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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering

and Research
e-ISSN No.:2349-9745, Date: 2-4 July, 2015

4D BIM in Cons
truction Planning and Scheduling
Harshal S Shimpi1,Prof R.V.Devalkar2
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering,NDMVPS’s KBT, COE Nashik College,
Department of Civil Engineering, NDMVPS’s KBT, COE Nashik College,

Planning is the most important part of management processes. Without proper planning,
successful completion of any project of any organi
ation will not be possible. In all Phases of project
planning, decision making is most important
important. Proper scheduling of the different activities before
commencement of work and controlling the operations in systematic manner is the heart of planning.
Different planning methods have been used which are not efficient to fulfill all the requirements
during execution stages. There is still difference
ifference between planned work and executed work. The
study aims to know about 4D BIM technology and its benefits. Use of integration of 3D BIM with
project schedule can enable the effective detection of planning and execution problems in
construction projects. For study pupurpose Goda Ghat Site in Nashik is selected where work is
performed in four phases. The method has been effective and helpful for visualization, resource
management and decision making. 4D BIM also was useful in planning temporary structures and site

Keywords-4D BIM, Construction Planning,

Planning,4D Modeling, MS Project, Visualization, Scheduling.


It is not very easy to manage complex projects and also research and development projects which
have certain uncertainties. Even conventionally preparing schedules can’t find the problems before
execution. There are many on site problems regarding execution which are not highlighted
highl by 2D
charts or drawings.The
.The engineers have to depend on ttheir experience to make work plan,
plan site layout
decisions, resource allocation etc. If the appropriate management tool is used for visual
representation of construction site including work progress can be helpful in site space utilization
and also in resource management just in time as per the requirement [8].In this study 4D BIM model
is developed for better visualization and removing flaws before the commencement of the work at
site. There are several problems on construction site to be faced, for the same 4D BIM is the tool
which can be helpful for managing and finding the several alternatives
alternatives, which can optimize the
results and give best possible solution by its better visualiz
visualization.4D BIM provides a graphical
simulation that allows planners for identification of problems in eaearly stage.4D
4D BIM shows project
schedule in visual format.ItIt can also be used to coordinate in work with engineers,clients and

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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [July-2015] Special Issue of ICRTET’2015


There are several problems in construction industry regarding execution. These problems should
found out during the pre-planning stage. There are several tools used for the planning stage that are
either in the form of 2D plan or 3D. But such tools also sometimes can’t fulfill the requirement
regarding execution. From such data it is assumed that if the site would have proper tool which can
fulfill the planning, scheduling and visualization than it would more ease to carryout work. Because
such tools can be helpful to take many opinions from different experts and from them a suitable
method can be decided to perform the work. For the same we have used 4D BIM tool which includes
Visualization as well as planning and scheduling.Using the working tools and platform the 4D model
is prepared. The workflow chart is given to show the process how the 4D simulation is done. The
BIM can be made by using Revit, AutoCAD, Google Sketchup, Bentley, Tekla etc. the schedule is to
be prepared in MS project. The schedule tasks are given WBS codes, these activities with the WBS
codes Ids are linked to the model’s elements. These components in the model are also given specific
IDs which are helpful during linking activities to models. Different software’s are used for the
development of 4D BIM model. Software for BIM Platform was made available from Autodesk
website. For study, required software’s have to be learnt. All software’swere learned with the help of
tutorials and the guidelines of the experts.
Software’s learned are-
1. Google Sketchup
2. MS Project 10
3. Autodesk Navisworks 2014

2.1 Procedure to Develop the 4D BIM for Study

A Project work phase schedule was created by using MS Project. The schedule shows activity
durations in task information and link between activities in Gantt chart. The scheduled activities
from MS Project and a 3D model from Google sketch-up were imported separately to Autodesk
Navisworks Manage. Then the 4D BIM model was developed by the linking of the 3D model to the
scheduled activities in timeliner Schedule[6]. The method of preparing the 4D model consisted of
following steps:-

