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An Annotated Outline

ELA IV, Honors

 Overview

One of the essential steps of composing an essay is the outline. A strong outline serves as the “bones” for the
essay. To that end, if you have strong “bones”, you have a greater chance of composing a substantial essay. For this
assignment, you will produce an annotated outline that provides the structure for a synthesis essay that utilizes
Beowulf and Grendel as textual support.
While the function of an outline is to provide organization of a composition, the addition of annotations (notes)
within the outline will provides critical information (what, why, and how) of selected textual support, which is
essential for a completion of any composition. Simply put, the annotated outline will layout the information that
would be included in a potential essay with specific notes concerning the evidence included in the essay.

 The Assignment.
Create an annotated outline to provides the organization for a synthesize essay; use both the epic Beowulf and
the Joh Garder’s Grendel as your textual support.

Note: An acceptable outline arrangement is bulleted, numbered, or Roman Numerals.

 Methodology.
 Step 1, Read with a purpose.
Prior to reading, create a synthesis question to serve a query for critical thinking and reading purpose.
 Step 2, the thesis.
Produce an answer to the question you previous posed. The answer to this question will serve as a
working thesis and provide you a reason to critically read and the collection of textual support.
 Step 3, critical reading.
Now that you have you reading purpose (thesis), critically read each text and make note (annotations)
of all information that could be used to support your argument (thesis). You must complete a double-
entry journal that records the information you’ve collected. The first half of the double-entry journal is
due on August 29, 2018 and the last half is due on September 5, 2018.
 Step 4, the annotated outline.
Produce an annotated outline according to the following requirements and specification. Be sure to
review the assessment rubric to ensure you meet the criteria for success.
 The Requirements.

Note: see format below for reference. In addition, please review the student samples, which are in included on Camvas.

 Introduction- Compose an introductory paragraph suitable for a two-page literary synthesis essay. The
introductory paragraph must be located at the start of the annotated outline
 Thesis- compose a strong argument in reference to the selected prompt. Your thesis statement must be
included in your introductory paragraph
 The body- produce a formal sentence-annotated outline for the body of your essay. The body must
include (see format below for reference ) :
o Key idea sentence
o Documented textual evidence (minimum of 8)
 Must include 3 paraphrases
 4 direct quotations
o Thoughtful annotations for each textual evidence.
 What is the quote about?
 Why is important?
 How does it relate to the thesis?
o Transitional sentence (mini-conclusion)
 Conclusion- compose a concluding paragraph suitable for a four-page literary analysis essay. The
conclusion must be located at the end of the outline (see format below for reference).
 Work cited page. Be sure to include a proper citation page according to MLA format and style
 Submission.
The annotated outline is due on September 11, 2018 on Canvas.
 Grading.
The annotated outline will be graded according to the criteria and expectations listed on the posted rubric.
 Format
The annotated outline must be typed, 11” font, Times New Roman or Nyala font, 1.5 spaced, 1” margins on
left/rights sides of the page and .5” margins on top/bottom of the page. Additionally, the final document must be
formatted like the sample below:

March 6, 2018
Mrs. McFadden
Annotated outline

I. Introductory paragraph(s)
II. The Body
A. Key Idea sentence
a. Textual evidence
b. Textual evidence
c. Transitional sentence
B. Key Idea sentence
a. Textual evidence
b. Textual evidence
c. Transitional sentence

Note: continue this format for the rest of the body paragraphs

III. Conclusion paragraph(s)

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