Teaching Philosophy

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Teaching Philosophy
Clarissa Gonzalez Arambula
University of Texas at El Paso

My teaching philosophy is to create a stimulating environment that will empower

students not only academically, but also, personally. My teaching philosophy is tended to expand

a broader link between the astonishing beauty of nature and the wonderful miracle of life. My

teaching goal is to share an enlarged view of all aspects of Biology that will permit students

appreciate life on a higher level. Thus, cherish the opportunity we have to enjoy life as fully as

possible in a moment-to-moment awareness. I believe, it is of great importance to prepare

students for the real world, which means not only packing students with relevant dates and

numbers, but rather, provide for them opportunities to develop their own logical thinking habits

and cognitive skills. Aligned with the constructivism views of the well-known theorist Jean

Piaget, my objective emphasizes on activity-based teaching, problem-based instruction and peer

collaboration. I am convinced that a stimulating educational environment will positively

challenge students to reach their highest potential.

There are multiple learning theories that are a useful guidance that I will keep in mind

when interacting with my students. Behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism to mention

some, offer different approaches to conceive a positive and productive relationship with my

future students. It is essential to decide which road to take depending on the outcome desired.

For example, behaviorism targets as mentioned in the name the student’s behavior. I could use

this approach to stimuli a good habit such as punctuality. Being consistent with positive

reinforcement has the strength to shape dramatically student’s behavior. “Though this may seem

to take longer to achieve the desired behavioral results than the use of negative consequences, in

the long run, the results are much longer lasting" (Cain, 2011). I would do this by warmly

welcome my students at the classroom door at the beginning of every class. This will enhance

my relationship with my students on a personal manner, as well, as reinforcing such an important


As a guide for selecting teaching materials and activities, I incline for using

constructivism. This theory stands in the belief that learning is an active and constructive

process. In my classroom, students will be actively involved in the process of knowledge

construction. Also, in the process of the meaning students give to the material presented after

associating it with their own personal perspective. Along with my understanding that the cultural

background and experiences of every student may differ, it is essential for me to integrate this

factor during the lesson planning. For example, the lesson plan might slightly be modified for

accommodations for English-learners students. For example, by including hands-on activities,

physical objects and by using graphic organizers to make lessons more visual. Based on my own

experience as a student, being an English-learner myself, some teachers used to speak some key

words in my first-spoken language, Spanish, or used scaffolding techniques to help me keep on

track on the material. Those teachers integrated my cultural background when doing their

lessons, which helped me focus on understanding the material instead of just translating the

language. I know first-hand what it is like to be an English-learner, which facilitates me to

understand my student's perspective. Also, my experience provides for me the facilitation to

choose appropriate materials and strategies for teaching and for assessment.

Also, including student-centered seating, class-discussions, and research projects to

mention a few techniques that will enhance students to question and reflect on their own prior

knowledge and personal experiences. For example, I could create a research project questioning

a trending topic relevant in the community. It would be an open-ended question, where they

would get the opportunity to be creative, collaborate with their classmates, reflect on their

different perspectives and points of view, towards creating an authentic product (a short-film,

poster, poem, etc.). The project would finalize with a presentation based on their analyzed

findings and the presentation of their final product to the rest of the class. "The concept of

relevance, which is gaining prominence in the discussions on instruction, represents the attempt

to have the student connect to the content on a personal level" (Cain, 2011). When students can

relate on a personal level, not only is it easy for them to retain the material but also it is likely

that they apply their knowledge on a real-world scenario.

Creating a safe learning community it is my first priority. I believe, it is easier for any

individual to interact and to collaborate in their environment when they feel safe. The learning

environment starts in the set-up of the classroom. I want to create a welcoming classroom that is

clean, organized and with an interactive layout. First, greeting students at the door, then, an

organized classroom full of materials where every student has the opportunity to explore

different resources and most importantly the opportunity to expand their ideas in a tangible

manner. An interactive layout includes desks in small groups, in a circle or half a circle

depending on the activity. The layout will permit movement and interaction between students,

also allowing me to expand my power zone. Thus, incrementing my ability to provide guidance

and to be aware of any situation happening in the classroom.

My second target is to enforce a positive rapport with my students. It is in my interest to

develop a student-teacher relationship build on respect, trust, and communication. But also, it is

highly important to guard the same type of relationship between my students. Building strong

relationships, will create a respectful community where students feel free to question the material

presented and to present their doubts, without any hesitation. In order to maintain this safe

environment and cover any misbehaves, as a class we will create a list of behavioral expectations

through a thoughtful discussion at the beginning of the year. This will create extrinsic motivation

to avoid get into any trouble; but also, it will create an intrinsic motivation to accomplish

something they were part of. Students will have a hard copy if it, where I will be able to refer to

in a privately one-on-one conference with the student in matter in case of any behavioral


As an aspiring educator, I want to act as a guide for my future students. Not act as the

primary source, but rather implement a mutual learning relationship. Thus, communicating with

my students is critical for the classroom management and for a proper instruction. As a teacher, I

want to get to know my students and their needs in order to accommodate my lesson plan

accordingly to pursue areas of strength and interest. Learning will be personalized by a variety of

resources that will target each student' learning style; permitting students to work and to learn at

their own paces. Active assimilation will aid in the student’s interest and further curiosity in the

topic. It will be a combination of different instructional strategies and curricular approaches,

including prior knowledge, cues and scaffolding. This resources and activities will take place in

the classroom, as well, as outside the classroom through digital media. Formative assessment

will assist in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a particular student, in addition to

identify those existent as a class. Through formative assessment, I will provide guidance and

constructive criticism in their work, providing them with several opportunities for improvement

and reflection. A way to do it is following three steps, first: show them how do it. Second: Allow

students explore and practice under observation. Third: Allow students to do the activity

independently, but knowing I am available for any questions and/or concerns. Consequently,

students will accomplish successfully in the summative assessment. The assessment criteria and

grading system will be transparent to all students and their parents. An effective relationship with

the parents or guardians of my students and with my colleagues will highly increase the quality

of my teaching and the student learning. I will use student, administrative, and parental feedback

to ensure I remain aligned to the curriculum, create or to change a strategy as necessary.

A solid appreciation for life diversifies when the knowledge and the understanding of

even the small concepts of it is expanded. I aspire to encourage the development of wholesome

individuals by building up short and long term goals. My teaching philosophy is to show them

how beautiful, complex, and stunning the natural world is for them to enjoy a richer life. In a

classroom that is assembled for every student, where they get to be creative, to explore, and to

experiment with the materials. I will be guided by different learning theories, cognitive empathy,

strategies, student responses, experience, but most importantly guided by love for my students.


Cain, S., & Laird, M. (2011). The fundamental 5: The formula for quality instruction. Place of publication

not identified: Publisher not identified.

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