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Nama: Arrozaki Dwi Darmawan

Kls : VII A
Apsen: 03
NO Time Aktivities
1 03:30 I wake up and get redy to go to prayer shubuh
2 03:45 I went to the mosque for prayer shubuh
3 04:00 I study and organize textbooks
5 05:00 I tidy up the bed and rush take a bath
6 05:45 I breakfast
7 0 6:00 I getting ready to go to school
8 06:15 I go to school
9 06:45 I arrived at school
10 07:00-07:30 I performed the dhuha prayer in congregation at the mosque
11 07:30-10:00 Lesson to 1-4
12 10:00-10:30 Break
13 10:30-12:00 Plesson to 5-6
14 12:00-12:30 I prayer dhuhur in congregation
15 12:30-13:30 Lesson to 7-8
16 13:30-14:30 I take extra curricular (on Wednesday and thusday)
17 14:30-14:45 I go home and get home
18 14:45-15:00 I rest, lunch and get ready to go prayer ashar
19 15:00 Prayer ashar
20 16:00 I helped my brother clean the house
21 16:30 I take a bath
22 17:00-17:30 I relax and see TV
23 17:30 I went to the mosque for maghrib prayer
24 17:30-18:00 I go reciting
25 18:00-18:45 I relax, dinner and see TV with my family
26 18:45 I went to the mosque for isya’ prayer
27 19:00-20:30 I learn
28 20:30-21:30 I watch TV and play handhpone
29 21:30 I go to sleep

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