cåâ Æ¿våQ
grids (JIT, deployment, daily excellence …) are incorporated
as the system develops.
Ó CÚtÓj Ó gåÏåICåâàÌ uåâBmå¸B ÔååÐj fmåÐ jf CÚØåPrÐBf ØåÀ ØÐÔÃÐCåËÚ
ßkåQkåI ,jBk»PsB , JIT) CÚFÔå]jCå] kåâCås .gÏÏÀàÌ káá²Q NCåáIkXåQ
.gÏICâàÌ ÆÌC¿Q ,ÊPrás جsÔQ CI máÐ (. . . ØÐBlÓj

ðSPR ÎâkËQ ÎâkPÙIñ ^kw

ÉCÄ jCÙ] jf
Description of
"SPR best practice" 1 2 3 4 Ideal status
in 4 steps
ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
ØP®Cs Óf/×lÓj Óf ÍmâCÀ
ÊPrás k{CÏ®
Kaizen 2D/2H
elements Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ
Quality management


Current status fÔYÔÌ OᬡÓ

Target status ´gÚ OᬡÓ
Action / "Roads" ðCÚ×Bjñ / NCáÇË®

SPR Management Book

Roadmaps: one road in 4 stages measured ØÇakÌ jCÙ] jf kárÌ ¾â :×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð
according to 3 criteria OsB ×gw uXÏs jCá¬Ì 3 pCsB kI Ó
The roadmaps describe a road to progress in four stages leading O¸kváM ,ØÇakÌ jCÙ] jf ØÀ gÏPrÚ ßkárÌ ×gÏÏÀ Îáá¬Q ×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð
to an ultimate goal. .gÏÏÀàÌ OâBgÚ àÞCÙÐ ´gÚ OËs ØI Bj

Stages CÚØÇakÌ
4 3 2 1
ÊáˬQ _¤s
×gw ØPsBÔe
Desired level of
jBkËPsB OåáHTQ jBk»PsB Ó ßkáÄjC¿I uåâCåÌlD
= = = = OâkâgÌ
Level P - D - C - A _¤s Level P - D - C - A _¤s Level P - D - C _¤s Level P - D _¤s Management
×nÓkM Ó gáÈÔQ ×gw ØPsBÔe WâCPÐ
Overall manufacture (ØXáPÐ Câ / Ó gÏâDk¸ ßCÚyeCw)
and support function Desired results
Production and project (process and/or result indicators)

For each stage, three criteria are measured: the level of ÆIC¼ ÍBmáÌ :gÐkáÄàÌ jBk¼ uXÏs fjÔÌ jCá¬Ì Øs ,ØÇakÌ kÚ ßBkI
applicability, the management and the target results of the .gÏâDk¸ ÅÔza ÆIC¼ WâCPÐ Ó OâkâgÌ ,ÍfÔI ×fC¶PsB

View by Criterion CÚjCá¬Ì ×CÄgâf lB

The heading "generalization" describes

OâC®j ØYjf Ó ºË® ,ðÊåáˬQñ Æz¸ks ×gw ØPsBÔe ÊáˬQ _¤s
the level of depth and the degree of
observance of the daily procedure gÚfàÌ _á¡ÔQ Bj ØÐBlÓj gÏâDk¸ Desired level of generalization

The "management" heading describes «¼ÔQ fjÔÌ ßCÚNjCÙÌ ,ðOâkâgÌñ Æz¸ks

the skills expected of the managers It :fjBf ØÏâmÄ Øs Ó gÚf àÌ _á¡ÔQ Bj ÍBkâgÌ
distinguishes between : OâkâgÌ
OâkâgÌ lCáÐfjÔÌ ÎâkËQ
Required management practice Management
Skills CÚNjCÙÌ
Control ÅkPÏÀ

Each stage is characterized by the result ØXáPÐ ßCÚyeCw £sÔQ ßBØÇakÌ kÚ ØzdvÌ
×gw ØPsBÔe WâCPÐ
and process indicators translates the level _¤s ×gÏÚf ÍCvÐ Ó fÔwàÌ Îáá¬Q gÏâDk¸ Ó
Desired results
of performance desired by Renault gwCIàÌ ÔååÐj £sÔQ ×gw ØPsBÔe àÞDjCÀ


(2 Ó 1 ßCÚÉCÄ) ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB OâkâgÌ :×Bj Øv»Ð ÅCTÌ

Example of roadmap: standardization management (steps 1 and 2)