1 Prepare Plan in AutoCAD/Google Sketchup.

2 Making the 3D components for project such as waist slab, pedestals, anchor, steps, bridge
3 Naming3D components as per scheduled activity.
4 Updating the 3D model.
5 Importing 3D model from Google sketch up to 4D BIM tool.
6 Importing the schedule from MS-project to 4D BIM tool.
7 Check for Clash detection test.
8 Updating the model as per the clash test result.
9 Simulating 3D BIM objects in model to activities in timeliner schedule.
10 Checking the relationship between 3D object and schedule
11 Making Animation as per view requirement.

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Volume 2, Issue 7, [July-2015]
2015] Special Issue of ICRTET’2015

Figure 1.4D BIM Process (Dung

Dung Thi, Phuong Dang, Moiz Tarar 2012)


The site selected for study was Goda Ghat site where the work for Sinhastha Kumbhamela is
in progress. The components or sections constructed are Stairs, beams, columns, pedestals, culvert
and also some extension work for existing ghat. The site has to fac
facee many variations in scheduling as
per the variations
ariations in the site situation
situation.As scheduling is important, planning is equally important.

Figure 2 .Actual
Actual Site Condition Figure 3. AutoCAD Site Layout

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Volume 2, Issue 7, [July-2015]
2015] Special Issue of ICRTET’2015

Figure 4.Goda Ghat Site Stepwise Sketchup BIM Model

As required software learning and data collection was done. Also have already prepared a
sample project of 4D simulation using the above mentioned software’s for learning purpose. Also
Partly BIM model of the site as shown in figure was also prepar prepared.
ed. The implementation of this 4D
model was done on given work site. 3D BIM Model was being developed for the Goda Ghat work.
The 3D model was prepared with the reference of 2D AutoCAD Drawing. The preparation of model
for site as per the actual site dimen
sion took about 24 hrs. The figure shows the stepwise preparation
of the model. The BIM model shows the actual site features of site which can be helpful in proper
visualization and decision making. The schedule was prepared for the selected phase1.
The above 3D BIM model was prepared and the schedules made in MS-Project MS were
simulated in Autodesk Navisworks Manage. The same model was presented to site faculty. By
visualizing the model surprised to find out that to complete Slab activity in the congested
conge area, an
immediate requirement of Submersible pump 2 days before the activity is to be placed. By
visualizing the 3D model with construction schedule they recognized the need of resources required
for that activity on that particular day. In this way model was helpful in resource management for
that activity, also it was helpful in other site activities which are also important in execution point of
view like dewatering which is important activity in regular work, as most of the site faces problems
due to rise in water level. As per the work schedule, management of water pumps can be done to
carry out work. Also this was helpful in construction of temporary structures required for the
execution. The selected phase was completed within the given schedule duration by avoiding the
unnecessary delay and byproper management of resources.

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Volume 2, Issue 7, [July-2015]
2015] Special Issue of ICRTET’2015

Figure 5.MS Project Schedule for Phase 1

Figure 6.4D BIM of Goda Ghat site Phase 1


This Study was coconducted at Goda Ghat site and phase 1 of work was selected for the
implementation of the model. The 4D BIM model has been useful and effective during
construction phase, it was beneficial in task planning, resource planning,in
planning similar wayit can
be implemented in different fields of constructio
construction industry. This can also be used as a
representative tool.Following
ollowing poi
points were concluded during study:
• 4D model is helpful
elpful in decision making.
• By the use of 4D BIM the project managerand site engineers can detect the problems in pre-
construction phase which can lead to reduction in the amount of rework.

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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [July-2015] Special Issue of ICRTET’2015

• By good visualization through model, management of resources became easy and also
unnecessary delays can be avoided.
• By improved visualization, communication between site faculties can be increased, also can
be helpful for common understanding regarding work ,between client and project managers,
this will enhance project execution process and can be helpful in completion of project
within the given schedule.


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