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Global Issues Report

Marriage Equality

Wendy Perez

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

October 30, 2018



The issue that was discussed in the paper was the complications of legalizing the gay

marriage everywhere in the world. Throughout the paper different problems were stated and

charts/figures were presented to support the claim that was stated. This global issue was taken

into research by using scholarly journals and interviews by reading academic journals or

newspapers. It's fascinating how the LGBT community surpasses all the stumbling blocks and

harassments of people. Throughout the paper it is shown how logos was used by providing charts

as evidence for the claims that were stated. This is directed to all the gay people trying to fight or

marriage equality. In general, this issue will always remain without a resolution that can help

society be a better community for the LGBT community. Gay marriage has been frowned upon

years and probably will always be like that.


Global Issues Report


Ever since the year 1925, the problem with marriage equality started to heat up. Same-sex

couples had to deal with the everyday struggle of being discriminated against, in hope that one

day they would be accepted into society. They are seeking to win the right of legalizing marriage

for gay and lesbian people. Although, if marriage was legalized everywhere, it would not benefit

society. It could create new conflicts and new problems for the gay and lesbian community.

People can be angry at the fact that they won their right to marry and start to attack them it, could

start a madness around the world. Their social stigma is associated with the discrimination that

society gives in a daily life. Marriage equality will always remain as an issue. Same-sex couples

always struggle to get their rights as people and one day be happy without being discriminated

against for having other preferences. This will always have an affection for society, and this is

not going to unite the community but rather separate it. Everyone has their own opinion but that

does damage the LGBT community because they do not accept them as they are.


Today, family structure has changed drastically from the traditional family to the same-

sex families. But the truth is that most same-sex couples do not make fit parents. According to

Patterson (1995), the children can have a negative psychological effect on them and need help. It

can affect their well-being and the children might want other preferences when they grow up (pg.

262). It is widely believed that same-sex couples as parents can influence the children, to the

extent that it can influence a negative psychological development. As seen in Figure 1, it

demonstrates the percentage of the emotional issues, there is a drastic difference between gay

and heterosexual marriages. This is important because, previous research by Borelli (2013),

found that children whose parents are either gay or lesbian must deal with daily challenges such

as bullying in school as well needing additional emotional help. As seen on Figure 2, it shows

the different outcomes that children are put daily if they were part of a same-sex married couple.

Children of the LGBT parents can receive discrimination in their communities, or they can be the

subject of childish taunting. A study made in 1995 (The Federalist, para. 1), found that children

involved in the same-sex family can receive more violence, such as a slap, hitting them, saying

something that hurts them emotionally, lastly but more importantly they can touch them in a

sexual way and taking advantage of them.

Same-sex couples do not have the same rights as the opposite sex couples, they may even

have no rights in certain stuff. According to Christianna Silva (2017), spousal rights or benefits

were taken away under employee insurance when married to a same-sex person. Same-sex

couples can now get married in Texas, but they would not have the same rights as the

heterosexual couples. Only a 65 percent supported gay and lesbian marriage in Western Europe

until 2015. Europe has several constraints for gay couples, such as if one of them needs a liver

transplant the cannot donate their liver to their partner. Some gay and lesbian couples are not

even allowed to adopt a child. On the other hand, Sam Frizell (2014), said that indeed same-sex

couples do have the same rights as a heterosexual couple. When it comes to filing a bankruptcy,

testifying in court or visiting in prison. It will give them the same benefits in subject to domestic

support obligations such as alimony debts. The evidence suggests that same-sex couples do not

get the same rights as the heterosexual couples. When married to the same sex person they are

taken away. Based on the evidence provided, it demonstrates that when same-sex coupled marry

they mostly lose their rights or benefits only in most areas.


Both marriages are different from one another; gay and lesbian couples want a more

stable and long marriage and tend to be in a longer committed relationship than the heterosexual

marriages. According to American Psychological Association (2018), psychological and social

aspects of committed relationships between same-sex couples largely resemble those of

heterosexual marriages. Also, research has found that lesbian and gay couples tend to have more

levels of satisfaction higher than those of heterosexual marriages. They show more affection and

romanticism. However, according to Bailey (2014), he demonstrated that both marriages are

equally stable and there are no differences. In 2012, a survey was conducted, and it showed the

same-sex couples have the same rate of breakups and divorces as the heterosexual couples. It

does not matter if the gay and lesbian couples show more affection they still have the same

problems. Also, they both show similar longevity. They both go through the same kind of

problems financially and emotionally. Based on the evidence provided it confirms that same-sex

marriage and heterosexual marriage does differ in various ways.