Standardization ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB

2 1

gÚfàÌ jCHP®B EWT ØI gwjB àIkÌ gwCIàÌ kHP¬Ì Ó ×gâf tlÔÌD gwjB àIkÌ ¾â ƼBga
ÊáˬQ _¤s
×gw ÉCXÐB (WU ÍBkâgÌ) àQCáÇË® tlÔÌD
×gw ØPsBÔe
The senior instructor validates the EWT At least one senior instructor is trained and validated Level of desired
Management systematically refers to standards There is one pilot EWT by department generalization
Operational training (WU managers) performed

OâkâgÌ lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÎâkËQ OâkâgÌ lCáÐ fjÔÌ ÎâkËQ

flCsàÌ kHP¬Ì Bj ÍD Ó ×fkÀ @C~ÌB Bj SOS ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ fÔwàÌ Îáá¬Q ÍÔÌlD udI ¾â
gÚfàÌ pjf ×CÄjCÀ ÍBkâgÌ ØI ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ fÔwàÌ ×fBf ÍCÏÀjCÀ ØËÚ ØI àÌÔË® NC®ä¥B
gÚfàÌ yázdQ Bj Élã «ICÏÌ ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ Oáaä{
tlÔÌD SOS fjBgÐCPsB pCsB kI ØváËÚ gâgY ßCÚjÔQBkMB gÏÀàÌ NjC¨Ð gÏâDk¸ kI Ó ×gâf tlÔÌD ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ
gÏÏáIàÌ (OâkâgÌ tlÔÌD)
àÐBÔdËÚ kI NjC¨Ð ßBkI àÌC¨Ð . EWT kâgÌ Ó ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ
×BkËÚ ØI ,ßkáÄjC¿I Ó jBk»PsB ßBkI Îá¬Ì àwÓj
ßjC¿ËÚ CI Bj ßkáÄjC¿I Ó jBk»PsB ØáÈÓB ^k¥ ÍCËQjCMf kâgÌ
. . . Ó flCsàÌ ×fCÌD ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ
CI àÐBÔdËÚ CQ gÏÀàÌ ßkHÚBj Bj CÚàsjlCI ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ
gÏÀ ÅkPÏÀ Bj fjBgÐCPsB OâkâgÌ ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB
Required management practice Required management practice of management
Workshop manager validates and signs the SOS A test sector is determined
Department manager coaches the workshop managers General information given to all personnel
The pilot EWTs are validated by the DPSI Competency
The department manager assigns the necessary Plant management is trained and observes procedure
resources (management training)
The new operators are always trained on the SOS
standard Coordination
The Workshop Manager and EWTmanager. A standard A deployment method and associated schedule exists
exists for monitoring compliance with standard
The department manager drafts a deployment plan
with the workshop manager, etc.
The workshop manager conducts inspections to
check compliance with standard

gÐB×gw fjBgÐCPsB ØÐCejCÀ ßCÚ EWT %25 fÓga

(40 jCá¬Ì FÔ]jC] fkIjCÀ) ×gw ØPsBÔe WâCPÐ
(ØXáPÐ Câ / Ó gÏâDk¸ ßCÚyeCw)
No requirement ¢kw uáM ÍÓgI
Around 25% of plant EWTs are standardized Desired results
(process and/or result indicators)
(application of 40-criterion grid)

SPR Management Book

How to use the roadmaps? ?ÊáÏÀ ×fC¶PsB ×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð lB ØÐÔÃ]

The roadmap is a self-evaluation tool used by plant management. ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ £sÔQ ØÀ OsB àXÏs fÔe ÍC¿ÌB CI jBmIB ¾â ,×Bj Øv»Ð
They are used to determine the level of excellence achieved by ØÐCejCÀ jf Æ{Ca ßkQkI ÍBmáÌ Îáá¬Q ßBkI jBmIB ÎâB .fÔwàÌ ØP¸kÄ jC¿I
the plant in 4 of the SPR disciplines (standardization, Work fjBgÐCPsB) OsB ×gÌD OsgI SPR à¥CH~ÐB Æ{B jCÙ] jf ØÀ fÓjàÌ jC¿I
Station improvement, quality management and TPM), on a scale
from 1 to 4.
ßBØYjf ÍD ØI Ó ( TPM Ó Oá¶áÀ OâkâgÌ ,ßjCÀ ×CÃPrâB fÔHÙI ,ßlCs
.fkáÄàÌ ºÇ¬Q jCÙ] àÈB ¾â lB

How to conduct an evaluation? àICáwljB ¾â ßkHÚBj àÃÐÔÃ]

