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MUED 271 Field Experience Observation Form

Date: 12/1/18

Location: Central HS

Time: 8:15

Teacher: Ms. Levchenko

What was/were the objective(s) of this lesson?

• Work on songs from the book

• Play a rhythm game

What National Standard(s) do you think was/were addressed in this lesson? (Please be
specific (e.g., Anchor Standard 4: Analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for

Anchor Standard 5 : develop and refine artistic work for presentation

What Virginia Standard(s) of Learning for Music do you think was/were addressed in this
lesson? (Again, please be specific (e.g., K.6: The student will demonstrate a steady beat,
using body percussion, instruments, and voice).)

MIB.1: Reading and notating music.

How did the teacher accomplish her/his objectives?

• Led the class In playing the selected pieces

• Gathered the group to play a rhythm game for the final minutes of class

How did the teacher assess individual students’ understanding?

• She asked questions and made certain sections play alone

• She would go around and play along with students to help them
• Break things down to help students

What does the teacher do that seems to help student learning in this classroom?

• She knows everyone’s name

• She keeps a good attitude during class
• She sets up a good space for students to have arm room but can still collaborate
What does the teacher do that seems to hinder student learning in the classroom?


What do students do that seems to help their learning in the classroom?

• Keep their course materials organized

• They have opportunities to play alone sometimes
• They can ask questions openly since the group is so small

What do students do that seems to hinder their learning in the classroom?

• Some did not want to participate

• Some of the songs were too easy

What action(s) on the part of the teacher do you think would improve student learning in
this classroom?

• Accept student feedback for song suggestions

• Make sure everyone is on the same page before increasing difficulty

What action(s) on the part of the students do you think would improve student learning in
this classroom?

• A little more collaboration could have added to the class dynamic

Please remember that in addition to submitting this form on Canvas, you should
write a reflection of approximately 500 words on your blog (under “Leadership”) in
which you reflect about your experiences and impressions from this visit.

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