Mental health can be damaged if their right to marry their couple is denied. They are

fighting for their right, that gay and lesbian people get tired of fighting. According to American

Psychological Association (2018), it can lead to chronic social stress and mental health

problems, being denied the right to marry reinforces the stigma that may undermine the healthy

development of adolescents and young adults (para. 2). In fact, psychologist have found that not

only it can give bad experience to the gay and lesbian people but also to the family, they might

gain negative and mental health consequences because their loved ones do not obtain their right

and satisfaction of being with the person they love. Based on the evidence provided, the author

claims that lesbian and gay couple’s mental health can be affected if their right to marry is

constantly denied in many states.


If Same-sex marriage was legalized everywhere it would bring problems, politically,

economically and cultural. According to Badgett (2010), if the things change, the road would not

be a simple nor a smooth one, it will be hard. Same-sex couple will struggle in a new legal

context with the old conflict and the new expectations in the communities. People would not

want them in their buildings or public places. They may have legalized marriage for gay and

lesbian, but people still would not respect them, it would make them even more mad. It could

create a madness in the society. It will have a cost to the LGBT community. But there has been

claim from Joseph and Alex that if same-sex marriage is legalized, there will be a more

accepting society, it would be less discriminating and more accepting, and it would also mean

LGBT empowerment. Also, it will bring a significant economic boost. If the society has more

and more weddings it will benefit the economy. Therefore if, same-sex marriage was legalized

globally it would not benefit the society since it could create new conflicts and even more


Same-sex married couples can now be covered as spouses under health benefits.

According to The Health Section (2015), spouses most insurance companies in all states now

cover same-sex spouses the same way they do with opposite-sex spouses. Aetna and other

insurances offer a special enrollment, which started in June 26 to July 27 of 2015, this program

offered a special plan for same-sex spouses to have a health insurance just like the opposite-sex

couples. The employer can choose whether it wants to cover employees’ spouses at all, but they

mostly now do cover some of it. This is important because Sprout (2015), found that now all

employee spouses are now getting equal benefits when it comes to health insurance. The

Affordable Care Act mandates that all spouses of same-sex couples are now eligible to apply for

a health, dental and vision insurance. Based on the evidence provided, we can see how society

has evolved and now has special offers for the spouses of same-sex couples.


The marriage equality affects the same-sex couples but what if it was legalized globally,

it would affect the society in many ways. There would be new expectations in the society for the

gay and lesbian community. If marriage between two men and two women was legalized it

would create new problems and conflicts. They would not accept them in the streets or even

prohibited in many places. The marriage may be legalized but the people may still not accept

them and still attack them no matter what. The issue being taken around the world is that every

day the same-sex couples struggle in the daily life because of their preferences, now imagine if it

was legalized it would create a much bigger issue. Marriage equality will always remain a global

issue and probably would not have a solution to it soon.



Analysis: Gay marriage in Europe. (2004). Weekend edition Saturday () Retrieved from


Augelli, A. R., & Patterson, C. (1995). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities over the lifespan:

psychological perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bachai, S. (2014, July 07). Study Finds Same Sex Couples Make Better Parents: Is It Because

They're More Prepared? Retrieved from


Frizell, S. (2014, February 08). Same-Sex Couples Get Equal Federal Rights, Says Eric Holder.

Mills, K. I. (2008, November 18). Anti-Same-Sex Marriage Amendments Spark Psychological.

Retrieved from

Patterson, C. J. (1995). Lesbian and Gay Parenting. Retrieved from

Silva, C. (2017, December 04). Married same-sex couples are denied the same benefits as

heterosexual pairs in Texas. Retrieved from


S. (2016, January 26). Same-Sex Marriage: Employee Benefits Are Now Created Equal.

Retrieved from


T. (2015, July 15). Same-sex marriage health benefits: What you need to know. Retrieved from

W. (2014, October 06). Same-sex marriages and heterosexual marriages show similar longevity.

Walton, B. (2015, April 24). The Kids Are Not Alright: A Lesbian's Daughter Speaks Out.

Retrieved from



Figure 1. Different percentages on emotional issues between traditional families and same-sex

Figure 2. Different percentages on the outcomes between children of different family and
traditional families.

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