There is no typical process for performing a self-evaluation. ßCÚØv»Ð ÎâBkICÏI .fjBgÐ fÔYÓ àXÏs fÔe ßBkYB ßBkI à{Ce gÐÓj [áÚ
Roadmaps therefore leave a certain amount of the freedom to fjÔÌ jf CQ gÐjBiÄàÌ à¼CI ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ ßBkI ÆË® ßfBlD ßjg¼ ,×Bj
the plant management on how to perform a self-diagnostic. gâCI ÅÔ{B àekI ,ÅCa ÎâB CI .gâCËÐ ßkáÄ ÊáËzQ ,fÔe ÆáÇ`Q àÃÐÔÃ]
However certain principles must be observed:
:gÐkáÄ jBk¼ k¨Ð gÌ
the members of the management must have read the
Management Book prior to the diagnostic; ,ÆáÇ`Q ßBkYB lB ÆH¼ ,Bj <OâkâgÌ FCPÀ> gâCI OâkâgÌ ×ÓkÄ ßC~®B
self-diagnostic should be the result of a group analysis.
;gÏwCI ×fkÀ جÈC¤Ì
Members of the plant management should come to a collegial ×ÓkÄ ßC~®B .gwCI àÚÓkÄ ÆáÇ`Q ¾â ØXáPÐ gâCI àXÏs fÔe
agreement on the level to be attained by each discipline; ÅÔ{B lB ¾â kÚ jf fÔe k¨Ð fjÔÌ ßkQkI ÍBmáÌ fjÔÌ jf gâCI ,OâkâgÌ
the grid rating system should reflect the reality on the ground, ;gÏwCI ×gásj àÚÓkÄ º¸BÔQ ¾â ØI ,à¥CH~ÐB
and should therefore be completed through an exchange with
fÔYÔÌ ßCÚOᬼBÓ kÃÐCáI gâCI ,×fC¶PsB fjÔÌ ßgÏI ØYjf ÊPrás
the operatives concerned. Never hesitate in meeting the
operators and their unit manager in order to understand the ,káÄjf àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ® CI k¨Ð ÅfCHQ pCsB kI gâCI ÎâBkICÏI Ó ,gwCI
difficulties encountered when implementing the SPR tools; ßBkI ,ÍCvâB gaBÓ kâgÌ Ó CÚjÔQBkMB CI NC¼äÌ jf .gwCI ×gw Êá¨ÏQ
it is recommended to call in the local experts on the issues to ßgâfkQ [áÚ , SPR jBmIB ßkáÄjC¿I ÉCÃÏÚ ØI fÔYÔÌ Nä¿vÌ ½jf
be addressed (senior instructors). If in doubt on the grid rating ;gáÚgÐ ×Bj fÔdI
system, the plant should call on central experts from the DPSI àÇ`Ì ÎázzdPÌ CI ,k¨Ð fjÔÌ fjBÔÌ àsjkI ßBkI fÔwàÌ Øá{ÔQ
and the SPR deployment managers in the post-validation sites.
ßgÏI ØYjf ÊPrás fjÔÌ jf àÌCÙIB kÄB .(gwjB ÍCáIkÌ) gâkáÃI pCËQ
ÍBkâgÌ Ó DPSI lB Ó ,mÀkÌ jf ÎázzdPÌ lB gâCI ØÐCejCÀ ,fjBf fÔYÓ
ßjC¿ËÚ OsBÔejf ,gÐB×gw gáÞCQ ØÀ àâCÚØÐCejCÀ jf SPR jBk»PsB

How to process an evaluation? àICáwljB ¾â fkHváM àÃÐÔÃ]

Roadmaps can be used at any time in the year. However, these ,ÅC`ÏâB CI .gÏPrÚ ×fC¶PsB ÆIC¼ ,ßjCÀ ÅCs lB àÐCÌl kÚ jf ,×Bj ßCÚØv»Ð
evaluation grids should focus the attention of management, at ÊáskQ ÍCÌl jf ,Bj OâkâgÌ ØYÔQ gâCI àICáwljB ßCÚFÔ]jC] ÎâB
the moment of drawing up the progress plans, in particular on Øv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I gÏâDk¸ kI xÔze ØI ,O¸kváM ßCÚØv»Ð
the deployment of objectives and action plan process. They may
jf ,CÚضÈÒÌ lB à¿â OsB οËÌ CÚØv»Ð ÎâB .gÏâCËÐ mÀkËPÌ ,NCáÇË®
be a constituent item of the diagnostic defined during the
deployment of objectives and action plan process (cf. chapter 6). ,NCáÇË® Øv»Ð Ó ´BgÚB ßkáÄjC¿I gÏâDk¸ ÍCâkY jf ØÀ gÏwCI àÇáÇ`Q
.(6 Æz¸ ØI gáÏÀ ªÔYj) OsB ×gw Îáá¬Q


