Human Longevity, Inc.: Companies Working On Human Longevity and Stem Cells

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Companies and start-ups working on extending human longevity and life-span - Work for human longevity

Research company working on extending human longevity and life-span : Calico, for “California Life company”  is
a Research and Development biotech company founded by Google Inc. and A. Levinson. Its goal is to fight aging
and age-related diseases.

Human Longevity, Inc.

Founded in 2014
CEO : J. Craig Venter
Location : San Diego, CA
Website :

This company focuses on the study of microbiome, genomics, bioinformatics and stem cell therapies to extend
lifespan. It offers services including genomic analysis, personalized vaccines and cell therapies, and develops the
Health Nucleus Program for personalized medicine

Companies working on human longevity and stem cells:

CEO : Bryant Villeponteau

Founded in 2009
Location : Colorado, USA
Website :
Products : multi-path therapeutics via activation of adult stem cells.

First solution : therapeutics that promote stem cell function by stimulating body’s adult stem cells, therapeutics that[09/12/2018 21:29:45]

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