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Annotated Bibliography

Marriage Equality in UTEP

Wendy Perez

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

October 23, 2018


Research Questions

1. How will the child feel growing in a same-sex caregiver versus a more traditional


2. How can same-sex couples benefit economically?

3. Do same-sex couples have same rights as opposite- sex couples?

4. Do same-sex couples make fit parents?

5. Why do some states legalize same-sex marriages?


Annotated Bibliography

Ball, C. A. (2016). After marriage equality: The future of LGBT rights NYU Press.

The question of marriage has been the subject of discussion and activism from the

beginning of the LGBT rights movement in the United States. In 1953, the idea that two

individuals of the same sex could legally marry seem fanciful, but by the time the LGBT

rights movement has achieved its most important objective of the last few decades.

Throughout history, the marriage equality movement has been criticized by those who

believe marriage rights were a conservative cause overshadowed a host of more issues.

According to Carlos A. Ball (2016), people who support LGBT rights must now deal and

seek for new ways to better up the situation so that the same-sex and opposite sex have

equal rights when it comes to marriage equality (pg. 17).

D’Augelli, A. R., & Patterson, C. (1995). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities over the lifespan:

psychological perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.

According to the author, Charlotte J. Patterson (1995), the children whose mother or

father has a same-sex couple required psychological help because it can affect their

health and well-being. The author claims that systemic study of lesbian and gay families

with children began in the context of judicial challenges to the fitness of lesbian and gay

parents (p. 283). It is widely believed that same-sex couples as parents can influence the

children, to the extent that it can influence psychological development. It is question,

what kind of parenting and environment can they bring to those children. It has often

been suggested that the experience of growing up with gay or lesbian parent significantly

affects the children involved.

Engel, S. M. (2001). The unfinished revolution: social movement theory and the gay and lesbian

movement. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.


The author, Stephen M. Engel (2001) claims that gay and lesbian work hard every day

and the movement fail to offer a happy life without discrimination. This movement is

supposed to prevent another hate crime against same-sex couples. But sadly, it will

continue to happen until enough tragedies help and forces us to realize our own

inhumanity (p. 5). Most states do not allow gays and lesbians to adopt children or to even

get married. Everyday there is a possibility of being attacked, beaten and killed for just

simply loving someone of the same-sex.

Feldblum, C. R. (2005). Gay is good: The moral case for marriage equality and more. Yale JL &

Feminism, 17, 139.

Gay is good. The moral rhetoric says that marriage should be legal and available to the

same-sex couples as it is available for opposite sex couples, because that would be the

right thing to do a civilized person. There are reasons that are able to be maintained

against the jurisdiction of gay couples. According to Chai R Feldblum (2005), the

struggle for marriage equality in this country is ripe for an intervention, meaning that the

country now is fully mature to fight for the equality of gay people, they have the chance

to fight for marriage equality. The extent that the struggle for the rightness of marriage

equality, it focuses solely on just achieving the right to marry because that is what a pure

equality of discourse calls for.

Lee, M. Y. K. (2010). Equality, dignity, and same-sex marriage: A rights disagreement in

democratic societies. Boston: Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010

The legal term for marriage equality refers to a political status in which the marriages of

opposite sex couples and the marriages of same-sex couples are recognized as equal by

law. According to Man Yee Lee and Karen Lee (2010), “in the context of same- sex

marriages, it will be meaning abolishing the institution of marriage and freeing people

from all formal relationship arrangements (pg. 5)”. They both outline that same sex

couple are treated as second class citizen in a world where everyone should be treated as

equal. Therefore, that is why the legalization of marriage in same sex couples seems to be

the only logical conclusion if equality means identical treatment in all manner of life.

Tebbe, N. (2015). Religion and marriage equality statutes. Harv.L.& Pol'y Rev., 9, 25.

To date, every law that guarantees marriage equality has included protections for those

with religions objections (p. 25). According to Nelson Tebbe (2015), marriage equality is

moving into jurisdictions that are even more concerned with preserving religious

freedom, arguments against existing accommodations should be made available (p. 25).