Annex II: the EWT book EWT FCPÀ :2 OsÔáM

For each of the SPR strategies, the key roles of the EWT manager ÎâB jf , SPR ßCÚßoQBkPsB lB ÉBgÀ kÚ jf EWT kâgÌ àÇ{B u»Ð
are indicated in this Management Book. Furthermore, the Ó EWT kâgÌ u»Ð Ó Ø¶á©Ó ,×Óä¬I .×gw ×fBf ÍCvÐ <OâkâgÌ FCPÀ>
mission and role of the EWT manager and of the EWT are clearly EWT FCPÀ .OsB ×gw ydvÌ EWT FCPÀ jf ^Ô¡Ó ØI , EWT fÔe
indicated in the EWT book. Because it describes the mode of
jf àÇå{B ßCåÚØå¶ÈÒåÌ lB à¿â , EWT jf O¸kváåM ×Ôåáw _á¡ÔåQ CåI
progress of the EWTs the EWT book is an essential component
of the SPR strategy. .gwCIàÌ SPR ßoQBkPsB

The main principles of the EWT book EWT FCPÀ jf àÇ{B g®BÔ¼
The EWT book is a reference document common to all jf ,OeCs ßCÚ EWT ØáÇÀ jf ÉC® «YkÌ gÏs ¾â EWT FCPÀ
manufacturing EWTs in all Renault plants. It indicates the EWT jf Bj àâBkYB g®BÔ¼ FCPÀ ÎâB .gwCIàÌ ÔÐj NCXÐCejCÀ ØáÇÀ
operating principles of the EWT, its missions and relations
CÚgÏâDk¸ Ó gÏÀàÌ Îáá¬Q CÀkw CI Bj ÍD £IBÓj Ó µâC©Ó ,gÚfàÌ ÍCvÐ
with its partners, while integrating the Renault Product
System tools and procedures. .flCs àÌ Ø]jCL¿â Bj ÔÐj gáÈÔQ ÊPrás jBmIB Ó
The EWT book is a guide which assists the EWTs in their ,fÔe جsÔQ gÐÓj jf Bj CÚ EWT ØÀ OsB àâCËÏÚBj EWT FCPÀ
development: :gÏÀàÌ àÚBkËÚ
it describes the operation of a « model » EWT according to _á¡ÔQ ßfkHÚBj ´gÚ 8 pCsB kI Bj <ØÐÔËÐ> EWT ¾â ÆË® ×Ô`Ð
the 8 strategic targets corresponding to the various activities .gÏPrÚ EWT ªÔÏPÌ ßCÚOáÈC¬¸ ØI ¢ÔIkÌ ØÀ gÚfàÌ
of the EWT
جsÔQ jBfÔËÐ ¾â ,àÞCÙÐ ´gÚ ØI Ígásj ßBkI Ó ßoQBkPsB kÚ ßBkI
it proposes a EWT development chart for each strategy
àÃP¸Câ ÅCËÀ _¤s jCÙ] pCsBkI ØÀ gÚfàÌ fCÙÏváM Bj EWT
according to 4 levels of maturity, level being the ultimate
target. .OsB ×gw Êá¨ÏQ

,jCÀ jf Ígw káÄjf .3

g®BÔ¼ Ó OâkâgÌ
3. Involvement,
management and rules
àâBkÄ yzdQ .2 Oá¶áÀ ÅkPÏÀ .4
2. Professionalizm 4. Quality control
Øåå¬sÔåQ £á`Ì ÅkPÏÀ .5
ßlCs fjBgÐCPsB .1 ßjCÀ £âBkw Ó
1. Standardization 5. Enviroment and working
development conditions control
ØÏâmÚ OâkâgÌ .8
NäáÙrQ àÞDjCÀ ÅkPÏÀ .6
8. Cost management
6. Facilities performance
ÍCÌl OâkâgÌ .7 control
7. Flow and delivery
time management

The EWT maturity levels are: :gÏPrÚ kâl ^kw ØI EWT àÃP¸Câ ÅCËÀ ^Ô¤s
N1: the EWT knows the procedure and applies it jC¿I O¼f Ó OâgY CI BkÐD Ó gsCÏwàÌ Bj gÏâDk¸ EWT : N1
N2: the EWT analyzes and eliminates malfunctions
gÏÀàÌ ´ia Ó ×fkÀ ÆáÇ`Q Bj NBfBkâB EWT : N2
N3: the EWT improves its performance by means of an
action plan fÔHÙI ,NCáÇË® Øv»Ð ¾â ÉCËPÚB CI Bj fÔe àÞDjCÀ EWT : N3
N4: the EWT anticipates and records its knowledge base
àváM ÍD lB Ó ×fkÀ OHU Bj fÔe NCÌÔÇ¬Ì ØâCM EWT : N4
For a EWT to progress from the stage where it « knows the fkáÄàÌ
procedure and applies it rigorously » to the stage where it
« anticipates and records its knowledge » on each of the target Ó gÏâDk¸ OeCÏw> ÅÓB ØÇakÌ lB O¸kváM kárÌ jf , EWT ¾â ßBkI
requirements, the full implementation of the SPR tools and <ÍD lB ÎP¸kÄ àváM Ó CÚØPrÐBf OHU> ØÇakÌ CQ <ÍD ºá¼f ßkáÄjC¿I
strategies is an absolute prerequisite. Ó CÚßoQBkPsB ÆÌCÀ ßBkYB Ó ßkáÄjC¿I ,k¨Ð fjÔÌ ´BgÚB lB ¾â kÚ jf
.gwCI àÌ à¬¤¼ lCáÐ uáM ¾â SPR jBmIB


The EWT book, a workshop management measurement tool: :×CÄjCÀ OâkâgÌ uXÏs jBmIB , EWT FCPÀ
for the EWT manager, the EWT book proposes a diagnostic Bj ßÓ Ó gwCIàÌ EWT kâgÌ ßBkI ÆáÇ`Q jBmIB ØÈmÏÌ ØI EWT FCPÀ
tool enabling him to evaluate the maturity of his EWT and Ó ×fkÀ àICâljB fÔe EWT jf Bj àÃP¸Câ ÅCËÀ CQ flCsàÌ jfC¼
define a progress plan in order to attain the EWT operating
Osf EWT àÞBkYB ´gÚ ØI CQ gÏÀ Îáá¬Q O¸kváM ßBkI Bj ßBØÌCÐkI
for the workshop manager, the EWT book proposes a
management tool and a synthesis chart enabling him to view ßmPÏs jBfÔËÐ Ó OâkâgÌ jBmIB ØÈmÏÌ ØI ,×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ ßBkI EWT FCPÀ
the position of the EWT and to assist them in developing jf Ó fjÓD k¨Ð jf Bj EWT OᬼÔÌ CQ flCsàÌ jfC¼ Bj ßÓ ØÀ OsB
their skills. .fÓkI ÍCÐD ßjCâ ØI CÚNjCÙÌ Ø¬sÔQ

EWT book operatives EWT FCPÀ àÞBkYB ÆÌBÔ®

The EWT manager is responsible for developing his EWT. For ,jÔ¨ÏÌ ÎâB ßBkI Ó OsB fÔe EWT jf جsÔQ ÅÔÝrÌ EWT kâgÌ
this purpose, he implements the EWT book and conducts a Ó ØâmXQ ßkHÚBj ØI ,OâkâgÌ àÐCHáPvM CI Ó ØP¸kÄ jC¿I Bj EWT FCPÀ
self-diagnostic of his EWT with the support of management. .flBfkMàÌ fÔe EWT jf àÐÓjf ÆáÇ`Q
The workshop manager is responsible for deploying the EWT fÔe udI jf EWT FCPÀ ßkáÄjC¿I Ó jBk»PsB ÅÔÝrÌ ×CÄjCÀ kâgÌ
book in his section and in managing it over time.
.fjBf ×gÙ® kI ÍCÌl ÅÔ¥ Bj ÍD OâkâgÌ Ó ×fÔI
Plant Management should monitor the consistency of
development of all the EWTs over the whole site. The jf ,CÚ EWT àÌCËQ جsÔQ jf ÉC¿`PsB Ó NCHU kI gâCI ØÐCejCÀ OâkâgÌ
development objectives of the EWTs should also be set in order àHáQkQ ØI gâCI CÚ EWT جsÔQ ´BgÚB .gÏÀ NjC¨Ð ØÐCejCÀ àÌCËQ
to ensure coherency with the SPR deployment plan. EWT ßkáÄjC¿I Ó jBk»PsB Øv»Ð CI ÍD ÉCXrÐB ÎË~PÌ ØÀ gÐfkÄ Êá¨ÏQ
.gwCI ØÐCejCÀ jf


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