There are many provisions that protect and support buildings, agencies, or religious

actors who wish to exclude any same-sex couples from a wide range of goods and

services. Even buildings or churches that are rented, can be closed to gay men and

lesbians wishing to hold a wedding reception (p. 26). There are many people all over the

world that are against same-sex couples and that do not support marriage equality.

Bartschi, K. (2014). The Two Faces of Rational Basis Review and the Implications for Marriage

Equality. Family Law Quarterly, 48(3), 471-493

Many citizens still to this day do not even consider the possibility that same-sex couples

can have the same privileges and aspire to occupy the same status and dignity that man

and a woman have in a legal marriage (pg. 478). Several people and the federal courts

confront that gay couple should be excluded from the fundamental right to marry and

should only be given to the opposite sex couples. According to Kenneth J. Bartschi

(2014), excluding same-sex couples from marrying it will not prevent gay individuals

from marrying since they can marry members of the opposite sex, this will leave applying

scrutiny or observation to the sexual orientation (pg. 749).

DAugelli, A. R., & Patterson, C. (1996). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities over the lifespan:

Psychological perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.

According to Lawrence A. Kurdek (1996), most same-sex married couple have higher

chance of staying together if they shared all of their finances and if they pool finances

(pg. 246). There has been a study which has been proven that lesbian couples tend to last

more than gay couples do to the fact that there is a presence of children in the relationship

or marriage (pg. 244). The lesbian and gay couples tend to have a long-lasting

relationship more than the formal relationships which is a man and woman.

Same-sex marriage. (2018). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

According to, The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica (2018), the issue of same-sex

marriage frequently sparked emotional and political clashes between supporters and

opponents (pg. 2). Same-sex Marriage is the practice of marriage either two women or

two men. Even though this practice has been regulated through law, religion and custom

in most countries around the world, it still is criticized in the social life (2018). There are

many cultures in which they openly accept the same-sex marriage, so they could express

their partnership and be socially regulated. But some other cultures do not accept the

marriage between two men and two women and the intimacy between each other. They

even denied that topic being discussed.


Miller, J. J., & Park, K. A. (2018). Same-sex marriage laws and demand for mortgage credit.

Review of Economics of the Household, 16(2), 229–254.

Same-sex marriage has been permitted in only in a few states in the U.S. Members of this

community are around the world in seek to people to view their points and heard and in

demand for an equal opportunity as the formal relationships. According to Miller (2018),

the extension of the right to marry provided a lot of benefits to the LGBT community that

had only been provided to the heterosexual couples (pg. 1) Certain benefits available

throughout the marriage can lower the cost of homeownership and thus will increase the

demand for mortgage credit.

Moreira, A. J. (2012). We Are Family - Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions in Brazil.

American Journal of Comparative Law, (Issue 4), 1003

In the early jurisprudential characterization of the family, it encouraged the same-sex

married couples to think the possibility of being classified as an entitled family.

According to Adilson J. Moreira (2012, many citizens invoked that the legal definition of

marriage should be a stable union between a man and a woman, that would deny spousal

rights to gay and lesbian couples (pg. 1004). Consequently, there is no conflict in

defining the legal term of marriage and the recognition of same-sex couples as an entitled

family. Gay and lesbian couples were very conscious of the difficulty if passing a legal

law, where it could protect the same-sex couples, but the enactment of the legislation

encouraged them to seek the legal protection for them (pg. 1010).

Singh, P. (2017). Same-sex marriage: A challenge for humanity. Alive, 416, 96.

In the early 1960’s, the society was very pressured to accept all kinds of marriage

between men and women. But today there is a new community known as LGBT and the

society is being asked to accept it. According to Padmini Singh (2017), there is no need

to punish the gay and lesbian couples but to accept their private and personal preferences

(pg. 1). However, they should not be glorified. But the truth is that same-sex marriage is

not defined as a marriage but as a farce marriage. It will always be different from the

simple “traditional marriage”. This violates the Natural Law. Legal recognition of same-

sex marriage would obscure certain values and morals, because same-sex marriage is

classified as morally wrong. Singh claimed (2017), that promoters of gay and lesbian

marriage later on regret their decision and go follow the traditional relationship (pg. 2)

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